Unknowns of the European Theater of Operations (ETO) in World War II
Listed by Unknown-Number
by Wesley Johnston, Historian of the 7th Armored Division Association
A Page of the 7th Armored Division web site
Bookmark this page as http://www.7thArmdDiv.org/eto-unks.htm
Last updated: March 24, 2025 - What's New?

Spare a minute
to think
of the young who didn't grow up,
and how young they looked when they died,
and how no one will ever remember them looking tired and middle-aged
or even be bored by tiresome recitals of the time of their youth.

- - - - Russell Baker "How to Observe Dec. 7" (NY Times, Dec. 1965)

So they will not be "Forgot"
There is a word
Which bears a sword
Can pierce an armed man.
It hurls its barbed syllables,
And is mute again.
But where it fell
The saved will tell
On patriotic day,
Some epauletted brother
Gave his breath away.
Wherever runs the breathless sun,
Wherever roams the day,
There is its noiseless onset,
There is its victory!
Behold the keenest marksman!
The most accomplished shot!
Time s sublimest target
Is a soul forgot !

----- Emily Dickinson

  1. A Note for the Children of these Men
  2. Introduction
  3. Where is the official roster of Unknown X-numbers?
  4. A Note for the Children of these Men
  5. Numbering Systems and Duplicate Numbers
  6. ETO Unknowns, Listed by Number (very long list)
  7. Grave Registration Forms & Information (includes 1945-7 GRS officer Ronald Croft memoir)
  8. Temporary Cemeteries in the ETO
  9. Other Resources
    • Clothing Marks
    • Considerations for Use of Stateside Dental Records in Identification

A Note for the Children of these Men

The American World War II Orphans Network (AWON) is an organization created by and for those who lost their father in World War II. AWON has an annual conference and a newsletter filled with useful information. Click here to go to the AWON web page and find those who share your experience.


Far too many men who went to war in Europe in World War II have never been found and identified. Many have been found who have not been identified. This page is an attempt to list all of the numbers that were assigned to unknowns, as well as the associated information about where and when they were recovered and their names, if they were subsequently identified.

I realized that I needed a list like this in my own research. Often, when I examine one man's IDPF, I find that he was recovered with someone who was shown only with an unknown-number (e.g. X-2319). It would be very useful in my research to know who the other man was and to obtain his IDPF and see if it has more information that can shed light on the situation in which they died.

I tried to obtain one from the American Battle Monuments Commission, since the Ardennes US Military Cemetery (at Neupr -en-Condroz, Belgium) was the place where remains were sent for possible identification after the war -- and is thus the cemetery with the greatest number of burials of unknowns. However, my efforts were in vain. So I simply started a spreadsheet to record what I find in the records that I do have and began posting it on this web page, in case it is of use to others.

There is also a Grave Registration Forms & Information section following the list of unknowns. This section provides bibliographical information on links to forms, documents and web sites with relevant information. This in turn grew to include the Temporary Cemeteries in the European Theater of Operations section, which has a wealth of information.

One useful external tool in all this will be the American Battle Monuments Commission's World War II Honor Roll. Another important tool is the World War II Registry of the National World War II Memorial.

I will reply to queries about any of the ones on this page. I'm really swamped and my health has definite limits, especially from October-May. So I will not be able to reply very promptly, and I cannot give you more information about any man who is not on this page. Having read that, if your inquiry is truly relevant to this page, you can contact me by clicking here.

See the end of the page for a list of the temporary U. S. military cemeteries in the ETO and a link to the complete 1946 grave plots of the temporary Henri-Chapelle (Belgium) U. S. Military Cemetery.

SCOPE OF THIS PAGE: This page systematically contains all found records of Unknowns in the European Theater of Operations. If records for an Unknown from another theater, such as the Mediterranean Theater, exist in an ETO file, then the non-ETO Unknown is included here, but this page does not systematically include non-ETO Unknowns. -- Wesley Johnston, Historian, 7th Armored Division Association

Where is the official roster of Unknown X-numbers?

Clearly one would think that there must have been a master list of all the X-numbers assigned in the European Theater. Yet, when one family of a still-missing man asked for such a list, they were told (2009) that no such list existed: "There is currently no master list of all X-numbered files for the ETO." And after having tried to find such a list at the National Archives, I see that if there is still such a list, then it is probably waiting somewhere in a non-obvious place that no one has yet found.

I did find definitive evidence that such a list did in fact exist as late as 1960. In the investigation of remains X-9345 (Frankfurt Mausoleum), there was a need to find information about another X-number, and the investigators documented that they had sought that X-number in "Roster in Disposition Branch showing disposition of Unknown X-Nos. (remains)". So there clearly was just such a list. So the question remains "Where is the official roster of Unknown X-numbers?"

In addition to the full list below, which includes Unknowns now identified and those not yet identified, I have begun creating separate pages for the still-unidentified ETO Unknowns, grouped by the cemetery at which they were either first recovered or to which they were transferred (and their X-number possibly re-designated at the receiving cemetery).

  • Belgium Temporary U. S. Military Cemetery Still-Unknowns
    • Foy - ??? X-files
  • France Temporary U. S. Military Cemetery Still-Unknowns

Numbering Systems

There were primarily two numbering systems: Temporary T-numbers and X-numbers. Unknowns recovered by American Graves Registration received an X-number. Remains reported to AGRS, by the British searching their zones or by local authorities, were temporarily assigned a T-number by AGRS prior to recovery. A 27 Mar 1945 memo from Headquarters, Communications Zone, European Theater of Operations, Office of the Chief Quartermaster to Third US Army's Graves Registration Officer regarding isolated burials (IDPF of Jack E. Day, PDF p 14) stated "'T' numbers are assigned by this office for reference purposes only prior to reinterment in an established US Military Cemetery. 'T' number will always be placed in the lower left hand corner of GR Form #1 to which applicable."

If the American Graves Registration team that eventually recovered the remains could not identify them, then the American team assigned an X-number to the remains. The X-numbers were specific to the U.S. Military Cemetery to which the GRS team was attached. So there would be an X-37 for Margraten and also an X-37 for Neuville, for example.

All other numbers are in black.

  • a case of one unknown whose file showed no number
  • CIL-numbers were numbers assigned to remains that were transferred as cases to the Central Identification Laboratory. Their old X-numbers were discarded, and they were assigned a new CIL-number. After WWII, the CIL was at Strasbourg but is now with DPAA in Honolulu, HI, and Offut, NE.
  • I-numbers, which were evacuation numbers and not unique to unknowns: so far, I have IF, IX and IZ numbers -- they are included only for unknowns for whom I have no other number
  • S & R numbers: Search & Recovery numbers, given as "S & R" or "S/R". For example, the recovery of Aloysius Gonsowski (X-9438) and George Renda (X-9437) was S&R 5123. I had not been capturing these numbers, but I am now doing so.
  • WZ numbers appear to have been used later (the one below was recovered in March 1946) and appear to be tracking numbers rather than unknown numbers, though the identity of the one below was not established, so that they may have been unknown number.

    Yet another numbering system was the case numbers for non-recoverable remains. For example, Aloysius Gonsowski (X-9438) was originally (in 1950) considered non-recoverable in case # 14421. There was even yet another numbering system, in which Gonsowski was # 9158, on a 30 Aug 1947 memo included with a 20 Aug 1950 memorandum concerning the 7887 Graves Registration Detachment decision of non-recoverability of Holland Cases # 810, 1756, 2215, 4820, 5178, 5205, 5364, 8853, 8858, 8867, 9158 [Gonsowski], 9373, 9386, 9436, 9454, 9467, 10162, 10227, 10459, 10460, 10483, 10522, 10533, 10540, 11637, 11702, 5790, 10490, 5823, 9370, 8748, 9167, 5773, 5738, 9796, 8770, 9435, 1983. While these numbers were definitely extremely important to the process, I am not currently capturing these numbers, since the focus here is to try to identify specific unknowns mentioned in documents by their numbers.

    In at least the case of the temporary cemetery at Andilly, France, the early identification cross-references used only the numbering system "Unknown nnnnn France" and not the later "Unknown X-32 France (Andilly)" system. This makes it extremely difficult -- and sometimes impossible -- to tell which X-number was being identified by an identification cross-reference sheet. There may have been a record somewhere of which X-numbers corresponded to which nnnnn numbers, but so far I have not found one, other than the few Andilly identification sheets that include both numbers. So far, Andilly is the only cemetery at which I have encountered this problem.

    In the list below, the T-numbers (in blue) are listed first and then the X-numbers (in red), in numerical order in each case. If there is no name after the number, then I do not know who the number belongs to.

    There were other numbering schemes also used. For example, when a man went missing, he was assigned a case number. At this time, I am not trying to tie the unknown numbers back to the case numbers -- just to the names of the men, if they were identified or to the location and date at which still-unidentified remains were recovered.

    293: "293" was the classification for all deceased personnel. So the number 293 appears on all Individual Deceased Personnel Files; the "293 file" is the IDPF. It is referenced with many variations: "QMGMF 293" (Nevins IDPF), "QMGMU 293" (Nevins IDPF), "293 file" (Nevins IDPF). "293 File of Subject(s)" on the QMG Form 1916 (Non-Recoverable Case Record of Review and Approval). All of the memoranda relating to board proceedings regarding decisions on non-recoverable remains have "GROP 293.9" at the top of the page, usually on the same line as the date. And other documents have "RRE 293.9 (IB)" and "GRU 293" at the top.

    371: The number 371 which appears in many men's files refers to the Office of the Quartermaster General form OQMG 371 "DATA ON REMAINS NOT YET RECOVERED OR IDENTIFIED".

    Duplicate Numbers
    There were definitely some X-numbers that were assigned to more than one set of remains. But in all cases, the complete X-number must be taken with the cemetery that assigned it and not just as a number by itself. For example, two X-100's appear below at Neuville-en-Condroz. However, one was while Neuville was a temporary cemetery, and the other was after it became permanent, as the Ardennes US Military Cemetery. After the permanent cemeteries were established, no new X-numbers were assigned, except at the Ardennes cemetery, which was designated as the central identification facility for Europe. There could theoretically be duplicate X-numbers at the permanent cemeteries, if remains with the same X-numbers were moved to the permanent cemetery from different temporary cemeteries. However, these X-numbers always retained their connection to the originating cemetery, so that they were not truly duplicated.

    Ron Croft, who served as a U.S. GRS officer leading recovery of remains after the war, sent this clarification about how X-numbers were assigned:

    During my tenure, all of the "X-numbers" were accountable and controlled by the appropriate cemetery. We in the field were allocated a block of numbers by a cemetery and were accountable to them for the numbers. When we used a number, everything in the case dossier bore that number and the dossier was delivered to the cemetery with the remains and his personal effects. Since the dossiers effectively became the property of the cemetery, it follows that those records must reside at those cemeteries, unless they were "retired" to some other location

  • European Theater Unknowns of World War II
    Listed by Number
    New 9 Oct 2017: Some PDFs of IDPFs and X-files are now linked in the "Source" section of individual entries.
    1. (none)-784 : Ray, Willis (Pvt. 37683446)
      Recovered 1945-09 at Netherlands, Nederweerterdijk -- MIA: 1944-Nov-07 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Willis Ray (38 AIB)
      Unit: Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    2. (none)-(none) Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-40-58 on 25 January 1968

    3. CIL-1001 Neuville: was X-5577 Neuville, re-designated CIL #1001 on 12 Jun 1948 -- ALMOST CERTAINLY Meeks, Thurman (Pvt 34263482)
      Recovered before about 1947 at Netherlands, Vortum -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of William Davenport (17 Tank); also noted in IDPF of Russell Fratus (C/17 Tank) when eliminating nearby-recovered X-numbers; IDPF of Gerald A'hearn has handwritten notation (probably from early 1950's) that the only unknown remaining from the Overloon tanks was X-5577 (PDF 39) -- Hard to read; number could be different
      Specifics: Recovered from tank "Boomerang" USA 3033274 7/31/B3 (thus company Bof 31st Tank Battalion of 7th Armored Division [the / stands in for an armor triangle, which was the actual marking], probably the 3rd platoon) at Vortum, Holland - one of four tanks destroyed there (3 from B/31 and 1 from 434 AFABn) and the only one to have possible human remains --- Believed in 1950 to have been recovered from a tank in the immediate vicinity where Davenport was killed; Remains consisted of two ounces of material, in 1948, X-5577 was buried Neuville Y-4-79 and disinterred and sent to the Central Identification Laboratory [then at Strasbourg, France] for possible matching with Davenport; a match could not be made with the technology then available. 13 June 1950 memo to QM General in Washington states "The remains of Unknown X-5577, were eliminated, and designated CIL #1001 (Neuville), on 12 June 1948, by the Central Identification Laboratory during group processing of associated remains. Grave 79 is now declared open." --- Unfortunately, decades before DNA was known, the CIL (Central Identification Lab) could do nothing to identify CIL portions. So they either cremated CIL portions or combined them in caskets with dozens or hundreds of other CIL portions and buried them. DPAA has yet to figure out what the CIL did with specific CIL portions, since apparently the CIL did not document this. So the bottom line is that while X-5577 was almost certainly Thurman Meeks (B/31st Tank Bn/7th Armd Div), no one knows what happened to his two ounces of remains.
      Unit: Company "B", 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Search of tank USA 3033274 revealed possible presence of human remains."

    4. CIL-1762 Foy: (unknown as of 20 Jun 1949)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Foy/CIL-1762 File
      Specifics: Remains found in same grave with remains of Carl M. Bruce 35806534 (21AIB, 11AD) Foy F-11-274; segregation possible due to different bone size & structure; Bruce returned to US 20 Jun 1949; remains tranferred to Henri-Chapelle but no burial location given
      Unit: ?maybe 21st Armored Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division?

    5. IF-9368 : Eull, Alban M. (1st Lt. 01311135)
      Recovered 1948-04 at Germany, Obermassfeld -- MIA: 1944-Sep-14 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alban Eull (38 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW - Stalag IXC #52750
      Unit: Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    6. IX-1408
      Recovered 1947-06 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117

    7. IZ-1407
      Recovered 1947-06 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117

    8. IZ-1408
      Recovered 1947-06 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117

    9. IZ-1416 : Gonsowski, Aloysius (Pfc. 32253289)
      Recovered 1947-06 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117

    10. S&R Case-5111 Frankfuirt: Whitley, Robert H., Jr. (Tec 5 14013522 X-9401)
      Recovered 1970-06 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-05 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Robert Whitley (A/33 AEB) -- see X-9401
      Specifics: recovered at Kamphofweg 6; found by P. J. Hendrix; final burial Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery (San Diego, CA) Q-230 buried November 1970
      Unit: Company "A", 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    11. S&R Case-5123 : Renda, George J. (Pfc. 33161965 X-9437) and Gonsowski, Aloysius (Pfc. 32253289 X-9438)
      Recovered 1977 - ? at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-05 -- Died:
      Source: IDPFs of George Renda & Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB) -- see X-9437 & X-9438
      Specifics: recovered together on Kamphofweg; found by Sieb Wilmsen
      Unit: Company "C", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    12. S&R M-5146 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) B-34-59 on 15 September 1988

    13. T-1002 : Bradley, Morris B. (Pvt. 35073701)
      Recovered 1946-04 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-07 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Morris Bradley (38 AIB)
      Unit: Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    14. T-1729 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day (Memo 27 Mar 1945, PDF 14)
      Specifics: "nine (9) unidentified US personnel (T-1729 thru T-1737) were buried at Tavigny." however only 8 graves were found - no record of which T number was assigned to which X-number or identified recovery and Jack Day Report of Burial labeled lower left T-1725 which is outside range [maybe actually T-1735?]

    15. T-1730 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day (Memo 27 Mar 1945, PDF 14)
      Specifics: "nine (9) unidentified US personnel (T-1729 thru T-1737) were buried at Tavigny." however only 8 graves were found - no record of which T number was assigned to which X-number or identified recovery and Jack Day Report of Burial labeled lower left T-1725 which is outside range [maybe actually T-1735?]

    16. T-1731 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day (Memo 27 Mar 1945, PDF 14)
      Specifics: "nine (9) unidentified US personnel (T-1729 thru T-1737) were buried at Tavigny." however only 8 graves were found - no record of which T number was assigned to which X-number or identified recovery and Jack Day Report of Burial labeled lower left T-1725 which is outside range [maybe actually T-1735?]

    17. T-1732 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day (Memo 27 Mar 1945, PDF 14)
      Specifics: "nine (9) unidentified US personnel (T-1729 thru T-1737) were buried at Tavigny." however only 8 graves were found - no record of which T number was assigned to which X-number or identified recovery and Jack Day Report of Burial labeled lower left T-1725 which is outside range [maybe actually T-1735?]

    18. T-1733 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day (Memo 27 Mar 1945, PDF 14)
      Specifics: "nine (9) unidentified US personnel (T-1729 thru T-1737) were buried at Tavigny." however only 8 graves were found - no record of which T number was assigned to which X-number or identified recovery and Jack Day Report of Burial labeled lower left T-1725 which is outside range [maybe actually T-1735?]

    19. T-1734 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day (Memo 27 Mar 1945, PDF 14)
      Specifics: "nine (9) unidentified US personnel (T-1729 thru T-1737) were buried at Tavigny." however only 8 graves were found - no record of which T number was assigned to which X-number or identified recovery and Jack Day Report of Burial labeled lower left T-1725 which is outside range [maybe actually T-1735?]

    20. T-1735 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day (Memo 27 Mar 1945, PDF 14)
      Specifics: "nine (9) unidentified US personnel (T-1729 thru T-1737) were buried at Tavigny." however only 8 graves were found - no record of which T number was assigned to which X-number or identified recovery and Jack Day Report of Burial labeled lower left T-1725 which is outside range [maybe actually T-1735?]

    21. T-1736 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day (Memo 27 Mar 1945, PDF 14)
      Specifics: "nine (9) unidentified US personnel (T-1729 thru T-1737) were buried at Tavigny." however only 8 graves were found - no record of which T number was assigned to which X-number or identified recovery and Jack Day Report of Burial labeled lower left T-1725 which is outside range [maybe actually T-1735?]

    22. T-1737 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day (Memo 27 Mar 1945, PDF 14)
      Specifics: "nine (9) unidentified US personnel (T-1729 thru T-1737) were buried at Tavigny." however only 8 graves were found - no record of which T number was assigned to which X-number or identified recovery and Jack Day Report of Burial labeled lower left T-1725 which is outside range [maybe actually T-1735?]

    23. T-1741
      Recovered 1945-07 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPFs of James Baldwin & Myer Epstein (38 AIB)
      Unit: ?7th Armored Division?

    24. T-1815
      Recovered 1945-Jul-11 at Netherlands, Groesbeek 733-344 or 753-514 -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1209 X-file (PDF p 12)
      Specifics: found by British as T-1815; recoverd by US AGRS as Margraten X-1209 == see Margraten X-1209 for further information

    25. T-1884 : Espig, Paul H (Pvt 33830727) recovered as Foy X-127
      Recovered 1945-May-04 at Belgium, isolated burial vicinity of Commanster, near tank destroyer #40177750, C-22 -- MIA: 1944-Dec-23 -- Died: 1944-Dec-23
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32; IDPF of Paul H. Espig (ID 23 Sep 1948 - PDF p 156)
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium -- Espig MIA 23 Dec 1944 in C/814 MR 26 Dec 1944; final burial Neuville C-1-1 -- Espig PDF p 8 (28 Mar 1945): report of isolated burial, initially carried temporarily as T-1884
      Unit: Company C, 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion

    26. T-1901 : Ferrari, Joseph J. (S/Sgt 32249728)
      Recovered 1945-07 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-03 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Ferrari (48 AIB)
      Specifics: Recovery map shows T-1901 recovered at 742-309, later assigned X-1212; official date of death 5 Oct 1944 but MIA and apparently KIA 3 Oct 1944; final burial at Margraten, Netherlands (Netherlands USMC) M-20-5
      Unit: Company "C", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    27. T-1902 : Baldwin, James D. (Sgt. 33529694)
      Recovered 1945-07 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-04 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of James Baldwin (38 AIB)
      Unit: Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    28. T-2319 : Cathey,Sam (Pvt 34192168)
      Recovered 1945-09 at Netherlands, Ospel -- MIA: 1944-Oct-22 -- Died: 1944-Oct-22
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Robertiello (87 Rcn) & Sam Cathey (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: T-2319 = Margraten X-1913 = Sam Cathey (A/87)
      Unit: Troop "A", 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division

    29. T-2320 : Howard, Walter B. (Pvt. 38465565)
      Recovered 1945-Aug-08 at Netherlands, Neerkant -- MIA: 1944-Oct-29 -- Died: 1944-Oct-29
      Source: IDPF of Walter B. Howard (A/23 AIB), p 6
      Specifics: Recovered with Barney W. Gregg (A/23)
      Unit: Company "A", 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    30. T-2362 : Kapusta, George R. (T/Sgt 35300176)
      Recovered 1945-07 at Netherlands, just north of Heitrak -- MIA: 1944-Oct-29 -- Died: 1944-Oct-29
      Source: IDPF of George Kapusta (23 AIB)
      Specifics: originally had British number T-2362, then assigned US number X-1229 (Margraten); recovered with James Hyden (A/434 AFAB KIA 30 Oct) & Henry Roan (23 AIB KIA 29? Oct), German soldier also buried there; location is just north of Heitrak along east side of road after road has curved somewhat left, just south of a place called Hutten that does not appear on most maps; final burial at Margraten, Netherlands USMC O-8-4
      Unit: HQ Company, 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    31. T-2448 Nijmegen Canadian
      Recovered 1945-May-13 at Netherlands, Elst -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1231 X-file PDF p 3
      Specifics: Body brought in to Nijmegen by Dutch Civil Defence from Elst. Buried 13 May 1945 at Nijmegen Canadian Temporary Cemetery 2-4-8 as Presumed American Soldier (Margraten X-1231 PDF p 3) == see Margraten X-1231 for full information

    32. T-2643 : Carbajal, Gilbert R. (Pvt. 34560881)
      Recovered 1945-09 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-07 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Gilbert Carbajal (38 AIB)
      Unit: Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    33. T-2644 : Smith, Garnet L. (Pvt. 669323)
      Recovered 1945-09 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-07 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Garnet Smith (38 AIB)
      Unit: Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    34. T-2645 : Durand, Viateur C. (Pfc. 31148460)
      Recovered 1945-09 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-07 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Viateur Durand (38 AIB)
      Unit: Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    35. T-5677 Nijmegen Canadian
      Recovered 1945-Jun-22 at Netherlands, Groesbeek -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1230 X-file PDF pp 5-6
      Specifics: Burial 22 Jun 1945 in Nijmegen Canadian 2-4-14; American; Fatigue uniform with overalls over top. Sgt stripes on right sleeve of tunic. Body badly decomposed. Found in field at MR 7735?? (5th digit either 0, 6 or 8) Sh. 12 N.W. Grosebeek 1/25,000. Both hand and head missing.; re-designated Margraten X-1230 == see Margraten X-1230 for full information

    36. T-5678 Nijmegen Canadian
      Recovered 1945-Jun-22 at Netherlands, Groesbeek 768565 -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1234 X-file PDF pp 3-4
      Specifics: Burial 22 Jun 1945 in Nijmegen Canadian 2-4-16; American Unknown T-5678; Rank: Soldier; Patch with stars and stripes on right tunic sleeve. Large boots American style. American fatigue uniform. Body found at MR 768565 Sh. 12 N.W. Groesbeek [??]00 Body was beside glider- partially burnt and badly decomposed. (Margraten X-1234 PDF pp 3-4); re-designated Margraten X-1234 == see Margraten X-1230 for full information

    37. T-5679 Nijmegen Canadian
      Recovered 1945-Jun-28 at Netherlands, Groesbeek -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1230 X-file PDF pp 7-8
      Specifics: Burial 28 Jun 1945 in Nijmegen Canadian 2-4-10; American Airborne; Rank: Cpl.; Body found at MR: 785552 Sh. 12 N.W. Groesbeek on June 28- 45. No identification. Rank from Chevrons on left sleeve of shirt. Airborne flash on right sleeve of tunic. Nationality from American Pattern clothing. Body in an advanced state of decomposition. Pockets in uniform had been previously emptied.

