In Memoriam
38th Armored Infantry Battalion
(7th Armored Division)
Deaths in Europe
Alphabetical List
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Last updated: March 24, 2025 - What's New?

Spare a minute
to think
of the young who didn't grow up,
and how young they looked when they died,
and how no one will ever remember them looking tired and middle-aged
or even be bored by tiresome recitals of the time of their youth.

- - - - Russell Baker "How to Observe Dec. 7" (NY Times, Dec. 1965)

More than 50 years after the war, there was still no complete list of 38 AIB deaths. The only known attempt was a 1947 Adjutant General's list, which left out some, mis-spelled many, and gave no information beyond name and service number. So the list on this web page was begun in 1995. It is a work in progress, laboriously compiled mostly from Morning Reports and files of the Total Army Personnel Command. After intense research, it appears that the total was 245. Nevertheless, there are still many unanswered questions about some of the deaths and where they are buried.

- MOS = Military Occupational Specialty
- USMC = United States Military Cemetery
- WOM = Wall of the Missing (called "Tablets of the Missing" at some USMCs)

I have checked all these names against the American Battle Monuments Commission's World War II Honor Roll. If you want to check a name on the Honor Roll, click here.

Special Perspectives:
  • Notes, statistics and information on first and last deaths follow after the table. Click here to jump directly there.
  • Click here to see photographs of those men for whom I have photographs.
  • Special-Case Deaths: Here are three special groups, which are not included in the alphabetical list. If you know of more 38 AIB special-case deaths, please let me know.
    1. Former 38 AIB men who died in WWII in their new unit
      • Barlow, Pfc. Clifford A. (42 114 988) of New York died 6 Februrary 1945 as a member of the 335th Infantry Regiment of the 84th Infantry Division. He had been transferred from B/38 to 84th ID on 12 December 1944. He is buried at the Ardennes US Military Cemetery (Neupr -en-Condroz, Belgium) in section B, row 44, grave 40.
      • Norfleet, Pvt. Eugene T. (13 054 859) of Pennsylvania died 21 May 1945 on Okinawa island, Japan as a member of the 306th Infantry Regiment of the 77th Infantry Division. He had been a late State-side addition to A/38 AIB and was on the A/38 boarding roster to sail to Europe (with 2nd Squad of 2nd Platoon) but was crossed off and transferred. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with oak leaf cluster and Purple Heart with oak leaf cluster. He is buried at the US Military Cemetery of the Pacific (the "Punchbowl") in Honolulu, Hawaii, in Section E, Grave 374.
      • Wasik, Pfc. Theodore P. (16 146 386) of Illinois died 19 September 1944 as a member of the 320th Infantry Regiment of the 35th Infantry Division. He was one of the original members of 38 AIB on 20 September 1943 when the 48th Armored Infantry Regiment was split into 23, 38 and 48 AIB. He was on the A/38 boarding roster to sail to Europe (with 3rd Squad of 3rd Platoon) but was crossed off and transferred. He was awarded the Purple Heart. He is buried at the Lorraine US Military Cemetery at St. Avold, France in Section C, Row 27, Grave 22.
    2. Former 38 AIB men who survived WWII only to die in another war
      • 1st Lt. Monnell Van Fradenburg was killed on Heartbreak Ridge in Korea 25 September 1951. Click here for his photo and more information about this B/38 platoon leader who had been captured 21 or 22 December 1944 at St. Vith, Belgium.
    3. Foreign nationals who died fighting with 38 AIB
      As the Division moved through France, Belgium and Holland, many units of the Division picked up foreign nationals willing to fight, interpret, and serve as guides. I know of one 38 AIB interpreter in France who was seriously wounded at St. Ail on 6 September 1944, when Bn S-2 Capt. James Johnson was killed by a mortar round, but I do not know his name nor whether he died of his wounds. Dutch national Jan Ghijsen of Eindhoven also joined 38 AIB and survived until the Battle of the Bulge, when he was returned home. So I do not know know of any foreign nationals who joined 38 AIB and were killed. If you know of any, please contact me.
  • An Erroneous Burial Report - S/Sgt. Robert C. Parker (C/38): The Individual Deceased Personnel File (IDPF) of Pvt. Phillip D. Chippas (C/38) has the details of the destruction of he and his squad on 6 September 1944, when their half-track was hit by an explosive shell with deadly accuracy. These records include a burial report for S/Sgt. Robert C. Parker that was sent back from the temporary cemetery to 7th Armored Division. However, after intensive research, I have concluded that the great weight of evidence is that this burial report was erroneous -- probably a mixup of dog tags among the nearly incinerated remains of the men removed from the half-track for burial. If you know what became of S/Sgt. Robert C. Parker, who was wounded in the half-track, please contact me.

