7th Armored Division - Hierarchy of this site's pages
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Last updated: March 24, 2025 - What's New?
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This is the hierarchy of pages within this web site, with dates of latest updates. See below for recent upgrades to the site.
- index.htm: 7th Armored Division Association Home Page (2025-03=17)
- 7ad-all-action-pages.htm: 7th Armored Division Web Pages on Different Actions (2024-12-16)
- 7ad-epernay-1944-09-28.htm: 7th Armored Division Deaths at Epernay, France 28 August 1944 (2023-07-17)
- North Shoulder of Fortified Goose Egg
- South Shoulder of Fortified Goose Egg
- 1944-12-southroad.htm: 19-23 December 1944 Defense of the South Road by 7th Armored Division Men (2023-09-25)
- 1944-12-21-joubieval.htm: 21 December 1944 JoubiƩval, Belgium 7th Armored Division Men in Previously Unknown Combat (2024-03-11)
- 1945-01-22-attack.htm: 22 January 1945 Attack from Deidenberg, Belgium (2023-10-02)
- /docrep: 7th Armored Division Document Repository (2025-03-24)
- /docrep/main-apos.htm: APO Numbers of World War II US Army Groups, Armies, Corps and Divisions (8/4/2008)
- docrep/overloon-tanks.htm: 7th Armored Division Tanks at Overloon, Netherlands 30 Sep - 8 Oct 1944 (2019-06-24)
- Image-Related
- understudy.htm: 7th Armored Division Webmaster Understudy Needed (5/2/2008)
- volunteers.htm: 7th Armored Division Volunteer Historians Needed (5/2/2008)
- 7ad-tidworth.htm: 7th Armored Division at Tidworth Barracks (2019-06-10)
- 7ad-found.htm: Found in Europe - 7AD-related Items Found in Europe (2024-09-23)
- 7ad-foreign.htm: Foreign Nationals Who Fought for 7th Armored Division (2024-10-21)
- 7ad-foreign-dutch.htm: U. S. 7th Armored Division Dutch Volunteers and Dutch Army Interpreters (2024-10-21)
- 7ad-foreign-dutch.htm: U. S. 7th Armored Division French Volunteers of the Mission Militaire de Liaison Tactique Francaise (2024-10-21)
- 7ad-foreign-verdun.htm: Presentation of 7th Armored Division Awards to French Civilians at Verdun, France September 5, 1944 (10/4/2010)
- althuizen.htm: John Althuizen's experiences as a Dutch national fighting for B Company of 23AIB (2022-04-04)
- jansen.htm: Hans Jansen's experiences as a Dutch national fighting for HQ Company of 23AIB (5/2/2008)
- torcheux.htm: Raymond Torcheux documents and items as a Frence national fighting for 33 AEB (2024-11-11)
- 7ada-reunion-pix.htm: 7th Armored Division Association - Photographs from Prior Reunions (10/10/2011)
- 7ada2015.htm: 7th Armored Division Association - Reunion (5/16/2016)
- 7adnews.htm: 7th Armored Division Association - Past Division News (2025-02-24)
- Monuments
- France
- mon-ballancourt.htm: Monument to 7th Armored Division Men at Ballancourt, France (11/15/2010)
- 31d-buriedtank.htm: Buried D/31 Light Tank at Chartres, France (11/9/2009)
- mon-echarcon.htm: Monument to 7th Armored Division Men at Echarcon, France (5/8/2013)
- mon-echarcon-2013.htm: 8 May 2013 Echarcon, France, Ceremony for Memorial Plaque for Delbert Longworth (Rcn/HQ/40) (5/27/2013)
- mon-2014-08-ceremonies: Maison Rouge, Nangis, Provins and Vulaines-les-Provins, France Monument Dedication Ceremonies - August 27-31, 2014 (9/15/2014)
- nangis-dedication.htm: Nangis, France Monument Dedication - August 26, 2010 (1/3/2011)
- mon-2016-08-ceremony.htm: Nesles-la-Gilberde, France John L. Mordo Memorial Dedication Ceremonies - August 27, 2016 (10/10/2016)
- mon-2017-08-26-rubelles-ceremony.htm: Rubelles, France Michael M. Conte Memorial Dedication Ceremonies - August 26, 2017 (9/4/2017)
- mon-seille.htm: Memorial of the Seille (2/20/2017)
- sillegny-monument.htm: Monument to 7th Armored Division at Sillegny, France (10/19/2009)
- sillegny-memorial-2017: Memorial to Company A, 17th Tank Battalion, at Sillegny, France (10/9/2017)
- sillegny-excavation-2013.htm: Monument to 7th Armored Division at Sillegny, France (7/13/2015)
- mon-vittonville-2017-09-16.htm: Memorial plaque for 13 men of 23AIB killed in the Liberation of Vittonville (2020-09-28)
- mon-2019-08-24-cesson.htm: Monument at Cessons for 10 men killed liberating Cesson, Saint-Leu, Seine-Port (2019-09-02)
- Netherlands
- coxcomb.htm: Visiting Camp Coxcomb and Camp Young at the Desert Training Center (2/5/2018)
- 7ada-oldtemp.htm: Old Temporary Items (2025-02-24)
- Web Pages on 7AD and attached deaths
- 7adeaths.htm: 7th Armored Division Overseas Deaths in World War II (2025-03-17)
- 7adeaths-loc.htm: 7th Armored Division Deaths in Europe in World War II: Who Died Where and When? (2025-03-24)
- 7adeaths-still-mia.htm: 7th Armored Division Dead Still Missing (Never Recovered and Identified) (2024-09-16)