    38. T-5680 Nijmegen Canadian: (Disinterred 23 Sep 2016, Not Yet Identified)
      Recovered 1945-Jun-28 at Netherlands, Groesbeek -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1230 X-file
      Specifics: Turned over to Americans and re-designated Margraten X-1230 (see Margraten X-1230 for full information)

    39. WZ-Holland 478 : Edson, Stuart P. (1st Lt. 0-467449)
      Recovered 1946-03 at Netherlands, Oostrum -- MIA: 1944-Oct-06 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Stuart Edson (23 AIB)
      Specifics: appears to be more of a tracking number than a number for unknowns
      Unit: Adjutant, 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    40. X-1 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 15 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    41. X-1 Limey: Bufkin, Charles H. (Pvt 34 139 643(
      Recovered buried at Limey 14 Nov 1944 at France, Sillegny -- MIA: 1944-Sep-19 -- Died: 1944-Sep-19
      Source: IDPF of Charles Bufkin (C/33 AEB)
      Specifics: final burial at Lorraine USMC (St. Avold, France) C-29-47
      Unit: Company "C", 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    42. X-1 St. James: Williams, Charles H. (Pvt. 38 232 399)
      Recovered at France, -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Aug-01
      Source: St. James Reclassification File
      Specifics: final burial at Ardennes US Military Cemetery C-11-27
      Unit: 231st Field Artillery Battalion, 6th Armored Division

    43. X-2 Champigneul: Pozolante, Joseph V. (Pvt. 32 984 977)
      Recovered 1944-Sep-03 at France, south side of Exermont, France -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Sep-01
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Pozolante (23 AIB)
      Specifics: Identified 8 Mar 1945; final burial Long Island National Cemetery J-13952
      Unit: Company "C", 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    44. X-2 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 15 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Aug-13
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    45. X-2 Molenhoek: Dikoon, Walter (Pvt 11 096 625)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Sep-21
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 178) undated list of effects of multiple Unknowns, (PDF p 186) 16 Feb 1946 identifications
      Specifics: Effects of X-2 Molenhoek: 1 Paratroop wings; 1 Presidential Citation

    46. X-2 St. James: Michel, Armin F. (Tec 5 - 37 137 510)
      Recovered at France, -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Aug-04
      Source: St. James Reclassification File
      Specifics: final burial at Brittany US Military Cemetery L-14-7
      Unit: 85th Cavalry Reconn Squadron, 5th Armored Division

    47. X-3 Gorron: Gordon, Lawrence S. (Pfc)
      Recovered buried at Gorron 15 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Aug-13
      Source: Research conducted by 3AD Historian and Grandson Jed Henry; see YouTube video --- ALSO from QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]
      Specifics: See also Gorron X-6, PFC Gordon's Story, The Successful Search for Lawrence Gordon - 3rd Armored Division
      Unit: Reconnaissance Company, 32nd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division

    48. X-3 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten A-3-29

    49. X-3 St. Andre
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Aug-20
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 178) undated list of effects of multiple Unknowns
      Specifics: Effects of X-3 St. Andre: Miscellaneous French Coins

    50. X-3 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    51. X-4 Champigneul: Mohr, Herbert (Pfc 32 702 296)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Sep-03
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 178) undated list of effects of multiple Unknowns, (PDF p 186) 16 Feb 1946 identifications
      Specifics: Effects of X-4 Champigneul: 1 Silver ring w/carved bear's head on top--80th Division
      Unit: 80th Infantry Division

    52. X-4 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 17 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    53. X-4 Hamm: Coleman, William B (Pfc)
      Recovered at France, Forest of Grémercy near Nancy -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Nov-01
      Source: personal communication from Roberta Russo to Wesley Johnston; DPAA Personnel Profile of Pfc William B. Coleman (identified 25 Jan 2022)
      Specifics: "On November 1, 1944, PFC Coleman was clearing a booby trapped mine in the Forest of Grémecey near Nancy, France. The mine exploded during the effort, and PFC Coleman was killed in the blast. PFC Coleman was not identified from among remains recovered from the area after the war. Historical analysis by DPAA historians prompted the reexamination of a previously unidentified set of remains recovered from the vicinity of PFC Coleman's loss. Laboratory analysis and circumstantial evidence led to the identification of these remains as those of PFC Coleman."
      Unit: Company F, 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division

    54. X-4 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    55. X-5 Andilly
      Recovered buried at Andilly B-2-40 14 Sep 1944 at France, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Edward Hackett (PDF p 14)
      Specifics: Apparently identified, but early Andilly identifications used "Unknown nnnnn France" numbering system in records instead of the later "Unknown X-5 France (Andilly)" system so that I cannot determine which one was Andilly X-5

    56. X-5 Champigneul: group: Frank L. Ensminger (Cpl 33 148 547), Donald J. Shaljian (2d Lt O-1 017 063), John F. Tucker (Pvt 38 516 495), Beryle B. Bossman (Capt O-454 572)
      Recovered abt 6 Sep 1944 by 955 QM Service Company (Bossman IDPF p 141) at France, Epernay -- MIA: 1944-Aug-28 -- Died: 1944-Aug-28
      Source: IPDF of Frank Ensminger (C/31 Tank) (PDF p 41); IDPF of Beryle Bossman (C/434)
      Specifics: X-5, 6 and 7 in group burial; Final burial at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery; St. Louis, MO - Section 84, Graves 168-170 (co-mingled burial)
      Unit: Company "C", 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division & Company "C", 434th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    57. X-5 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 17 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    58. X-5 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten M-3-7

    59. X-5 Neuville: (unknown as of 9 Nov 1951)
      Recovered at Belgium, Malempre -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Hawkins (B/31 Tank)
      Specifics: (A-7-169); remains did not match Hawkins

    60. X-5 St. Corneille
      Recovered at France, ?Marboué? -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: NARA RG 92 "Geographic File" correspondence 15 Sep 1946 from B/23 AIB/7AD veteran Salvatore J. Peragine re 14 Aug 1944 ambush of B/23 column at Marboué and identification of X-5, who was wearing Peragine's jacket

    61. X-5 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    62. X-6 Champigneul: group: Frank L. Ensminger (Cpl 33 148 547), Donald J. Shaljian (2d Lt O-1 017 063), John F. Tucker (Pvt 38 516 495), Beryle B. Bossman (Capt O-454 572)
      Recovered abt 6 Sep 1944 by 955 QM Service Company (Bossman IDPF p 141) at France, Epernay -- MIA: 1944-Aug-28 -- Died: 1944-Aug-28
      Source: IPDF of Frank Ensminger (C/31 Tank) (PDF p 41); IDPF of Beryle Bossman (C/434)
      Specifics: X-5, 6 and 7 in group burial; Final burial at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery; St. Louis, MO - Section 84, Graves 168-170 (co-mingled burial)
      Unit: Company "C", 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division & Company "C", 434th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    63. X-6 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 18 Aug 1944 at France, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Pfc. Gordon (Rcn/?/3AD) -- also from QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]
      Specifics: Gordon's IDPF states that Gorron X-6 was recovered from area where Gordon last was, as a member of an M-8 recon armored car crew when it was hit in the gas tank. -- see Gorron X-3

    64. X-6 Grand Failly
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Lorraine D-24-27 "X-0006 (Grand Failly) was disinterred in 2018 by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Lorraine American Cemetery"

    65. X-6 St. James: group: Robert L. Decker (Pvt. 36 879 069), Guy Puckett (T/Sgt. 15 056 812)
      Recovered at France, -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Jul-30
      Source: St. James Reclassification File
      Specifics: might be that X-8 is part of same group - final burial at New Albany National Cemetery Section B Site 857-A -- common stone at http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=pv&GRid=3285961&PIpi=34373131

    66. X-7 Champigneul: group: Frank L. Ensminger (Cpl 33 148 547), Donald J. Shaljian (2d Lt O-1 017 063), John F. Tucker (Pvt 38 516 495), Beryle B. Bossman (Capt O-454 572)
      Recovered abt 6 Sep 1944 by 955 QM Service Company (Bossman IDPF p 141) at France, Epernay -- MIA: 1944-Aug-28 -- Died: 1944-Aug-28
      Source: IPDF of Frank Ensminger (C/31 Tank) (PDF p 41); IDPF of Beryle Bossman (C/434)
      Specifics: X-5, 6 and 7 in group burial; Final burial at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery; St. Louis, MO - Section 84, Graves 168-170 (co-mingled burial); X-7 Check-List (6 Apr 1945 Bossman PDF p 3): X-7 "burned entirely, beyond reognition" [WJ: thus X-7 NOT Bossman who was shot by sniper and then blown apart by mortar] and X-7 pants W-4872 or W-2282 and wearing paratrooper jump boots 7C [WJ: no 7AD dead with this laundry mark] - at disinterment from Champigneul (same page): X-7 brown officer trousers W-53531-3, W -33421-5, W-48724 [WJ: no 7AD dead with this laundry mark] & paratroop shoes 7C badly worn but 7AD patch on left shoulder, head crushed, "body does not appear to have been burned. Indications show deceased could have been blown or torn apart." [WJ: HUGE conflict between X-7 being "burned entirely" at initial recovery but not burned at disinterment - obvious custody SNAFU but disinterment consistent with Bossman witness accounts]
      Unit: Company "C", 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division & Company "C", 434th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    67. X-7 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 18 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    68. X-7 Grand Failly
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-37-3 "X-0007 (Grand Failly) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    69. X-7 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    70. X-8 Champigneul: Alvin F. Davis (Capt O-362 602)
      Recovered 1944-Sep-07 at France, Epernay -- MIA: 1944-Aug-28 -- Died: 1944-Aug-28
      Source: IPDF of Alvin Davis (A/31 Tank) (PDF p 35 Identification 25 Mar 1949); (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 6 (AEB ltr 18 Mar 49) - (31 Mar 1949) "tent. Identified as Davis, Alvin F. O-362 606"; IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 178) undated list of effects of multiple Unknowns "1 Gold wedding band with V design. (no description) [died] 7 Sep 44 [which is actually his date of recovery from burial in French cemetery]"
      Specifics: X-8 Recovered (with X-5,6,7) from town cemetery of Epernay, France
      Unit: Company "A", 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    71. X-8 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 18 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    72. X-8 St. James: group (possibly with St. James X-6)
      Recovered at France, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: St. James Reclassification File
      Specifics: final burial at New Albany National Cemetery

    73. X-9 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 18 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    74. X-9 St. James: Greenway, Richard E. (37 153 550)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: St. James Reclassification File

    75. X-10 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 18 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    76. X-10 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    77. X-11 Champigneul: Chippas, Phillip D. (Pvt.36706455)
      Recovered buried at Champigneul 9 Sep Aug 1944 at France, Gravelotte -- MIA: 1944-Sep-06 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Phillip Chippas (38 AIB)
      Specifics: died when half-track was hit and burned, killing almost the entire squad; final burial at Epinal B-38-41 - see also X-12
      Unit: Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    78. X-11 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 19 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    79. X-11 Grand Failly: Mazzarella, Nicholas M. (Pfc. 33358492)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Thomes Elmer Riley (D/709 Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Riley IDPF (p 128): originally bured as X-11 Grand Failly H-10-238; Identified 11 Jul 1945; Riley IDPF (p 130): Personal effects; est date of death 12 Jan 1945

    80. X-12 Champigneul: Handy, Minton M. (Pvt. 34254252)
      Recovered buried at Champigneul 9 Sep Aug 1944 at France, Gravelotte -- MIA: 1944-Sep-06 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Minton Handy (38 AIB)
      Specifics: died when half-track was hit and burned, killing almost the entire squad; final burial at Epinal B-32-44 - see also X-11
      Unit: Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    81. X-12 Foy: Wennerstrand, Clifford Samuel (1st Lt. O-18 257 785)
      Recovered buried at Foy 10 Feb 1945 at Belgium, Sommerain -- MIA: 1944-Dec-19 -- Died: 1944-Dec-19
      Source: IDPF of Clifford S. Wennerstrand (C/814 TD)
      Specifics: Killed in ambush of column approaching Sommerain from SW; final burial Mount of Olive Cemetery; Westboro, W
      Unit: Company "C", 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion, attached to 7th Armored Division

    82. X-12 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 19 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    83. X-12 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    84. X-13 Champigneul: Aulgur, Warren E. (T/4 37404392)
      Recovered id effected 10 Mar 1945 at France, -- MIA: -- Died: on or before 28 Sep 1944
      Source: Champigneul Cross-Reference; obituary published 28 Sep 44 in St. Louis Post-Dispatch
      Specifics: final burial at Lake Charles Park Cemetery in St. Louis Dec 1948
      Unit: 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion, atchd to 7th Armored Division

    85. X-13 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 20 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    86. X-13 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    87. X-14 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 20 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    88. X-14 Grand Failly: Cunningham, Paul J. (Pfc. 13 011 582)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Jan-03
      Source: IDPFs of Bobby Leach (X-20) (PDF p 83)
      Specifics: burial at Grand Failly in I-8-176

    89. X-14 Henri-Chapelle: Heichel, Dewey P. (Pvt. 34547197)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-04
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: from Palm Beach County, FL; DPMO has middle initial P, but NARA has it as R; must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number
      Unit: Infantry

    90. X-14 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    91. X-15 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 21 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    92. X-15 Grand Failly: McCord, Harvey A. (T/Sgt 35 123 345)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Jan-08
      Source: IDPFs of Bobby Leach (X-20) (PDF p 83)
      Specifics: burial at Grand Failly in K-8-176

    93. X-15 Henri-Chapelle: Brown, Robert J. (Pvt. 35811098)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-04
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Kentucky; final burial Henri-Chapelle F-2-3
      Unit: 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division

    94. X-15 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered before 18 April 1949 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: 14 April 1949 "Report on Certain Unknowns" in IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn; formerly X-100 Neuville)
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten J-15-22

    95. X-15 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    96. X-16 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 22 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    97. X-16 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-4-5

    98. X-16 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    99. X-17 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 21 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    100. X-17 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    101. X-18 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 21 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    102. X-18 Grand Failly: Seaman, Jack R. (39 216 814)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: during research on X-19

    103. X-18 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    104. X-19 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 21 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    105. X-19 Grand Failly: Haack, George M. (S/Sgt. 32246442)
      Recovered 1945-Jan-30 at France, Maizieres-les-Metz -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Sep-08
      Source: IDPFs of George M. Haack & John Maruscok (both C/48 Armd Inf Bn)
      Specifics: final burial in New Jersey; IDPF of John Maruscok (C/48 Armd Inf Bn): Statement of 1st Lt. Virgil N. McCrary (PDF p 17): "Co C as ordered to take a small town [Maizieres-les-Metz] just south of Talange, France. Capt Harrison S. Forrester gave the 2nd Platoon the mission to take this small town. T/Sgt Blazier [who was KIA 2 Oct 1944 in the Netherlands after battlefield commission] advanced his platoon into the edge of this town and then got orders to withdraw. As they were withdrawing the enemy laid down an extra large barrage of mortar fire, and then the enemy came out of houses and started firing small arms at the platoon, Pfc Maruscok was just behind S/Sgt Haack and a mortar shell fell between them, and at the same time they were fired on by enemy M-Guns. T/Sgt Blazier said he checked them and were both dead. So he left the bodies and tried to get the rest of his platoon out. After he withdrew a MD said he would go get the bodies, and the MD was captured. So we did not attempt to get the bodies anymore." Synopsis of Case (PDF p 18): "Unknown X-19, Grand Failly found at MAIZIERS-LES-METZ has been identified as S/Sgt HAACK."
      Unit: Company "C", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    106. X-19 St. James: Hawes, Omar F. (Sgt. 19 077 666)
      Recovered at France, -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Aug-03
      Source: St. James Reclassification File
      Specifics: final burial at Brittany US Military Cemetery N-7-6
      Unit: 17th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (non-div)

    107. X-20 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 23 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    108. X-20 Grand Failly: Leach, Bobby E. (Pfc. 38 390 256)
      Recovered 1945-Jan-30 at Belgium, Bastogne -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-19
      Source: IDPFs of Bobby Leach
      Specifics: SW Abdomen; initial burial 25 Dec 1944 in Bastogne city cemetery; post-recovery burial at Grand Failly L-1-21 next to X-19; final burial in Pollack Cemetery in Pollack, Louisiana; identified 30 Apr 1945 by FBI fingerprints
      Unit: 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division

    109. X-20 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    110. X-21 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 23 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    111. X-21 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    112. X-22 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 23 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    113. X-22 Limey
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Lorraine A-20-55 "X-0022 Limey was disinterred in 2017 by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Lorraine American Cemetery."

    114. X-22 Margraten: see X-28 Margraten
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Glenn Byrom (48 AIB - see also X-7979 Margraten)

    115. X-22 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    116. X-23 Champigneul
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Mar-16
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 178) undated list of effects of multiple Unknowns
      Specifics: Effects of X-23 Champigneul: 1 Partial denture w/broken upper plate [died] 16 Mar 44 [prior to D-Day so probable error]"

    117. X-23 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 23 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    118. X-23 Henri-Chapelle: Taylor, Billie B. (Pvt. 34116633)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Mecklenburg County, NC; ID via finger prints

    119. X-23 Neuville (1945)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Plat of Section E of temp Neuville cemetery
      Specifics: E-9-223

    120. X-23 St. James: Alexander, Alfred (Pvt. 20 846 911)
      Recovered at France, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: St. James Reclassification File
      Specifics: National Archives database shows him as Died Non-Battle

    121. X-24 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 23 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    122. X-24 St. James: Johnston, Virgil C. Jr. (2nd Lt O-817 959)
      Recovered at France, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: St. James Reclassification File

    123. X-25 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 23 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    124. X-25 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    125. X-26 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 24 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    126. X-26 Hochfelden
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Thomes Elmer Riley (D/709 Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Riley IDPF (p 130): Personal effects; est date of death unkown

    127. X-26 Margraten: Hillis, Glendon W. (Pvt. 39343546)
      Recovered 1944-Nov-26 at Netherlands, Meijel -- MIA: 1944-Oct-29 -- Died: 1944-Oct-29
      Source: IDPF of Glendon W. Hillis (formerly X-26 Margraten); additional information in IDPF of Hardy J. Rabalais (formerly X-1214 Margraten)
      Specifics: recovered as X-26 and buried G-11-258 26 Nov 44; B-12-291 initially buried 22 Nov 1944 as Hillis with date of death 15 Oct 1944; Jun 45 indications that X-26 was Hillis so disinterred both and found there were two bodies so B-12-291 designated X-1214 and X-26 id'd as Hillis 8 Jun 45 via FBI fingerprints and date of death corrected to 29 Oct 44; final burial Nyssa Cemetery; Nyssa, OR
      Unit: Company "A", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    128. X-26 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    129. X-27 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 24 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    130. X-27 St. James: Manna, Frank A. (Pvt. 32 985 451)
      Recovered at France, -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Aug-08
      Source: St. James Reclassification File
      Specifics: initial burial St. James B-7-158; identification memo 24 Mar 1947

    131. X-28 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    132. X-28 Henri-Chapelle: possibly Allied
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: Allied D-1-4 (other X-graves shown in this section are marked Allied, but this one is not)

    133. X-28 Margraten: Humphreys, George E. (Pvt. 14 167 447)
      Recovered 1944-11-?18? at Germany, Immendorf (Geilenkirchen) -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Glenn Byrom (48 AIB - see also X-7979 Margraten)
      Specifics: Humphreys recovered as X-28 Margraten and buried G-10-231. Man in G-10-232 (later identified as Glenn K. Byrom) mis-identified as him. Error caught in 1947 and Byrom assigned X-7979. 24 Dec 1947 memo of 551 QM Group (APO 58 Liege) ordered remains disinterred and reburied so that Humphreys was then reburied in G-10-232 and X-7979 (Byrom) reburied in G-10-231. When evidence supporting G-10-232 as Humphreys was not found to support that identification, a 15 May 1947 directive ordered the disinterrment and re-examination of the remains. The 29 Jun 1947 "Identification Checklist" of G-10-232 remains found Byrom's dogtag in the chest cavity of those remains, which had been identified as Humphreys. This same report also states that the G-10-232 remains (Byrom at that time) had buried with them a Burial Report for X-22 (which I believe was an error, since all other references are to X-28) for G-10-231. So clearly the burial team mixed things up that later had to be straightened out. It is difficult to figure out, since they retroactively modified the Reports of Burial. But it appears that the remains of the two men were recovered about 18 Nov 1944; they were definitely first buried at Margraten 26 Nov 1944 at 0900.
      Unit: "23 TFA" (on 16 Dec 1947 and 22 Jan 1948 Reports of Burial of Byrom in G-10-231, "23 T F A" and "23 TFA" is the unit shown for Humphreys in the adjacent G-10-232).

    134. X-28 St. Avold: EITHER Banville, Joseph A. (T/5 11 049 470) OR Morris, Daniel W. (Sgt. 37 039 540) - BUT Noren, Gustav W. (T/4 37 150 126) also MIA from same action
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: St. Avold X-28 and X-29 X-files (re-designated from St. Corneille X-28 and X-29)
      Specifics: X-28 PDF p 10 is 8 Jun 1949 status summary; recovered to St. Corneille as St. Corneille X-28 & X-29 then transferred to St. Avold and re-designated St. Avold X-28 & X-29; 34 Tank HQ 15 Jul 1945 (X-28 PDF 31) shows Morris commanded A/34 tank and Banville was driver of B/34 tank both hit in same action
      Unit: Companies "A" and "B", 34th Tank Battalion, 5th Armored Division

    135. X-28 St. Corneille: EITHER Banville, Joseph A. (T/5 11 049 470) OR Morris, Daniel W. (Sgt. 37 039 540) - BUT Noren, Gustav W. (T/4 37 150 126) also MIA from same action
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: St. Avold X-28 and X-29 X-files (re-designated from St. Corneille X-28 and X-29)
      Specifics: X-28 PDF p 10 is 8 Jun 1949 status summary; recovered to St. Corneille as St. Corneille X-28 & X-29 then transferred to St. Avold and re-designated St. Avold X-28 & X-29; 34 Tank HQ 15 Jul 1945 (X-28 PDF 31) shows Morris commanded A/34 tank and Banville was driver of B/34 tank both hit in same action
      Unit: Companies "A" and "B", 34th Tank Battalion, 5th Armored Division

    136. X-29 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    137. X-29 St. Avold: EITHER Banville, Joseph A. (T/5 11 049 470) OR Morris, Daniel W. (Sgt. 37 039 540) - BUT Noren, Gustav W. (T/4 37 150 126) also MIA from same action
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: St. Avold X-28 and X-29 X-files (re-designated from St. Corneille X-28 and X-29)
      Specifics: X-28 PDF p 10 is 8 Jun 1949 status summary; recovered to St. Corneille as St. Corneille X-28 & X-29 then transferred to St. Avold and re-designated St. Avold X-28 & X-29; 34 Tank HQ 15 Jul 1945 (X-28 PDF 31) shows Morris commanded A/34 tank and Banville was driver of B/34 tank both hit in same action
      Unit: Companies "A" and "B", 34th Tank Battalion, 5th Armored Division

    138. X-29 St. Corneille: EITHER Banville, Joseph A. (T/5 11 049 470) OR Morris, Daniel W. (Sgt. 37 039 540) - BUT Noren, Gustav W. (T/4 37 150 126) also MIA from same action
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: St. Avold X-28 and X-29 X-files (re-designated from St. Corneille X-28 and X-29)
      Specifics: X-28 PDF p 10 is 8 Jun 1949 status summary; recovered to St. Corneille as St. Corneille X-28 & X-29 then transferred to St. Avold and re-designated St. Avold X-28 & X-29; 34 Tank HQ 15 Jul 1945 (X-28 PDF 31) shows Morris commanded A/34 tank and Banville was driver of B/34 tank both hit in same action
      Unit: Companies "A" and "B", 34th Tank Battalion, 5th Armored Division

    139. X-29 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    140. X-30 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    141. X-30 St. James: tentatively Phillips, Le C. W. (32888361) as of 13 Jan 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: on list of "Certain Unknown Decedents" 13 Jan 1949 (Riley Clark PDF p 6); not in St. James Reclassification File

    142. X-31 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    143. X-31 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-5-5

    144. X-31 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File; X-57 Margraten file PDF p 15
      Specifics: X-57 Margraten PDF p 15: [Age c 26, height 5'6 1/4", c150lb, brown hair, white, shoe 8 1/2 D or E; "The mandible articulates with the skull and the skull with the vertebral column. All other articulations are almost complete and good. Portion of the trunk is embedded in flesh. Estimated age was based on the closure of the skull sutures and the epiphysial lines of all the bones. The skeletal parts graphically represented on chart A-1 are those of one and the same individual."]