French Monument to 38th AIB Men
Click here to go to the Monuments section of the 7th Armored Division web page to see the monmument at la Villette (St. Prest), France (just north of Chartres) to C/38 men Gayther Adams, Harry Retort, Andrew Slavik and Edward Swanson who were killed there or died of wounds suffered there in an ambush on August 16, 1944. The monuments are in order by town within country. So scroll down to the monuments in France to find it.

Please Help to Tell These Men's Stories and Preserve Their Memory!

PLEASE contact Wesley Johnston at the address below if you have any information on any man of the unit who died overseas, such as:

  • photos
  • information on any of these men's deaths
  • information on what platoon and squad they were in
  • know of any men who died but are not on the list
  • Wesley Johnston
    Send e-mail to
    For ALL other e-mail matters, please click here for information about contacting me.
    So they will not be Forgot
    There is a word
    Which bears a sword
    It hurls its barbed syllables,-
    At once is mute again.
    But where it fell
    The saved will tell
    On patriotic day,
    Some epauletted brother
    Gave his breath away.
    Wherever runs the breathless sun,
    Wherever roams the day,
    There is its noiseless onset,
    There is its victory!
    Behold the keenest marksman!
    The most accomplished shot!
    Time s sublimest target
    Is a soul forgot !
    ----- Emily Dickinson

    A Note for the Children of these Men

    The American World War II Orphans Network (AWON) is an organization created by and for those who lost their father in World War II. AWON has an annual conference and a newsletter filled with useful information. Click here to go to the AWON web page and find those who share your experience.