- 7adeathst.htm: 7th Armored Division Pre-Combat Deaths in World War II (2023-03-27)
- 7ad-bulge.htm: Overview of 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Offensive) (2025-02-24)
- crombach-recoveries.htm: 7th Armored Division 22 December 1944 Dead Later Recovered from Vicinity of Crombach, Belgium (2024-11-11)
- 1944-10-29-friendly-fire.htm: 29 October 1944 7th Armored Division Men Killed and Wounded by Friendly Artillery Fire (2021-12-13)
- sillegny-recoveries.htm: 7th Armored Division September 1944 Dead Later Recovered from Vicinity of Sillegny, France (2019-02-04)
- dornot-bridgehead.htm: Deep Re-Examination of the Dornot Bridgehead, 8-11 Sep 1944 (2024-04-29)
- why-metz.htm: Why Metz? "The battle that should not have been" (2022-11-28)
- 7ad-hq.htm: Division Headquarters and Headquarters Company (2021-04-26)
- hqdeaths.htm: Division Headquarters and Headquarters Company Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2021-01-11)
- 7ad-cca.htm: Combat Command A (CCA) (2022-05-30)
- ccadeath.htm: Combat Command A (CCA) Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2205-03-03)
- ccadeapho.htm: Combat Command A (CCA) Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2202-06-13)
- 7ad-cca-photos.htm: Photos and Scrapbooks of CCA Veterans (2022-05-30)
- cca-hq-1944-12.htm: 21 December 1944 Attack on Combat Command A Tactical Headquarters (2024-11-11)
- 7ad-ccb.htm: Combat Command B (CCB) (2025-02-24)
- ccbdeath.htm: Combat Command B (CCB) Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2020-06-01)
- ccbdeapho.htm: Combat Command B (CCB) Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2020-06-01)
- 7ad-ccr.htm: Combat Command R (CCR) (2022-05-30)
- 7ad-ccr-photos.htm: Photos and Scrapbooks of CCR Veterans (2022-05-30)
- 7ad-arty.htm: Division Artillery (5/2/2008)
- artydeath.htm: Division Artillery Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2020-12-14)
- 7ad-trains.htm: Division Trains (5/2/2008)
- trndeath.htm: Division Trains Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2020-07-13)
- trndeapho.htm: Division Trains Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2020-07-13)
- 7mp.htm: Division Military Police Platoon (5/2/2008)
- 7mpdeath.htm: Division Military Police Platoon Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2020-12-14)
- 17tank.htm: 17th Tank Battalion (2021-05-31)
- 17deaths.htm: 17th Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2024-09-02)
- 17deapho.htm: 17th Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2021-04-26)
- 17photos.htm: 17th Tank Battalion WWII Photographs (3/28/2016)
- 17-Dailey-audio.htm: Maj. Thomas Dailey Audio Memoir (2025-02-24)
- 17-38c-tf-wemple-1944-10-03-04.htm: Task Force Wemple, Combat Command R, 7th Armored Division
3-4 October 1944 Attack South toward Kasteel Hattert: 17th Tank Bn (-C, D); C/38th Armd Inf Bn; 1 plat/A/82nd Engr Bn (2021-05-31)
- 17c-1945-03-29.htm: 29 March 1945 KIAs in 2 Tanks of Company "C" of 17th Tank Battalion near Wermertshausen, Germany (2020-10-12)
- 17med.htm: Medical Detachment, 17th Tank Battalion (2021-04-26)
- robertdukeswest.htm: Anne Anthony's web page on her father Robert Dukes West (2019-05-27)
- 23aib.htm: 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion (7/29/2013)
- 23deaths.htm: 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2024-04-22)
- 23deapho.htm: 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2024-04-08)
- 23aib-beach.htm: On Which Beach Did 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Come Ashore in France? (7/29/2013)
- courville-gomer.htm: Death of 1st Lt. John Ollie Gomer (Rcn/HQ Co/23) (8/19/2013)
- courville-gomer-mon.htm: Dedication of bridge plaque to 1st Lt. John Ollie Gomer (Rcn/HQ Co/23) (11/12/2012)
- 23b.htm: Company "B", 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion (9/14/2009)
- 23c.htm: Company "C", 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion (3/16/2015)
- 23c-1944-08-24.htm: 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths 24-25 August 1944 (C/23 & Med/23 & other units) (2019-09-02)
- 23c-1944-09-24.htm: 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths at Longueville-les-Cheminot, France 24 September 1944 (C/23 & Med/23 & other units) (2018-09-24)
- hamm-x-46.htm: Identifying Unknown Hamm (Luxembourg) X-46 (2022-04-25)
- 31tank.htm: 31st Tank Battalion (10/9/2017)
- 31deaths.htm: 31st Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2024-04-08)
- 31deapho.htm: 31st Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2024-04-08)
- 33engr.htm: 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion (2024-11-18)