    145. X-32 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    146. X-32 Henri-Chapelle: Erb, William J. (Pfc. 33431861)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-12
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; WWII Registry has no William J. Erb
      Unit: Infantry

    147. X-32 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    148. X-33 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    149. X-33 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    150. X-34 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    151. X-34 Henri-Chapelle: Jacovino, Angelo J. (Cpl. 31021066)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; ID via finger prints; from New Haven County, CT

    152. X-34 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    153. X-35 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    154. X-35 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    155. X-36 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    156. X-36 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: X-57 Margraten file PDF p 15
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-2-27; X-57 Margraten PDF p 15: [Age c 28, 5' 11 1/4", c 150lb, brown hair, white, shoe 8 C or D; "Mandible recovered with this remains articulates with the skull and the skull with the vertebral column. Height estimate was based on two measurement of the lower extremities (right tibia and fibula). Age estimation was based on the closure of the skull sutures and teh epiphysis of the clavicles. Although, this remains is incomplete the skeletal parts graphically represented oin Chart A-1 are those of one and the same individual."]

    157. X-36 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    158. X-37 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    159. X-37 Henri-Chapelle: Capps, Jacob L. (Pvt. 39924853)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-13
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Davis County, UT
      Unit: Infantry

    160. X-37 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    161. X-38 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    162. X-38 Margraten: Malanowski, Leonard (Pvt 33680981)
      Recovered 1944-12 at Netherlands, Meijel -- MIA: 1944-Oct-27 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Leonard Malanowski (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: Temporary Margraten cemetery was identified as "Ninth U. S. Army Cemetery"; final burial at Netherlands USMC (Margraten, Holland) P-9-5 on 15 March 1949
      Unit: Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    163. X-38 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    164. X-39 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    165. X-39 Henri-Chapelle
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: M-4-78

    166. X-39 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    167. X-40 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    168. X-40 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    169. X-41 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 25 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    170. X-41 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    171. X-42 Andilly: Beck, Kenneth C. (S/Sgt. 37450115)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Thomes Elmer Riley (D/709 Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Riley IDPF (p 128): originally bured as X-42 Andilly K-9-204; identified 21 May 1945; Riley IDPF (p 130): Personal effects; est date of death 10 Oct 1944

    172. X-42 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 26 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    173. X-42 Henri-Chapelle: Peterson, Arthur W. (Pvt. 36776555)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-06
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Illinois; final burial at Henri-Chapelle D-4-55
      Unit: 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division

    174. X-42 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    175. X-43 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 26 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    176. X-43 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    177. X-43 Solers: (still unidentified -probably Goers, Leo W (Tec 4 37174737)
      Recovered buried at Solers 22 Dec 1944 at recovered in France in destroyed tank shipped from Netherlands (based on tank serial number), -- MIA: if he is Goers, he was KIA 29 Oct 1944 -- Died: if he is Goers, he was KIA 29 Oct 1944
      Source: X-file of Soers X-43; IDPF of Leo W. Goers
      Specifics: tank was dstroyed in Netherlands and shipped via railcar to Paris where remains were found in the tank in railyard north of Paris; tank serial number of tank in which Randall Klinger was killed and the only unaccounted member of the crew was the same as the tank serial number in which Solers Unknonw X-43 was found
      Unit: possibly Company C, 17th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    178. X-44 Andilly: (still unidentified - possibly Klinger, Randall (Tec 5 33162614)
      Recovered remains received 18 Oct 1844 at 609 QM GRS Collecting Point at France, vicinity of 357th Inf Regt (90ID) near Doncourt -- MIA: if he is Klinger, he was KIA 7 Sep 1944 -- Died: if he is Klinger, he was KIA 7 Sep 1944
      Source: X-file of Andilly X-44; IDPF of Randall Klinger
      Specifics: See "Company D, 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division, MIA near Maizieres-les-Metz, France, 7 September 1944" - Proabably T/5 Randall Klinger of Company A, 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division KIA 7 Sep 1944
      Unit: possibly Company A, 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    179. X-44 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 26 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    180. X-44 Henri-Chapelle: Van Duyn, Lawrence (S/Sgt. 37467235)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-07
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; Minnehaha County, SD; final burial Fort Snelling National Cemetery; see www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=van+duyn&GSfn=lawrence&GSbyrel=all&GSdy=1944&GSdyrel=in&GSob=n&GRid=3512199&df=all&
      Unit: Infantry

    181. X-44 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    182. X-45 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 26 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    183. X-45 Henri-Chapelle: Ramsower, Mark A. (Pvt. 38554914)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-05
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from San Patricio County, TX; final burial Henri-Chapelle F-5-65
      Unit: 67th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Armored Division

    184. X-45 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    185. X-46 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 26 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    186. X-46 Hamm: Wright, James E. (1st Lt)s
      Recovered at France, 6 km south of Metz -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Hamm X-46 X-file; reported by Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com) as having been considered when JPAC reviewed the case of her husband's uncle; pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com); 20 Jul 2021 DPAA https://www.dpaa.mil/News-Stories/News-Releases/PressReleaseArticleView/Article/2700537/soldier-accounted-for-from-world-war-ii-wright-j/
      Specifics: Recovered with Johnie Bates of C/23 AIB, 6 km south of Metz (Bates was killed 11 Sep 1944 in the Dornot bridgehead across the Moselle River); Barbara Geisler (Sep 2018): Luxembourg C-6-5 "X-0046 (Hamm) was disinterred in 2016 by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Luxembourg American Cemetery." -- DPAA (20 Jul 2021): "On the morning of Sept. 8, Wright’s unit was part of a larger force ordered to cross the river and take up a position in the woods on the east side. They dug their defensive positions in a curved line at the edge of the forest they called Horseshoe Woods. The force held their position against relentless German attack, taking heavy losses, until Sept. 10, when another crossing of the Moselle was made. Only then were they allowed to retreat. That night and into the morning of Sept. 11 most of the Soldiers able to retreat across the river, though some officers stayed behind to search the woods for the wounded or missing before recrossing the river. Wright was among the Soldiers reported missing that night. His body was unable to be recovered because of the fighting and German presence on east side of the river."
      Unit: Company "F", 2nd Battatlion, 11th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division

    187. X-46 Henri-Chapelle: Bryant, Paul B. (Pfc. 34891257)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-04
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Gaston County, NC; final burial at Hollywood Cemetery in Gastonia, NC
      Unit: 119th Infantry, 30th Infantry Division

    188. X-46 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    189. X-47 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 26 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    190. X-47 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    191. X-48 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 27 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    192. X-48 Henri-Chapelle: Broadman, Alfred F. (Pvt. 33619674)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1905-Apr-27
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Lehigh County, PA; final burial at Emmaus Moravian Cemetery in Emmaus, PA - http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=broadman&GSfn=alfred&GSbyrel=all&GSdy=1944&GSdyrel=in&GSob=n&GRid=17239496&df=all&
      Unit: Company "B", 745th Tank Battalion

    193. X-48 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    194. X-49 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 27 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    195. X-49 Henri-Chapelle: Fresso, James V. (Pvt. 36 374 892)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-15
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Cook County, IL; final burial Quincy National Cemetery plot 331 - see http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=fresso&GSfn=james&GSbyrel=all&GSdy=1944&GSdyrel=in&GSob=n&GRid=2901031&df=all&
      Unit: Infantry

    196. X-49 St. James: (apparently still unidentified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: not in St. James Reclassification File

    197. X-50 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 1 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    198. X-50 Henri-Chapelle: Zutic, Andrew F. (Pfc. 32563864)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-19
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Hudson County, NJ; final burial at Long Island National Cemetery H-11296

    199. X-50 St. James: Stegall, Frank B. (Sgt. 20 406 517)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Aug-12
      Source: St. James Reclassification File
      Specifics: final burial Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery; Monroe, NC -- see http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=stegall&GSfn=frank&GSbyrel=all&GSdy=1944&GSdyrel=in&GSob=n&GRid=79517265&df=all&

    200. X-51 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 1 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    201. X-51 Henri-Chapelle: Ray, George W. (Pfc. 35753997)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-18
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Pocahontas County, WV; final burial at Stony Bottom Cemetery in Stony Bottom, WV - see http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=ray&GSfn=george&GSbyrel=all&GSdy=1944&GSdyrel=in&GSob=n&GRid=11454643&df=all&
      Unit: 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division

    202. X-52 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 1 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    203. X-52 Henri-Chapelle: Adams, William E. (Pvt. 35559633)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-14
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Clark County, KY - see http://wwiimemorial.com/registry/search/pframe.asp?HonoreeID=1408759; final burial at Winchester Cemetery in Winchester, KY - see http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=adams&GSfn=william&GSbyrel=all&GSdy=1944&GSdyrel=in&GSob=n&GRid=11244919&df=all&
      Unit: Company "C", 15th Engineer Battalion, 9th Infantry Division

    204. X-53 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 4 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    205. X-54 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 4 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    206. X-55 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 4 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    207. X-55 Margraten: Adkins, John C Jr (Pfc-35872700)
      Recovered at Netherlands, 1 Mi W Heitrak -- MIA: 1944-Oct-28 -- Died: 1944-Oct-28
      Source: IDPF of John C. Adkins, Jr re X-55 (Adkins) and X-56 (Garris) - final burial at Arlingtion National Cemetery Section 12 Site 5603
      Specifics: preliminary identification by 1 Apr 45 (Adkins PDF pp 11-12); made official 10 Apr 45 (PDF p 14)
      Unit: Company "A", 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    208. X-56 Andilly
      Recovered buried at Andilly 8 Jul 1945 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Grant Fossum (C/23 AIB, 7AD) p 16 - Report of Fossum burial 9 Jul 1945 shows X-56 buried in M-5-107

    209. X-56 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 4 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    210. X-56 Henri-Chapelle: Walkowiak, George E. (Tec5-36038186)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-25
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; ID via fingerprints; from Cook County, IL; final burial at Henri-Chapelle A-7-15
      Unit: 67th Field Artillery Battalion, 3rd Armored Division

    211. X-56 Margraten: Garris, Dennis V. (Tec4-14002914)
      Recovered at Netherlands, 1 Mi W Heitrak -- MIA: 1944-Oct-28 -- Died: 1944-Oct-28
      Source: IDPF of John C. Adkins, Jr re X-55 (Adkins) and X-56 (Garris) - final burial at Burgaw Cemetery; Burgaw, NC
      Specifics: preliminary identification by 1 Apr 45 (Adkins PDF pp 11-12); made official 10 Apr 45 (PDF p 14)
      Unit: Company "A", 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    212. X-57 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 9 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    213. X-57 Henri-Chapelle: Corwin, Warren B. (1st Lt. 0-821-671)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Nov-09
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem; DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: First burial N-6-120; DOW received 9 Nov 1944; officially from Westchester County, NY in Army records, but stone says New Jersey; final burial at Saint James the Less Episcopal Cemetery in Scarsdale, NY - see http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=corwin&GSfn=warren&GSbyrel=all&GSdy=1944&GSdyrel=in&GSob=n&GRid=40098111&df=all&
      Unit: 362nd Fighter Squadron

    214. X-57 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at Netherlands, near Meijel -- MIA: -- Died: estimated 15 Nov 1944
      Source: IDPF of Leo Goers (C/17 Tank/7AD) PDF p 12; X-57 Margraten file
      Specifics: Goers IDPF: "Unknown X-57 Margraten recovered from a tank near Meijel cannot be associated with subject decedent."; initial burial 17 Dec 1944 Margraten I-9-210; final burial Margraten K-14-22; very partial remains; X-57 Margraten PDF p 15: [Age c 25, unable to determine height, heavy build, no hair, unable to determine race or shoe size; "No teeth were recovered with this remains. This remains is incomplete, therefore, only partial articulations are possible. Estimated age was based on the epiphysis of the bones that are present. The skeletal parts graphically represented on chart A-1 are those of one and the same individual."]; initially thought to be S/Sgt William H. Deavers, Jr, but he was captured and later repatriated; X-57 Margraten file PDF p 38: "No identification whatsoever was found on body. Tank (presumed to be American) was taken away from vicinity of body. Ammunition belt found near body with "6462" stamped on it. This no. was also stamped on bottom of canteen carrier and inside flap of first aid pouch which were attached to belt. Body was badly charred. Fingerprints and tooth chart unobtainable."

    215. X-58 Foy
      Recovered 1945-?03? at ?Belgium?, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Daniel Wood (31st Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Buried at Foy H-4-89 next to Wood who was buried 10 Mar 45 in grave 90. Serial number given as 3843 on Wood's Report of Burial dated 11 Mar 45.

    216. X-58 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 9 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    217. X-58 Henri-Chapelle
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial M-9-178

    218. X-59 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 14 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    219. X-60 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 14 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    220. X-60 Henri-Chapelle: Allied
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial Allied D-2-40, marked as Allied

    221. X-61 Gorron
      Recovered buried at Gorron 20 Sep 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    222. X-61 Henri-Chapelle: Allied
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial Allied D-2-39, marked as Allied

    223. X-62 Hamm: (unknown as of 26 Jan 1949)
      Recovered 1945-Mar-18 at Germany, Trier (WL 200300) -- MIA: -- Died: est 1944-Dec-1
      Source: IDPF of X-62 (thanks to Ted Darcy of WFI Research Group)
      Specifics: First post-recovery burial at Hamm, Luxembourg USMC AA-11-255; final burial 14 Dec 1948 at Hamm E-15-38; death at Trier, Germany (WL200300) estimated at 1 Dec 1944 from multiple schrapnel wounds; Disinterment Directive #162 (5 Jun 1947): Small amount of flesh in last stage of decomposition. All joints disarticulated. Notes (18 Mar 1945): "Deceased is 1 of 6 Americans brought to the cemetery by S/Sgt Joseph Adam, 33930537 of 3048th QM G. R. Co. Hq Platoon in Hamm, Luxembourg. Body was one of 4 Americans buried in a common grave and according to the check sheet these bodies were buried by the Germans. The other bodies in this common grave were identified as Harrison Alderfer O-1824116, Francis T. Hickman 36990403, and Duncan D. Fitzgerald 31471870. Deceased had been found floating in a river at Trier and was buried by the Germans according to George Gotthard, caretaker of the civilian cemetery. No clues as to deceased's identity could be found at the cemetery." Disinterment 13 Mar 1945 from Ehrenfriedhof at Trier, Germany; buried at Ehrenfriedhof estimated 26 Feb 1945
      Unit: [Alderfer & Hickman who were buried with him were both 4th Infantry Division (Alderfer 22nd Infantry Regiment; Hickman 8th Infantry Regiment)]

    224. X-62 Henri-Chapelle: Allied
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial Allied D-2-38, marked as Allied

    225. X-63 Henri-Chapelle: Allied
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial Allied D-2-34, marked as Allied

    226. X-64 Henri-Chapelle: Allied
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial Allied D-2-37, marked as Allied

    227. X-65 Henri-Chapelle: Allied
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial Allied D-2-36, marked as Allied

    228. X-66 Henri-Chapelle: Allied
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial Allied D-2-35, marked as Allied

    229. X-67 Foy: Guadagno, Joseph (Pvt 32696139)
      Recovered 1945-Mar-11 at Belgium, just east of Provedroux (692-859) -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPFs of Joseph Guadagno & Floyd Amrhine (C/440 AFAB)
      Specifics: X-67 and X-68 recovered together from vehicle (M-7_ near Provedroux, Belgium; X-67 & X-68 Identification as Guadagno & Amrhine per 27 Jun 45 memorandum (Amrhine PDF pp 32m 18)
      Unit: Battery "C", 440th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    230. X-67 Henri-Chapelle: Warner, Lloyd D. (Sgt. 36594122)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Wayne County, MI

    231. X-68 Foy: Amrhine, Floyd (Pvt 35564416)
      Recovered 1945-Mar-11 at Belgium, just east of Provedroux (692-859) -- MIA: 1944-Dec-23 -- Died: 1944-Dec-23
      Source: IDPFs of Joseph Guadagno & Floyd Amrhine (C/440 AFAB)
      Specifics: X-67 and X-68 recovered together from vehicle (M-7_ near Provedroux, Belgium; X-67 & X-68 Identification as Guadagno & Amrhine per 27 Jun 45 memorandum (Amrhine PDF pp 32m 18); final burial Henri-Chapelle F-12-50
      Unit: Battery "C", 440th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    232. X-68 Henri-Chapelle
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial S-7-121

    233. X-69 Hamm: Aldrich, Frank (Cpl. 31447982)
      Recovered 1945-Mar-10 at Belgium, 200 yards NW of Rodt -- MIA: 1944-Dec-23 -- Died: 1944-Dec-22
      Source: IDPF of Frank Aldrich (40 Tk/7AD)
      Specifics: "Body was one of 24 Americans brought to cemetery by Sgt. Ward French, 37544950, of 3042nd QM G. R. Co. Hq Platoon at Bastogne, Belgium. According to a check sheet accompanying body, this body was an unknown and in the same grave with Ernest A. Link, 37032105. Across from this common grave was a knocked out U. S. Tank bearing following markings: US Tank 7 No 40, USA 30100330." Final burial St. Sebastian's Cemetery; Westerly, RI
      Unit: Company "A", 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    234. X-69 Henri-Chapelle
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: March 1946 Plat of Henri-Chapelle Temp Cem
      Specifics: First burial S-5-100

    235. X-72 Hamm: Galbraith, Morton G. (Sgt 36649047)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Hamm X-97 IDPF [thanks to Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)]
      Specifics: identified 8 Sep 1949

    236. X-72 Henri-Chapelle: Suhl, Melvin M. (Pvt. 18008806)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Oct-29
      Source: DPMO working list of Henri-Chapelle X's
      Specifics: must have been identified prior to March 1946 plats, since he is not included there by X-number; from Harris County, TX
      Unit: Infantry

    237. X-73 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: X-57 Margraten file
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten G-2-13; X-57 Margraten PDF p 15: [Age 20-21, 5' 8 1/2", c 140 lb, black hair, white, shoe 8 1/2 C or D; "Teeth were recovered with this remains, however no articulation is possible between the mandible and the skull due to absence of the head of the mandible. Occipital condyles present articulates with the vertebral column. All other articulations are good. The lower parts of the trunk is embedded in flesh. Estimated age was based on the closure of the skull sutures and the epiphysial lines of all the bones. The skeleteal parts garphically represented on chart A-1 are those of one and the same individual."]

    238. X-74 Solers
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Travis Lee Smith (B/87/7AD)
      Specifics: Smith IDPF (p 25): First USMC burial F-5-93 (next to Smith)

    239. X-78 Margraten: (either Louis Horvitz 32211414 or Clarence Watson 35350588)
      Recovered 1944-Dec-16 at Germany, Gurzenich (Coordinates F0945-4515) -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-16
      Source: IDPF of Wyley V. Sears (B/774th Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Tank was B-4 in line of march (Wyley Sears 34263051 - driver (left front), Louis Horvitz 32211414 - light machine gunner (right front), Clarence Watson 35350588 - cannoneer (left side of turret) were all KIA); remains evacuated through 104ID Collecting Point
      Unit: Company "B", 774th Tank Battalion (non-divisional)

    240. X-79 Margraten: Sears, Wyley V. (Pvt. 34263051)
      Recovered 1944-Dec-16 at Germany, Gurzenich (Coordinates F0945-4515) -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-16
      Source: IDPF of Wyley V. Sears (B/774th Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Tank was B-4 in line of march (Wyley Sears 34263051 - driver (left front), Louis Horvitz 32211414 - light machine gunner (right front), Clarence Watson 35350588 - cannoneer (left side of turret) were all KIA); remains evacuated through 104ID Collecting Point; Final burial at Margraten G-8-8
      Unit: Company "B", 774th Tank Battalion (non-divisional)

    241. X-80 Neuville (1945)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Plat of Section E of temp Neuville cemetery
      Specifics: E-9-215

    242. X-82 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-8-15

    243. X-82 Neuville (1945)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Plat of Section E of temp Neuville cemetery
      Specifics: E-9-217


    244. X-85??? St. Andre: (NOT SURE OF HARD TO READ NUMBER maybe X-085)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-2799 X-file
      Specifics: Dept of the Army memo 29 Aug 1949: first burial at St Andre J-7-123 & NOT declared unidentifiable (Margraten X-2799 PDF p 2 -- NOT SURE OF HARD TO READ NUMBER maybe X-085)


    245. X-85 Foy: co-mingled La Shomb, Francis F. (T/5 32233878) AND Reynolds, Edward P. (T/5 32233918)
      Recovered at Belgium, vic. Joubiéval -- MIA: 1944-Dec-24 -- Died: 1944-Dec-21
      Source: IDPF of Francis La Shomb (has no recovery information, no Report of Burial, no Disinterment Directive)
      Specifics: X-85 (as A and B) and X-86: Francis La Shomb (Driver) remains comingled with Edward Reynolds (Ass't. Driver) remains (see La Shomb IDPF PDF pp 16-20); final burial Long Island National Cemetery; Farmingdale, NY J-13571 (comingled remains of Francis La Shomb & Edward Reynolds)
      Click La Shomb Find A Grave information and photo
      Click Reynolds Find A Grave information and photo
      Unit: Troop "D" 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division

    246. X-86 Foy: co-mingled La Shomb, Francis F. (T/5 32233878) AND Reynolds, Edward P. (T/5 32233918)
      Recovered at Belgium, vic. Joubiéval -- MIA: 1944-Dec-24 -- Died: 1944-Dec-21
      Source: IDPF of Francis La Shomb (has no recovery information, no Report of Burial, no Disinterment Directive)
      Specifics: X-85 (as A and B) and X-86: Francis La Shomb (Driver) remains comingled with Edward Reynolds (Ass't. Driver) remains (see La Shomb IDPF PDF pp 16-20); final burial Long Island National Cemetery; Farmingdale, NY J-13571 (comingled remains of Francis La Shomb & Edward Reynolds)
      Click La Shomb Find A Grave information and photo
      Click Reynolds Find A Grave information and photo
      Unit: Troop "D" 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division

    247. X-87 Neuville (1945)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Plat of Section E of temp Neuville cemetery
      Specifics: E-2-47

    248. X-88 Marigny: Davis, William E. (Pvt 6 968 248)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 178) undated list of effects of multiple Unknowns, (PDF p 186) 16 Feb 1946 identifications
      Specifics: Effects of X-88 Marigny: 1 Silver ring w/initial "E.A."

