38th Armored Infantry Battalion
World War II Combat Decorations of Individual Men

7th Armored Division
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Please Help Find the Citations for 38 AIB Men's Decorations

The compilation of this page has taken a huge amount of work and time, but there is still a lot missing. The National Archives does NOT have the General and Special Orders of 38 AIB, which contained the detailed citations. Men who received decorations were usually given a copy of the order containing their citation / commendation that described their actions for which they received the award. So the ONLY way that we can find these detailed descriptions of the actions for which the men received the awards is for men or their families to send them to me.

If you have information on any individual war-time decorations that required specific citations (thus NOT the post-war Bronze Star Medals and NOT the Bronze Service Stars on the EAME Medal), please contact

Wesley Johnston
Click here to send e-mail.
If you have sent me a 38 AIB citation and you do not see it on this web page, please let me know.

A Caveat About Accuracy of Citations

The actions described in citations were usually the most accurate part of the citation. The dates and locations were not nearly as reliable.

Citations were usually written up by a headquarters staff member -- usually a non-commissioned officer, who was given the assignment of writing up the citation, which the commanding officer would then sign. These citations thus were often not written by someone with direct knowledge of the specifics but rather by someone who was told about the specifics by someone else. In addition, there was almost never any attempt to go back to the Morning Reports to assure that the dates and locations of the actions cited were correct.

Since the citations were written after the fact by someone not directly familiar with the events and without checking the dates and locations, the dates on many citations are off by a few days from the actual date on which the Morning Reports show the events. The Morning Reports and not the citations must be considered the definitive source for the actual dates of these events, when there is a conflict between the date in the citation and the date in the Morning Report. In some cases, even the locations in the citations are in error. The Morning Reports were the official record of the men, were created immediately at the time and turned in every morning by staff trained to assure their accuracy and promptness.

In general, the later the citation was written after an event, the less reliable it is as to date and place. Also, the more violent the overall combat and the higher the losses within the unit, the more likely it was that the citation would be wrong on the date -- and even on the location. Purple Heart citations were also more likely to be in error on date and place than were citations for the CMH, DSC, and Silver and Bronze Stars.

Congressional Medal of Honor (Army Version)

S/Sgt. Robert H. Dietz (12 060 443) - Company A; 1st Platoon; 1st Squad Co-Squad Leader (had earlier been in 2nd Platoon)
KIA March 29, 1945 at Kirchain, Germany - Age: 24y 2m 6d
Home Town: Kingston, NY
Buried at: Wiltwyck Rural Cemetery; Pine Grove Ave.; Kingston, NY
Left photo provided by John Durba of 7th Armored Division CCA; Right photo from "Soldiers Online" April 1999
Posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions at Kirchain, Germany, 29 March 1945.
General Order No. 119, 17 December 1945.
He was a squad leader when the task force to which his unit was attached encountered resistance in its advance on Kirchain, Germany. Between the town's outlying buildings 300 yards distant, and the stalled armored column were a minefield and 2 bridges defended by German rocket-launching teams and riflemen. From the town itself came heavy small-arms fire. Moving forward with his men to protect engineers while they removed the minefield and the demolition charges attached to the bridges, S/Sgt. Dietz came under intense fire. On his own initiative he advanced alone, scorning the bullets which struck all around him, until he was able to kill the bazooka team defending the first bridge. He continued ahead and had killed another bazooka team, bayoneted an enemy soldier armed with a panzerfaust and shot 2 Germans when he was knocked to the ground by another blast of another panzerfaust. He quickly recovered, killed the man who had fired at him and then jumped into waist-deep water under the second bridge to disconnect the demolition charges. His work was completed; but as he stood up to signal that the route was clear, he was killed by another enemy volley from the left flank. S/Sgt. Dietz by his intrepidity and valiant effort on his self-imposed mission, single-handedly opened the road for the capture of Kirchain and left with his comrades an inspiring example of gallantry in the face of formidable odds.
NOTE:The citation was found on the web site of the Center for Military History. It is not yet established whether GO 119 was a General Order of 7th Armored Division or of 38th Armored Infantry Battalion. The left photo was sent in by John Durba. The right photo was obtained from "Soldiers Online" April 1999.