    In some cases, the official date of death was wrong. The date of death shown here is the actual date of death, when it is known.
    1. Adams, Pvt. Gayther O. (34254168) - Company C
    2. Amis, Pvt. Mitchell (35074351) - Company C
    3. Anderson, T/Sgt. Leo L. (37010965) - Company A
    4. Arling, Pvt. Howard D. (31448904) - Company B
    5. Armstrong, Pfc. Clifford M. (34788317) - Company C
    6. Ashworth, Pvt. Ralph W. (34997373) - Company B
    7. Bailey, Pfc. George Louis (34263587) - Company C
    8. Baker, Pfc. John Fremon (36886851) - Company B
    9. Baker, Pvt. William Judson (Jud) (39048642) - Company C
    10. Baker, Pvt. Willis L. (33230110) - Company C
    11. Baldwin, Sgt. James D. (33529694) - Company C
    12. Baldwin, S/Sgt. Marvin Albert "Bud" (39462118) - Company A
    13. Barker, Pvt. Bobby J. (39851618) - Company A
    14. Barrieau, Pvt. Arthur W. (31459865) - Company B
    15. Beard, Pfc. Bernell J. (34272774) - Company B
    16. Bennett, Pvt. Oliver Ralph (31265921) - Company A
    17. Bennington, Pvt. Frank (35640295) - Company A
    18. Berliner, Pvt. William C. (35073681) - Company A
    19. Billstein, Pvt. Leon W. (38155246) - Company C
    20. Blair, Pvt. Ernest C. (35073959) - Company A
    21. Blankenship, Pvt. Paul Grey (33652284) - Company B
    22. Blattman, Pfc. Morris (32343470) - Company C
    23. Bolton, Sgt. Samuel Henry "Tack" (carried in Army records as Henry S. Bolton) (38562367) - Company B
    24. Bossler, S/Sgt. Robert M. (36536385) - Company B
    25. Bour, Pfc. Donald B. (36864953) - Company B
    26. Bowers, Pfc. Kenneth D. (36645742) - Company B
    27. Bradley, Pvt. Morris B. (35073701) - Company B
    28. Brennan, S/Sgt. Joseph F. (33153588) - Company A
    29. Brisendine, Pvt. Otis Franklin (35431018) - Company A
    30. Brokaw, 2nd Lt. Richard W. (O-1 321 740) - Company C
    31. Bruesewitz, Sgt. Harold E. (16095193) - Company B
    32. Bryant, Pvt. Joseph Franklin, Jr. (33858770) - Company B
    33. Butler, Cpl. R. J. (34101233) - Company B
    34. Cagle, Pvt. James F. (38685587) - Company B
    35. Cano, Pvt. Miguel (38676959) - Company B
    36. Cappella, Pvt. Michael A. (32727612) - Company C
    37. Carbajal, Pvt. Gilbert Rubio (34560881) - Company B
    38. Carpenter, 1st Lt. Robert E. (O-1 310 065) - Company C
    39. Carrithers, Pfc. Smith Garrow (35475065) - Company A
    40. Castellano, Pvt. Daniel (33139550) - Company A
    41. Ceglia, S/Sgt. Joseph T. (32307074) - Company B
    42. Chappell, Pvt. Claudius H. (35813903) - Company C
    43. Chiles, Pfc. Frank R. (15338946) - Company A
    44. Chippas, Pvt. Phillip D. (36706455) - Company C
    45. Chism, S/Sgt. John Autrey (34273056) - Company C
    46. Clark, Pfc. Leo C. (37731845) - Company C
    47. Clark, Pfc. Riley Edward (35479489) - Company A
    48. Cochran, Pfc. Johnie (34273415) - Company A
    49. Cole, Pvt. R. D. (34571659) - Company A
    50. Coleman, Tec 5 Luther J. (34254819) - Company A
    51. Costanzo, Pfc. Vincent J. (36706689) - Company C
    52. Cox, Tec 5 Jimmie L. (34254699) - Company Bn HQ
    53. Crans, Pvt. Harry R. (36822525) - Company A
    54. Critser, Pfc. Andrew F. (35111443) - Company B
    55. Croce, Pvt. Angelo (31132551) - Company A
    56. Crosby, Pvt. William H. (12055601) - Company C "
    57. Cross, Pfc. Marshall Roy (38402645) - Company B"
    58. Crow, S/Sgt. William H. Jr. (34205490) - Company A
    59. Dail, Pvt. Roy E. (34854850) - Company B
    60. Davis, Pvt. Fred O. (44015699) - Company B
    61. Davis, Pvt. James I. (32943126) - Company C
    62. Davis, 1st Lt. L. D. (1322835) - Company C
    63. Davis, Pvt. Roy F. (34273576) - Company A
    64. Deevers, Pvt. Donald Q. (38711972) - Company B
    65. Despot, Pfc. Frank L. (36611591) - Company C "
    66. Despot, S/Sgt. Thomas Alfred (35897231) - Company A"
    67. Dietz, S/Sgt. Robert H. (12060443) - Company A
    68. Dildine, Pfc. Ned Nolan (14022286) - Company A
    69. Donovan, Pvt. Timothy Joseph (31421525) - Company A
    70. Dougherty, Pvt. Claude P. Jr. (42121172) - Company A
    71. Duncan, Pvt. Kelsie O. (34500363) - Company C
    72. Durand, Pfc. Viateur C. (31148460) - Company B
    73. Edwards, 2nd Lt. Robert W. (O-516 066) - Company Bn HQ
    74. Enos, Pvt. Vincent Kenneth (31405566) - Company A
    75. Epstein, Pvt. Myer ("Mike") (33749676) - Company A
    76. Eull, 1st Lt. Alban M. (1311135) - Company C
    77. Eva, Pvt. Frank Stanford (36989468) - Company B
    78. Faircloth, Pvt. Stephen Preston (34857662) - Company C
    79. Fisher, Pfc. Alfred E. (31373210) - Company A
    80. Flores, Pfc. Fidel (38156148) - Company A
    81. Force, Pfc. Robert Roy (32882063) - Company A "