- 33deaths.htm: 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2023-12-11)
- 33deapho.htm: 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2021-11-15)
- 33a-1944-09-08.htm: Company "A" 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion 18 September 1944 at Pierrevillers to Silvange, France (2022-11-21)
- 33a-1944-12.htm: Company "A" 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion 17-23 December 1944 (2024-11-11)
- 33b-carnao-box-score-map.htm:Ralph Carnao Box Score Map, Company B, 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 7th Armored Division (2024-11-18)
- 38aib.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (2025-02-24)
- 38deaths.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2025-03-24)
- Sillegny, France 19-20 Sep 1944
- sillegny-1944-09: Sillegny, France - 19 September 1944 Understanding the Combat and the Casualties (2018-10-01)
- sillegny-1944-09-awards: Sillegny, France - 19 September 1944 Understanding the Combat and the Casualties - Award Citations (2017-08-21)
- sillegny-1944-09-historian: Sillegny, France - 19 September 1944 Understanding the Combat and the Casualties - Historian Accounts (2017-08-21)
- sillegny-1944-09-idpfs: Sillegny, France - 19 September 1944 Understanding the Combat and the Casualties - Individual Deceased Personnel Files (2018-10-01)
- sillegny-1944-09-mrs: Sillegny, France - 19 September 1944 Understanding the Combat and the Casualties - Morning Reports (2018-09-17)
- sillegny-1944-09-personal: Sillegny, France - 19 September 1944 Understanding the Combat and the Casualties - Personal Accounts (2018-10-01)
- sillegny-wells-38aib.htm: Maj. Thomas Wells KIA 19 Sep 1944 Sillegny, France, Still Missing (8/21/2017)
- 38deapho.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2025-03-24)
- 38decora.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion World War II Combat Decorations (2025-03-24)
- 38aib43.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion Unit History: September 20, 1943 - December 31, 1943 (2025-02-24)
- 38aibjnl.htm: Samples of 38th Armored Infantry Battalion Journals (2020-04-20)
- 38book.htm: Status of Wesley Johnston's World war II Combat History of 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38a.htm: Company "A", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38b.htm: Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38b1.htm: 1st Platoon, Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38b2.htm: 2nd Platoon, Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38bat.htm: Anti-Tank Platoon, Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38c.htm: Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38c1.htm: 1st Platoon, Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38c2.htm: 2nd Platoon, Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38c3.htm: 3rd Platoon, Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38cat.htm: Anti-Tank Platoon, Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (9/1/2008)
- 38c-1944-09-14: Company C, 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division Just East of Marengo, France 14 September 1944 (2022-06-12)
- 38hqc.htm: Headquarters Company, 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 38sv.htm: Service Company, 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 40tank.htm: 40th Tank Battalion (2020-10-05)
- 40deaths.htm: 40th Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2025-03-24)
- 40deapho.htm: 40th Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photogrpahs (2024-10-28)
- 40d-1944-09-07: Company D, 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division MIA near Maizieres-les-Metz, France 7 September 1944 (2022-05-09)
- 40b-1944-09-09: Company B, 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division 3 KIA Just North of Maizieres-les-Metz, France 9 September 1944 (2022-05-09)
- 40c-1944-09-09: Company C, 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division 5 MIA near Amanvillers, France 9 September 1944 (2022-05-09)
- 48aib.htm: 48th Armored Infantry Battalion (2024-10-14)
- 48deaths.htm: 48th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2024-10-24)
- 48deapho.htm: 48th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2024-10-24)
- 48b-1944-12.htm: 21-24 December 1944 MIAs of Company "B" 48th Armored Infantry Battalion (2024-11-11)
- 48c3-1944-10-Overloon.htm: 2-4 October 1944 Attack on Overloon by 3/C/48 (2019-09-16)
- 77med.htm: 77th Armored Medical Battalion (7/7/2008)
- 77deaths.htm: 77th Armored Medical Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2020-12-14)
- 87rcn.htm: 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) (2022-08-22)