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Distinguished Service Cross (Army Version)

2nd Lt. John C. Cornell (O-524915) - Company C; Anti-tank Platoon Leader
Home Town: OH
Photos provided by John Cornell
Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions at Gravelotte, France, 6 September 1944.
Ninth U. S. Army General Order No. 49, 24 November 1944.
for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against the enemy. On 6 September 1944, during an attack near Gravelotte, France, Lieutenant Cornell displayed outstanding courage and bravery when his platoon was subjected to enemy anti-tank fire, artillery, mortar, machine gun and rifle fire. With utter disregard for his own personal safety and in the face of enemy fire, Lieutenant Cornell dismounted from his vehicle and personally directed return fire that silenced an enemy gun. When several of his men were wounded, he gave orders to fight through to a friendly aid station. Although he was seriously wounded, Lieutenant Cornell courageously continued to direct the operation. Inspired by his devotion to duty and determination, his men breached the enemy lines and reached the aid station. The extraordinary heroism and courageous actions of Lieutenant Cornell reflect great credit upon himself and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service. Entered military service from Ohio.

Lt. Cornell had already received the Bronze Star Medal for his 18 August 1944 actions north of Chartres, France (click here to see the Bronze Star Medal citations). After recovering from his 6 September 1944 wounds, he returned to duty with 38 AIB five months later, on 8 February 1945, at which time he became CO of "B" Company's Anti-tank Platoon. He was promoted to 1st Lt. on 16 March 1945. After B/38 Capt. Claude Emmons was wounded on 26 March 1945, in the action to surround the Ruhr Pocket, 1st Lt. Cornell assumed command of B/38 for the duration of the war. He received an Oak-Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal (click here to see the Bronze Star Medal citations) for his actions in leading the 30 March 1945 capture of the Eder See Dam in Germany.

1st Lt. Mario J. Fortuna (O-378127) - Company C; Executive Officer and 1st Platoon Leader
Home Town: New York, NY
Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions at L ves, France, 16 August 1944.
Ninth U. S. Army General Order No. 48, 23 November 1944.
for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against the enemy. On 16 August 1944, in an attack near Leves, France, Lieutenant Fortuna was given the mission of clearing the town of enemy resistance. Having avaiable only men inexperienced in battle, Lieutenant Fortuna elected to lead the assault party. Displaying great intrepidity and heroic leadership, he led his men from building to building, repeatedly exposing himself, purposely drawing enemy fire to ascertain their positions. During this assault six machine guns were silenced, ten prisoners were captured and many of the enemy were killed or wounded. After the main street of the town had been cleared of organized enemy resistance, Lieutenant Fortuna worked his way back to his unit through sporadic enemy sniping to lead the forward elements of his battalion through the town and on toward their objective. The extraordinary heroism and courageous actions of Lieutenant Fortuna reflect great credit upon himself and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service. Entered service from New York.

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Silver Star


T/Sgt. Jacob Aaron (32 227 349) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, NY
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Belgium, 22-27 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, from 22 January 1945 to 27 January 1945.

Also see his citation for the Bronze Star Medal.

Pfc. James L. Barnett (35 076 081) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, VA
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Belgium, 28 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, on 28 January 1945.

1st Lt. Hugh K. Boyd, Jr. (O-495 658) - Headquarters Company
Home Town: ???, SC
Awarded Silver Star, missing in action, for his actions in Belgium, 17-22 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 11, 11 Jan 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 22 December 1944.

Maj. Donald P. Boyer, Jr. (O-24 563) - Battalion Headquarters, S-3 OFficer
Home Town: ???, VA
Awarded Silver Star, missing in action, for his actions in Belgium, 18-21 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 11 (11 Jan 1945):
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, from 18 December 1944 to 21 December 1944.

2nd Lt. Richard W. Brokaw (O-1 321 740) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, OH
Posthumously awarded Silver Star for his actions in Germany [at Burgeln?], 29 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, on 29 March 1945.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

Capt. (then 1st Lt.) Eugene M. Corbin (O-0545 955) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, IN
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Holland, 1-7 November 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 128, 16 December 1944:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Holland, on 1 November 1944 to 7 November 1944.

Also see his citation for the Bronze Star Medal.

S/Sgt. Everett M. Coutu (31 287 431) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, MA
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Belgium, 25 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, on 25 January 1945.

Capt. Wilbur L. East, Jr. (O-410 761) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, VA
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Belgium, 17-30 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 23, 23 Jan 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 30 December 1944.