    249. X-90 Foy: (unidentified as of 6 Mar 1951)
      Recovered 1945-Apr-09 at Belgium, Arloncourt -- MIA: -- Died: est Dec 1944
      Source: Foy X-90 File
      Specifics: buried 9 Apr 1945 Foy I-11-267; remains found in driver's seat of self-propelled 105mm artillery vehicle, mounted on a sherman chasis with vehicle numbers C-21 (left front) and 1A-58F (right front)

    250. X-90 Margraten
      Recovered at Germany, Simmerath -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Rhone C-8-17

    251. X-91A Neuville (1945): McLaren, William F. (T/Sgt 33232881 Radio-Gunner)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Feb-05
      Source: Missing Air Crew Report 41-31884 (handwritten 2055 on some pages)
      Specifics: The crew of 7 was buried as X-91, 92, 93, 94 in a group burial in E-4-graves 84, 86, 87, 88, 89; the MACR shows this as 9th Air Force, Bomb Group 323, Bomb Squadron 455, in a B-26 aircraft, last known as of 1348 on 5 Feb 1944 3 miles north of Frevent, France.
      Unit: 455th Bomb Squadron, 323rd Bomb Group, 9th Air Force

    252. X-91B-C Neuville (1945): Bryan, James N. (Capt. O-728056 Pilot), Whyte, Charles L. (Capt. O-791014 Navigator), Hook, William L. (1st Lt. O-790959 Navigator), Echo, Salvatore E. (1st Lt. O-731039 Bombardier)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Feb-05
      Source: Missing Air Crew Report 41-31884 (handwritten 2055 on some pages)
      Specifics: The crew of 7 was buried as X-91, 92, 93, 94 in a group burial in E-4-graves 84, 86, 87, 88, 89; the MACR shows this as 9th Air Force, Bomb Group 323, Bomb Squadron 455, in a B-26 aircraft, last known as of 1348 on 5 Feb 1944 3 miles north of Frevent, France.
      Unit: 455th Bomb Squadron, 323rd Bomb Group, 9th Air Force

    253. X-91 St. Laurent: Anderson, John E
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Normandy H-11-14 " X-91 St. Laurent Identified as John E. Anderson, MM1, in 2016. (WOM Normandy)"

    254. X-92A-B Neuville (1945): Bryan, James N. (Capt. O-728056 Pilot), Whyte, Charles L. (Capt. O-791014 Navigator), Hook, William L. (1st Lt. O-790959 Navigator), Echo, Salvatore E. (1st Lt. O-731039 Bombardier)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Feb-05
      Source: Missing Air Crew Report 41-31884 (handwritten 2055 on some pages)
      Specifics: The crew of 7 was buried as X-91, 92, 93, 94 in a group burial in E-4-graves 84, 86, 87, 88, 89; the MACR shows this as 9th Air Force, Bomb Group 323, Bomb Squadron 455, in a B-26 aircraft, last known as of 1348 on 5 Feb 1944 3 miles north of Frevent, France.
      Unit: 455th Bomb Squadron, 323rd Bomb Group, 9th Air Force

    255. X-93 Neuville (1945): Tulipane, Silvio J. (S/Sgt. 32325301 Gunner)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Feb-05
      Source: Missing Air Crew Report 41-31884 (handwritten 2055 on some pages) [thanks to Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)]
      Specifics: The crew of 7 was buried as X-91, 92, 93, 94 in a group burial in E-4-graves 84, 86, 87, 88, 89; the MACR shows this as 9th Air Force, Bomb Group 323, Bomb Squadron 455, in a B-26 aircraft, last known as of 1348 on 5 Feb 1944 3 miles north of Frevent, France.
      Unit: 455th Bomb Squadron, 323rd Bomb Group, 9th Air Force

    256. X-94 Foy: Day, Jack E. (Cpl. 17002519)
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: 1944-Dec-18 -- Died: 1944-Dec-18
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day
      Specifics: one of 9 unidentified personnel (T-17929 thru T-1737) buried at Tavigny reported by Detachment F2D2 Co, D, 2d ECA Regt. [PDF 14]; Memo (12 Jul 1945, PDF 77) states identification of Foy X-94 as Jack E. Day via fingerprints
      Unit: Headquarters, 2nd Tank Battalion, 9th Armored Division

    257. X-94 Henri-Chapelle: (apparently identified but trail of records has been lost)
      Recovered before 8 Nov 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: X-95 File (PDF 9): first burial 8 Nov 1944 Henri-Chapelle W-10-197
      Specifics: X-94 Henri-Chapelle is in current DPAA records as identified as Cpl. Jack E. Day, but Day was Foy X-94. And Day died more than a month after X-94 H-C was recovered and buried at Henri-Chapelle. There is no X file for X-94 nor is there a cross-reference showing him identified. Thus the trail of records of who X-94 H-C has been lost. X-94 H-C is only known because he was buried next to X-95 H-C who has never been identified and thus has an X file.

    258. X-94 Neuville (1945): Holton, John A. (S/Sgt. 13069240 Engineer-Gunner)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Feb-05
      Source: Missing Air Crew Report 41-31884 (handwritten 2055 on some pages) [thanks to Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)]
      Specifics: The crew of 7 was buried as X-91, 92, 93, 94 in a group burial in E-4-graves 84, 86, 87, 88, 89; the MACR shows this as 9th Air Force, Bomb Group 323, Bomb Squadron 455, in a B-26 aircraft, last known as of 1348 on 5 Feb 1944 3 miles north of Frevent, France.
      Unit: 455th Bomb Squadron, 323rd Bomb Group, 9th Air Force

    259. X-94 Foy
      Recovered 1945-Apr-12 at Belgium, Tavigny -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Jack E. Day
      Specifics: one of 9 unidentified personnel (T-17929 thru T-1737) buried at Tavigny reported by Detachment F2D2 Co, D, 2d ECA Regt. [PDF 14]; Jack Day Report of Burial (12 Apr 1945, PDF 79) shows X-95 is a T/5 buried in grave 18 next to X/-94/Day in Foy J-1-17

    260. X-95 Henri-Chapelle: (never identified)
      Recovered before 8 Nov 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Conrad Duval (PDF p 37): first burial 8 Nov 1944 as X-95 at Henri-Chapelle W-10-198; X-95 File
      Specifics: final burial at Henri-Chapelle, Belgium B-6-50 on 28 Jun 1942 (PDF 1) - Disinter 30 Oct 47 (PDF 1): "Right lower leg and both feet missing. Complete disarticulation and multiple fractures." - Check List of Unknown (PDF 4-7): "head crushed", "hands missing", "Remains recovered in last stage of decomposition and badly fractured. No clothing on body. All large bones fractured." Report of Burial (PDF 9): "Place of disint. unknown"

    261. X-96 Neuville (1945): (identified, but I do not have name: probably either Sgt. John E. Haerle 19185804 or Pfc. William L. Panagakos 33747116 or Pvt. Lawrence V. Carnavale 31428519 all of whom were in the crash and have been identified)
      Recovered 1945-05 at Belgium, Zaventen -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-May-18
      Source: IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: British plane carrying freed US POWs crashed near Brussels, Belgium (9 unknowns from crash: Neuville X-96 to 101, 6551, 6560, 6561)

    262. X-97 Foy: Brown, Charles A. (Sgt. 34099638 Foreman, Construction)
      Recovered before 13 April 1945 at Belgium, Crombach (given both as 814868 (Brown PDF p 39) and earlier 820871 (Brown PDF p 47)) -- MIA: 1944-Dec-22 -- Died: 1944-Dec-22
      Source: IDPF of Charles A. Brown (33 AEBn); IDPF of James Masengale (23 AIB) who was recovered at Crombach, Belgium; Identification Cross-reference
      Specifics: rank Sgt.; buried 13 April 1945 at Foy J-1-22; identified 29 Apr 1946 via fingerprints (Brown IDPF PDF p 17); final burial Henri-Chapelle H-3-15
      Unit: Company "B", 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    263. X-97 Neuville (1945): Price, Oscar F. (Pvt. 39831289)
      Recovered 1945-05 at Belgium, Zaventen -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-May-18
      Source: IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: British plane carrying freed US POWs crashed near Brussels, Belgium (9 unknowns from crash: Neuville X-96 to 101, 6551, 6560, 6561); Hometown Los Angeles, CA; final burial Ardennes USMC (Neuville) D-28-6
      Unit: 456th Field Artillery Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division

    264. X-98 Foy: Tryonas, Frank W. (Pvt. 33844173)
      Recovered 1945-04 at Belgium, Kapelle -- MIA: 1944-Dec-23 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Frank Tryonas (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: on list of 3 unknowns identified 17 August 1945
      Unit: Troop "A", 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division

    265. X-98 Neuville (1945): Sanchez, Francisco D. (S/Sgt. 39569266)
      Recovered 1945-05 at Belgium, Zaventen -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-May-18
      Source: IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: British plane carrying freed US POWs crashed near Brussels, Belgium (9 unknowns from crash: Neuville X-96 to 101, 6551, 6560, 6561); Hometown Los Angeles, CA

    266. X-99 Foy: Hinkle, Loron R. (S/Sgt. 32588177)
      Recovered before 13 April 1945 at ?Belgium?, -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Jan-01
      Source: IDPF of James Masengale (23 AIB) who was recovered at Crombach, Belgium; Identification Cross-reference
      Specifics: buried 13 April 1945 at Foy J-1-24; identified 17 Jul 1945; final burial Henri-Chapelle G-11-29
      Unit: 347th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division

    267. X-99 Neuville (1945): (declared unidentifiable as of 15 June 1951)
      Recovered 1945-05 at Belgium, Zaventen -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-May-18
      Source: IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn); Plat of Section E of temp Neuville cemetery
      Specifics: British plane carrying freed US POWs crashed near Brussels, Belgium (9 unknowns from crash: Neuville X-96 to 101, 6551, 6560, 6561); initial burial at Neuville in E-4-97

    268. X-100 Neuville (1945): Nevins, Ernest H. (Pvt. 37728164)
      Recovered 1945-05 at Belgium, Zaventen -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-May-18
      Source: IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: British plane carrying freed US POWs crashed near Brussels, Belgium (9 unknowns from crash: Neuville X-96 to 101, 6551, 6560, 6561); final burial at Ft. Leavenworth (KS) National Cemetery 1143-C
      Unit: Troop "B", 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division

    269. X-100 Neuville (1962): (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) D-6-58 on 14 Aug 1962

    270. X-101 Neuville (1945): (identified, but I do not have name: probably either Sgt. John E. Haerle 19185804 or Pfc. William L. Panagakos 33747116 or Pvt. Lawrence V. Carnavale 31428519 all of whom were in the crash and have been identified)
      Recovered 1945-05 at Belgium, Zaventen -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-May-18
      Source: IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: British plane carrying freed US POWs crashed near Brussels, Belgium (9 unknowns from crash: Neuville X-96 to 101, 6551, 6560, 6561)

    271. X-106 St. James: Riley, Thomas Elmer (Sgt. 33044892)
      Recovered 1944-Sep-16 at France, Brest -- MIA: 1944-Aug-23 -- Died: 1944-Aug-23
      Source: IDPF of Thomes Elmer Riley (D/709 Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Riley IDPF (p 22): "found in the Brest area in a light tank (USA #30478228 [actually 3047822 = see p 20 which shows Riley in tank 30102790 - corrected on p 51 & 52 showing him as tank commander]) and removed from the right side of the turret"; Initial burial as X-106 St James L-3-67; Final burial Mount Olivet Cemetery near Lovettsville, VA; Identification made by 30 Jul 1948 (Riley PDF p 48); see 709th A/AR on pp 56-57
      Unit: Company D, 709th Tank Battalion

    272. X-113 Naples: (unidentified as of 12 Jun 1946)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Paul Espig (p 201)
      Specifics: 12 Jun 1946 memo showing burial L-10-109, est date of death 30 Dec 1943, effects: one Capt bars, one Inf insignia with #504
      Unit: ?504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division?

    273. X-113 Neuville (1945)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Plat of Section E of temp Neuville cemetery
      Specifics: E-10-229

    274. X-116 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 30 Jul 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]
      Unit: Navy

    275. X-117 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 31 Jul 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    276. X-118 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 31 Jul 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    277. X-119 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 31 Jul 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    278. X-120 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 31 Jul 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    279. X-120 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-6-19

    280. X-121 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 2 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    281. X-123 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 16 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    282. X-124 Hamm: (identified but I do not have name)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: est 10 Dec 1944
      Source: IDPF of Daniel J. Murphy - "Disposal of Personal Effects" Memo (18 Feb 1946 PDF pp 97-99)
      Specifics: buried in temporary Hamm V-10-230, est date of death 10 Dec 1944, items in effects: One mall booklet, on cover is printed War Dept. AAF, Form 46, Parachute Log Record. At bottom of cover is serial no. 42-491409. On outside cover was name Lr. R. F. Leach or Lach, written in ink but marked thru with pencil and name Sgt. Haney inscribed in pencil.

    283. X-125 Neuville: Gentile, Frank (Pvt. 33707157)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Nijmegen vicitinity -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Sep-27
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD) -- Not on Neuville post-temporary X-roster of transfers for permanent burial
      Specifics: final burial Ardennes USMC C-18-18
      Unit: Company G, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division

    284. X-126 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 5 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    285. X-127 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 4 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    286. X-127 Foy: Espig, Paul H (Pvt 33830727)
      Recovered 5/4/1945 (PDF p 12) at Belgium, isolated burial vicinity of Commanster, near tank destroyer #40177750, C-22 -- MIA: 1944-Dec-23 -- Died: 1944-Dec-23
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32; IDPF of Paul H. Espig (ID 23 Sep 1948 - PDF p 156)
      Specifics: initial burial Foy J-9-212 -- IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium -- Espig MIA 23 Dec 1944 in C/814 MR 26 Dec 1944; final burial Neuville C-1-1 -- Espig PDF p 8 (28 Mar 1945): report of isolated burial, initially carried temporarily as T-1884
      Unit: Company C, 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion

    287. X-128 Foy: (unidentified as of 23 Mar 1950 [PDF p 16])
      Recovered 6 May 1945 (PDF pp 2, 31) at Germany, Korperich 943493 -- MIA: -- Died: est Dec 1944
      Source: Foy X-128 File
      Specifics: buried 6 May 1945 at Foy J-9-213 KIA Multiple Wounds (PDF p 33); Laundry Mark C-7537 on Raincoat (PDF p 5); final burial Henri-Chapelle E-16-23 15 Nov 1948 (PDF p 11); Laundry Mark D0439 (or D-0438) (PDF pp 16, 18)

    288. X-129 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 5 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    289. X-130 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 6 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    290. X-131 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 6 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    291. X-132 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 6 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    292. X-133 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 28 Jul 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    293. X-134 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 27 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    294. X-135 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 30 Jul 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    295. X-137 Blosville
      Recovered buried at Blosville 3 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    296. X-137 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: X-57 Margraten file
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-17-17; X-57 Margraten PDF p 15: [Age c30, unable to determine height, medium build, no hair, unable to determine race or shoe size; "This remains consists of only a portion of the right scapula, piece of the 1st thoracic vertegra, 12th thoracic vertebra, 1st through 5th lumbar vertebrae, portion of the sacrum, portion of the right and left hip bones, proximal ends of the left and the right femurs. Estimated age was based on pubic symphysis. The skeletal parts graphically represented on chart A-1 are those of one and the same individual."]

    297. X-141 Champigneul: Demots, Mark E. (T/5 15 107 376)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Paul Espig (pp 199, 201)
      Specifics: 23 Jul 1946 memo showing him identified and gives emergency addressee as father Dr. Edward G. Demots; 424 1st Street SE; Minot, ND; 12 Jun 146 memo showing burial E-12-298, est date of death 30 Jul 1945 (sic) with St. Christopher medal

    298. X-141 St Laurent
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Normandy H-24-14 "X-0141 (St. Laurent) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Normandy American Cemetery."

    299. X-142 St Laurent
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Normandy G-18-28 " X-0142 (St. Laurent) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Normandy American Cemetery."

    300. X-143 Foy
      Recovered before 13 Oct 1948 at Belgium, St. Vith (from a tank) -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB) p. 42
      Specifics: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB) p. 42: "Including X-7971 there were a total of severn unknowns recovered from St. Vith, Belgium." p. 45 lists the other 6: Foy X-143 & Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452

    301. X-147 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: X-57 Margraten file
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten K-14-13; X-57 Margraten PDF p 15: [Age 22-24, 5' 4 1/2", c 140lb, light brown hair, white, unable to determine shoe size; "Teeth were recovered with this remains. Right mandible articulates with the skull fragments. There is also partial articulation of the occipital condyle with the vertebral column. All other articulations are good. Estimated height was based on the fragmentary measurement of the right humerus, using Krogman's system of fragmentary evidence. Estimated age was based on the closure of the skull sutures present and the epiphysis of all the bones. The skeletal parts graphically represented on chart A-1 are those of one and the same individual."]

    302. X-148 Foy: (unknown as of 2 Jul 1947)
      Recovered before 2 July 1947 at Belgium, vicinity of St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium

    303. X-148 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-2-21

    304. X-150 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: Effects of X-157 Henri-Chapelle: 1 wrist watch (Felca) - no initials

    305. X-157 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    306. X-159 St. Laurent
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Thomes Elmer Riley (D/709 Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Riley IDPF (p 130): Personal effects; est date of death 6 Jun 1944

    307. X-160 Hamm: (unidentified as of 12 Jun 1946)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Paul Espig (p 201)
      Specifics: 12 Jun 1946 memo showing burial X-12-293, est date of death 30 Dec 1944, effects: metal tag from Murray Corp in Detroit

    308. X-161 St. Andre: (identified but I do not have name)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-2799 X-file
      Specifics: Dept of the Army memo 29 Aug 1949: first burial at St Andre F-4-77 & NOT declared unidentifiable (Margraten X-2799 PDF p 2)

    309. X-168 Henri-Chapelle
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-04
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 178) undated list of effects of multiple Unknowns, (PDF p 186) 16 Feb 1946 identifications
      Specifics: Effects of X-88 Marigny: 1 Silver ring w/initial "E.A."

    310. X-177 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    311. X-183A&B Margraten: (disinterred 1 Aug 2017, Not Yet Identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-5-9; disinterred 1 Aug 2017, Not Yet Identified

    312. X-183 St Avold
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Normandy O-5-9 "X-183 ST. AVOLD was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Netherlands American Cemetery."

    313. X-191 : (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) D-7-58 on 14 Aug 1962

    314. X-195 Castilefiorentino: (unidentified as of 12 Jun 1946)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Paul Espig (p 201)
      Specifics: 12 Jun 1946 memo showing est date of death unknown, effects: one Combat Infantryman Badge

    315. X-205 St. James: Mathews, Percy C. (S/Sgt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Brittany K-11-18 " X-205 St. James Identified as SSGT. Percy C. Mathews (WOM Cambridge )"

    316. X-215 Hamm: (do not know if he was ever identified)
      Recovered at Belgium, vicinity of Bastogne -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: "X-215 (Hamm) was recovered from the front drivers seat of med tank #40145295-S, 3A(10) in the vicinity of Bastogne."

    317. X-218 Hamm: Spellman, Arthur Fox 42042340)
      Recovered before 24 Dec 1945 at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-17
      Source: IPDF of George Patton (TUSA); Barbara Geisler reports that the plat of the section shows Spellman, A.F. 42042340 in EE-9-223
      Specifics: initial burial (probably 23 Dec 1945) at Hamm EE-9-223 (to left of Gen. Patton who was in #222); Spellman's Grand Nephew's WWII Registry entry: "SERVED AT THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE. HELD AS A PRISONER OF WAR. DIED OF WOUNDS ON DECEMBER 17, 1944. RECEIVED A PURPLE HEART AND A GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL."; now buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in New Windsor, NY; Harold Spellman FindAGrave entry: "Served in US Army, on 12/16/44 was shot, captured during the Battle of the Bulge. He died the next day 12/17/1944. He was returned home in 1948 for burial."

    318. X-227 Henri-Chapelle: (unknown as of 23 Dec 1944)
      Recovered 1944-? at ?Belgium?, -- MIA: 1944-? -- Died: 1944-?
      Source: IDPF of Kenneth Bowers (38 AIB)
      Specifics: buried 23 Dec 1944 Henri-Chapelle PP-8-146, next to Bowers

    319. X-230 Henri-Chapelle: Waters, Amos L. (Pfc. 36441763)
      Recovered 1945-? at ?Belgium?, -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Nov-29
      Source: IDPF of Frank Tryonas (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: on list of 3 unknowns identified 17 August 1945 - died 29 Nov 1944 - now at Henri-Chapelle A-7-48
      Unit: 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division

    320. X-234 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    321. X-239 St. Avold: Ashley, Fred
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Henri-Chapelle G-5-72 " X-0239 (St. Avold) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Henri-Chappelle American Cemetery. Identified as Richard W. Lane, not listed as MIA because his body was thought to be buried in a US Cemetery. the body was actually that of Fred Ashley."

    322. X-246 St. Avold: (unidentified as of 13 Jan 1949)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: on list of "Certain Unknown Decedents" 13 Jan 1949 (Riley Clark PDF p 6)

    323. X-251 Nettuno: Moynihan, Edward C. (Pvt 12 074 622)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-May-26
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 178) undated list of effects of multiple Unknowns, (PDF p 186) 16 Feb 1946 identifications
      Specifics: Effects of X-251 Nettuno: 1 Gold ring, engraved on top, "Christian Brothers Academy, Albany, New York. Also initials "ECM".