- 87a-box-score-map.htm: A/87 Box Score Map Signatures (2022-08-22)
- 87deaths.htm: 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2025-03-24)
- 87deapho.htm: 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2025-03-24)
- 129ord.htm: 129th Armored Ordnance Maintenance Battalion (5/2/2008)
- 129death.htm: 129th Armored Ordnance Maintenance Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2020-12-14)
- 129deapho.htm: 129th Armored Ordnance Maintenance Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2020-12-14)
- 147sig.htm: 147th Armored Signal Company (4/25/2011)
- 147death.htm: 147th Armored Signal Company Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2020-12-14)
- 203aaa.htm: 203rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion (5/11/2009)
- 203death.htm: 203rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2020-12-14)
- 203deapho.htm: 203rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2020-12-14)
- 434afab.htm: 434th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (4/18/2011)
- 434death.htm: 434th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2022-09-26)
- 434deapho.htm: 434th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2022-09-26)
- 440afab.htm: 440th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (8/31/2015)
- 440death.htm: 440th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2020-12-14)
- 440deapho.htm: 440th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2019-08-26)
- 489afab.htm: 489th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (5/3/2008)
- 489death.htm: 489th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2022-02-28)
- 489deapho.htm: 489th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2020-12-14)
- 507cic.htm: 507th Counter-Intelligence Corps (8/22/2011)
- 814td.htm: 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion (2025-02-24)
- 814death.htm: 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2024-09-16)
- 814deapho.htm: 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2024-09-23)
- sommerain-814td.htm: 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion Troops Ambushed Southwest of Sommerain, Belgium December 19, 1944 (2020-03-30)
- 814c-commanster.htm: Company C, 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion Tank Destroyer Hit at Commanster, Belgium December 23, 1944 (2020-07-06)
- 3967qmtr.htm: 3967th Quartermaster Truck Company (2020-02-27)
- 3967death.htm: 3967th Quartermaster Truck Company Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2022-12-26)
- 3967deapho.htm: 3967th Quartermaster Truck Company Deaths in Europe - Photographs (2020-07-13)
- Combat and Hospital Interviews
- wwiici.htm: World War II Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division and Allied Units (2025-02-24)
- wwiicisv.htm: December 1944 World War II Combat Interviews - East of St. Vith, Belgium and the St. Vith Salient (2025-02-24)
- 7adci.htm: World War II Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division: Complete List (3/9/2015)
- 7adci844.htm: August 1944 World War II Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division (2025-02-24)
- 7adcia44.htm: October-November World War II Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division (2025-02-24)
- 7adcid44.htm: December 1944 World War II Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division (2025-02-24)
- 7adci145.htm: January 1945 World War II Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division (2025-02-24)
- 7adci345.htm: March 1945 World War II Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division (2025-02-24)
- 7adci445.htm: April 1945 World War II Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division (2025-02-24)
- 14ccid44.htm: December 1944 World War II Combat Interviews of the 14th Cavalry Group (2025-02-24)
- 7adhi.htm: World War II Hospital Interviews of the 7th Armored Division: Ordering Information (2025-02-24)
- Books about 7th Armored Division
- 7add44puc.htm: 7th Armored Division Presidential Unit Citation, St. Vith, Belgium, December 1944: Recommendation, Supporting Documents, Combat Command "B" Citation (2025-02-24)
- stvithde.htm: The Defense of St. Vith, Belgium (U.S. Army Armor School study) (2025-02-24)
- boyerbk.htm: Boyer at St. Vith (2025-02-24)
- 7ad-korea.htm: Reactivated 7th Armored Division in the Korean War (2021-08-02)
- 7adk-band.htm: Reactivated 7th Armored Division in the Korean War - Band (8/10/2009)
- 7adk-129ord.htm: Reactivated 7th Armored Division in the Korean War - 129th Armored Ordnance Maintenance Battalion (6/8/2009)
- us-troops-in-netherlands.htm: US Non-Airborne Troops in the Netherlands in World War II: The Largely-Unknown Battles other than Operation Market-Garden (2022-04-25)