S/Sgt. Glenn R. Fackler (36 892 071) - Company "A", 3rd Platoon, Machine Gun Squad Leader
Home Town: Farmington Hills, MI
Awarded the Silver Star for his actions in the area of Bremscheid, Germany, 10 April 1945
7th Armored Division General Order No. 73, 3 May 1945
distinguished himself by gallantry in action on 10 April 1945, in the area of Bremscheid, Germany. In fierce action at Bremscheid, enemy cannon and tank fire took a high toll of casualties. Despite the great danger, S Sgt Fackler unhesitatingly left cover to go to the aid of the wounded. Even when fire from a Tiger tank hit around him, S Sgt Fackler continued on his perilous mission of mercy. In the course of his brave action, S Sgt Fackler was wounded. The outstanding courage he displayed is in keeping with the highest traditions of the Armed Forces.
Research Note by Wesley Johnston: The A/38 Morning Report for 11 April 1945 shows S/Sgt. Fackler and Pfc. Milton Baxter among the wounded on 10 April 1945. Milton Baxter was hit, and Glenn Fackler was risking himself to help Baxter. A/38 bivouaced at Berghausen on the night of 9-10 April and at Ober Berndorf on 10-11 April (after Baxter and Fackler had been evacuated.

Pfc. Seymour Fishbein (32 727 314) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, NY
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Belgium, 26 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, on 26 January 1945.

T/Sgt. Raymond A. Fitzgerald (31 064 567) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, MA
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Germany (probably at Kirchain), 29 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, on 29 March 1945.

1st Lt. Mack Gieger (01 012 677) - Company Commander, Company "B"
Home Town: Laurel, MS
1942 Photo from Mack Gieger
Awarded Silver Star, for his actions in the area of Rezonville, France, 7 September 1944
7th Armored Division General Order No. 48, 14 September 1944. (This account may be from a newspaper article.)
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in the Rezonville area of France on 7 September 1944. A company under his command was ordered to take an objective which could be reached only by moving over a hill devoid of all cover. Upon reaching the crest of the hill, the lead element came under heavy enemy fire. Lack of cover and continuous hostile fire made all movement difficult and dangerous. Lt. Gieger moved among his platoons with no regard for his own safety. He kept constant liaison with his superior officers facilitating direction of operation and making possible the successful completion of his mission.

Also see his citation for the Bronze Star Medal.

Sgt. William M. Goodrich (31 310 492) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, MA
Posthumously awarded Silver Star for his actions in Germany [at Marburg?], 29 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, on 29 March 1945.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

Lt. Col. Marcus S. Griffin (O-19 954) - Battalion Headquarters, Commanding Officer
Home Town: DC
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Germany (encirclement of Ruhr Pocket and capture of Edersee Dam), 26-30 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, from 26 March 1945 to 30 March 1945.

1st Lt. John Homer Higgins (O-1 311 300) - Company "B"
Home Town: ???, NY
Awarded Silver Star, missing in action, for his actions in Belgium, 17-23 Dec 1944
7th Armored Division General Order No. 8, 8 January 1945
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action, in connection with military operation against the enemy from 17 December 1944 to 23 December 1944, in the area of St. Vith, Belgium. Moving his platoon into position just as the enemy made a heavy infantry-tank attack, 1st Lt. Higgins maintained complete control of his command, absorbed the initial shock and then provided cover for the reorganization of units on his flanks. When his captain was missing in action, 1st Lt. Higgins assumed command of the company and by his brilliant example of courage and leadership inspired his men to hold their ground against repeated German assaults. When a group of parachutists infiltrated through our lines, he personally led a patrol that wiped out that threat to their positions. The fine showing of 1st Lt. Higgins' company was in large part responsible for the successful withdrawal of the battalion after a week of constant and bitter struggle against an enemy that always outnumbered them.

2nd Lt. Edward S. Humenny (O-557 852) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, MI
Awarded Silver Star, missing in action, for his actions in Germany [during reduction of Ruhr Pocket and capture of Edersee Dam], 26-30 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, from 26 March 1945 to 30 March 1945.

Also see his citation for the Bronze Star Medal.