    82. Fortunis, Tec 5 William L. (32977131) - Company B"
    83. Francavillo, Pvt. Alphonse John (42069155) - Company B
    84. Franco, Pvt. Sam A. (37746832) - Company B
    85. Freeman, Cpl. Toulman Y. (34583378) - Company A "
    86. French, S/Sgt. Charles M. (6 938 879) - Company C"
    87. Frey, S/Sgt. George M. (42124582) - Company B
    88. Fulton, 2nd Lt. Leslie O. (1322689) - Company A
    89. Gallo, Pvt. Alfred A. (36706187) - Company C
    90. Garcia, Pvt. Pablo (38562023) - Company B
    91. Geiger, Pvt. Donald J. (36470088) - Company A
    92. George, T/Sgt. John P. (35727812) - Company B
    93. Gess, Sgt. Harold W. (39309550) - Company C
    94. Gilbert, Pvt. Edward T. (36611599) - Company Med
    95. Gire, Pfc. Oscar E. (35292991) - Company A
    96. Godby, Pvt. Perle C. (35073529) - Company C
    97. Gonas, Pvt. John J. (35300421) - Company C
    98. Goodrich, Sgt. William M. (31310492) - Company C
    99. Goss, Pfc. Earle W. (39710898) - Company C
    100. Grasso, Pvt. Carmine V. (32926683) - Company A
    101. Grober, Pvt. Joseph (20262461) - Company C
    102. Gruber, Pvt. John H. (37681138) - Company C
    103. Gutierrez, Pvt. Luis (38583229) - Company C
    104. Handy, Pvt. Minton M. (34254252) - Company C
    105. Haney, T/Sgt. Henry M. (20846940) - Company C
    106. Hanrahan, Pfc. Thomas Anthony, Jr. (33752810) - Company C
    107. Hansen, Pvt. Frederick W. (36883490) - Company B
    108. Harlow, Cpl. Lucian (34279278) - Company A
    109. Hartzell, 2nd Lt. Irwin C. Jr. (1327622) - Company B
    110. Hennessey, Pfc. William F. (32227622) - Company C
    111. Hicks, Pvt. Ralph W. (33154407) - Company B
    112. Hilburn, Pvt. Lee David (38534337) - Company HQ Co
    113. Hodge, Pvt. Charles Whitley Jr. (34896731) - Company B
    114. Hodges, Tec 5 Arlin H. (14098291) - Company B
    115. Hogan, S/Sgt. Daniel Jr. (32249446) - Company B "
    116. Hohmann, Pvt. Kenneth T. (35816439) - Company A"
    117. Holland, Pvt. Edward D. (11068022) - Company C
    118. Howard, Pvt. Warren D. (32042510) - Company C
    119. Irizarry, Pfc. Charles T. (32246101) - Company B
    120. Jacob, S/Sgt. Robert J. (31329105) - Company C
    121. Johnson, Pvt. Dow E. (35620923) - Company C
    122. Johnson, Capt. James H. (O-339 798) - Company Bn HQ
    123. Jones, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Edwin, Jr. (O-537 965) - Company C
    124. Karnes, Sgt. Robert (33172563) - Company HQ Co
    125. Karnofsky, Tec 4 Thomas J. (37271290) - Company A
    126. Kaszubowski, Pfc. Victor J. (36957649) - Company A
    127. Kay, Pfc. Louis E (37099594) - Company C
    128. Kearns, Pvt. Paul Francis (33433275) - Company C
    129. Keller, Pfc. Keith K. (37701757) - Company C
    130. Kenchen, Pvt. Garnie L. (36410107) - Company A
    131. Klassen, Pfc. Francis Anthony (35111727) - Company A
    132. Klosin, Pvt. Harry (12024013) - Company C
    133. Knott, Pfc. Richard Allan (14120856) - Company B
    134. Kohn, Pvt. Fred (32249280) - Company A
    135. La Tour [Bachand], Pvt. Arthur (32227881) - Company A "
    136. Lackey, Sgt. Leo Lawrence (36972450) - Company B"
    137. Lake, Pvt. Robert (33170335) - Company HQ Co
    138. Lamb, Pvt. Clarence D. (33857985) - Company B
    139. Light, Pfc. Milburn R. (34887052) - Company A
    140. Little, Pvt. Glenn E. (35832293) - Company A
    141. Loetz, Pfc. Louis W. (36243496) - Company A
    142. Loomis, Pvt. Gordon D. (31452220) - Company A
    143. Luff, Pfc. Barton Esmond (35919240) - Company A
    144. Lyman, Sgt. Harlin H. (38076527) - Company B
    145. Makowski, Pvt. Charles E. (42147258) - Company A
    146. Malamud, Pvt. Harvey E. (32993740) - Company Med
    147. Marks, Pvt. Arthur R. (32381172) - Company A
    148. Marsey, Pfc. Lloyd F. (37616610) - Company B
    149. Masterson, Pfc. John E. (33148586) - Company HQ Co
    150. McAlpine, S/Sgt. Charles E. (38043733) - Company B
    151. McClary, Pfc. Floyyd E. (36313461) - Company B
    152. Mcguire, Pfc. Charles T. (33158351) - Company B
    153. McHenry, Pfc. Jack Amando (39840250) - Company HQ Co
    154. McQueen, Pvt. Marvin Ray (38419987) - Company Med
    155. Meirte, Pvt. Paul E. (36964852) - Company C
    156. Meringolo, Pfc. Palmieri D. (32220341) - Company HQ Co
    157. Mesaros, Pfc. John J., Jr. (35013995) - Company A
    158. Meshishnek, Pvt. Lewis Tony (39175406) - Company HQ Co
    159. Miller, Pvt. Andrew (13069517) - Company C
    160. Miller, Pfc. Archer Allen, Jr. (33154664) - Company B
    161. Mitchell, Pvt. Homer Israel (37698625) - Company B
    162. Moise, Capt. Edwin Warren, Jr. (O-304 549) - Company B
    163. Moore, Pvt. George (32249436) - Company B