    324. X-253 Nettuno: Owen, Harold R. (Pfc 37 525429)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Paul Espig (p 199, 201)
      Specifics: 23 Jul 1946 memo showing him identified and gives emergency addressee as wife Mrs. Ada E. Owen; 709 Cypress Street; Kansas City, MO; 12 Jun 1946 memo showing burial 2K-63-4929, est date of death 2 Jun 1944, effects: photos, testament, billfold, 2 coins

    325. X-258 Hamm: (unknown as of 18 April 1949)
      Recovered before 18 April 1949 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: 14 April 1949 "Report on Certain Unknowns" in IDPF (PDF p 8) of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn; formerly X-100 Neuville) -- Hard to read; number could be different

    326. X-259 Not Specified: (unknown - tag found among U.S. remains buried at Ittenbach as German and then one [see X-9345 Frankfurt] found to be U.S. - I suspect all the remains were really U.S. but were sent back to the Germans in 1960.
      Recovered post-war by Germans at Belgium, St. Vith -- MIA: 1944-Dec-24 -- Died: 1944-Dec-22
      Source: IDPF of Joe Wilson Bailey (48 AIB - PDF p 67; extensive 1960 lab report PDF pp 168-178)-- NOTE: OFFICIAL PLACE AND DATE ARE WRONG - ACTUALLY KIA 22 DEC 44 NORTH OF RODT, BELGIUM
      Specifics: Parts of 4 sets of remains recovered from initial location and buried either at Lommel, Belgium and then at Ittenbach, Germany or else directly at Ittenbach; German War Graves Commission transferred 17 Nov 1960 to Frankfurt Mausoleum, which determined there were four sets of remains and labeled them S&R 1073-A, B, C & D; S&R 1073-B associated with Joe Bailey and given X-9345 and ultimately id'd as Bailey; S&R 1073-A, C & D returned to Germans for final burial as Germans at Ittenbach despite the partially destoryed GR X-259 plaque with the remains (PDF pp 168-178 include skeletal charts, measurements for all 4; teeth for A & B)

    327. X-270 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten H-14-26

    328. X-285 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten G-13-19

    329. X-309 St Andre: (unidentified as of 12 Jun 1946)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Paul Espig (p 201)
      Specifics: 12 Jun 1946 memo showing burial E-7-139, est date of death unknown, effects: signet ring, French Franc notes

    330. X-310 Henri-Chapelle: Beckner, Woodrow W. (Pvt 33216904)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Henri-Chapelle List
      Specifics: DNB; Washington, DC; final burial CONUS; filed under 70055/70056

    331. X-311 Henri-Chapelle: (unknown as of 2010)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:

    332. X-312 Henri-Chapelle: Almklov, Andrew (Pfc 32627393)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Henri-Chapelle List (as Almklon)
      Specifics: DOW; New York County, NY; final burial: CONUS; filed under Neuville X-70081

    333. X-313 Henri-Chapelle: Meyer, George A. (Pvt 37553880)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1905-Apr-28
      Source: Henri-Chapelle List
      Specifics: KIA; Sherburne County, MN; final burial Saint John Luth Cemetery in Elk River, MN

    334. X-314 Henri-Chapelle: Bickel, Daniel M. (Sgt 39 690 598)
      Recovered at ?Belgium?, -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-18
      Source: Henri-Chapelle List
      Specifics: DOW; Los Angeles, CA; final burial Henri-Chapelle D-7-55; filed under Alfred Harper X-136
      Unit: 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division

    335. X-315 Henri-Chapelle: Smith, William E. (Sgt. 16 061 737)
      Recovered 1945-01 at Belgium, Samrée-Trinal -- MIA: 1944-Dec-20 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of William Smith (17 Tank)
      Unit: HQ Company, 17th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    336. X-315 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten H-17-26

    337. X-316 Henri-Chapelle: Krogh, Warren T. (WOJG W2106165)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-21
      Source: Henri-Chapelle List
      Specifics: WOJG Krogh (W2106165) KIA 21 Dec '44 is noted as having been filed under case number 84983 Sgt Clarence A. Roemele 35 104 586 (X-420); Cook County, IL

    338. X-317 Henri-Chapelle: Gwiazdowski, Matthew J. (T/4 32228006)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Henri-Chapelle List
      Specifics: KIA; Kings County, NY; final burial CONUS; filed under X-70081 Associated with X-28 (not on list)

    339. X-318 Henri-Chapelle: Lewis, Robert F. (S/Sgt 39537348)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Henri-Chapelle List
      Specifics: KIA; San Diego, CA; final burial: CONUS; part of a group

    340. X-319 Henri-Chapelle: Gwinn, Lovell G. (Pvt 35442498)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-21
      Source: Henri-Chapelle List
      Specifics: KIA; Fayette County, WV; final burial CONUS; KIA 24 Dec 1944 Field Artillery
      Unit: ??? Field Artillery

    341. X-320 Henri-Chapelle: Ellis, William H. Jr. (2d Lt 0-014568)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Jan-09
      Source: Henri-Chapelle List
      Specifics: KIA; Wilson, Wilson County, NC; final burial CONUS
      Unit: 774th Tank Battalion

    342. X-321 Henri-Chapelle: Caraway, Alphus Lee (Pvt. 38688936)
      Recovered 1945-? at ?Belgium?, -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Jan-12
      Source: IDPF of Frank Tryonas (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: KIA; Comanche County, TX; on list of 3 unknowns identified 17 August 1945; final burial Live Oak Cemetery in Purvis or Dublin, TX; filed under Sniezyk, Jerome R (57689 X-212)
      Unit: 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division

    343. X-322 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Unaknown X-322 tag recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who sold it to Marcel van Aalzum. (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: No X-file now found for St Avold X-322. No cross reference Identification found for St Avold X-322. Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    344. X-328 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    345. X-332 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten H-3-26

    346. X-347 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten I-14-22

    347. X-358 Hamm: (unknown as of 2 Jul 1947)
      Recovered before 2 July 1947 at Belgium, vicinity of St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium

    348. X-373 Hamm: unidentifiable as of 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Hamm X-97 IDPF [thanks to Barbara Geisler]

    349. X-381 Henri-Chapelle
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Henri-Chapelle D-5-17

    350. X-382 Henri-Chapelle
      Recovered at Belgium, Baraque de Fraiture -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of X-382
      Specifics: First burial QQQ-7-132

    351. X-389 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten M-6-12

    352. X-392 Blosville: (identified but I do not have name)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-2799 X-file
      Specifics: Dept of the Army memo 29 Aug 1949: first burial at Blosville ?M?-8-146 & NOT declared unidentifiable (Margraten X-2799 PDF p 2)

    353. X-400 Henri-Chapelle
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Thomes Elmer Riley (D/709 Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Riley IDPF (p 130): Personal effects; est date of death 15 Oct 1944

    354. X-411 Margraten: Dash, Leonard C. (T/Sgt 13170728)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF ot Thomas Jones (C/17 Tank)
      Specifics: 31 Oct 1949 Memorandum on X-5823 (Neuville) states that X-411 skeletal chart was attached to X-5823 Report of Burial and that "Unknown X-411, Margraten, has been identified as Leonard C. Dash, AAF, ASN 13170728". NARA records show Dash as T/Sgt
      Unit: Army Air Force

    355. X-412 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    356. X-413 Neuville: not identified as of 31 Mar 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 1 (AEB ltr 18 Mar 49) - (31 Mar 1949) "not identified"

    357. X-416 Henri-Chapelle: (unknown as of 2 Jul 1947)
      Recovered before 2 July 1947 at Belgium, vicinity of St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium

    358. X-418 Henri-Chapelle: (unknown as of 2 Jul 1947)
      Recovered before 2 July 1947 at Belgium, vicinity of St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium

    359. X-420 Margraten: Roemele, Clarence A. (Sgt 35104586)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Warren T. Krogh
      Specifics: WOJG Krogh (W2106165) KIA 21 Dec '44 is noted as having been filed under case number 84983 Sgt Clarence A. Roemele 35 104 586 (X-420)

    360. X-428 La Cambe
      Recovered buried at La Cambe 7 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    361. X-429 Henri-Chapelle: Berg, Richard H. (Pfc. 39474058)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Thomes Elmer Riley (D/709 Tank Bn)
      Specifics: Riley IDPF (p 128): originally bured as X-429 Henri-Chapelle VVV-9-162; Identified 7 Nov 1945; Riley IDPF (p 130): Personal effects; est date of death 25 Feb 1945

    362. X-429 La Cambe
      Recovered buried at La Cambe 7 Aug 1944 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: QMC Form No. 2 GRS / Weekly Report of Burials No. 105 dated 30 Oct 1944 [found by 3AD Historian Jed Henry in NARA RG 92 Entry 1894 General Correspondence ("Miscellaneous File") 1939-54. / 1939-45 / Theater of Operation / 314.6 T/O European Burials 104 thru 314.6 T/O European Burials 107 / Box Number 239]

    363. X-436 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-21-25

    364. X-437 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten J-14-3

    365. X-438 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten G-7-27

    366. X-442 Margraten
      Recovered buried at Margraten 9 May 1945 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Donival H. Brown (PDF p 11)
      Specifics: initial burial Margraten II-12-291

    367. X-447 Henri-Chapelle: (identified but I do not have name)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: est 3 Mar 1945
      Source: IDPF of Daniel J. Murphy - "Disposal of Personal Effects" Memo (18 Feb 1946 PDF pp 97-99)
      Specifics: buried in temporary Henri-Chapelle A4-1-14, est date of death 3 Mar 1945, items in effects: One crucifix, approximately 3 1/2" long, 1 1/2" wide, silver-colored figure of Christ on black wood

    368. X-450 Henri-Chapelle: Group Burial 1240 Long Island National Cemetery)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Reclassification Sheet for Henri-Chapelle X-450 (dated 1950)

    369. X-452 Blosville: Brown, Donald E (Pvt 37 190 660)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Normandy A-2-17 " X-452 (Blosville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Normandy American Cemetery. Identified as PVT Donald E Brown, 37190660 (WOM Brittany) "

    370. X-455 Henri-Chapelle: Murphy, Daniel J (1st Lt O-101-359)
      Recovered 1945-Mar-12 at Belgium, 1 mile West of Sart-Lez-St Vit (803-888, 1/50,000, Vielsalm) -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-21
      Source: IDPF of Daniel J. Murphy - ID of X-455 on PDF p 67
      Specifics: Murphy IDPF (PDF p 9) "due to the tactical situation, the body of 1st Lt Murphy, together with the bodies of Sgt Wilbur F. Woolbright snf Yrv 6 Jack J. Fisk, was left in a house near Poteau, Belgium (Map Coorrdinates P 795900), when [CCA] was forced to evacuate the area." (p 16) Murphy (as Unknown X-455 Henri-Chapelle), Milton E. Fein, Lawrence D. Smith and Unknowns X-457 [Sgt. Wilbur F. Woolbright] and X-462 [T/5 Jack J. Fisk] disinterred from same grave at "P-803888, 1 mile west of Sart-Lez-St. Vith, Belgium". (Jack J. Fisk IDPF pp 3-4) Fisk found dead by Germans and buried in common grave #9 in military cemetery by ranger's house at Rodt (Rodt is the German name for Sart-Lez-St Vith)
      Unit: Headquarters Company, Combat Command "A", 7th Armored Division

    371. X-456 Henri-Chapelle: (identified but I do not have name)
      Recovered 1945-Mar-12 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Daniel J. Murphy - Report of Burial on PDF p 94
      Specifics: Burial 12 Mar 1945 at Henri-Chapelle A4-6-102 next to X-455

    372. X-456 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten E-21-15

    373. X-457 Henri-Chapelle: Woolbright, Wilbur F (Sgt 14 039 599)
      Recovered 1945-Mar-12 at Belgium, 1 mile West of Sart-Lez-St Vit (803-888, 1/50,000, Vielsalm) -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-21
      Source: IDPF of Wilbur F. Woolbright; Index Sheet 12 Oct 45 of Unk, 88860 [sic - probably really 86860] (Henri Chapelle) with no X-number shown
      Specifics: Woolbright IDPF (PDF p5) "due to the tactical situation, the body of Sgt Woolbright together with the bodies of 1st Lt Daniel J. Murphy and Tec 5 Jack J. Fisk, was left in a house near Poteau, Belgium (Map Coorrdinates P 795900), when [CCA] was forced to evacuate the area." (p 7) Woolbright (as Unknown X-457 Henri-Chapelle), Milton E. Fein, Lawrence D. Smith and Unknowns X-455 [1st Lt Daniel J. Murphy] and X-462 [T/5 Jack J. Fisk] disinterred from same grave at "P-803888, vicinity of Sart-Lez-St. Vith, Belgium". (Fisk IDPF pp 3-4) Fisk found dead by Germans and buried in common grave #9 in military cemetery by ranger's house at Rodt (Rodt is the German name for Sart-Lez-St Vith)
      Unit: Tactical Headquarters, Combat Command "A", 7th Armored Division

    374. X-460 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    375. X-461 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    376. X-461 Henri-Chapelle: Meads, Ernest (T/5 33 645 057)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Mar-07
      Source: Reclassification Sheet for Henri-Chapelle X-461 (dated 1948) AND https://www.abmc.gov/decedent-search/meads%3Dernest
      Specifics: Buiried at Henri-Chapelle Permanent Cemetery D-10-1
      Unit: 741st Tank Battalion

    377. X-462 Henri-Chapelle: Fisk, Jack J (T/5 36 054 154)
      Recovered 1945-Mar-12 at Belgium, 1 mile West of Sart-Lez-St Vit (803-888, 1/50,000, Vielsalm) -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-21
      Source: IDPF of Jack J. Fisk; Index Sheet 8 Oct 45 of Unk, 86856 (Henri Chapelle) with no X-number shown
      Specifics: Fisk IDPF (PDF p5) "due to the tactical situation, the body of Tec 5 Fisk together with the bodies of 1st Lt Daniel J. Murphy and Sgt Wilbur F. Woolbright, was left in a house near Poteau, Belgium (Map Coorrdinates P 795900), when [CCA] was forced to evacuate the area." (p 7) Fisk (as Unknown X-462 Henri-Chapelle), Milton E. Fein, Lawrence D. Smith and Unknowns X-55 and X-57 [really 455 [1st Lt Daniel J. Murphy] and 457 [Sgt. Wilbur F. Woolbright]] disinterred from same grave at "P-803888, 1 mile west of Sart-Lez-St. Vith, Belgium". (pp 3-4) Fisk found dead by Germans and buried in common grave #9 in military cemetery by ranger's house at Rodt (Rodt is the German name for Sart-Lez-St Vith)
      Unit: Tactical Headquarters, Combat Command "A", 7th Armored Division

    378. X-481 La Cambe: Jacobsen, Gerald L (S/Sgt 37 096 991)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Normandy B-21-22 " X-481 La Cambe Identified as SSgt Gerald L. Jacobsen, 37096991"

    379. X-487 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten G-13-15

    380. X-500 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    381. X-530 Margraten: (unknown as of 14 May 1945)
      Recovered 1945-05 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Lawton Gay (31 Tank)
      Specifics: buried at Margraten (temp) R-7-155 on 14 May 1945
      Unit: AAF (Army Air Forces)

    382. X-542 Margraten: (unknown as of 14 May 1945)
      Recovered 1945-05 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Lawton Gay (31 Tank)
      Specifics: buried at Margraten (temp) R-7-157 on 14 May 1945
      Unit: (unknown as of 14 May 1945)

    383. X-542 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    384. X-557 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-11-21

    385. X-573 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    386. X-577 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    387. X-592 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten H-11-4

    388. X-609 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    389. X-618 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    390. X-635 Margraten
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Netherlands J-14-22 "X-635 (Margraten) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Netherlands American Cemetery."

    391. X-664 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten A-3-22

    392. X-668 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-14-24

    393. X-671A Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-5-28

    394. X-671B Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-3-7

    395. X-672 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-13-5

    396. X-676 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    397. X-681 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    398. X-731 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-22-4

    399. X-745 St Avold: (as of 2018, status not known by me)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: One of 18 X-tags recovered with metal detector in 2018 at former site of temporary St Avold cemetery by person who put it up for sale in the Internet (photo of all 18 tags)
      Specifics: Was most likely identified soon after arrival at the cemetery and the tag discarded

    400. X-777 Nettuno: "unidentifiable" as of 31 Mar 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 10 (AEB ltr 18 Mar 49 - (31 Mar 1949) "unidentifiable"

    401. X-785 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-3-12

    402. X-786 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-3-3

    403. X-797 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-13-22

    404. X-810 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    405. X-936 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-6-16

    406. X-984 Margraten
      Recovered before 8 June 1945 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Piltzecker (82 Engr)
      Specifics: Buried 8 June 1945 at Margraten Temp JJ-11-262 next to Charles H. Piltzecker
      Unit: (unknown as of 8 Jun 1945)

    407. X-993 Margraten: Brooks, John E. (35606292)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 9 (AEB ltr 18 Mar 49) - (31 Mar 1949) "Identified as Brooks, John E. 35606292"

    408. X-994 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-20-4

    409. X-1004 Margraten
      Recovered before 8 June 1945 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Piltzecker (82 Engr)
      Specifics: Buried 8 June 1945 at Margraten Temp JJ-11-260 next to Charles H. Piltzecker
      Unit: (unknown as of 8 Jun 1945)

    410. X-1027 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten P-4-12

    411. X-1028 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten E-21-22

    412. X-1042 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-4-13

    413. X-1043 Margraten: Husak, Leo J.
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Netherlands O-4-10 "X-1043 (Margraten) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Netherlands American Cemetery. In 2018, DPAA identified X-1043 (Margraten) as Leo J. Husak."

    414. X-1047A St Avold
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Lorraine F-9-23 " X-1047A (St Avold) was disinterred in 2017 by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Lorraine American Cemetery"

    415. X-1047B St Avold
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Lorraine D-40-16 "X-1047B (St Avold) was disinterred in 2017 by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Lorraine American Cemetery."

    416. X-1087 St. Avold: not identified as of 31 Mar 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 7 (AEB ltr 18 Mar 49) - (31 Mar 1949) "not identified"

    417. X-1095 St. Avold
      Recovered before 2 Mar 1945 at France, Arry -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Godfrey C. Westcott (B/38 AIB); IDPF of X-1095
      Specifics: X-1095 was a lower right leg recovered from Arry but could not be associated with Westcott (who almost certainly was killed at Verny). Both X-1095 and Westcott IDPF have same map of location at Arry.
      Unit: (unknown as of 19 Dec 1947)

    418. X-1100 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-22-8

    419. X-1112 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten K-3-22

    420. X-1115 Margraten: Margolin, Abraham (Pfc 32427322)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Jun-06
      Source: IDPF of Ode Garner (C/87/7AD) Report of Burial (PDF 76, 81, 84): first burial in 171 next to X-1115 in 172; Netherlands USMC Cross-reference X-1115; https://www.honorstates.org/profiles/404873/ has him as DNB; https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/89780758/abraham-margolin shows death 6 Jun 1945
      Specifics: first burial at Margraten III-7-172 as X-1115 abt 15 Jun 1945

    421. X-1128 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-8-16

    422. X-1134 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-18-17

    423. X-1137 Margraten: Moore (Pvt 34610342)
      Recovered 1945-06 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Nick Fizet (203 AAA)
      Specifics: Buried 20 June 1945 at Margraten (temp) KKK-4-86; ABMC has no Moore with that service number, so that he was repatriated for final burial
      Unit: 3677 Quartermaster Truck Company

    424. X-1138 Margraten: Fizet, Nick (Pfc. 35526863)
      Recovered 1945-06 at Germany, Burgsolm -- MIA: 1944-Dec-23 -- Died: 1945-Mar-24
      Source: IDPF of Nick Fizet (203 AAA)
      Specifics: Buried 20 June 1945 at Margraten (temp) KKK-4-85; Died of illness as POW; "was found in field Disinterred at Burgsolm June 16, 45"
      Unit: Battery "D", 203rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion, attached to 7th Armored Division

    425. X-1189 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten G-21-12

    426. X-1190 Margraten
      Recovered before 2 July 1945 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Robert Jacob (38 AIB)
      Specifics: Buried 2 July 1945 at Margraten Temp III-9-211 next to Robert Jacob

    427. X-1194 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-5-5

    428. X-1201 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: X-file; Also IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)

    429. X-1207 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten P-4-15

    430. X-1209 Margraten: (Disinterred 22 Sep 2016, Not Yet Identified)
      Recovered 1945-Jul-11 at Netherlands, Groesbeek 733-344 or 753-514 -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: X-file; Also IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "unidentifiable"; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD); pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: first found and buried by British 6 Mar 1945 as Unknown T-1815; CONFLICTING RECOVERY CO-ORDINATES: 733-344 (Report of Burial PDF p12) and 753-514 (Check List for Disinterments PDF p 16, map p 17, 23); Glider 076762 found in area of recovery where remains were recovered in a field (PDF p 19); first US burial 12 Jul 1945 at Margraten LL-8-198; final burial 13 Dec 1949 at Margraten C-19-14; Disinterred 22 Sep 2016, Not Yet Identified; 82nd Airborne Division patch on left jacket sleeve; shirt B-3759 (or 3259) (PDF p 5); shoe size 9D (PDF p 6, 20); remnants of parachute; height 5' 11 1/2"; battle dressing on 10th or 11th rib on back (PDF p 6); height 5' 10" (PDF p 20); recovered with eye glass case Pfc. Charles H. GRASSER 34 739 136 of 325th Glider Inf Regt (PDF p 22) -- There are multiple conflicts in the different checklists for this case, so that it may be possible that the remains the British called T-1518 and buried and told AGRS about were not the remains recovered by AGRS.; Barbara Geisler: Netherlands C-19-14 "X-1209 Margraten was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Netherlands American Cemetery."

    431. X-1212 Margraten: Ferrari, Joseph J. (S/Sgt 32249728)
      Recovered 1945-07 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-03 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Ferrari (48 AIB); also noted in IDPF of Russell Fratus (C/17 Tank) when eliminating nearby-recovered X-numbers
      Specifics: Recovery map shows T-1901 recovered at 742-309, later assigned X-1212; official date of death 5 Oct 1944 but MIA and apparently KIA 3 Oct 1944; final burial at Margraten, Netherlands (Netherlands USMC) M-20-5
      Unit: Company "C", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    432. X-1214 Margraten: Rabalais, Hardy James, Jr. (Pfc 38486271)
      Recovered 1945-07 at Netherlands, along or near Asten-Meijel road NW of Meijel, Holland -- MIA: 1944-Oct-29 -- Died: 1944-Oct-29
      Source: IDPF of Hardy Rabalais (48 AIB)
      Specifics: Initial burial Margraten B-12-291 as Gordon Hillis but Jun 45 realized X-26 [G-11-258] indications as Hillis; disinterred both and established that there were 2 bodies; B-12-291 then designated X-1214 and X-26 id'd as Hillis; identification of X-1214 as Rabalais made official 5 Jun 1947
      Unit: Company "A", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    433. X-1215 Margraten: group: A'Hearn, Gerald J. (Cpl 13050934), Fratus, Russell J. (1st Sgt 6137994), Peterson, Harold A. (Pvt 37543967)
      Recovered ?1945-07? at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-05 -- Died: 1944-Oct-05
      Source: IDPFs of Russell Fratus (C/17 Tank), Thomas Jones (C/17), Gerald A'hearn (C/17); Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)
      Specifics: group remains X-1215 (Margraten KK-6-150 [4650 GB-395]) & X-5823 (Neuville Z-1-18 [1260 GB-436], originally believed to be remains of C/17/7AD still-MIAs Francis H. Bosch & Thomas B. Jones, Jr.) were later combined as X-8364 (Neuville)
      Unit: Company "C", 17th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    434. X-1217 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)

    435. X-1228 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 28 Jun 1945 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1230 X-fle; IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)
      Specifics: (Margraten X-1230 PDF pp 9-10 undated but probably 28 Jun 1945) 13 Americans evacuated from 1st Canadian Temporary Military Cemtery at Nijmegen to US Military Cemetery at Molehnoek and later to US Military Cemetery at Margraten: Unknowns X-1228, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234 with COLE, J. L., EILMAN, R. H., BUMPUS, J., ALTMAN, P. I., GOODINGTON, R. E., REED, R., BRAON, W.