S/Sgt. Peter C. Kenney (42 126 625) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, NY
Awarded Silver Star, missing in action, for his actions in Belgium, 21 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

Capt. Robert S. Kinoshita (0-258299) - Battalion Surgeon and Commander of the Medical Detachment
Home Town: Bangor, WI (originally from Honolulu, HI)
Photo provided by son Richard Kinoshita

  1. Awarded Silver Star for his actions at L ves, France, 16 August 1944 (also awarded a Purple Heart for this action)
    7th Armored Division General Order No. 29, 5 Feb 1945
    for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in France on August 16, 1944. Placing his patients alongside a high wall on one of the streets of Leves, for protection, he skillfully treated them and successfully evacuated them while all the time he was subjected to heavy machine gun, mortar and sniper fire. Even when he himself was wounded by shrapnel, he protected the patients with his own body and administered to them while burning buildings were falling about him. Disregarding personal safety, he ran from building to building, seeking the wounded, all the time in danger from machine gun and sniper fire......heroic and conspicuous work

  2. Awarded Silver Star for his actions at Lorry, France, 17 September 1944 (also awarded a Purple Heart for this action)
    Text of Recommendation for Silver Star, dated 18 Sep 1944, signed by Maj. Curtice Rankin
    "for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as Battalion Surgeon in action while serving with the United States Army on 17th September 1944 against the enemy at Lorry Area, France. Captain Kinoshita, while waiting in his jeep to advance forward into a wooded area at Lorry Area, with a march column, were shelled heavily and continuously by 88 shells and mortar shell fire of the enemy. A tank stopped on the road just in front of Captain Kinoshita's jeep was hit and at the next burst, Captain Kinoshita and his driver were wounded by shrapnels. Disregarding his wounds, he carried his driver to the ditch along the road and treated him and directed his evacuation. He then ordered the vehicles and men of his Detachment to return to the town of Lorry to set up a emergency aid station. He then crept through the mud, for it was raining heavily at that time, across to the other side of the road and treated a severely wounded soldier. He then climbed on the tank to evacuate the wounded even though heavy fire was being brought to bear in that area. He treated many other patients even though he was constantly under fire and even though he had been wounded. He carried a patient through the mud and directed his evacuation. Then after all the patients had been taken care of, he left the scene of action to have his wound treated. He then continued to treat the incoming patients at the aid station. His daring and heroic action under fire were observed by the men in the ditches and his work which was above and beyond the call of ordinary duty, helped to reassure them and inspire them to greater efforts. His gallant action was in accord with the highest traditions of the United States Medical Corps. His work not only raised the morale of the troops but also helped save many lives. In addition to the above, he helped move abandoned vehicles from the center of the road to areas of relative protection from shell bursts, which were being concentrated along the center of the road. He has been recommended for the Purple Heart Award for wounds received in this action."
    Research Note by Wesley Johnston: The Med/38 Morning Reports show Pfc. Peter G. Sawicki wounded on 17 September 1944. It is not yet known if he was Capt. Kinoshita's driver.

Pfc. (then Pvt.) Grover L. Lipscomb (33 858 279) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, VA
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Germany (probably at Kirchain), 29 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, on 29 March 1945.

S/Sgt. Ernest D. Lucadamo, Jr. (32 159 062) - Company "C"
Home Town: Newark, NJ
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in France, 17 August 1944
7th Armored Division General Order No. 39, 5 Sep 1944
Summary Citation
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in France on 17 August 1944.
part of detailed citation, as quoted in newspaper article
Sergeant Lucadamo, realizing that the three men were seriously wounded and needed attention, left his rifle with another soldier and told him to cover him, and started down the street to bring the men back. He brought one back, returned for another and lifted him out of the half-track and was fired upon by a German machine gun. He succeeded in bringing the second one back and then, in spite of having been fired on, worked his way back to the third and brought him to cover. Sergeant Lucadamo was in constant danger, but due to his quick thinking and resourcefulness he saved the lives of three of his comrades.

See below for his French Croix de Guerre and his Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster.

Research Note by Wesley Johnston: There are two places in France for which C/38 may have been involved in such an action.

  1. One was at Lèves and St. Prêst, north of Chartres, on August 16, 1944. Lt. Mario Fortuna was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his role in the action at Lèves. At St. Prêst, the C/38 column was ambushed on the street leading uphill to the railroad tracks as they headed south after making a very tight right turn coming into town from the west.