    164. Morey, Pvt. Max E. (36898481) - Company A
    165. Moscowitz, Sgt. Irving (32195839) - Company A
    166. Mousseau, Pvt. Harold (36988505) - Company B
    167. Nadeau, Pvt. Omer W. (20141536) - Company A
    168. Nails, Pfc. James H. (34782002) - Company A
    169. Nevala, Pvt. Jacob (36965690) - Company C
    170. Nowinski, Pfc. Lucian G. (32209268) - Company B
    171. Noyes, Tec 5 Edwin R. (32214844) - Company Bn HQ
    172. Oalmann, Pvt. Louis Joseph (34230849) - Company HQ Co
    173. Orlando, Pvt. Philip (nmi) (42133517) - Company B
    174. Pape, Pfc. William Henry (32220044) - Company A
    175. Perdue, Pfc. Edward J. (36112094) - Company C
    176. Pizzingrilli, Pvt. Valentino A. (33709191) - Company B
    177. Preder, Pvt. Rolland "Jack" Garret (36845044) - Company B
    178. Priest, Tec 5 Grady Pitts (34192098) - Company Med
    179. Rabinowitz, Pvt. Martin (42070207) - Company C
    180. Rainbow, 2nd Lt. Earl Lee (O-526 962) - Company B
    181. Rajnik (Rainick), Pvt. John (32306872) - Company A
    182. Rankin, Maj. Curtice Hayden (O-292 919) - Company Bn HQ
    183. Rauth, Pvt. Frank Rudolph (36258067) - Company A
    184. Ray, Pvt. Willis (37683446) - Company C
    185. Reever, Pfc. John F. Jr. (33505331) - Company B
    186. Retort, Pvt. Harry H. (13085672) - Company C
    187. Ritchie, Pfc. Edward L. (37510228) - Company A
    188. Rivera, Sgt. Sixto (10402357) - Company B
    189. Robbins, Pvt. William R. (37691965) - Company C
    190. Rogues [Rodrigues], Pfc. Ernest (31117062) - Company C
    191. Rosebro, Lt. Col. William Walter, Jr. (O-337 361) - Company Bn CO
    192. Ryan, Pfc. Edward P. (16143320) - Company A
    193. Sadler, Pvt. Louis J. (35916424) - Company HQ Co
    194. Safford, Pfc. Wesley L. (12079068) - Company C
    195. Santillanes, Pvt. Elias A. (38 352 208) - Company Med
    196. Scanland, 2nd Lt. Albert (O-526 983) - Company A
    197. Scarberough, Pvt. John Henry (38517925) - Company C
    198. Schaefer, Pvt. Francis J. (31408477) - Company A
    199. Schmitz, Pvt. Phillip P. (36846143) - Company B
    200. Schwartz, Pfc. Willis R. (37196120) - Company A
    201. Seidman, Pvt. Alfred (32557517) - Company Med
    202. Seifried, Pfc. Philip (32100186) - Company B
    203. Sewell, 2nd Lt. Warren B. (O-526 985) - Company B
    204. Shenk, S/Sgt. Charles William (33154539) - Company HQ Co
    205. Sherman, Pfc. Horace (34254788) - Company B
    206. Sherwood, Pfc. John Joseph (32257054) - Company HQ Co
    207. Shilling, Pvt. Fred Monroe (33764590) - Company B
    208. Shipley, Pfc. Irvin H. (33904077) - Company B
    209. Silcox, 2nd Lt. Herbert J. (O-1 327 672) - Company A
    210. Slavik, Tec 5 Andrew Joseph (35306808) - Company C
    211. Smalheiser, S/Sgt. Raymond (32227352) - Company A
    212. Smith, Pvt. Alan H. (11108370) - Company B
    213. Smith, Sgt. Arthur P. Jr. (34868306) - Company B
    214. Smith, Pfc. Daniel B. (34192001) - Company HQ Co
    215. Smith, Pvt. Garnet L. (x669323) - Company B
    216. Smith, Pvt. Malcolm Hugee (34836582) - Company B
    217. Snider, S/Sgt. David E. (34191021) - Company A
    218. Snyder, Pfc. Chester D. (34192247) - Company A
    219. Spears, Pvt. Edward H. (38556658) - Company C
    220. Stafford, Pfc. Walter T. (38618259) - Company B
    221. Steele, Pvt. Roy D. (34498837) - Company A
    222. Stephens, Pvt. Lamont O. (33172538) - Company C
    223. Surowiec, Pvt. Joseph A. (32284022) - Company A
    224. Swanson, Pfc. Edward Albert (37196342) - Company C
    225. Tabor, Pvt. Edwin Cubine (33663167) - Company B
    226. Taylor, Pfc. Albert E. (31390216) - Company Med
    227. Thompson, Pfc. Alvin W. (36234872) - Company B
    228. Tingle, Pfc. Willie J. (34263206) - Company B
    229. Tkacz, Pvt. Joseph (36168048) - Company C
    230. Venne, Pvt. Maurice A. (31109266) - Company B
    231. Villanueva, Pfc. Benny (18103039) - Company B
    232. Visas, Pfc. George (32249718) - Company A
    233. Ward, Pvt. Lewis A. (19095954) - Company A
    234. Ward, Tec 5 Vivian L. (38090157) - Company Bn HQ
    235. Wells, Maj. Thomas Henry (O-392480) - Company Bn HQ
    236. West, Pvt. Morley Jones (33148891) - Company A
    237. Westcott, Pvt. Godfrey C. (31337874) - Company B
    238. Wilkerson, Pvt. Bynon (34583191) - Company C
    239. Williams, Pvt. Arlond Rudolph (38633681) - Company B
    240. Williams, Pvt. Donald P. (38731766) - Company B
    241. Wirkkala, Pfc. Lester R. (35283871) - Company B
    242. Wise, Tec 5 Crawford Henry (34010315) - Company A
    243. Wyrzykowski, Pfc. Leo J. (33851473) - Company C
    244. Yates, Pvt. James Vaco (34898122) - Company C
    245. Zawacki, Pfc. Bruno W. (36706146) - Company C