    436. X-1229 Margraten: Kapusta, George R. (T/Sgt 35300176)
      Recovered 1945-07 at Netherlands, just north of Heitrak -- MIA: 1944-Oct-29 -- Died: 1944-Oct-29
      Source: IDPF of George Kapusta (23 AIB); Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)
      Specifics: originally had British number T-2362, then assigned US number X-1229 (Margraten); recovered with James Hyden (A/434 AFAB KIA 30 Oct) & Henry Roan (23 AIB KIA 29? Oct), German soldier also buried there; location is just north of Heitrak along east side of road after road has curved somewhat left, just south of a place called Hutten that does not appear on most maps; final burial at Margraten, Netherlands USMC O-8-4
      Unit: HQ Company, 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    437. X-1230 Margraten: (Disinterred 23 Sep 2016, Not Yet Identified)
      Recovered before 28 Jun 1945 at Netherlands, Groesbeek -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: X-file; Also IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "unidentifiable"; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD); pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: found 28 Jun 1945 at Groesbeek map 776-557 beside gliders; first burial 28 Jun 1945 at Nijmegen Canadian Temporary Military Cemetery 2-5-1 as T-5680 (PDF p 3) by 2nd Canadian Graves Reg Unit (PDF p 34); first US burial 28 Jul 1945 at Margraten LL-11-274 by 3060 QM GR Co (PDF p 34); final burial 16 Jun 1950 at Margraten O-22-12; Disinterred 23 Sep 2016, Not Yet Identified; (Margraten X-1230 PDF pp 9-10 undated but probably 28 Jun 1945) 13 Americans evacuated from 1st Canadian Temporary Military Cemtery at Nijmegen to US Military Cemetery at Molehnoek and later to US Military Cemetery at Margraten: Unknowns X-1228, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234 with COLE, J. L., EILMAN, R. H., BUMPUS, J., ALTMAN, P. I., GOODINGTON, R. E., REED, R., BRAON, W.; Condition of Remains at final disinterment 24 Aug 1948 (PDF p 11): Fractured cranium - skeletal form - complete.; Shoe size 8 1/2 D (PDF p 22); Blond hair (PDF p 23); Barbara Geisler: Netherlands Q-22-12 "X-1230 Margraten was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Netherlands American Cemetery."

    438. X-1231 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered 1945-May-13 at Netherlands, Elst or 770-525 (Bruuk) -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1231 X-file; Also IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "unidentifiable"; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)
      Specifics: Body brought in to Nijmegen by Dutch Civil Defence from Elst. Buried 13 May 1945 at Nijmegen Canadian Temporary Cemetery 2-4-8 as Unknown T-2448 Presumed American Soldier (PDF p 3); (Margraten X-1230 PDF pp 9-10 and also X-1231 PDF p 11, 35, undated but probably 28 Jun 1945) 13 Americans evacuated from 1st Canadian Temporary Military Cemtery at Nijmegen to US Military Cemetery at Molehnoek and later to US Military Cemetery at Margraten: Unknowns X-1228, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234 with COLE, J. L., EILMAN, R. H., BUMPUS, J., ALTMAN, P. I., GOODINGTON, R. E., REED, R., BRAON, W.; first US burial at Margraten LL-11-270 on 28 Jul 1945 (PDF p 4, 32); final burial 13 Dec 1949 at Margraten F-5-9 in grave site formerly occupied by Pvt. Herman S. ROBERTSON 33882210 who was disinterred 13 Dec 1949 (PDF p 13); Margraten Check List for Unkowns (PDF pp 5-8 and 19-22) gives place of death Groesbeek, Holland 770525 which is hamlet of Bruuk which is 12 air miles and 16 driving miles from -- and on the other side of the Waal River from -- Elst, and there is no mention of this location 770525 in the original Canadian record; Skeletal chart (PDF p 8) shows both lower legs missing below the knee BUT US chart (PDF p 29) shows loss above the knees and also shows left hand and fingers and wrist or right hand missing; Condition of remains at 24 Aub 1948 disinterment for final burial (PDF p 13, 22): Fractured r/clavicle & l/pelvis - lower extremities, multiple fractures - skeletal form - parts missing; Fluoroscopic examination 31 Mar 1947 (PDF p 28) revealed one (1) 30 cal. bullet embedded in pelvic bone

    439. X-1232 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 28 Jun 1945 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1230 X-fle
      Specifics: (Margraten X-1230 PDF pp 9-10 undated but probably 28 Jun 1945) 13 Americans evacuated from 1st Canadian Temporary Military Cemtery at Nijmegen to US Military Cemetery at Molehnoek and later to US Military Cemetery at Margraten: Unknowns X-1228, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234 with COLE, J. L., EILMAN, R. H., BUMPUS, J., ALTMAN, P. I., GOODINGTON, R. E., REED, R., BRAON, W.

    440. X-1233 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 28 Jun 1945 at Netherlands, Groesbeek -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1230 X-fle
      Specifics: (Margraten X-1230 PDF pp 9-10 undated but probably 28 Jun 1945) 13 Americans evacuated from 1st Canadian Temporary Military Cemtery at Nijmegen to US Military Cemetery at Molehnoek and later to US Military Cemetery at Margraten: Unknowns X-1228, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234 with COLE, J. L., EILMAN, R. H., BUMPUS, J., ALTMAN, P. I., GOODINGTON, R. E., REED, R., BRAON, W.

    441. X-1234 Margraten: Rosenkrantz, David (S/Sgt 39 018 039)
      Recovered before 22 Jun 1945 at Netherlands, Groesbeek 768565 -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-1234 X-fle; IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "unidentifiable"; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD); identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Burial 22 Jun 1945 in Nijmegen Canadian 2-4-16; American Unknown T-5678; Rank: Soldier; Patch with stars and stripes on right tunic sleeve. Large boots American style. American fatigue uniform. Body found at MR 768565 Sh. 12 N.W. Groesbeek [??]00 Body was beside glider- partially burnt and badly decomposed. (Margraten X-1234 PDF pp 3-4); re-designated Margraten X-1234; first US burial at Margraten LL-11-271 (PDF po 30); final burial 16 Jun 1950 at Margraten O-22-16 (PDF p 11); Disinterred 14 Jan 2017, Not Yet Identified; (Margraten X-1230 PDF pp 9-10 & X-1234 p 6, 33, undated but probably 28 Jun 1945) 13 Americans evacuated from 1st Canadian Temporary Military Cemtery at Nijmegen to US Military Cemetery at Molehnoek and later to US Military Cemetery at Margraten: Unknowns X-1228, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234 with COLE, J. L., EILMAN, R. H., BUMPUS, J., ALTMAN, P. I., GOODINGTON, R. E., REED, R., BRAON, W. (X-1234 PDF p 30 gives him as BRAUN 37542404); Jump boot size 7E (PDF p 8, 27) given as 7EE on 1 Apr 1947 reprocessing (PDF p 19); body fully intact but decomposed and mangled, jaws mangled (PDF p 10) but Skeletal chart at 1 Apr 1947 reprocessing (PDF p 23) shows many parts missing and many broken and Condition of remains at 24 Aug 1948 disinterment for final burial (PDF p 11): advanced decomposition - multiple fractures - portions missing; Clothing at 1 Apr 1947 reprocessing (PDF p 20): "Airborne Ground Forces"; Groesbeek map 785-565 is right along Netherlands-Germany border just SW of hamlet of Hachstasze, Germany, and a bit further ESE of Den Heuvel, Netherlands, all just a few miles NE of Groesbeek; Barbara Geisler: Netherlands O-22-16 "X-1234 Margraten was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Netherlands American Cemetery. Identified as SSGT David Rosenkrantz (39018039) (WOM Netherlands) "
      Unit: probably glider infantry

    442. X-1236 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten F-15-26

    443. X-1237 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-3-8

    444. X-1239 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten F-16-27

    445. X-1243 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)

    446. X-1244 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered before 13 Oct 1948 at Belgium, St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11; IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11: Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 "recovered from this area cannot be associatted with subject deceased.", p. 42: "Including X-7971 there were a total of seven unknowns recovered from St. Vith, Belgium." p. 45 lists the other 6: Foy X-143 & Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 -- IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium -- final burial at Margraten M-3-10

    447. X-1277 Margraten: Hannabury, Edward J (1st Lt O-1 329 629)
      Recovered 1945-Sep-07 at Netherlands, Asten -- MIA: -- Died: 1940-Oct-30
      Source: IDPF of Edward J Hannabury (C/23 AIB/7AD)
      Unit: Company "C", 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    448. X-1278 Margraten: Foreman, Zak N. (Pfc 34 179 209)
      Recovered 1945-Sep-07 at Netherlands, Asten -- MIA: -- Died: 1940-Oct-29
      Source: IDPF of Edward J Hannabury (C/23 AIB/7AD)
      Unit: Troop "A", 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division

    449. X-1284 Margraten: Safford, Wesley L. (Pfc 12079068)
      Recovered 1945-09 at Netherlands, Meyelsedijk -- MIA: 1944-Nov-07 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Wesley Safford (38 AIB/7AD)
      Unit: Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    450. X-1286 Margraten
      Recovered before 12 Sep 1945 at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Norman Connard (C/489/7AD)
      Specifics: buried in KKK-11-272 13 Sep 1945

    451. X-1601 St. Avold
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of X-1095
      Specifics: buried 4 Mar 1946 to left of X-1095 in St. Avold temp PP-2-18
      Unit: (unknown as of 19 Dec 1947)

    452. X-1756 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    453. X-1820 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten J-1-11

    454. X-1830 Neuville: (unidentified as of 13 Jan 1949)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: on list of "Certain Unknown Decedents" 13 Jan 1949 (Riley Clark PDF p 6)

    455. X-1835 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-8-5

    456. X-1846 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten B-1-27

    457. X-1867 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-10-23

    458. X-1913 Margraten: Cathey,Sam (Pvt 34192168)
      Recovered 1945-09 at Netherlands, Ospel -- MIA: 1944-Oct-22 -- Died: 1944-Oct-22
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Robertiello (87 Rcn) & Sam Cathey (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: T-2319 = Margraten X-1913 = Sam Cathey (A/87)
      Unit: Troop "A", 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division

    459. X-1929 Margraten
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified

    460. X-1983 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    461. X-1991 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten M-22-4

    462. X-1992 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten N-8-5

    463. X-1993 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten H-8-26

    464. X-1998 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten A-1-16

    465. X-2015 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten G-1-27

    466. X-2043 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten M-7-2

    467. X-2047 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten N-8-16

    468. X-2055 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-21-6

    469. X-2065 Margraten: Havran, George (Pfc. 33136763)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Nijmegen vicitinity -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Sep
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten K-8-13
      Unit: 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division

    470. X-2068 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten G-16-27

    471. X-2101 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten P-7-6

    472. X-2140 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten K-2-11

    473. X-2164 Margraten: De la Rosa, Salvador (Pvt. 39544654)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Nijmegen vicitinity -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)
      Unit: 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division

    474. X-2202 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered before 13 Oct 1948 at Belgium, St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11; IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11: Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 "recovered from this area cannot be associatted with subject deceased.", p. 42: "Including X-7971 there were a total of seven unknowns recovered from St. Vith, Belgium." p. 45 lists the other 6: Foy X-143 & Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 -- IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium -- final burial at Margraten D-16-2

    475. X-2215 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    476. X-2217 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten P-4-3

    477. X-2262 St. Avold
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 8 (AEB ltr 18 Mar 49)

    478. X-2300 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten M-3-1

    479. X-2301 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten M-3-4

    480. X-2353 Neuville: (unknown as of 18 April 1949)
      Recovered before 18 April 1949 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: 14 April 1949 "Report on Certain Unknowns" in IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn; formerly X-100 Neuville) -- Hard to read; number could be different

    481. X-2353 St. Avold: (unknown as of 18 April 1949)
      Recovered before 18 April 1949 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: 14 April 1949 "Report on Certain Unknowns" in IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn; formerly X-100 Neuville) -- Hard to read; number could be different

    482. X-2367 Margraten: (disinterred 21 Sep 2016, Not Yet Identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-14-21; disinterred 21 Sep 2016, Not Yet Identified; Barbara Geisler: Netherlands C-14-21 "X-2367 Margraten was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Netherlands American Cemetery."

    483. X-2374 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten N-8-10

    484. X-2450 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered before 13 Oct 1948 at Belgium, St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11; IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11: Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 "recovered from this area cannot be associatted with subject deceased.", p. 42: "Including X-7971 there were a total of seven unknowns recovered from St. Vith, Belgium." p. 45 lists the other 6: Foy X-143 & Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 -- IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium -- final burial at Margraten H-1-27

    485. X-2450 Neuville: (unknown as of 9 Nov 1950)
      Recovered before 9 Nov 1950 at Belgium?, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harvery H Bryan (A/33 AEB) p 2
      Specifics: "Unks X-2450& X-7971, Neuville, were specifically checked … with negative results."

    486. X-2451 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered before 13 Oct 1948 at Belgium, St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11; IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11: Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 "recovered from this area cannot be associatted with subject deceased.", p. 42: "Including X-7971 there were a total of seven unknowns recovered from St. Vith, Belgium." p. 45 lists the other 6: Foy X-143 & Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 -- IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium -- final burial at Margraten N-5-9

    487. X-2452 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered before 13 Oct 1948 at Belgium, St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11; IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 11: Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 "recovered from this area cannot be associatted with subject deceased.", p. 42: "Including X-7971 there were a total of seven unknowns recovered from St. Vith, Belgium." p. 45 lists the other 6: Foy X-143 & Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452 -- IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium -- final burial at Margraten N-5-12

    488. X-2500 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-9-20 "X-2500 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    489. X-2505 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-38-31 "X-2505(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    490. X-2565 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-38-44 "X-2565(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    491. X-2566 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Henri-Chapelle G-8-72 "X-2566 (Neuville) was disinterred in 2017 by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery."

    492. X-2664 Neuville: not identified as of 31 Mar 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 2 (AEB ltr 21 Mar 49) - (31 Mar 1949) "not identified"

    493. X-2700 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten P-5-10

    494. X-2735 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-39-25 "X-2735(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    495. X-2736 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-39-28 "X-2736(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    496. X-2739 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-39-29 "X-2739(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery"

    497. X-2762 Neuville: Farris, Kenneth D. (Pvt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Epinal A-41-35 "X-2762 (Neuville) was disinterred in 2017 by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Epinal American Cemetery. Army Pvt. Kenneth D. Farris, killed during World War II, was accounted for on April 23, 2018. Farris’ name is recorded on the Tablets of the Missing at the Netherlands American Cemetery"

    498. X-2773 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-34-46 "X-2773 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    499. X-2775 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)

    500. X-2795 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)

    501. X-2797 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)

    502. X-2798 Margraten: (identified, but I do not have name)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)

    503. X-2799 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-2799 X-file; also IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "unidentifiable"; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)
      Specifics: recovered from Groesbeek 7.9-5.5 (Report of Interment 26 Feb 1946 PDF p 13 & 15) with map overlay of recovery location (PDF p 20); (Margraten X-2799 X-file PDF p 6) X-2799 shown as both Neuville and Margraten; first US burial at Margraten AAA-4-95 (PDF p 6); final burial 25 Apr 1949 at Margraten O-5-15 with 4 Oct 1948 condition of remains "Remains consists of four tarsal bones, part of one ulna, bit of decomposed flesh. Est. weight 1/2 pound." (PDF p 7); shoe size 8 1/2 C (17 Apr 1947 Reprocessing PDF p 10); Body conisists of four foot bones and one small bone fragment. (17 Apr 1947 Reprocessing PDF p 12) and body diagram almost completely blacked out (PDF p 18); Cause of death: KIA Gun shot wound, Paratrooper, Place of Death: Groesbeek (Report of Interment 26 Feb 1946 PDF p 13)

    504. X-2799 Neuville: (see Margraten X-2799)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-2799 X-file
      Specifics: (Margraten X-2799 X-file PDF p 6) X-2799 shown as both Neuville and Margraten == see Margraten X-2799 for full information

    505. X-2800 Margraten: (Disintered 20 Sep 2016, Not Yet Identified)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Margraten X-2800 X-file; also IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "unidentifiable"; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD); ; pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: X-2800 Margraten; was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Netherlands American Cemetery.

    506. X-2885 Margraten
      Recovered on or before 5 March 1946 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Stuart Edson (23 AIB)
      Specifics: Buried at Margraten Temp AAA-7-169 next to Edson

    507. X-3151 Neuville: (unknown as of 2 Jul 1947)
      Recovered before 2 July 1947 at Belgium, vicinity of St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium

    508. X-3154 Neuville: Bolyard, Hayward R. (Pvt. 35081844)
      Recovered 1946-03-13 at Belgium, Fecklelsborn (St. Vith) -- about 50°19'21.37"N 6° 3'28.78"E -- MIA: 1944-Dec-23 -- Died: 1944-Dec-23
      Source: IDPF of Hayward R. Bolyard (48 AIB); IDPF of Charles Foust
      Specifics: Found May 1945 in woods behind his house by farmer Joseph Mettlen and buried by him in same location; recovered 13 Mar 1946 as X-3154 and buried Neuville C-4-100; identified Dec 1947 approved May 1948; final burial Shiloh Cemetery at Kasson, WV -- IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium
      Unit: Company "C", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    509. X-3155 Neuville: (unknown as of 2 Jul 1947)
      Recovered before 2 July 1947 at Belgium, vicinity of St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium

    510. X-3158 Neuville: (unknown as of 2 Jul 1947)
      Recovered before 2 July 1947 at Belgium, vicinity of St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium

    511. X-3220 Neuville: (unknown as of 2 Jul 1947)
      Recovered before 2 July 1947 at Belgium, vicinity of St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium

    512. X-3223 : Hansen, Frederick W. (Pvt. 36883490)
      Recovered 1946-04 at France, Sillegny -- MIA: 1944-Sep-21 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Frederick Hansen (38 AIB)
      Specifics: has both numbers X-6021 and X-3223
      Unit: Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    513. X-3237 Neuville: (unknown as of 14 Mar 1946)
      Recovered 1946-04 at France, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Hoelscher (48 AIB)
      Specifics: buried next to Hoelscher 14 Mar 1946 at Neuville C-11-268; Barbara Geisler reports that plot of Neuville Section C shows McDowell, R.G. O-2057659 in this grave location, but I cannot find him in the National Archives records on the WWII Registrty

    514. X-3314 Neuville: disinterred 30 Aug 2016 from permanent Ardennes A-40-37 for identification
      Recovered 1946-Apr-04 at Netherlands, Groesbeek -- MIA: -- Died: estimated 20 Sep 1944
      Source: X File -- Also IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "unidentifiable"; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD) ; pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Initial burial temp Neuville F-10-228; permanent Ardennes A-40-37; disinterred 30 Aug 2016 from permanent Ardennes A-40-37 for identification -- X-file (PDF p 5) shows recovery from Groesbeek with death estimated 20 Sep 1944; Barbara Geisler (Sep 2018): Ardennes A-40-37 "X-3314(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    515. X-3323 Neuville: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown at Cambridge F-5-114)
      Recovered 1946-Mar-06 at Netherlands, Ubbergen -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: X File -- IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD) ; pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Initial burial temp Neuville C-9-208; permanent burial as Unknown X-5300 Cambridge at Cambridge F-5-114 -- X-file (PDF p 20) shows recovery from Ubbergen, Netherlands -- believed to be George K Black 325 GIR; Barbara Geisler: "Unknown X-5300 was disinterred in 2017 by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Cambridge American Cemetery. X-3323 Neuville is buried in this plot/row/grave NOT X-5300: btb Black"

    516. X-3330 Neuville: Group Burial 1260 of small remains of five crew members: ABENDSCHOEN, Russell W. (T/Sgt.); BIGGS, Cecil W. (1st Lt. O-671490); HERBST, George G. (S/Sgt.); PEARCE, William L. (1st Lt.); YENNER, Thomas R. (2d Lt.)
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, near Arnhem -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Sep-21
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "Id" indicating the remains had been identified; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)
      Specifics: final burial as Group Burial 1260 at Zachary Taylor National Cemetery (Louisville, KY), Section I, Site 57 -- Crew of C-47A Skytrain delivering Polish paratroopers near Arnhem -- larger remains of all crew members found 1994 and identified by DNA in 2007 and buried separately - ABENDSCHOEN at Arlington - BIGGS in Texas - HERBST at Arlington - PEARCE at Zachary Taylor National Cemetery - YENNER at Arlington
      Unit: Army Air Corps

    517. X-3367 Neuville: Aiello, Michael (S/Sgt. 16055052)
      Recovered 1946-Mar-25 at Netherlands, Plasmolan -- MIA: -- Died: estimated 18 Sep 1944; actual 30 Sep 1944
      Source: X File -- IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117; Also on 551st QM Gp 26 Jun 1947 list (IDPF of Gerald A'hearn PDF 35) which has undated hand-written notation "unidentifiable"; Also on undated p 9 of IDPF of Leonard Amerson (A/17/7AD)
      Specifics: Initial burial temp Neuville I-2-26; final burial as Unknown Ardennes A-40-45; disinterred 31 May 2016 for identification -- X-file (PDF p 8) shows recovery from Plasmolan; final burial Calvary Cemetery; Springfield, IL
      Unit: Company G, 401st Glider Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division

    518. X-3407 Neuville
      Recovered before 8 Apr 1946 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of James Cooksey (23 AIB), p. 57
      Specifics: Buried in G-3-63 next to Cooksey who was buried 8 Apr 1946

    519. X-3410 Neuville
      Recovered 1946-Mar-29 at Netherlands?, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Thomas Fischer (23 AIB), PDF p. 32
      Specifics: Buried in C-4-76 next to Fischer who was buried 29 Mar 1946

    520. X-3567 Neuville
      Recovered before 26 June 1947 at Netherlands, Groesbeek-Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB), p. 117

    521. X-4013 Neuville: (unknown as of 2 Jul 1947)
      Recovered before 2 July 1947 at Belgium, vicinity of St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32
      Specifics: IDPF of Charles Foust (B/23 AIB) p. 32: Henri-Chapelle X-416, 418, Margraten X-2450, 2451, 2452, 1244, 2202, Neuville X-3155, 3158, 3154, 4013, 3151, 3220, Foy X-148, 127, Hamm X-358 all recovered from near St Vith, Belgium

    522. X-4014 Neuville: (positively identified by 29 Aug 1950)
      Recovered before 29 Aug 1950 at Belgium, vicinity of Poteau -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Andrew J. Baziow (B/48 AIB), p. 13

    523. X-4015 Neuville: (unknown as of 29 Aug 1950)
      Recovered before 29 Aug 1950 at Belgium, vicinity of Poteau -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Andrew J. Baziow (B/48 AIB), p. 13

    524. X-4435 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten E-19-18

    525. X-4491 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: ArdennesA-41-41 "X-4491(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    526. X-4492 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: ArdennesA-41-48 "X-4492(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    527. X-4507 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: ArdennesA-42-30 "X-4507(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    528. X-4726 Neuville: (unknown as of 9 Nov 1951)
      Recovered at Belgium, Fosse -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Hawkins (B/31 Tank)
      Specifics: (S-12-285); X-4276 burial report states he was wearing paratrooper boots, but 7 Jul 1949 reviewer Hendrik L. Veigh believed he was nevertheless a dismounted tanker or an infantryman; remains did not match Hawkins

    529. X-4731 Neuville: Park, James K.
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-6-8 "X-4731 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery. X-4731 Was later identified to be James K. Park."

    530. X-4734 Neuville: Baily, Shirley E (Pvt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: "(X-4734 Neuville) located in Plot A, Row 43, Grave 27 were disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and later identified as Pvt. Shirley E. Baily. He is buried in the Donel C. Kinnard Veteran's Cemetery in Dunbar, W.Va."

    531. X-4760 Neuville: Group: Harris, Lawrence N (Pfc) - Hellums, Judge C (Cpl); Owens, Donald D (Pvt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: ArdennesA-17-5 "Identified as Lawrence N. Harris, PFC (WOM Epinal); Judge C. Hellums, CPL (WOM Lorraine); & Donald D. Owens, PVT (WOM Lorraine) in 2011."

    532. X-4801 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-5-42 " X-4801 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    533. X-4804 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: ArdennesA-43-39 "X-4804 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    534. X-4820 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    535. X-4893 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-44-32 "X-4983 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    536. X-5056 Neuville: Politte, Vincent L
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-7-53 " X-5056 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery. X-50562 was later identified to be Vincent L. Politte."