- bulge/index.htm: The Battle of the Bulge (2023-03-20)
- bulge/apology.htm: Apology for the Battle of the Bulge Page (5/3/2008)
- bulge/organize.htm: Ways of Organizing the Battle of the Bulge (5/3/2008)
- bulge/miscon.htm: Popular Misconceptions about the Battle of the Bulge (5/3/2008)
- baraque-7ad.htm: 7th Armored Division Troops in the Battle at Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium ("Parker's Crossroads"): December 20-23, 1944 (2023-09-25)
- baraque-203ci.htm: Combat Interview: Sgt. Rhinold Mruzinsky and T/5 Bernard Connolly Battery "D", 203rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion Battle at Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium ("Parker's Crossroads") December 20-23, 1944 (5/3/2008)
- baraque-203-589.htm: 589th Field Artillery Battalion Memoirs of Battery "D", 203rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion Battle at Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium ("Parker's Crossroads") December 20-23, 1944 (12/10/2012)
- baraque-87ci.htm: Combat Interview: 1st Lt. Arthur A. Olson, "D" Troop, 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron Battle at Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium ("Parker's Crossroads") December 20-23, 1944 (5/3/2008)
- baraque-87mr.htm: Morning Reports of "D" Troop, 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron Relating to the Battle at Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium ("Parker's Crossroads") December 1944 (12/10/2012)
- baraque-87-589.htm: 589th Field Artillery Battalion Memoirs of Troop "D", 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron at the Battle at Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium ("Parker's Crossroads") December 20-23, 1944 (12/10/2012)
- samree-7ad.htm: 7th Armored Division Troops in the Battle at Samrée, Belgium: December 20, 1944 (2023-09-25)
- samree-3967.htm: Unit History and Awards of 3967th Quartermaster Truck Company in the Battle at Samrée, Belgium, December 20, 1944 (5/3/2008)
- belsen-31tank.htm: Five Photographs of Belsen Concentration Camp by 31st Tank Battalion Men (3/5/2012)
- Accounting for WWII Unknowns
- eto-unks.htm: Unknowns of the European Theater in World War II (2025-03-24)
- eto-unks-forms.htm: Forms for Remains (2022-04-11)
- eto-unks-andilly.htm: Unknowns of the European Theater in World War II - Andilly Unknowns (2019-08-12)
- eto-unks-foy.htm: Unknowns of the European Theater in World War II - Foy Unknowns (2020-07-06)
- mia-accounting.htm: U.S. Accounting Community Scandals and Failures - Congressional Hearings and News Reports (6/2/2014)
- help-with-mias.htm: How Can I Help? (with U.S. Accounting Community Failure to Identify WWII Unknowns (11/4/2013)
- 3ad-lawrence-gordon.htm (6/10/2014)
- kriegies.htmKriegies: WWII U. S. Prisoners of War Hold by Germany (2023-07-17)
- wwii-tank-serial-numbers.htm: 7th Armored Division and Related Tank Serial Numbers in World War II (2024-11-11)
- awahc/index.htm: American World War II Association Historians Consortium (9/4/2017)
- awahc/mrs.htm: American World War II Association Historians Consortium - Morning Report Preservation and Access (3/30/2009)
- awahc/webpages.htm: American World War II Association Historians Consortium - Preservation of WWII Association Archives and Web Pages Archives (3/30/2009)
- awahc/unknowns.htm: American World War II Association Historians Consortium - Access to Full Records of Recovery of Remains (3/30/2009)
contact.htm: Information about contacting me (5/2/2008)
What's New at the 7th Armored Division web site?
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List of recently updated/added web pages.
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History of Recent Updates to the 7th Armored Division Web Site
- index.htm: 7th Armored Division Association Home Page
- 2025-01-20 - Add John Wilson's book on his Dad Jack Wilson A/17
- 2025-03-17 - Add Ode Julius Garner (C/87) as previously unincluded death
- /docrep: 7th Armored Division Document Repository
- 2025-02-03 - Update footnote 32 on 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron After Action Report and switch from DOC to PDF; Add IDPF of Wildon Bailey (A/87)
- 2025-03-17 - Convert all General Orders to a single PDF; correct spelling of Heintzleman
- 2025-03-24 - Add IDPF of Ode Julius Garner (C/87)
- 7adeaths.htm: 7th Armored Division Overseas Deaths in World War II
- 2025-02-03 - Update Wildon Bailey (A/87)
- 2025-03-17 - Add Ode Julius Garner (C/87)
- 7adeaths-loc.htm: 7th Armored Division Deaths in Europe in World War II: Who Died Where and When?