  2. The other was at Gravelotte, on September 6, 1944. Lt. John Cornell was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his role in the action at Gravelotte. However, most of this was not an action in town, so that the reference in the citation to a street makes this seem less likely as the location and date for the citation.

1st Sgt. Michael J. Lynch (13 070 059) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, MD
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in France, 18-19 August 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 23 (23 Jan 1945):
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in France, on 18 and 19 August 1944.

Also see his citation for the Bronze Star Medal.

Capt. John S. Mace (O-414 381) - Company "C" Commander
Home Town: ???, SC
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in [vicinity of St. Prest] France, 18 August 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 107 (2 December 1944):
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in France on 18 August 1944.

Also see his citation for the Bronze Star Medal.

Pfc. John E. Masterson (33 148 586) - Headquarters Company
Home Town: Harrisburg, PA
Awarded Silver Star, missing in action, for his actions at Crombach, Belgium, 22 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 11 (11 Jan 1945):
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, on 22 December 1944.

Maj. Alva T. McDaniel (O-403 565) - Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, MS
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Belgium, 22-23 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 11, 11 January 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry is action in Belgium, on 22 and 23 December 1944.

Also see his citation for the Bronze Star Medal.

Capt. John A. Meads, Jr. (0-1 292 036) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, MD
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in the encirclement and reduction of the Ruhr Pocket in Germany, 29 March - 16 April 1945 (rank Capt., then 1st Lt. and Capt.)
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation for Oak-Leaf Cluster to Silver Star in 7th Armored Division General Order No. 81, 18 May 1945, rescinded in General Order No. 86, 28 May 1945, and issued as Silver Star in General Order No. 87, 30 May 1945 (text of GO #81 and #87 are otherrwise the same):
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, from 29 March 1945 to 16 April 1945.

Also see his citation for the Bronze Star Medal.

2nd Lt. Robert E. P. Moranda (O-1 326 108) - Headquarters Company; Heavy Machine Gun Platoon Commander
Home Town: Ventura, CA
Awarded Silver Star, missing in action, for his actions in the area of St. Vith, Belgium, 17-21 December 1944
7th Armored Division General Order No. 11 (11 Jan 1945):
distinguished himself by gallantry in action in connection with military operations against the enemy from 17 December, 1944 to 21 December, 1944 in the area of St. Vith, Belgium. With the full force of the German Winter counter offensive striking our lines, 2nd Lt. Moranda's machine gun platoon again and again repelled fierce enemy assaults. Inspired by his great courage and able leadership, the men poured devastating volleys into the ranks of the attackers, many times waiting until hostile troops were within fifty yards of our lines in order to gain maximium fire effect. Through the days and nights of bitter action, Lt. Moranda braved heavy fire t move from foxhole to foxhole checking the positions and encouraging the troops to hold their ground. When units on the flank withdrew, Lt. Moranda remained in position, taking a heavy toll of dead and wounded even when completely surrounded and cut off. 2nd Lt. Moranda and the men he led are reported missing in action, but by their determined stand against heavy odds they helped slow the armored spearheads of the enemy, giving us time to mass our forces and halt the drive.

Also see his citations for the Belgian Knight of the Order of the Crown and his Bronze Star Medal.

2nd Lt. Aldon E. Omdahl (O-536 629) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, ND
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Germany, 27 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, on 27 March 1945.

Also see his citation for the Bronze Star Medal.

Maj. Curtice Hayden Rankin (O-292919) - Battalion Executive Officer, acting Battalion Commander at time of death
Home Town: Kingsport, TN
Photo provided by son David Rankin
Posthumously awarded the Silver Star for his actions at Sillegny, France, 19 September 1944 (see also posthumous Silver Star of Lt. Col. William W. Rosebro)
His citation, as quoted in a book by Ouachita Baptist University (the college he had attended) about their war dead
"........was killed....in heavy fighting during an attack by the Thirty-eighth on a German position near the French town of Sillegny."
"Major Rankin heroically advanced to within five yards of enemy pillboxes, disregarding his own personal safety. Standing in front of his troops, he led them on in a gallant manner until he himself was killed."