    537. X-5059 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-8-52 "X-5059 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    538. X-5080 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-29-19 "X-5080 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    539. X-5081 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-29-20 " X-5081 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    540. X-5082 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-29-21 "X-5082 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    541. X-5150 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-26-11 X-5150 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery.

    542. X-5159 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-26-20 "X-5159 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    543. X-5160 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-26-21 " X-5160 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    544. X-5178 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    545. X-5184 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-28-12 "X-5184 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery"

    546. X-5192 Neuville: Harth, William H Jr
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-29-5 "X-5192 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery. X-5192 was later identified to be William H. Harth, Jr."

    547. X-5205 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    548. X-5264 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-3-28 "X-5264 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    549. X-5294 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-3-31 " X-5294 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    550. X-5299 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-3-34 "X-5299 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    551. X-5300 Cambridge: see X-3323 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:

    552. X-5300 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Henri-Chapelle G-12-72

    553. X-5364 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    554. X-5389 Neuville: (unknown as of 18 April 1949)
      Recovered before 18 April 1949 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: 14 April 1949 "Report on Certain Unknowns" in IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn; formerly X-100 Neuville)

    555. X-5391 Neuville: Shankles, Leslie
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-21-9 "X-5391 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    556. X-5392 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-4-34 "X-5392 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    557. X-5396 Neuville: Sappington, Oscar E
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-4-35 " X-5396 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery. X-5396 Was later identified to be Oscar E. Sappington."

    558. X-5406 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-4-46 "X-5406 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    559. X-5425 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-21-12 "X-5425 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    560. X-5440 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-20-3 "X-5440 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    561. X-5442 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-5-38 "X-5442 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    562. X-5460 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-5-42 "X-5460 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    563. X-5483 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-5-45 "X-5483 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    564. X-5577 Neuville: re-designated CIL #1001 on 12 Jun 1948 -- ALMOST CERTAINLY Meeks, Thurman (Pvt 34263482)
      Recovered before about 1947 at Netherlands, Vortum -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of William Davenport (17 Tank); also noted in IDPF of Russell Fratus (C/17 Tank) when eliminating nearby-recovered X-numbers; IDPF of Gerald A'hearn has handwritten notation (probably from early 1950's) that the only unknown remaining from the Overloon tanks was X-5577 (PDF 39) -- Hard to read; number could be different
      Specifics: Recovered from tank "Boomerang" USA 3033274 7/31/B3 (thus company Bof 31st Tank Battalion of 7th Armored Division [the / stands in for an armor triangle, which was the actual marking], probably the 3rd platoon) at Vortum, Holland - one of four tanks destroyed there (3 from B/31 and 1 from 434 AFABn) and the only one to have possible human remains --- Believed in 1950 to have been recovered from a tank in the immediate vicinity where Davenport was killed; Remains consisted of two ounces of material, in 1948, X-5577 was buried Neuville Y-4-79 and disinterred and sent to the Central Identification Laboratory [then at Strasbourg, France] for possible matching with Davenport; a match could not be made with the technology then available. 13 June 1950 memo to QM General in Washington states "The remains of Unknown X-5577, were eliminated, and designated CIL #1001 (Neuville), on 12 June 1948, by the Central Identification Laboratory during group processing of associated remains. Grave 79 is now declared open." --- Unfortunately, decades before DNA was known, the CIL (Central Identification Lab) could do nothing to identify CIL portions. So they either cremated CIL portions or combined them in caskets with dozens or hundreds of other CIL portions and buried them. DPAA has yet to figure out what the CIL did with specific CIL portions, since apparently the CIL did not document this. So the bottom line is that while X-5577 was almost certainly Thurman Meeks (B/31st Tank Bn/7th Armd Div), no one knows what happened to his two ounces of remains.
      Unit: Company "B", 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Search of tank USA 3033274 revealed possible presence of human remains."

    565. X-5591 Neuville: Gabri, John J (32830633)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: on list of "Certain Unknown Decedents" 13 Jan 1949 (Riley Clark PDF p 6)

    566. X-5624 Neuville: Vasquez, Apolonio P. (Pfc 38442249)
      Recovered before 23 June 1947 at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-02
      Source: 23 June 1947 Report of Interment at Neuville of Henry M. Haney (38 AIB); Barbara Geisler reports that plat of the section shows Vasquez, Apolonio P. PFC 38442249 in Y-4-100
      Specifics: Buried before 23 Jun 1947 in Y-4-100 (next to Haney); Vasquez of El Paso County, TX is now buried at Fort Bliss National Cemetery in Texas in Section E Site 9176, with birth date 10 Apr 1925 and death date 2 Dec 1944

    567. X-5738 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    568. X-5766 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-11-16 "X-5766 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    569. X-5773 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    570. X-5774 Neuville: Butryn, Stanley J. (Pfc 32946026)
      Recovered on or before 16 July 1947 at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-06
      Source: IDPF of Allan Persons (40 Tank); Barbara Geisler reports that plat of the section shows Butryn, Stanley J. PFC 32946026 in Y-11-253
      Specifics: Burial next to Persons at Neuville 16 Jul 1947 in Y-11-253; Butryn of Schenectady County, NY is now buried at St. Mary's Cemetery in Schenectady, with unit 357 Infantry, birth date 10 May 1921, death date 6 Dec 1944
      Unit: 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division

    571. X-5785 Neuville: Persons, Allan J. (Tec 4 37300978)
      Recovered on or before 16 July 1947 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-01 -- Died: 1944-Oct-01
      Source: IDPF of Allan Persons (40 Tank); also noted in IDPF of Russell Fratus (C/17 Tank) when eliminating nearby-recovered X-numbers
      Specifics: Burial at Neuville 16 Jul 1947 in Y-11-254; Final burial in USA, location not yet known
      Unit: Company "A", 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    572. X-5786 Neuville: Brown, Norman H. H. (T/Sgt 10601604)
      Recovered on or before 16 July 1947 at , -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Feb-19
      Source: IDPF of Allan Persons (40 Tank); Barbara Geisler reports that plat of the section shows Brown, Norman HH. TSGT 10601604 in Y-11-255
      Specifics: Burial next to Persons at Neuville 16 Jul 1947 in Y-11-255; Brown is now buried in the Ardennes US Military Cemetery at Neuville in Plot B, Row 29, Grave 15, death date 19 Feb 1944
      Unit: U.S. Army Air Forces, Army Air Corps

    573. X-5790 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    574. X-5823 Neuville: group: A'Hearn, Gerald J. (Cpl 13050934), Fratus, Russell J. (1st Sgt 6137994), Peterson, Harold A. (Pvt 37543967)
      Recovered ?1945-07? at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-05 -- Died: 1944-Oct-05
      Source: IDPF of Russell Fratus (C/17 Tank), Thomas Jones (C/17); also listed as one of the 46 "Holland Cases" in HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation in IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: group remains X-1215 (Margraten KK-6-150 [4650 GB-395]) & X-5823 (Neuville Z-1-18 [1260 GB-436], originally believed to be remains of C/17 still-MIAs Francis H. Bosch & Thomas B. Jones, Jr.) were later combined as X-8364 (Neuville)
      Unit: Company "C", 17th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    575. X-5855 Neuville: (unknown as of 28 Oct 1947)
      Recovered on or before 28 Oct 1947 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: noted in IDPF of Russell Fratus (C/17 Tank) when eliminating nearby-recovered X-numbers

    576. X-5867 Neuville: Gass, Reece (Pfc)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Luxembourg H-13-30 "X-5867 Neuville (1260) Identified as PFC Reece Gass in Jun 2017"

    577. X-5867 St Avold
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:

    578. X-5882 Neuville: Harms, Herbert W (Sgt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-24-20 "X-5882 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery. Identified as Sgt. Herbert W. Harms Sept 5, 2018"

    579. X-6010 St. Avold: apparently never identified
      Recovered 25 Mar 1946 (PDF p 45) at France, Maizieres-les-Metz U-856698 (map PDF p 39) -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of John Maruscok (48 AIB PDF p 9) [negative association of X-6060 & Maruscok]; St Avold X-6010 X-file (PDF of 61 pages)
      Specifics: recovered St Avold X-6010 Apr 1946 at Maizieres-les-Metz - only a few charred bones, recovered from burned tank 7-40-B18 USA 3883676 S (PDF p 54 et seq). X-6010 recovery team (25 Mar 1946 PDF p 45) had sought T/5 Randall KLINGER of D/40 and surmised (PDF p 13) despite the B18 marking and 75 mm M3 gun (PDF p 51) that this was his tank, but D Co was light tanks and a 75mm M3 gun meant a medium and thus company A, B or C. -- 2022: X-6010 is almost certainly either Pvt. Harry Pake or Sgt. Leonard Reamer (both of B/40) see Company B, 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division 3 KIA Just North of Maizieres-les-Metz, France 9 September 1944

    580. X-6020 St. Avold: Klosin, Harry (Pvt. 12024013)
      Recovered 1946-04 at France, Sillegny -- MIA: 1944-Sep-19 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harry Klosin (38 AIB)
      Unit: Company "C", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    581. X-6021 St. Avold: Hansen, Frederick W. (Pvt. 36883490)
      Recovered 1946-04 at France, Sillegny -- MIA: 1944-Sep-21 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Frederick Hansen (38 AIB)
      Specifics: has both numbers X-6021 and X-3223
      Unit: Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    582. X-6068 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten P-22-14

    583. X-6207 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-13-9 "X-6207 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    584. X-6262 Margraten: not identified as of 31 Mar 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 8 (AEB ltr 18 Mar 49) - (31 Mar 1949) "not identified"

    585. X-6342 Neuville
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 661 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf -- CEMETERY MARKERS (APPARENTLY MOVED BY SOVIETS AND DURING PRIOR DISINTERMENTS BY BRITISH INDICATED THIS WAS THE GRAVE OF ANDREW GRZYS (Med/23 Pvt 36 262 997) BUT "remains recovered from 639 (ROEDER) 661 (GRZYS) 664 MOHR cannot be associated with those particular decedents"

    586. X-6343 Neuville: Northam, Willis L. (Pfc 14182482)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Feb-09
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW 320533 at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 622 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf; from Marion County, AL; final burial apparently in US -- CEMETERY MARKERS (APPARENTLY MOVED BY SOVIETS AND DURING PRIOR DISINTERMENTS BY BRITISH INDICATED THIS WAS THE GRAVE OF VICTOR FATTY (Pvt 32 732 478, BUT REMAINS FOUND IN THIS GRAVE WERE LATER IDENTIFIED AS WILLIS NORTHAM

    587. X-6344 Neuville: Summers, Bruce R. (Pfc 33456730)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Apr-30
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW 314627 at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 649 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf; from Columbia County, PA; final burial apparently in US

    588. X-6346 Neuville
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 605 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf

    589. X-6347 Neuville
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 664 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf -- CEMETERY MARKERS (APPARENTLY MOVED BY SOVIETS AND DURING PRIOR DISINTERMENTS BY BRITISH INDICATED THIS WAS THE GRAVE OF ROBERT L MOHR (Pfc 39 727 244) BUT "remains recovered from 639 (ROEDER) 661 (GRZYS) 664 MOHR cannot be associated with those particular decedents"

    590. X-6348 Neuville: Van Deusen, George E. (Pvt 39297201)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Jan-27
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW 316280 at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 597 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf; from San Bernardino, CA; final burial apparently in US

    591. X-6349 Neuville
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 639 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf -- CEMETERY MARKERS (APPARENTLY MOVED BY SOVIETS AND DURING PRIOR DISINTERMENTS BY BRITISH INDICATED THIS WAS THE GRAVE OF WILBUR J ROEDER (Pfc 36 966 776) BUT "remains recovered from 639 (ROEDER) 661 (GRZYS) 664 MOHR cannot be associated with those particular decedents"

    592. X-6351 Neuville: Musgrove, Robert (Pvt 38390393)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Feb-01
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW 318938 at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 600 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf; final burial apparently in US

    593. X-6352 Neuville: Bacon, Ernest L. (Pfc 11104611)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Jan-31
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW 315142 (unsure of 5) at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 598 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf; from Hartford County, CT; final burial Ardennes USMC A-37-36
      Unit: 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division

    594. X-6356 Neuville
      Recovered 1947-Aug-07 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 583 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf

    595. X-6358 Neuville: Lund, Elliott R. (Pfc 31373644)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-08 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-Apr-01
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW 320532 at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 623 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf; final burial apparently in US

    596. X-6359 Neuville: BELIEVED TO BE Gregory, Frank (British)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-07 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 590 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf -- 20 MAY 1953 NON-RECOVERABLE REMAINS MEMORANDUM "5. a. That the Imperial War Graves Commission be contacted for the following: ... (2) That their records of World War II be examined for a British casualty by the name of Frank Gregory. Subject roster records the interment in grave 590 as F. Gregory, born 2 December 1921, died 21 January 1945 of diphtheria; POW #75408/XII A; religious preference - Church of England; nationality - English. (Note: Unknown X-6359, USMC Neuville, now classified as unidentifiable as an American casualty, was recovered from grave 590, and is listed on associated documents as BTB Frank Gregory.)
      Unit: British

    597. X-6363 Neuville: Turton, Edgar (Pfc 32274266)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-07 at Germany, Neuburxdorf -- MIA: -- Died: 1944-Dec-30
      Source: IDPF of Grzys (23 AIB)
      Specifics: died as POW 294562 at Stalag IV B (Muhlberg, Germany); recovered from grave 575 of POW Section of Community Cemetery of Neuburxdorf; from Westchester County, NY; final burial apparently in US

    598. X-6422 Neuville: Large, Bernard D. (Pvt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: Riley Clark IDPF (PDF p 77) Identification Check List (8 Jan 1949) "RX Case of Pvt Bernard D Large (X-6422 Neuville) is presented herewith.

    599. X-6429 Neuville: (unidentified as of undated memo [some time after 12 Aug 1947 recovery] on Riley Clark IDPF PDF p 51)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-12 at Germany, Leipzig -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: POW buried by Germans at Leipzig Trinitatis Firedhof under cross marked "Carow"; reburied at Neuville BB-7-156 (Riley Clark IDPF PDF p 51); X-6429, X-6430, X-7160 disinterred from same cemetery, with X-6429 shown as Phillips but then scratched out and noted "no" (Riley Clark PDF p 77)

    600. X-6430 Neuville: Clark, Riley E. (Pfc. 35479489)
      Recovered 1947-Aug-12 at Germany, Leipzig -- MIA: 1944-Dec-21 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: Stalag IV B No. 20685 / Kriegsgefangenen Nr. 317599 IV B - killed as POW by Allied air raid; X-6429, X-6430, X-7160 disinterred from same cemetery (Riley Clark PDF p 77)
      Unit: Company "A", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    601. X-6431 Neuville: (unidentified as of 25 Nov 1947)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: burial at Neuville 25 Nov 1947 in BB-7-159 (next to X-6430 in 158)

    602. X-6454 Neuville: Cummings, John B. (Pvt)
      Recovered 1946-May-10 at Germany, Iffezheim -- MIA: 1944-Dec-31 -- Died: 12/41/44
      Source: Steve Dixon (70ID Historian); St Avold X-6454 IDPF; identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: identified 2018 from final burial at St. Avold F-11-35; killed by Germans who crossed the Rhine into France on a raid and brought his body back to Iffezheim where it was buried in an isolated grave; 286th left Boston 7 Dec 44 and arrived in France 16 Dec 44; he was a Sgt when he shipped out but a Pvt when killed; Barbara Geisler: "DPAA identified X-6454 (St. Avold) to be Pvt. John B. Cummings."
      Unit: Company "A", 276th Infantry Regiment, 70th Infantry Division

    603. X-6551 Neuville (1945): Murray, Billy J. (18162953)
      Recovered 1945-05 at Belgium, Zaventen -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-May-18
      Source: IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: British plane carrying freed US POWs crashed near Brussels, Belgium (9 unknowns from crash: Neuville X-96 to 101, 6551, 6560, 6561); Home County Anderson County, KS; initially buried at Evere (Belgium) Communal Cemetery; final burial Ardennes USMC (Neuville) A-8-7
      Unit: 325th Bomber Squadron, 92nd Bomber Group, Heavy

    604. X-6560 Neuville (1945): Williams, Nathan O. (Pvt. 34875161)
      Recovered 1945-05 at Belgium, Zaventen -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-May-18
      Source: IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: British plane carrying freed US POWs crashed near Brussels, Belgium (9 unknowns from crash: Neuville X-96 to 101, 6551, 6560, 6561); initially buried at Evere (Belgium) Communal Cemetery; Home County Holmes County, MS

    605. X-6561 Neuville (1945): (declared unidentifiable as of 15 June 1951)
      Recovered 1945-05 at Belgium, Zaventen -- MIA: -- Died: 1945-May-18
      Source: IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: British plane carrying freed US POWs crashed near Brussels, Belgium (9 unknowns from crash: Neuville X-96 to 101, 6551, 6560, 6561); initially buried at Evere (Belgium) Communal Cemetery

    606. X-6573 Neuville: Atkinson, Gerald V (S/Sgt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Brittany E-10-16 "X-6573 Neuville Identified as Gerald V. Atkinston, SSGT, in 2014. (WOM Netherlands)"

    607. X-6579 Neuville: (unknown as of 18 April 1949)
      Recovered before 18 April 1949 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: 14 April 1949 "Report on Certain Unknowns" in IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn; formerly X-100 Neuville)

    608. X-6688 Neuville: tentatively Monteleone, Edward G. (39841223) as of 13 Jan 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: on list of "Certain Unknown Decedents" 13 Jan 1949 (Riley Clark PDF p 6)

    609. X-6756 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten M-7-6

    610. X-6998 Neuville: Fitzgerell, Robert F (T/Sgt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-41-20 "X-6998(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery. Identified as TSgt Robert J. Fitzgerrell on Sept 11, 2018"

    611. X-7004 Neuville: BTB mass burial of Valtemar Klpeleinen 31320967 and John W. Taviner 39289171 (as of 5 Nov 1947)
      Recovered before 5 Nov 1947 at Germany, Buedesheim -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: (IDPF of Mike Orrico 36308104 PDF pp 17-18): 14 April 1948 "Recovery of Remains from Budesheim, Germany"
      Specifics: one of eight remains recovered from Buedesheim "New Cemetery"; "Identification check list for X-7004, dated 19 November 1947, indicates parts of four (4) remains are present, two (2) of which are probably enemy."

    612. X-7096 Neuville: (unknown as of 18 April 1949)
      Recovered before 18 April 1949 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: 14 April 1949 "Report on Certain Unknowns" in IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn; formerly X-100 Neuville)

    613. X-7122 Neuville: not identified as of 31 Mar 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 3 (AEB ltr 18 Mar 49) - (31 Mar 1949) "not identified"

    614. X-7160 Neuville: Holland, Norbert
      Recovered 1947-Aug-12 at Germany, Leipzig -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Riley Clark (38 AIB)
      Specifics: hand-written notation on typed Evacuation Number 1F-2997 list of Americans buried in Trinitatis Cemetery (also called East Cemetery=Ost Friedhof) in Leipzig, Germany which includes death date 1 Apr 1945 but also shows him as not recovered (Riley Clark PDF p 35; also p 37); Neuville burial at BB (or EE?)-9-225 (Riley Clark IDPF p 51); Holland was POW number IV B 95586 (Riley Clark IDPF PDF p 51); X-6429, X-6430, X-7160 disinterred from same cemetery (Riley Clark PDF p 77)

    615. X-7214 Neuville: Allen Clarence E. (2d Lt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-43-16 "X-7214 Identified as 2LT Clarence E. Allen, (WOM Netherlands)"

    616. X-7221 Neuville: possibly Bundy, Ed G. (S/Sgt. 15055976)
      Recovered 1948-Apr-21 at Germany, Görlitz -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Clarkson Russell (PDF p 48)
      Specifics: recovered from Stalag VIII-A burial location, intiially BTB someone else but that disproved, so that next possibility was Bundy, but do not know final disposition - Bundy was from KY and died 1 Mar 1945; he was in the 422IR of 106ID and is buried at Coleville-sur-Mer, France B-9-11

    617. X-7242 Neuville: Schwalm, Bruce F/ (Tec 5 33589793 )
      Recovered 1948-Apr-21 at Germany, Görlitz -- MIA: 1944-Dec-19 -- Died: 1945-Jan-19
      Source: initially Carl Wouters' article in Jan-Apr 2011 Vol. 60 No, 1 "The Cub of the Golden Lion"; later IDPF of Clarkson Russell (PDF p 48)
      Specifics: Died as POW at Stalag VIII-A of meningitis, complicated by enterocolitis; first buried in Görlitz cemetery in grave 113 or 114; reburied at Neuville; final burial at Whitemarsh Memorial Park in Philadelphia, PA.
      Unit: HQ Company, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division

    618. X-7269 Neuville: BELIEVED TO BE Corel, J. J. (33345823) as of 31 Mar 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 4 (AEB ltr 18 Mar 49) - (31 Mar 1949) "BTB Corel, J. J. 33345823"

    619. X-7273 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-10-6 " X-7273 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    620. X-7388 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-12-19 "X-7388 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    621. X-7429 Neuville: Sersha, John P (Pvt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-12-46 "X-7429 Neuville Identified as John P. Sersha, PVT, in 2016. (WOM Netherlands)"

    622. X-7440 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten M-7-17

    623. X-7443 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten I-7-22

    624. X-7444 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten M-3-13

    625. X-7466 Neuville: Shank, William W.
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-20-9 "X-7466 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery. X-7466 Was later identified to be William W. Shank"

    626. X-7547 Neuville: Betchley, George W (1st Lt O-2 057 855)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-19-17 "X-7547 Neuville Identified as 1LT. George W. Betchley, O-2057855(WOM Henri-Chapelle)"

    627. X-7566 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten A-1-28

    628. X-7661 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-22-7 "X-7661 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    629. X-7724 Neuville: not identified as of 31 Mar 1949
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Alvin Davis (PDF p 32 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet 25 Mar 1949): "In cases where identity has been established, request comment …" -inclosue 5 (AEB ltr 21 Mar 49) - (31 Mar 1949) "not identified"

    630. X-7838 Neuville: Jenkins, Willard (Pfc 33 346 254)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-36-12 "X-7838(Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery. Identified as PFC Willard Jenkins, 33346254, (WOM Netherlands) "

    631. X-7867 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-25-14 "X-7867 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    632. X-7868 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-25-17 "X-7868 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    633. X-7969 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-2-42 "X-7969 (Neuville)) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    634. X-7970 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten N-3-1

    635. X-7971 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered before 28 Oct 1948 at Belgium, St. Vith -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harold H. Williams (Med/33 AEB), p. 42: "Including X-7971 there were a total of severn unknowns recovered from St. Vith, Belgium." p. 45 lists the other 6: Foy X-143 & Margraten X-1244, X-2202, X-2450, X-2451, X-2452

    636. X-7971 Neuville: (unknown as of 9 Nov 1950)
      Recovered before 9 Nov 1950 at Belgium?, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Harvery H Bryan (A/33 AEB) p 2
      Specifics: "Unks X-2450& X-7971, Neuville, were specifically checked … with negative results."