- 2025-02-03 - Update Wildon Bailey (A/87)
- 2025-02-24 - Update Daniel J. Murphy (HQ/CCA)
- 2025-03-03 - Update Jack J. Fisk, Wilbur F. Woolbright (both HQ Co/CCA)
- 2025-03-17 - Add Ode Julius Garner (C/87) with photo
- 2025-03-24 - Update William Walter Rosebro, Jr (CO/38); Ode Julius Garner (C/87); Walter C. Craft (Sv/40)
- ccadeath.htm: Combat Command A (CCA) Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2025-02-24 - Update Daniel J. Murphy (HQ/CCA)
- 2025-03-03 - Update Jack J. Fisk, Wilbur F. Woolbright (both HQ Co/CCA)
- 38deaths.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2025-03-24 - Update William Walter Rosebro, Jr (CO/38)
- 38deapho.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs
- 2025-03-24 - Add William Walter Rosebro, Jr (CO/38)
- 38decora.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion World War II Combat Decorations
- 2025-03-17 - Add Silver Star of Lt. Col. William W. Rosebro
- 2025-03-24 - Add photo of Lt. Col. William W. Rosebro
- 40deaths.htm: 40th Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2025-03-24 - Update Walter C. Craft (Sv/40)
- 87deaths.htm: 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2025-02-03 - Update Wildon Bailey (A/87)
- 2025-03-17 - Add Ode Julius Garner (C/87)
- 2025-03-24 - Update Ode Julius Garner (C/87)
- 87deapho.htm: 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) Deaths in Europe - Photographs
- 2025-02-03 - Add Wildon Bailey (A/87); Update photo of Clarence Bowen (F/87)
- 2025-03-17 - Add Ode Julius Garner (C/87)
- 2025-03-24 - Update Ode Julius Garner (C/87)
- 7AD-1944-12-21-north.htm: Collapse of the 7th Armored Division "Fortified Goose Egg" Northern Shoulder, 21-22 December 1944
- 2025-02-10 - Add maps for references 3 and 4; add reference 5
- 2025-02-24 - Add German map; add reference 6
- 2025-03-03 - Update reference 6
- eto-unks.htm: Unknowns of the European Theater in World War II
- 2025-02-24 - Multiple updates and additions from Daniel J. Murphy IDPF (formerly Henri-Chapelle X-455)
- 2025-03-24 - Add Margraten X-1115
- /docrep: 7th Armored Division Document Repository
- 2024-04-08 - Add Individual Deceased Personnel Files of Francis H. Bosch C/17, Paul G. Blankenship (B/38), Donald R. Bradehoft (C/31), Carl O. Carlson (C/31), Bartley S. Cox (C/31), La Verne G. Cook (D/31), Elmo Brownlee (B/87), Fred H. Bradburn (B/31), James H. Adams (A/48), Clyde W. Barnes (B/23)
- 2024-04-15 - Add notice of 5th Infantry Division Combat Interviews in Crossing of the Moselle River; Add Individual Deceased Personnel File of Edward J. Hannabury (C/23)
- 2024-04-22 - Add Individual Deceased Personnel Files of Joe S. Renfrow (A/48), Hallie A. Adams (A/814), William J. Baldus (A/814), Dossie M. Goff (A/814)
- 2024-04-29 - Add Individual Deceased Personnel Files of Donald R. Bauer (C/489)
- 2024-09-02 - Add Individual Deceased Personnel Files of Randolph E. Oswald (HQ Co/17), Fred Wayt (B/814)
- 2024-09-09 - Add Individual Deceased Personnel Files of John Bevalaqua (HQ Co/48)
- 2024-09-23 - Add Individual Deceased Personnel Files of Joseph A. Scheurich (B/48), Albert Clouse (B/48), Milton Fein (HQ Co/48)
- 2024-10-21 - Add Individual Deceased Personnel Files of 3 CCA men: T/5 Jack J. Fisk, 1st Lt. Daniel Jasper Murphy, Sgt. Wilbur F. Woolwright (all KIA 21 Dec 1944) and of Pfc. Terrence M. Coyne (B/48)
- 2024-12-16 - Add Individual Deceased Personnel File of John F Baker (B/38)
- 7adeaths-loc.htm: 7th Armored Division Deaths in Europe in World War II: Who Died Where and When?
