- MOS = Military Occupational Specialty
- USMC = United States Military Cemetery
- WOM = Wall of the Missing (called "Tablets of the Missing" at some USMCs)
I have checked all these names against the American Battle Monuments Commission's World War II Honor Roll. If you want to check a name on the Honor Roll, click here. You can also check names on the World War II Registry of the National World War II Memorial.
Send e-mail to wwjohnston@aol.com. For ALL other e-mail matters, please click here for information about contacting me. |
Which bears a sword It hurls its barbed syllables,- At once is mute again. But where it fell The saved will tell On patriotic day, Some epauletted brother Gave his breath away. |
Wherever roams the day, There is its noiseless onset, There is its victory! Behold the keenest marksman! The most accomplished shot! Time s sublimest target Is a soul forgot ! ----- Emily Dickinson |
The American World War II Orphans Network (AWON) is an organization created by and for those who lost their father in World War II. AWON has an annual conference and a newsletter filled with useful information. Click here to go to the AWON web page and find those who share your experience. |
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