    637. X-7979 Margraten: Byrom, Glenn K. (Cpl. 39 692 033)
      Recovered 1944-11-?18? at Germany, Immendorf (Geilenkirchen) -- MIA: 1944-Oct-29 -- Died: 1944-Oct-29
      Source: IDPF of Glenn Byrom (48 AIB - see also X-28)
      Specifics: See X-28. Since his final duty location was at a point 6 miles SE of Asten, Netherlands, along the road north of Meijel, if he was indeed recovered at Immendorf, Germany, then he may have been taken prisoner by the Germans and taken into Germany and died, which means he was probably seriously wounded before he was captured. It seems doubtful that the Immendorf location is correct for Byrom, though it may have been correct for Humphreys. Immendorf was not taken until about the time that Humphreys was recovered (mid Nov 1944). The condition of Byrom's remains at disinterrment support him being killed instantly by a powerful explosion that fractured and shattered his body, so that it is highly unlikely that he was captured and taken to Immendorf.
      Unit: Company "A", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    638. X-7980 Neuville: Walker, John H
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-19-19 "X-7980 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery. X-7980 Was later identified to be John H. Walker"

    639. X-8017 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten P-22-16

    640. X-8063 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-9-10 "X-8063 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    641. X-8077 Neuville (1945)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Plat of Section E of temp Neuville cemetery
      Specifics: E-3-74

    642. X-8145 Neuville (1949): Tibensky, Joseph (Pvt. 36706565)
      Recovered 1949-08 at France, Louvigny -- MIA: 1944-Sep-20 -- Died: 1944-Sep-20
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Tibensky
      Specifics: recovered near Seille River, 800 meters north of farm "Houtonnerie" of Mr. Torloting of community of Louvigny; final burial at Rock Island (IL) National Cemetery E-166 in November 1950
      Unit: Company "A", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    643. X-8170 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes C-36-16 "X-8170 (Neuville) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    644. X-8281 Neuville (1950): (unknown as of 25 Mar 1950)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Lester Golden (C/38 AIB)
      Specifics: buried next to Golden 25 Mar 1950 in grave LL-1-21 at Neuville

    645. X-8282 Neuville (1950): (unknown as of 25 Mar 1950)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Lester Golden (C/38 AIB)
      Specifics: buried next to Golden 25 Mar 1950 in grave LL-1-23 at Neuville

    646. X-8289 Neuville
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Netherlands H-5-17 "X-8289 Neuville was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Netherlands American Cemetery."

    647. X-8364 Neuville: group: A'Hearn, Gerald J. (Cpl 13050934), Fratus, Russell J. (1st Sgt 6137994), Peterson, Harold A. (Pvt 37543967)
      Recovered ?1945-07? at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-05 -- Died: 1944-Oct-05
      Source: IDPF of Russell Fratus (C/17 Tank)
      Specifics: group remains X-1215 (Margraten KK-6-150 [4650 GB-395]) & X-5823 (Neuville Z-1-18 [1260 GB-436], originally believed to be remains of C/17 still-MIAs Francis H. Bosch & Thomas B. Jones, Jr.) were later combined as X-8364 (Neuville)
      Unit: Company "C", 17th Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    648. X-8422 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten G-12-10

    649. X-8462 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten O-4-2

    650. X-8516 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten I-1-22

    651. X-8583 Neuville: (unknown as of 18 April 1949)
      Recovered before 18 April 1949 at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: 14 April 1949 "Report on Certain Unknowns" in IDPF of Ernest Nevins (87 Rcn; formerly X-100 Neuville)

    652. X-8748 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    653. X-8770 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    654. X-8853 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    655. X-8858 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    656. X-8867 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    657. X-9020 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Huber, Harry L. (Pfc. 39558218)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany
      Unit: 630th Destroyer Battalion

    658. X-9021 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Predovic, Peter J. (T/5 15101326)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: 1944-Dec-22 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany
      Unit: Troop "B", 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division

    659. X-9022 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Winburn, Elmer (Pfc. 35135365)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    660. X-9023 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Weaver, Barton E. (Pvt. 17053436)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany
      Unit: Band, 99th Infantry Division

    661. X-9024 Liege Mausoleum (1951): ?Fairchild, Leo?
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    662. X-9025 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Lauffer, Harry E. (Pvt. 33705347)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    663. X-9026 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Bradford, Joe W. (S/Sgt. 18177453)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany
      Unit: 322nd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group (Heavy)

    664. X-9027 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Welgamott, George E. (Pfc. 36184606)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    665. X-9028 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Lowry, Leroy M. (S/Sgt. 37068702)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    666. X-9029 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Mosher, Carrol L. (Pvt. 31459692)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    667. X-9030 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Smith, Glenn A. (Pfc. 36815435)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany
      Unit: 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division

    668. X-9031 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Shilling, Fred M. (Pvt. 33764590)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: 1944-Sep-22 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany
      Unit: Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    669. X-9032 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Manning, Joe E. (Pvt. 20835419)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    670. X-9033 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Robinson, Irving L. (Pfc. 20109509)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    671. X-9034 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Small, Harmon L. (M/Sgt. 18037795)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    672. X-9035 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Beach, Harold E. (S/Sgt. 37427349)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany
      Unit: 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division

    673. X-9036 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Rounsaville, Frank P. (Sgt. 33022788)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    674. X-9037 Liege Mausoleum (1951): Trapnell, Robert M. (M/Sgt. 13068648)
      Recovered 1951-05 at Germany, Neubrandenburg -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Peter Predovic (87 Rcn)
      Specifics: list of identification of 17 remains of US soldiers who died as POWs and were buried at Funfeichen Cemetery near Stalag IIA at Neubrandenburg, Germany

    675. X-9065 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten C-4-23

    676. X-9070 Liege Mausoleum
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Luxembourg I-11-31 "X-9070 Liege was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Luxembourg American Cemetery."

    677. X-9086 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten N-3-3

    678. X-9102 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) D-3-58 on 21 Nov 1961

    679. X-9158 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    680. X-9167 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    681. X-9283580 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten D-17-29

    682. X-9284 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten P-22-5

    683. X-9321 : Blankenship, Paul G. (Pvt. 33652284)
      Recovered 1959-11 at Netherlands, Vierlingsbeek -- MIA: 1944-Oct-07 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Paul Blankenship (38 AIB)
      Specifics: had both numbers X-9321 and Non-Recoverable Case Number 17899
      Unit: Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    684. X-9342 : (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) D-2-58 on 21 Nov 1961

    685. X-9345 Frankfurt: Bailey, Joe Wilson (Pfc. 38671835)
      Recovered 1960-11 at Belgium, 1 mile South of Manhay -- MIA: 1944-Dec-24 -- Died: 1944-Dec-22
      Specifics: remains recovered from initial location by German graves regristration team and buried either at Lommel, Belgium and then at Ittenbach, Germany or else directly at Ittenbach; recovered by U. S. Graves Registration 17 Nov 1960 from Ittenbach and taken to Frankfurt Mausoleum; final burial Jul 1963 at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery (San Antonio, TX) Section AC Site 122 (also on Ardennes US Military Cemetery Wall of Missing)
      Unit: Anti-Tank Platoon, Company "B", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    686. X-9348 : Risoli, Samuel G.
      Recovered 1961-? at France, Metz/Moselle -- MIA: 1944-Sep-10 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Addabbo (3rd Cav Rcn Sq)
      Specifics: On roster of men declared non-recoverable Nov 1950
      Unit: 11th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division

    687. X-9351 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) D-8-58 on 14 Aug 1962

    688. X-9352 Frankfurt: RM2 Julius "Henry" Pieper
      Recovered 1905-May-14 at France, -- MIA: -- Died: 2 weeks after D-Day
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial); identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-34-58 on 8 September 1965; Barbara Geisler: "X-9352(Frankfort) was disinterred from Ardennes American Cemetery by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) in 2016 and later identified to be RM2 Julius Pieper. In June 2018, he was buried in Normandy American Cemetery at the request of his family." -- World War II Magazine (Dec 2018, pp 12-13) "Twin Sailors Killed in 1944 Reunited" reports that he and his twin brother were both killed 2 weeks after D-Day when the LST hit a mine, exploded and sank. Brother Louie's body was recovered, but Julius/Henry was not recovered until 1961 when French divers retrieved his remains from the radio room. -- Final burial 2018 at Normandy USMC next to twin brother in Row 25 Graves 42-43
      Unit: US Navy: LST-523 (nicknamed "Stardust")

    689. X-9353 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    690. X-9353 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    691. X-9354 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    692. X-9355 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    693. X-9356 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-35-58 on 8 September 1965

    694. X-9357 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-36-58 on 8 September 1965

    695. X-9358 : Addabbo, Joseph
      Recovered 1961-? at France, Gravelotte -- MIA: 1944-Sep-05 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Addabbo (3rd Cav Rcn Sq)
      Unit: Troop "A", 3rd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron

    696. X-9359 : Sullivan, John P.
      Recovered 1961-? at France, Gravelotte -- MIA: 1944-Sep-05 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Addabbo (3rd Cav Rcn Sq)
      Specifics: On roster of men declared non-recoverable Nov 1950
      Unit: Troop "A", 3rd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron

    697. X-9360 : Schue, George E.
      Recovered 1961-? at France, Metz/Moselle -- MIA: 1944-Nov-17 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Joseph Addabbo (3rd Cav Rcn Sq)
      Specifics: On roster of men declared non-recoverable Nov 1950
      Unit: 10th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division

    698. X-9363 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-37-58 on 8 September 1965

    699. X-9364 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    700. X-9365 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    701. X-9366 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    702. X-9370 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    703. X-9370 Frankfurt: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial); identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) D-14-58 on 24 March 1964; Barbara Geisler (Sep 2018): Ardennes D-14-58 "X-9370 (Frankfort) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    704. X-9372 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-32-58 on 15 September 1964

    705. X-9373 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    706. X-9378 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    707. X-9379 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    708. X-9380 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    709. X-9381 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    710. X-9382 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    711. X-9383 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    712. X-9384 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-38-58 (grave with 13 sets of remains) on 8 September 1965

    713. X-9386 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    714. X-9401 US Army Mortuary; Frankfurt: Whitley, Robert H., Jr. (Tec 5 14013522)
      Recovered 1970-06 at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-05 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Robert Whitley (A/33 AEB) -- see S&R Case 5111
      Specifics: recovered at Kamphofweg 6; found by P. J. Hendrix; final burial Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery (San Diego, CA) Q-230 buried November 1970
      Unit: Company "A", 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    715. X-9407 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) C-1-58 on 28 November 1972

    716. X-9408 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) C-2-58 on 28 November 1972

    717. X-9410 Neuville: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) C-3-58 on 6 May 1973

    718. X-9423 Frankfurt: Group in 3 burials (X-9423 to 9425): Lubben, John F (2d Lt); Forgue, Albert A (Sgt); Spiegel, Charles L (Sgt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial); identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) C-5-58 on 28 July 1976; Barbara Geisler: X-9423, 9424, 9425 "Identified as John F. Lubben, 2LT (WOM Luxembourg); Albert A. Forgue, SGT (WOM Lorraine); & Charles L. Spiegel, SGT, (WOM Lorraine) in 2008."

    719. X-9424 Frankfurt: Group in 3 burials (X-9423 to 9425): Lubben, John F (2d Lt); Forgue, Albert A (Sgt); Spiegel, Charles L (Sgt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial); identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) C-6-58 on 28 July 1976; Barbara Geisler: X-9423, 9424, 9425 "Identified as John F. Lubben, 2LT (WOM Luxembourg); Albert A. Forgue, SGT (WOM Lorraine); & Charles L. Spiegel, SGT, (WOM Lorraine) in 2008."

    720. X-9425 Frankfurt: Group in 3 burials (X-9423 to 9425): Lubben, John F (2d Lt); Forgue, Albert A (Sgt); Spiegel, Charles L (Sgt)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial); identification information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) C-7-58 on 28 July 1976; Barbara Geisler: X-9423, 9424, 9425 "Identified as John F. Lubben, 2LT (WOM Luxembourg); Albert A. Forgue, SGT (WOM Lorraine); & Charles L. Spiegel, SGT, (WOM Lorraine) in 2008."

    721. X-9435 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    722. X-9436 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    723. X-9437 : Renda, George J. (Pfc. 33161965)
      Recovered 1977 - ? at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-05 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (48 AIB)
      Specifics: Remains recovered 1977; final burial at Penn Lincoln Memorial Park; Rt 30 N. Huntingon, PA
      Click here for his photo.
      Unit: Company "C", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    724. X-9438 : Gonsowski, Aloysius (Pfc. 32253289)
      Recovered 1977 - ? at Netherlands, Overloon -- MIA: 1944-Oct-05 -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of Aloysius Gonsowski (48 AIB)
      Specifics: Remains recovered 1977; final burial at Ardennes USMC (Neupré-en-Condroz, Belgium) C-11-58
      Unit: Company "C", 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division

    725. X-9441 Frankfurt: Cole, Hood E. (Pfc, 34834714)
      Recovered at France, near Baerenthal -- MIA: 1945-Jan-14 -- Died: 1945-Jan-14
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": p. 128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial); 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (formerly miarecoverynetwork.com); DPAA Press Release of Hood Cole Identification"
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) C-12-58 on 13 September 1978
      Unit: Company "L", 3rd Battalion, 276th Infantry Regiment, 70th Infantry Division

    726. X-9442 Frankfurt: (never identified)
      Recovered at France, near Baerenthal -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": p. 128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial); 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (formerly miarecoverynetwork.com); DPAA Press Release of Hood Cole Identification"
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) C-12-58 on 13 September 1978

    727. X-9443 Frankfurt: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) B-7-6 on 8 November 1978 [NOTE: B-7-6 had been the grave of T/5 Thurston Hollar, whose son had received the (very difficult to obtain) approval to have repatriated.]

    728. X-9450 Frankfurt: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) B-31-59 on 17 April 1980

    729. X-9454 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    730. X-9467 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    731. X-9796 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    732. X-10162 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    733. X-10227 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    734. X-10459 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    735. X-10460 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    736. X-10483 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    737. X-10490 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    738. X-10522 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    739. X-10533 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    740. X-10540 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    741. X-11637 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    742. X-11702 "Holland Cases": (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)
      Recovered at Netherlands, -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: IDPF of George Renda (C/48 AIB)
      Specifics: HQ 7887 Graves Registration Detachment - 30 Aug 1950 Narrative of Investigation with recommdation of finding of unrecoverable for 46 men, referencing 38 "Holland Cases" by number
      Unit: (unknown as of 30 Aug 1950)

    743. X-13037 Margraten: (as of 2017, buried as Unknown)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Specifics: final burial at Margraten N-21-10

    744. X-70088 Frankfurt
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: pending disinterred Unknowns Sep 2018 information from Barbara Geisler (miarecoverynetwork.com)
      Specifics: Barbara Geisler: Ardennes A-44-21 "X-70088 (Frankfort) was disinterred by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and is no longer buried in Ardennes American Cemetery."

    745. X-70103 Frankfurt: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) A-31-58 on 15 September 1964

    746. X-70121 Frankfurt: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) D-12-58 on 30 July 1963

    747. X-70135 Frankfurt: (never identified)
      Recovered at , -- MIA: -- Died:
      Source: Ferdinand M. Dessente "Les Cimetières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz": pp. 127-128 (burials of American soldiers after the consecration of the Cemetery & Memorial)
      Specifics: final burial at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium (Ardennes USMC) B-33-59 on 16 October 1984

    Grave Registration Forms & Information

    Grave not Graves? - Those familiar with the U. S. Graves Registration Service may feel some tension to read "Grave Registration" on this section. The tension is intended. The use of "Grave" is intended. We should never forget that every single grave contains the story of (at least) one man (or in rare cases in WWII one woman) -- his hopes, his family, his childhood, the future he never had. "Graves" only happen one at a time as a "Grave" is made for a service member who died. So the use of "Grave" here is to focus on this.

    Forms for Remains

    The transport, recovery, burial, identification and final disposition of remains generated many different printed forms - so many that they require their own web page. Click here for my web page presenting all of the forms I have encountered.


    ETO Burial Reports
    35th Infantry Division Historian Roberta Russo discovered many (but not all) 1944 weekly Chief Quartermaster weekly burial reports and daily burial lists by each cemetery in the papers of 35ID veteran Butler Buchanan Miltonberger at History Nebraska where they had been donated. She has posted all reports that Mr. Miltonberger had gathered on the 134th Infantry Division web page "Quartermaster General Burial Reports (ETO)". The web page also includes a link to the exhaustive post-war study "Identification of American Soldiers Buried in Temporary Cemetery of Grand-Failly, France 1944-1948" by Donna M. Knechtel Paszek.

    • Dessente, Ferdinand M. "Les Cimitières militaires de Neuville-en-Condroz", A & Ω: Belgium, 1997
    • Shomon, Lt. Col. Joseph James. "Crosses in the Wind", 2nd editon, Keulers, Geleen: Netherlands, 1991 (first edition published 1947 by Stratford House, New York)
    • Sledge, Michael. "Soldier Dead: How We Recover, Identify, Bury, & Honor our Military Fallen", Columbia University Press: New York, 2005
    • Warnock, Bill. "The Dead of Winter: How Battlefield Investigators, WWII Veterans, and Forensic Scientists Solved the Mystery of the Bulge's Lost Soldiers", Chamberlain Brothers: 2005

    Online Resources

    British Records
    Many American remains, especially in the Netherlands, were first found and documented by the British. Sometimes these records appear in the Individual Deceased Personnel Files of the Americans, but most of the time, the IDPFs contain only the American records. Thus it is very important to find the British records that document American remains and also assign a T-number to unidentified remains. The British Army's Directorate of Graves Registration and Enquiries was establised in World War I and is the counterpart of the U. S. Graves Registration Service. Thus far, I have not researched their records, but the following web sites appear to have information that will be useful for such a search.

    Temporary Cemeteries in the European Theater of Operations

    Source: "The Graves Registration Service in World War II"
    (Q.M.C. Historical Studies No. 21) by Edward Steere

    Note that the map does not correspond exactly with the list below.
    Click on image to view full sized.

    An asterisk (*) indicates those cemeteries that later became permanent, although these were completely redesigned cemteries, which required the complete disinterrment of all remains in the temporary cemetery.

    The number in square brackets is the Army-assigned code for the cemetery. Click here for a document listing all codes (thanks to Ted Darcy).

    I have NOT attempted to cross-reference all of the ETO Burial Reports in the previous section. These have records of many of the ETO cemeteries. So, be sure to look at those records as well to see what they have on any given cemetery. In particular, the link in that section above also has an exhaustive study on the identification of those buried at the Grand Failly cemetery.

    • Belgium
      • Fosse [1220]: ...
      • Foy [1225]: ...
      • Henri-Chapelle [1240] [* Henri-Chapelle 1201]
      • Neuville-en-Condroz [1260] [* Ardennes 1202]:
        • Click here to see a PDF file of the (apparently 1947) grave plot of Sections C, E and Y of the temporary American cemetery at Neuville. [thanks to Barbara Geisler]
    • England
      • Brookwood [1605]: ...
      • Cambridge [1615] [* Cambridge 1601]: ...
    • France
      • Andilly [3504 - but code 3504 later reassigned to Brittany - see note]: ...
        • Andilly was originally assigned code 3504. However, when the permanent cemeteries in France were created, they were assigned numbers 3501 to 3505. So since Andilly had been closed in the creation of the permanent cemeteries (all Andilly remains were moved to St. Avold), Andilly's code 3504 was reassigned to Brittany, and Andilly ceased to have a code after that reassignment. I have not found the memorandum that made this change, so that I do not know the exact date. However, QM Manual QMC 16, dated 3 Aug 1947 (or else QMC 16-3, dated Aug 1947), as transcribed in this document does mean that the change had been made by August 1947. (The IDPF of Edward T. Ziencina (PDF p 14) has a 24 Sep 1948 letter to his brother from the Memorial Division that states "... the cemetery at Andilly, France, being temporary, was closed to visitors 18 June 1948.")
        • Click here for the web page with information on the 10 still-unidentified Andilly Unknowns.
      • Blosville [3508]: ...
      • Champigneul [3515]: ...
      • Draguignan [3519] [* Rhone 3501]: ...
      • Epinal [3523] [* Epinal 3502]: ...
      • Gorron [3527]:
        • "There were 749 known and 6 unknowns in it. Presently in Brittany Cemetery. Looked like alot of 3rd AD in there. Majority of it's usage time was June-Aug 1944. Very few after that time frame." [thanks to Ted Darcy for this information]
        • Gorron, France Temporary US Military Cemetery - all burials - spreadsheet (356K) [Thanks to Jed Henry, 3AD grandson, who obtained the cemetery plat maps and to Alexis Boban, of Laval, France, who made the spreadsheet]
      • Grand Failly [3530]: ...
      • Hochfelden [3534]: ...
      • Le Cambe [3539]: ...
      • Le Chene Guerin [3543]: ...
      • Limey [3547]: ...
      • Luynes [3551]: ...
      • Marigny [3555]: ...
      • St. Andre [3572]: ...
      • St. Avold [3574] [* Lorraine 3503]: ...
      • St. Corneille [3576]: ...
      • St. James [3578] [* Brittany 3504 - see not under Andilly above]: ...
      • St. Laurent [3582] [* 3505]: ...
      • St. Juan [3580]: ...
      • Ste. Mere Eglise No. 1 [3584]: ...
      • Ste. Mere Eglise No. 2 [3586]: ...
      • Solers [3568]: ...
      • Varois [3590]: ...
      • Villeneuve-sur-Auvers [3594]: ...
    • Germany
      • Bensheim
        • Established March or April 1945 by First Army; 2,722 American graves by V-E Day; 8 Jun 1945 the Chief Quartermaster reported that he received instructions from General Eisenhower to remove United States dead from German soil (source: Vol VII GRAVES REGISTRATION, Quartermaster Supply in the European Theater of Operations in World War II)
      • Breuna
        • Established March or April 1945 by First Army; 1,520 American graves by V-E Day; 8 Jun 1945 the Chief Quartermaster reported that he received instructions from General Eisenhower to remove United States dead from German soil (source: Vol VII GRAVES REGISTRATION, Quartermaster Supply in the European Theater of Operations in World War II)
      • Ittenbach
        • Established March or April 1945 by First Army; 1,562 American graves by V-E Day; 8 Jun 1945 the Chief Quartermaster reported that he received instructions from General Eisenhower to remove United States dead from German soil (source: Vol VII GRAVES REGISTRATION, Quartermaster Supply in the European Theater of Operations in World War II)
    • Ireland
      • Lisnabreeny [1640]: ...
    • Luxembourg
      • Hamm [6020] [* Hamm 6001]: ...
    • Netherlands
      • Margraten [4650] [* Netherlands 4601]: ...
      • Molenhoek [4655]: ...
      • Son [4690]
        • Some American records (including the map above) mis-spell the name of the town as Zon, since the Dutch pronunciation of the S sounds like a Z to American ears.
        • Click here for an interesting then-and-now website about the cemetery.
    • Switzerland
      • Munsingen [9150]: ...

    Other Resources
    • Clothing Mark Search (aka Laundry Number Search) at WWII-enlistment.com
    • Considerations for Use of Stateside Dental Records in Identification
      Dental records are very important for determining the identity of an Unknown. However, my experience has been that an reliance on the Stateside dental charts of candidates for identification of Unknowns does not take into account the sometimes very significant dental work done just before sending men into combat, sometimes work done in the States but often done in England. My father is a prime example of this. Army dentists pulled all four of his wisdom teeth in England before sending him onto the continent. If he had been an Unknown, his Stateside dental charts would have shown all four wisdom teeth in place while he tooth chart made from his remains would have no wisdom teeth. The Army had a shortage of dentists and did not want front-line troops suddenly having dental problems. So, they did sometime extensive preventive dental work on men just before they went into combat. This is all documented in the following two important sources. The bottom line is that current day comparison of Stateside tooth charts with charts from the remains of Unknowns should not downgrade a possible match who may have had such extensive dental work done after his Stateside dental chart was made.

    Click here for information about contacting me.
    Copyright © 2025 by Wesley Johnston
    All rights reserved