- 2024-04-08 - Add photos of La Verne G. Cook (D/31), Bartley S. Cox (C/31), Paul G. Blankenship (B/38), James H. Adams (A/48), Clyde W. Barnes (B/23)
- 2024-04-22 - Update Edward J. Hannabury (C/23), Zack N. Foreman (A/87)
- 2024-05-06 - Update Jessie C. Woodard (B/48)
- 2024-05-20 - Update Richard J. Whalen (B/48)
- 2024-09-02 - Update Randolph E. Oswald (HQ Co/17)
- 2024-09-09 - Update John Bevalaqua (HQ Co/48)
- 2024-09-16 - Update Conrad Joseph Duval (D/87), Hallie A. Adams (A/814), William J. Baldus (A/814), Dossie M. Goff (A/814)
- 2024-09-23 - Update Albert D. Clouse (B/48)
- 2024-10-14 - Update Benjamin Frank Wice (B/48), Terrence M. Coyne (B/48), William Henry Zoellner (B/48), Robert E Lee Price (B/48)
- 2024-10-28 - Update Albert Moretti (A/40)
- 7adeaths-still-mia.htm: 7th Armored Division Dead Still Missing (Never Recovered and Identified)
- 2024-04-22 - Add links to IDPFs of Hallie A. Adams (A/814), William J. Baldus (A/814), Dossie M. Goff (A/814), Leonard C. Amerson (A/17)
- 2024-04-29 - Add links to IDPFs of William Andrako (F/87), Bobby J. Barker (A/38), Donald R. Bauer (C/489)
- 2024-09-02 - Add links to IDPF of Randolph E. Oswald (HQ Co/17). Fred Wayt (B/814)
- 2024-09-16 - Update Hallie Arthur Adams (A/814), William Jewell Baldus (A/814), Dossie M. Goff (A/814)
- 7ad-all-action-pages.htm: 7th Armored Division Web Pages on Different Actions
- 2024-11-11 - Add several links and improve structure
- 2024-12-16 - Correct title of link to 7AD tank serial numbers
- cca-hq-1944-12.htm: 21 December 1944 Attack on Combat Command A Tactical Headquarters
- 2024-11-11 - New web page
- 17deaths.htm: 17th Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2024-09-02 - Update Randolph E. Oswald (HQ Co/17)
- 23deaths.htm: 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2024-04-08 - Update Clyde W. Barnes (B/23)
- 2024-04-22 - Update Edward J. Hannabury (C/23)
- 23deapho.htm: 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs
- 2024-04-08 - Add Clyde W. Barnes (B/23)
- 31deaths.htm: 31st Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2024-04-08 - Update La Verne G. Cook (D/31), Bartley S. Cox (C/31), Fred H. Bradburn (B/31)
- 31deapho.htm: 31st Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs
- 2024-04-08 - Add La Verne G. Cook (D/31), Bartley S. Cox (C/31)
- 33engr.htm: 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion
- 2024-11-18 - Update links to 33AEB-related web pages
- 33a-1944-12.htm: Company "A" 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion 17-23 December 1944
- 2024-11-11 - Add links to related web pages
- 33b-carnao-box-score-map.htm:Ralph Carnao Box Score Map, Company B, 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 7th Armored Division
- 2024-11-18 - New web page
- 38deaths.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List (2024-04-08)
- 2024-04-08 - Update Paul G. Blankenship (B/38)
- 2024-09-16 - Update Charles William Shenk (HQ Co/38)
- 38deapho.htm: 38th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs
- 2024-04-08 - Add Paul G. Blankenship (B/38)
- 40deaths.htm: 40th Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2024-10-28 - Update Albert Moretti (A/40)
- 40deapho.htm: 40th Tank Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photogrpahs
- 2024-10-28 - Add Albert Moretti (A/40)
- 48aib.htm: 48th Armored Infantry Battalion
- 2024-09-23 - Add 4 Jan 1945 document for Capt. Kenneth L. Jones (HQ Co/48)
- 2024-10-14 - Correct date to 5 April 1945 for Vogelsang and Smart change of command in B/48
- 48deaths.htm: 48th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2024-04-08 - Update James H. Adams (A/48)
- 2024-04-22 - Update Howard A Fischer (B/48), Sylvester G Flowers (A/48)
- 2024-05-06 - Update Jessie C. Woodard (B/48)
- 2024-05-20 - Update Richard J. Whalen (B/48)
- 2024-09-09 - Update John Bevalaqua (HQ Co/48)
- 2024-09-23 - Update Jospeh A. Scheurich (B/48), Albert D. Clouse (B/48), Milton E. Fein (HQ Co/48)
- 2024-10-14 - Update Benjamin Frank Wice (B/48), Terrence M. Coyne (B/48), Robert E Lee Price (B/48), William Henry Zoellner (B/48)
- 48deapho.htm: 48th Armored Infantry Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs
- 2024-04-08 - Add James H. Adams (A/48)
- 2024-05-20 - Add Richard J. Whalen (B/48)
- 2024-09-09 - Add John Bevalaqua (HQ Co/48)
- 2024-09-23- Add Albert D. Clouse (B/48)
- 2024-10-14 - Update Robert E Lee Price (B/48); Add Benjamin Frank Wice (B/48), Terrence M. Coyne (B/48), William Henry Zoellner (B/48)
