7th Armored Division Headquarters, plus 4 other interviews (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
NOTE: While some of the interviews in this book cover both St. Vith and Manhay, the interviews related exclusively to Manhay and/or Grandmenil are in a separate book, immediately following this one.
- 7th Armored Division - Ardennes Breakthrough: List of Interviews (2 pages)
- Division Headquarters
- Brig. Gen. Robert W. Hasbrouck, Commanding General (9 pages)
- Col. John L. Ryan, Chief of Staff (3 pages)
- Col. John L. Ryan, Chief of Staff (second interview, 3 pages)
- Statistics from G-1 Section (1 page)
- Lt. Col. Everett W. Murray, G-2 (2 pages)
- Maj. Charles New, Assistant G-2 (2 pages)
- Lt. I. Kornbloom, G-2 Section (1 page)
- Maj. Werner J. Moeller, Assistant G-3 (2 pages)
- Capt. Walter A. Maxwell, G-3 Section Air Liaison Officer (1 page)
- Additional interviews
- Division Trains: Capt. Sam Plyler, former Cl III, now Cl. II officer, Division Trains (4 pages)
- Division Artillery, HQ & HQ Battery: Pfc. Edwin Charney; Pvt. Edmund J. Winiewicz (2 pages)
- 14th Cavalry Group: Capt. Henry H. Williamson, Assistant S-2 Officer (3 pages)
- 147th Armored Signal Corps: Sgt. James W. Duncan (2 pages, 1 map)
Manhay and Grandmenil, Belgium, December 24-30, 1944: Combat Interviews of 7th Armored Division and Some Attached Units (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
- Division Headquarters
- Capt. John E. Kennedy, Assistant G-3 (2 pages)
- Major Charles New, Assistant G-2 (1 page)
- Other 7th Armored Division (Organic or long-term attached)
- Lt. Gerald Reeves, Company "A", 40th Tank Battalion (1 page, 1 map)
- Sgt. Paul Abbott, 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion (1 page)
- Other
- Manhay Timeline (compiled by T/3 Linnell Jones, 4th Information & Historical Section) (6 pages)
- Capt. Franklin P. Lindsey, Jr., CO of Troop "B", 32nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 14th Cavalry Group (3 pages, 1 map)
Combat Interviews of 7th Armored Division Artillery: St. Vith and Poteau, Belgium, December 1944 (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
Supporting 31st Tank Battalion and 48th Armored Infantry Battalion
- Division Artillery, HQ & HQ Battery, Pfc. Edwin Charney; Pvt. Edmund J. Winiewicz (2 pages)
- 434th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Forward Observers at St. Vith (supporting Company "B" of 31st Tank Battalion)-Lt. Joseph M. Klein; Cpl Robert F. Campbell (WIA); T/5 W. R. Huss; Pvt (now Pfc) Walter Banninger; Pvt William Hair; Lt. Robert M. Davis; Sgt. Jack Ealer; T/4 Albert D'Andrea; T/4 John Gaber; Cpl Ross Hunnell; The above FO's were with B/31 (5 pages)
- 489th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Forward Observers at Poteau, Belgium (supporting Companies "A", "B", and C of 48th Armored Infantry Battalion)-1st Lt. Robert H. Deadrich, B/48; 1st Lt. Herbert F. Meyer, A/48; [2d Lt. Donald R. Bauer, C/48 KIA] (7 pages)
7th Armored Division Combat Commands (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
- CCA - Colonel Dwight A. Rosebaum, Commanding Officer
- Brig. Gen. Bruce C. Clarke, Commanding General (6 pages)
- S-2 and S-3 Officers (9 pages)
- Capt. George L. Treece, S-2 Officer
- Capt. Owen E. Woodruff, S-3 Officer
- Capt. Henry G. Ellett, Assistant S-3 Officer
- CCR - Major Fred Sweat, S-3 Officer (7 pages, 3 maps)
17th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division, December 1944: Combat Interviews, Morning Reports, After Action Reports, Germany and Belgium - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
- Bn HQ-Lt. Col. John P. Wemple, CO; Major thomas W. Dailey, Executive Officer (11 pages, 7 maps)
- A-Lt. Wilson; Lt. Nizinski; Assembled company men (8 pages, 3 maps)
- B-Lt. Richard A. Hardin (4 pages, 1 map)
- C-1st Lt. Charles D. Cagle, CO; Material also from; 2d Lt. Irving Goodman, 3d Plat (7 pages)