    Notes, Statistics and First and Last Deaths

    NOTES: Why are some official dates of death wrong?

    There are several men for whom the official date of death is in error. In most cases, this was due to the fact that they were killed near Sillegny, France in mid-September, but their bodies were not found until October or November, 1944, since the Third Army did not succeed in capturing Metz until November. The 7th Armored Division had moved to Holland, leaving the Metz area on September 25, 1944. Thus the Division was never in France after September 25, until after the war. Whoever was responsible for estimating dates of death for these men failed to recognize that the Division was no longer in the area. Thus the estimator wrongly assumed that these deaths were recent casualties of the battles around Metz and wrongly assigned them dates of death in October 1944.

    There are a few other dates that are clearly errors. For example, German records clearly show that POW Riley E. Clark died April 6, 1945. But someone erroneously put April 7, 1945 on his U. S. Army death report.

    A common reason that some men had incorrect dates of death (though this did not happen with any members of 38 AIB) was that they were not only never recovered but were not even known to be dead. So, after exhauting recovery efforts (which usually ran into the late 1940's or early 1950's), these men were presumed dead. In such cases, the regulations prescribed that their date of death be presumed to be a year and a day after they were last known to be alive. This is why you will see some men with dates of death in 1946, long after the war was over and the Division was inactivated.

    The Adjutant General's Office published a list of all known combat deaths, as of June 30, 1947. The Adjutant General's List omits the following names from the 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, who are included on this web page:
    • Combat Deaths
      • Joseph Brennan: I can find no reason he was not included.
      • Timothy Donovan: Investigation was still underway in 1947, so that he was officially still MIA; his body was never found and he was later declared dead
      • Robert Karnes: Investigation was still underway in 1947, so that he was officially still MIA; he was later found to have died as a P
      • Lewis Meshishnek: Investigation was still underway in 1947, so that he was officially still MIA; he was later found to have died as a Prisoner of War
      • Fred Shilling: Investigation was still underway in 1947, so that he was officially still MIA; he was later found to have died as a Prisoner of War

    • Non-Combat Deaths: Though not killed in combat, these men served and died in service and would not have died except for being placed in harm's way because of the war. These men's contribution to the successful outcome of the war, these men's service and their death are just as worthy of honors as those who died in combat, which is why the American Battle Monuments Commission cares for the graves and includes in the ABMC Honor Roll of overseas burials those of these men who are buried overseas.
      • Frank Eva
      • Harlin Hodges
      • Richard Knott
      • Jack McHenry: He was murdered in Dessau, Germany while on guard duty after the war.
      • Albert Taylor
      • Alvin Thompson


    The entire point of this research is to put names on the statistics. However, it is still useful to look at the statistics. The statistics can give a perspective on the horror of war that might otherwise be missed by those of us who have not known it. These men gave their lives in that horror, and it is best that we not forget it, or else it is all too likely to happen again. Please note that these are all based only on the records I have received so far. Though I do have most of the records, I do not yet have all of them, so these ARE going to change as more data comes in.

    The statistics included here are:

    • Counts by
      • Company
      • Rank
      • MOS
      • Home State
    • Norms and Extremes
      • First Deaths in Battalion and By Company
      • Last Deaths in Battalion and By Company
      • Ages at Death: Youngest, Oldest, Average, Median
      • Time in Service until Death: Youngest, Oldest, Average, Median
      • Causes of Death

    By Company

    The Company's of all 246 men are believed to be correct:

    • A/38: 73
    • B/38: 78
    • C/38: 68
    • HQ Co: 12
    • Bn HQ: 8
    • Med D: 7
    • Serv Co: 0

    By Rank

    The ranks of all 246 men are believed to be correct.