- 48b-1944-12.htm: 21-24 December 1944 MIAs of Company "B" 48th Armored Infantry Battalion
- 2024-11-11 - Add links to related web pages
- 87deaths.htm: 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2024-04-08 - Update Elmo Brownlee (B/87)
- 2024-04-22 - Update Zack N. Foreman (A/87)
- 2024-05-20 - Update Norbert H. Zimmerman (C/87)
- 2024-09-16 - Update Conrad Joseph Duval (D/87)
- 2024-12-09 - Update Ernest Haworth Nevins (B/87)
- 87deapho.htm: 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) Deaths in Europe - Photographs
- 2024-09-16 - Add Conrad Joseph Duval (D/87)
- 814death.htm: 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion Deaths in Europe - Alphabetical List
- 2024-04-22 - Update Hallie A. Adams (A/814), William J. Baldus (A/814), Dossie M. Goff (A/814)
- 2024-09-16- Update Hallie A. Adams (A/814), William J. Baldus (A/814), Dossie M. Goff (A/814)
- 814deapho.htm: 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion Deaths in Europe - Photographs
- 2024-09-16- Add Hallie A. Adams (A/814), Dossie M. Goff (A/814)
- 2024-09-23- Add better photo of Hallie A. Adams (A/814)
- 7ad-foreign.htm: Foreign Nationals Who Fought for 7th Armored Division
- 2024-09-23- Add Raymond Torcheux (33 AEB)
- 2024-09-30- Add link to separate web page for Raymond Torcheux (33 AEB)
- 2024-10-21- Add link to web page on French volunteers
- 7ad-foreign-dutch.htm: U. S. 7th Armored Division Dutch Volunteers and Dutch Army Interpreters
- 2024-10-21- Add link back to main web page on foreign volunteers
- 7ad-foreign-dutch.htm: U. S. 7th Armored Division French Volunteers of the Mission Militaire de Liaison Tactique Francaise
- torcheux.htm: Raymond Torcheux documents and items as a Frence national fighting for 33 AEB
- 2024-09-30- New web page
- 2024-10-07- Add more images and sections to web page - still more work to do
- 2024-10-21- Complete version 1 of the web page
- 2024-11-11 - Add two photos
- 7ad-found.htm: Found in Europe - 7AD-related Items Found in Europe
- 2024-09-23- Add Dogtag of Albert D. Clouse (B/48)
- 1944-12-21-joubieval.htm
- 2024-03-11 - Update casualty list; correct spelling of POPE to PEPE
- 7AD-1944-12-21-north.htm: Collapse of the 7th Armored Division "Fortified Goose Egg" Northern Shoulder, 21-22 December 1944
- 2024-11-11 - new web page
- 2024-11-18 - add more map location references
- dornot-bridgehead.htm
- 2024-03-18 - Add first pages of transcription of combat interviews of 5th Infantry Division regarding the Moselle River Crossing
- 2024-03-25 - Add more pages of transcription of combat interviews of 5th Infantry Division regarding the Moselle River Crossing
- 2024-04-08 - Add more pages of transcription of combat interviews of 5th Infantry Division regarding the Moselle River Crossing (now on page 72 of 119)
- 2024-04-15 - Add more pages of transcription of combat interviews of 5th Infantry Division regarding the Moselle River Crossing (now on page 101 of 119)
- 2024-04-22 - Update Engineers in the Unit Records section
- 2024-04-29 - Add more pages of transcription of combat interviews of 5th Infantry Division regarding the Moselle River Crossing (now on page 106 of 120); Add Cole map at top of page; Add Dornot-Timeline spreadsheet
- crombach-recoveries.htm: 7th Armored Division 22 December 1944 Dead Later Recovered from Vicinity of Crombach, Belgium
- 2024-09-16 - Add link to page on probable GIs buried as German Unknowns
- 2024-09-23 - Add timeline of current conception
- 2024-11-11 - Add links to related web pages
- gis-buried-as-germans.htm: Probable 8AD GIs guried as German Unknowns
- 2024-09-16 - New web page
- 2024-09-23 - Update Other IDPFs section and add links to IDPFs of Joseph A. Scheurich (B/48), Albert D. Clouse (B/48)
>li>2024-10-28 - MAJOR update summarized tentatively in special update at top of page - MUCH more work needed that will require weeks
- 2024-11-11 - Add links to related web pages
- eto-unks.htm: Unknowns of the European Theater in World War II
- 2024-01-15 - Update St. Avold X-6010, Frankfurt/Neuville X-9441 and 2
- 2024-04-22 - Add Margraten X-1277 and X-1278
- 2024-11-04 - Add Henri-Chapelle X-450, X-455, X-457, X-461, X-462 and update Unspecified (probably Margraten) X-259
- wwii-tank-serial-numbers.htm: 7th Armored Division and Related Tank Serial Numbers in World War II
- 2024-04-08 - Update tank 3011069
- 2024-11-11 - Add links to photos of 3033401 and 3022601
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Copyright © 2025 by Wesley Johnston
All rights reserved
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