- D-Lt. Vernon Files, CO (7 pages, 4 maps)
- Also Includes
- 17th Tank Battalion After Action Report for December 1944
- 17th Tank Battalion Morning Reports for December 1944
- Painting and Map of AT/B/38 Positions in front of B/17 at Krombach, Belgium
23rd Armored Infantry Battalion (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
- Bn HQ-Capt. Cleo S. Freed (3 pages)
- HQ Company-Capt. Burton Pierce, 2nd Lt. Edward T. Drabin (A/23) (5 pages, 1 map)
- HQ Company, Machine Gun Platoon-1st Lt. Philip S. Miller (4 pages, 1 map)
- A-S/Sgt. Luis L. Holland (4 pages, 1 map)
- A-1st Lt. Roger W. Creswell, Executive Officer (7 pages, 2 maps)
- A-1st Lt. Roger W. Creswell, Executive Officer; Sgt. James Menendez (2/A/23) (5 pages)
- B-Capt. Dudley J. Britton, CO; 1st Lt. Kenneth P. Jones; S/Sgt. John Marcu (3rd Platoon); S/Sgt. Ronald N. Fraser (3rd Plat); S/Sgt. Van H. Lewis (2nd Platoon); S/Sgt. Arthur B. Levinson (AT); T/5 Joseph Stengel (cook) (10 pages)
- B-Capt. Dudley J. Britton, Commanding Officer (7 pages)
- C-1st Lt. James A. Stonecipher, Commanding Officer (7 pages)
- C/2-S/Sgt. Samuel C. Borreca (3 pages)
- C/3-S/Sgt. James E. Sledge (4 pages, 1 map)
- Task Force Navajo-1st Lt. Joe V. Whiteman (B/23) (5 pages)
- Task Force Navajo-1st Sgt. Frederick J. Mabb, A/23; 1st Sgt. Andrew J. Ellmer, A/23 (2 pages)
31st Tank Battalion (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
See also 7th Armored Division Artillery, for interviews of Forward Observers supporting 31st Tank Battalion and 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion (next book below) for Engineers attached to B/31 and C/31.
- Lt. Col. Robert C. Erlenbusch, Commanding Officer of 31st Tank Battalion (13 pages, 5 maps)
- A/31: Lt. John J. Dunn (Acting CO) (7 pages, 2 maps)
- A/31: Lt. John J. Dunn (Acting CO) (second interview 1 page)
- B/31: 1st Sgt Clifford Keck, Lt Melvyn Wischmeier (3 pages)
- B/31: 1st Lt Harold H. Clark (3d Platoon Leader), 1st Lt Manuel Cepeda (1st Platoon Leader), with confirmation from Sgt Oreste F. Ciccone (2nd Platoon) (4 pages, 1 map)
- C/31: Lt Floyd O. Swanger [Swonger], Lt Truman R. Bowman (5 pages, 1 map)
- C/31: M/Sgt Rowland Tracier (1 page)
- D/31: Capt. Clayton Kunze (3 pages, 1 map)
- D/3: 1st Lt. William L. Wessel (1 page
33rd Armored Engineer Battalion (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
- B & B/2-Capt. Morris H. Hochberg, Commanding Officer (5 pages, 2 maps)
- B/1-Sgt. William A Miele; Sgt. Joseph A Howaniec; Sgt. Joseph Kozina; (CO, Lt. Darrell W. Grabb, WIA) (5 pages, 1 maps)
- B/3-2d Lt. Ira F. Peak, Jr., 3d Plat (4 pages
38th Armored Infantry Battalion (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
- Lt. Col. William H. G. Fuller, Commanding Officer (4 pages)
- Major Alva McDaniel, 38 AIB Executive Officer (5 pages)
- A/38: Capt. Walter H. Austey, Commanding Officer [Anstey] (8 pages, 3 maps)
- B/38: Sgt. Knight; Capt. Maddox, Commanding Officer [Capt. Carl K. Mattocks] (4 pages)
- B/38: Lt. M. A. Jamiel, 1st Platoon Leader [Morphis A. Jamiel] (8 pages, 2 maps)
- C/38: Capt. Wilbur J. East, Commanding Officer (10 pages, 1 map)
40th Tank Battalion (transcribed, annotated, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
- A-Lt. Harold I. Fiedler, CO; Capt. Allen (5 pages, 3 maps)
- A-Lt. Herbert J. Borchers (2 pages)
- A-Lt. Gerald Reeves, Commanding Officer (1 page, 1 map)
- B-Capt. Emerson Wolfe, Commanding Officer (1 page)
- B-Capt. Emerson Wolfe, Commanding Officer (second interview 1 page, 1 map)
- Bn HQ-Lt. Col. John C. Brown, Commanding Officer (2 pages)
- C/1-Lt. Gerald E. Reeves (6 pages, 3 maps)
- D-1st Sgt. Melvin Kruck & others (2 pages, 1 map)
48th Armored Infantry Battalion (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
See also 7th Armored Division Artillery, for interviews of Forward Observers supporting 48th Armored Infantry Battalion.