    • Pvt. - 117 (47.6%)
    • Pfc. - 68 (27.6%)
    • Tec 5 - 9
    • Cpl. - 3
    • Tec 4 - 1
    • Sgt. - 11 (4.5%)
    • S/Sgt. - 17 (6.9%)
    • T/Sgt. - 3
    • 2nd Lt. - 9
    • 1st Lt. - 3
    • Capt. - 2
    • Maj. - 2
    • Lt. Col. - 1

    By MOS (military occupational specialty)

    The MOS (also referred to as SSN) is known for only 219 of the 246 men. So these figures will change as more information comes in.

    • 745 (Rifleman) 135
    • 653 (Squad Leader) 23
    • 1560 (Armored Infantry Unit Commander) 13
    • 504 (Ammunition Bearer) 8
    • 734 (Half-track Driver) 7
    • 345 (Truck Driver, Light) 5
    • 607 (Light Mortar Crewman) 4
    • 604 (Light Machine Gunner) 4
    • 531 (Cannoneer) 3
    • 651 (Platoon Sergeant) 3
    • 675 [don't know meaning] 3
    • 521 (Basic) 2
    • 610 (Anti-tank Gun Crewman) 2
    • 014 (Motor Transportation NCO) 1
    • 060 (Cook) 1
    • 600 [don't know meaning but was a 2nd Lt. AT Platoon Leader] 1
    • 605 (Heavy Machine Gunner) 1
    • 657 (Medical Aidman) 1
    • 821 (Quartermaster Supply Technician) 1
    • 861 (Surgical Technician) 1
    • 1930 [don't know meaning] 1
    • 9301 [don't know meaning] 1
    • Not yet known 25

    Home State

    The Home State is known for only 236 of the 246 men. So these figures will change as more information comes in. The known information has men from 40 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

    Even though all of the men had home states, some of them were foreign born, so that their next of kin were in the following countries:

    • Czecholsovakia (Liptovsky Svaty Mikul , Slovakia) - 1 (Rainik, originally Rajnik)
    • Portugal (Porto Moniz, Madeira Island) - 1 (Rogues, originally Rodrigues)

    The states thus far known are:

    • NY - 28
    • OH - 15
    • PA - 14
    • TX - 14
    • IL - 11
    • NC - 11
    • MI - 10
    • NJ - 10
    • VA - 9
    • WI - 9
    • KY - 8
    • MA - 7
    • TN - 7
    • AL - 6
    • IN - 6
    • OK - 6
    • AR - 5
    • CT - 4
    • IA - 4
    • MS - 4
    • NH - 4
    • FL - 3
    • GA - 3
    • KS - 3
    • LA - 3
    • MN - 3
    • WA - 3
    • AZ - 2
    • CA - 2
    • CO - 2
    • DC - 2 (District of Columbia)
    • MD - 2
    • ME - 2
    • MO - 2
    • NM - 2
    • RI - 2
    • SC - 2
    • WV - 2
    • ND - 1
    • NE - 1
    • OR - 1
    • PR - 1 (Puerto Rico)
    • State not yet known - 10

    States with no known deaths thus far:

    • AK (was not a state until after World War II)
    • DE
    • HI (was not a state until after World War II)
    • ID
    • MT
    • NV
    • SD
    • UT
    • VT
    • WY


    • In Battalion: See B/38 for non-battle and C/38 for battle
    • A/38: 8/19/44 Pfc. Ned Nolan Dildine (Ois me, France - just east of Chartres airport)
    • B/38
      • 6/17/44 Pfc. Alvin W. Thompson (Tidworth Barracks, England) - Non-battle
      • 8/23/44 (Melun, France) - Battle
        • Actual first: Alan H. Smith [Youngest death so far known in Battalion]
        • Also on 8/23/44
          • Pfc. Bernell J. Beard
          • Pfc. Floyyd E. McClary
          • Pfc. Horace Sherman
          • Note that B/38 CO Capt. Edwin W. Moise, Jr. died 8/26/44 of wounds suffered 8/23/44. (Pfc. Sherman was Capt. Moise's driver when the jeep was hit.)
    • C/38: 8/16/44 (la C te de la Villette, near St. Prest, north of Chartres, France)
      • Pvt. Gayther O. Adams
      • Tec 5 Andrew J. Slavik
      • Pfc. Edward A. Swanson
      • Note that Pvt. Harry H. Retort died 8/19/44 of wounds suffered 8/16/44.
    • Battalion Headquarters: 8/24/44 Tec 5 Vivian L. Ward (Bn HQ was at Melun, France. Since he was on special duty to HQ 8th Armored Group at the time, he may have been killed elsewhere.)
    • HQ Company: 9/17/44 (vicinity of Arry and Lorry, France)
      • Pvt. John Joseph Sherwood
      • Note that Pvt. Louis J. Oalmann died 12/11/44 of wounds suffered 9/17/44.
    • Medical Detachment: 8/23/44 Pvt. Edward T. Gilbert (Melun, France)
    • Service Company: Had no deaths