Lt. Col. William W. Rossebro (O-337 361) - Battalion Commander
Home Town: New York, NY
Posthumously awarded Silver Star for his actions at Sillegny, France, 19 Sep 1944
7th Armored Division General Order No. 62, 11 Oct 1944 (see also posthumous Silver Star of Maj. Curtice Hayden Rankin)
LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM W. ROSEBRO, JR. (Army Serial Number O337361), Infantry, while serving with the Army of the United States, distinguished himself by gallantry in action in connection with military operations against the enemy on 19 September 1944, in the area of Sillegny, France. In the assault upon the highly fortified Metz sector, Lt. Col. Rosebro had the difficult and dangerous mission of leading his battalion against strongly entrenched and well-camouflaged enemy defenses outside Sillegy. In addition to numerical superiority, the enemy had a precise knowledge of every detail of the surrounding terrain, having used it for four years as a proving and training ground for a nearby officer candidate school. The first attack upon the town was thrown back by concentrated artillery fire. While his forces reorganized in the woods, Lt. Col. Rosebro went forward on foot and reconnoitered the enemy positions. That afternoon Lt. Col. Rosebro's battalion launched another attack, which by midnight, brought them within 200 yards of the town before they were stopped by intense machine gun fire. Until early morning the infantry troops lay on the ground within ten yards of a string of enemy pillboxes, unable to advance against the withering frontal fire of the automatic weapons. At dawn, Lt. Col. Rosebro rallied his men and personally led them forward in a determined effort to clean out the pillboxes which were taking a devastating toll of lives. Unhesitatingly, he advanced upon the practically impregnable enemy defenses. Just as he came abreast of the line of fortifications a grenade or mortar shell fell squarely beside him and he fell mortally wounded. The epic gallantry of Lt. Col. Rosebro in facing certain death at the vanguard of his troops will be remembered forever by the remnants of the battalion who survived the assault on Sillegny.

Pfc. Edward P. Ryan (16 143 320) - Company "A"
Home Town: Chicago, IL
Posthumously awarded Silver Star for his actions in Germany [probably at Kirchain], 29 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, on 29 March 1945.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

2nd Lt. Walter M. Schonour (O-1 314 681) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, PA
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Belgium, 17-29 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 23 (23 Jan 1945):
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 29 December 1944.

Tech Sgt. and First Sgt. Joseph Skrobacs (33153510) - Company "A", 1st Platoon, 1st Squad
Home Town: ???, PA

  1. Awarded Silver Star for his actions at St. Vith, Belgium, 21 December 1944 (rank Technical Sergeant)
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7AD GO #26, 30 Jan 1945:
    for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

  2. Awarded Oak-Leaf Cluster to the Silver Star for his actions at Kirchain, Germany, 29 March 1945 (rank First Sergeant)
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7AD GO #73 (3 May 1945):
    for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Germany, on 29 March 1945.

T/Sgt. Lawrence J. St. Amant (14 027 549) - Headquarters Company "C"
Home Town: ???, FL
Awarded Silver Star for his actions in Belgium, 28 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 46, 1 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action in Belgium, on 28 January 1945.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

Maj. Thomas Henry Wells (O-392480) - Battalion Headquarters - S-3 Officer, Acting Battalion Commander
Home Town: New Orleans, LA
Posthumously awarded Silver Star for his actions in France, 19 September 1944
7th Armored Division General Orders No. 62, 11 October 1944 - detailed citation from his Individual Deceased Personnel File:
Major Thomas H. Wells (Army Serial Number O392480) Infantry, while serving with the Army of the United States, distinguished himself by gallantry in action in connection with military operations against the enemy on 19 September 1944, in the area of Sillegny, France. In the assault on the highly fortified Metz sector, Major Wells' battalion had the difficult and dangerous mission of capturing the town of Sillegny. In addition to numerical superiority, the enemy had a precise knowledge of every detail of the surrounding terrain, having used it for four years as a proving and training ground for a nearby officer candidate school. The first attack upon the town was thrown back by concentrated artillery fire. During the second attack in the early hours of the morning, both the battalion commander and the executive officer were mortally wounded as they attempted to charge a line of enemy pillboxes. Though faced by withering frontal fire from automatic weapons, Major Wells with complete disregard for his own safety, reconnoitered the enemy positions and formulated a plan for a renewed assault on the enemy fortifications. Relentlessly, he pressed forward under heavy enemy artillery and succeeded in reaching the heart of the town. While attempting to remove a road block, Major Wells met his death. The epic gallantry of Major Wells in leading his troops agains almost impregnable enemy positions will be remembered by the remnants of the battalion who survived the assault of Sillegny.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

Return to top of 38AIB Decorations page

Bronze Star Medal

Following World War II, Congress authorized the awarding of the Bronze Star Medal to all who had received the Combat Infantry Badge. This section is NOT intended to include these post-war medals. This section is also NOT intended for the Bronze Service Stars, which were awarded to be placed on the European-African-Middle Eastern Theater Ribbon, one star for each campaign in which the soldier served. This section is ONLY intended to include war-time Bronze Star Medals, awarded for a specific heroic action by the individual soldier, written up in a citation of that action.