- Major Lynn Carlson, 48 AIB Executive Officer (1 page, 1 map)
- A/48: Lt. Orville R. Ousdahl on Poteau (4 pages, 1 map)
- A/48: Lt. Orville R. Ousdahl on Manhay (3 pages, 1 map)
- A/48: 1st Lt William D. Arbuthnot (2 pages)
- B/48: Capt. Edward C. Vogelsang (3 pages, 4 maps)
- B/48: Lt. Ernest W Van Winkle (3 pages, 1 map)
- B/48: Anti-tank Platoon: Cpl George C. Finke, Pvt Paul Mickus, Cpl Joseph L. Chudzicki, Pfc Thomas N. Everett, Pfc Juke J. Padian, Pfc Charles W. Raver, Pfc Anthony Perugini, Pfc Harold W. Kendzora, Cpl Lowell A. Cox, Pvt Paul H. Cagle, Cpl Bogdan Stycien, Pfc Calvin L. Hester, Pfc Alvah Thompkins, Pfc Stanley A. Dombrowski (4 pages, 1 map)
- B/48: Lt. Lewis M. Millican, Jr. (9 pages, 2 maps)
- C/48: 1st Lt Herbert I. Burson (1 page)
- C/48: Lt Richard T. Johnson, Sgt Keith G. Brock on Poteau (5 pages, 3 maps)
- C/48: Lt Johnson on Manhay (2 pages)
- C/48: T/4 John S. Gittins (3 pages)
87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
147th Signal Company Click here or scroll up to the 7th Armored Division Headquarters interviews, which included the 147th Signal Company interview.
203rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion (transcribed, annotated, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
- B-Capt. Robert Reid, Commanding Officer (5 pages, 3 maps)
- B-Sgt. Joseph Gosztyla (2 pages)
- D-Sgt. Rhinold Mruzinsky; T/5 Bernard Connolly (5 pages, 3 maps) [see also D/87 Recon interview]
- D-Capt. H. A. Eaton, Commanding Officer (1 page)
434th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Click here or scroll up for all 7th Armored Division Artillery interviews.
440th Armored Field Artillery Battalion There were no interviews conducted of 440th AFAB men. Click here or scroll up for all 7th Armored Division Artillery interviews.
489th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Click here or scroll up for all 7th Armored Division Artillery interviews.
814th Tank Destroyer Battalion (transcribed, annotated, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
- Bn HQ-Major Charles New, Assistant G-2; Col. Jones, 814 (1 page)
- Bn HQ - TF Jones-Lt. Col. Robert B. Jones, Commanding Officer (814 TD Bn) (3 pages)
- Sgt. Paul Abbott (1 page)
- C-Capt. Donald E. Reid, Commanding Officer (4 pages, 1 map)
- C & 1/C-Capt. Donald E. Reid, Commanding Officer (Co. C); Pfc Buford L. Mallot (1st Plat); Sgt. Dale H Dykes (1st Plat) (8 pages, 1 map)
- 2/C-Lt. Jack Dillender (6 pages, 1 map)
- 3/C-Lt. Hugo T. Bertruch, Jr. (7 pages, 1 map)