    • In Battalion: See Med Det for non-battle, A/38 for battle, B/38 for died of wounds after battle
    • A/38: 4/15/45 Pvt. Omer W. Nadeau (Dalhausen, Germany - body never found)
    • B/38: 5/5/45 Pvt. Howard D. Arling died of wounds suffered April 9, 1945 (Holthausen to Fredeburg, Germany)
    • C/38: 4/11/45 (Gelbecke?, Germany) - I do not have the complete late-war and post-war records yet for C/38, but these appear to be the last two deaths.
      • Pfc. Leo C. Wrzykowski
      • Pfc. Leo C. Clark
    • Battalion HQ: 1/23/45 T/5 Jimmie L. Cox (vicinity of St. Vith, Belgium - killed while driving Bn CO Lt. Col. Griffin, who was unharmed)
    • Headquarters Company
      • 5/28/45 Pfc. Jack A. McHenry (Dessau, Germany) - Non-battle: disappeared while on guard duty at bridge across from Russian troops; body found in river several days later
      • 3/26/45 Sgt. Robert Karnes (POW at Duderstadt, Germany)
      • 3/13/45 Pfc. Palmieri D. Meringolo (Mehlem, Germany) - Last combat death of HQ Company
    • Medical Detachment
      • 7/23/45 Pfc. Albert E. Taylor (Leibenstadt, Germany) - Non-battle
      • 9/22/44 (Lorry / Sillegny, France)
        • Pvt. Elias A. Santillanes
        • Pvt. Marvin Ray Mc Queen
      • Note that date of death of T/5 Grady Priest is not yet known.
    • Service Company: No deaths


    Of the 231 men whose ages are thus far known, here are the two youngest and the two oldest, along with the average and median ages:

    • Youngest
      • 18 years, 10 months, 4 days - Pvt. Alan H. Smith of Company B (who was also the first B/38 man killed)
      • 18 years, 10 months, 11 days - Pvt. Rolland G. Preder of Company B

    • Oldest
      • 40 years, 4 months, 13 days - Pvt. Lewis Tony Meshishnek of HQ Company
      • 40 years, 3 months, 20 days - Pfc. Jack Amando McHenry of HQ Company

    • Average Age at Death: 26 years 3 months 8 days
    • Median Age at Death: 25 years 6 months 10 days


    Of the 231 men whose ages are thus far known, here are the ones who died soonest after entering service and those who had lasted longest in service before they died, along with the average and median time in service at death.

    • Least Time in Service until Death
      • 0 years, 4 months, 7 days - 2nd Lt. Herbert J. Silcox of Company A (note that this may have been the time since his commission; he may have had prior service)
      • 0 years, 4 months, 17 days - 2nd Lt. Irwin C. Hartzell, Jr. of Company B (note that this may have been the time since his commission; he may have had prior service)
      • 0 years, 6 months, 21 days - Pvt. Frank Stanford Eva of Company B
      • 0 years, 6 months, 22 days - Pvt. Morris B. Bradley of Company B
      • 0 years, 6 months, 23 days - Pvt. William R. Robbins of Company C

    • Longest Time in Service until Death
      • 4 years, 10 months, 7 days - Pvt. Garnet L. Smith of Company B
      • 4 years, 7 months, 8 days - Pvt. Omer W. Nadeau of Company A

    • Average Time in Service until Death: 1 year 10 months 12 days
    • Median Time in Service until Death: 1 years 9 months 30 days


    Of the 194 men for whom records have thus far been obtained and for whom I have made this calculation, far more men were killed by explosives than by gun shots: 85 (70.8% of known explosive or gunshot victims) vs. 35 (29.2%). Explosives include explosive tank and other mobile cannon shells, mines, artillery, mortars, rockets, etc. The Hollywood image of a man dropping from being hit by a bullet is definitely in the minority: most deaths were much more damaging.

    • 184 Battle Deaths (94.8% of the 194 for whom records obtained thus far):
      • 85 - Explosives (definite or probable) - 46.2% of 184 known battle deaths
      • 49 - Cause unspecified or unknown - 26.6% of 184
      • 35 - Gun Shot Wounds (definite or probable) - 19.0% of 184
      • 15 - Other Battle Deaths - 8.2% of 184
        • Location of wound specified but not type - 12
        • Drowning - 2
        • Bayonet - 1
    • 5 - POW Deaths - 2.6% of all 194 for whom records obtained
    • 5 - Non-Battle Deaths - 2.6% of 194

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    Copyright © 2025 by Wesley Johnston
    All rights reserved

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