T/5 Jacob Aaron (32 227 349) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, NY
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France (probably Melun), 23 August 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 44, 10 September 1944:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France on 23 August 1944.

Also see his citation for the Silver Star.

T/5 Harold B. Abbott (34 499 444) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, TN
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 21 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945.
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

S/Sgt. Alphonse J. Alpino (32 228 162) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, NY
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 11 August 1944 - 22 December 1944 and 9 January 1945 - 19 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 11 August 1944 to 22 December 1944, and from 9 January 1945 to 19 February 1945.

T/5 Paul Joseph Altenbach (33 141 773) - Company "B"
Home Town: Easton, PA
Photo provided by son Paul Altenbach

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in the area of Gravelotte, France, 7 September 1944
    7th Armored Division General Order No. 47, 13 September 1944
    for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on 7 September 1944, in the area of Gravelotte, France. When men of a machine gun squad were reported wounded, Tec 5 Altenbach drove his Half-Track to where they were lying, in order to effect their evacuation. Braving the continuous fire of snipers he dismounted and assisted the first aid men in placing the wounded men in the vehicle. His fearlessness in exposing himself to enemy fire in order to rescue the wounded is in keeping with the highest traditions of the service.

  2. Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal [details not yet received/found]

Capt. Walter H. Anstey (O-1 302 416) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???
Photo provided in 2002 by Walter Anstey
Awarded Bronze Star for his actions in the area of St. Vith, Belgium, 18-22 December 1944
7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on from 18 to 22 December 1944, in the area of St. vith, Belgium. During the fierce action at St. Vith, Captain Anstey's great courage and able leadership inspired his men to hold fast against the enemy that heavily outnumbered them. A German night attack broke through a unit on his right flank and hostile tanks moved to the rear of Captain Anstey's position. With complete disregard for danger, he led his men against this new thrust until ordered to withdraw. Then, despite enemy forces that surrounded them, he brought his men safely to our new positions.

T/Sgt. Emil J. Badzik (13 057 629) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, PA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 17-29 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 29 December 1944.

1st Lt. Cleo W. Bay (O-1 317 474) - Headquarters Company
Home Town: ???, TX
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 29 March 1945
Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 29 March 1945.
Detailed citation per 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945 (NOTE: The events described were probably at Burgeln and not Ginseldorf.):
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 29 March 1945, in the area of Ginseldorf, Germany. Moving far out in advance of our main forces 1st Lt. Bay and the mechanized assault team he commanded came under heavy hostile fire while attempting to clear the town of Ginseldorf. Although his troops were under attack from three sides 1st Lt. Bay directed telling fire against the strong enemy positions. He then carried out a skillful withdrawal of men and armor to more advantageous positions. Upon the arrival of reinforcements 1st Lt. Bay again braved German volleys that hit around him to carry on the fight and drive the enemy from the town. By his courageous action at a crucial and hazardous tome 1st Lt. Bay secuared area vital to the success of future operations with minimum casualties.

Pfc. John Fremon Baker (36 886 851) - Company "B"
Home Town: Clay, KY
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 29 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Post-war posthuomous award 21 Oct 1949:
for meritorious achievement in ground operations against the enemy European Theater of Operations, during the Rhineland Campaign

S/Sgt. Joseph J. Bender (33 172 454) - Company "C"
Home Town: ????, PA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 11 August 1944 - 11 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 11 August 1944 to 11 February 1945.

S/Sgt. David P. Bertram (34 912 047) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, FL

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Holland, 1 November 1944 (rank Pfc., for actions while he was a Pvt.)
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 124, 10 December 1944:
    for distinguishing himself by meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland, on 1 November 1944.

  2. Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 25-29 December 1944 (rank S/Sgt.)
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 22, 21 Jan 1945
    for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, from 25 December 1944 to 29 December 1944.

Pfc. Alex Blumenfeld (32 235 288) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, OK
Awarded Bronze Star Medal, missing in action, for his actions in Germany, 10 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 10 March 1945.

T/5 Michael J. Buczek (36 314 056) - Headquarters Company
Home Town: ???, IL
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 28 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 46, 1 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 28 January 1945.

T/5 John W. Carroll (37 280 143) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, SD
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 21 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

Pvt. Fornia D. Carson (34254255) - Headquarters Company
Home Town: ???, NC
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 28 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 46, 1 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 28 January 1945.

S/Sgt. William D. Cate (34 499 234) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, TN
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 27 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 63, 16 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 27 March 1945.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

Pfc. Anthony F. Centano (16 143 201) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, IL
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Holland, 1 November 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 124, 10 December 1944:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland, on 1 November 1944.

S/Sgt. John A. Chism (34 273 056) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, AL
Posthumously awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 8 April 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7AD GO #73 (3 May 1945):
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 8 April 1945.

T/3 George G. Colley (32 257 436) - Medical Detachment
Home Town: ???, NJ

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, 23 August 1944 (rank T/4)
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 47, 13 September 1944
    for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France on 23 August 1944.

  2. Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 21 December 1944 (rank T/3)
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 22, 21 Jan 1945
    for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

T/Sgt. (then S/Sgt. and T/Sgt.) Waldo E. Cook (37 190 891) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, IA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Holland, Germany and Belgium, 12 August - 6 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945.
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Holland, Germany and Belgium, from 12 August 1944 to 6 December 1944.

Capt. (then 1st Lt.) Eugene M. Corbin (O-0545 955) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, IN
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in the reduction of the Ruhr Pocket in Germany, 6-9 April 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 81, 18 May 1945.
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, from 6 April 1945 to 9 April 1945.

Also see his citation for the Silver Star.

1st Lt. John C. Cornell (O-524915) - Company B Commander
Home Town: OH
Photos provided by John Cornell
Awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his actions at Chartres, France, 18 August 1944, and awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to his Bronze Star Medal for his actions at the Eder See Dam, Germany, 30 March 1945 and also for his service in Germany from 1 March to 8 May 1945
7th Armored Division General Order No. 46, 12 September 1944
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France on 18 August 1944. Entered the military service from Ohio.
7th Armored Division General Order No. 110, 6 July 1945
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States from 1 March 1945 to 8 May 1945, in Germany. In the sweep across Germany, Lieutenant Cornell led his Company, part of a small task force, in capturing its objectives quickly and with great loss to the enemy. On 30 March 1945 this task force attacked the Eder See Dam. As the lead tanks approached, they were fired upon by small arms and anti-tank guns. While the tanks returned this fire, Lieutenant cornell dismounted his men and led them in a charge that overran the enemy positions and secured the dam. His rapid attack caught the enemy unprepared and prevented them from manning many of the heavy weapons. The personal courage, initiative, and devotion to duty displayed by Lieutenant Cornell reflect great credit upon himself and the military service.

Lt. Cornell, as 2nd Lt. and Platoon Leader of the Company "C" Anti-Tank Platoon was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his 18 August 1944 actions north of Chartres, France and the Distinguished Service Cross (click here to see the Distinguished Service Cross citations) for his 6 September 1944 actions at Gravelotte, France, where he was wounded. After recovering from his wounds, he returned to duty with 38 AIB five months later, on 8 February 1945, at which time he became CO of "B" Company's Anti-tank Platoon. He was promoted to 1st Lt. on 16 March 1945. After B/38 Capt. Claude Emmons was wounded on 26 March 1945, in the action to surround the Ruhr Pocket, 1st Lt. Cornell assumed command of B/38 for the duration of the war and was awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to his Bronze Star Medal for his actions 30 March 1945.

T/5 Jimmie L. Cox (34 254 699) - Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, SC
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 22 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945.
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 22 December 1944.

Cpl. Loyd J. Daniel (34 192 587) - Medical Detachment
Home Town: ???, TN
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 21 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945.
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States, in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

S/Sgt. Luis E. Delgadillo (36 706 443) - Service Company
Home Town: ???, IL
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, 23 August 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, on 23 August 1944.

S/Sgt. John W. Derov (13 057 597) - Headquarters Company
Home Town: ???, PA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 5-8 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, from 5 February 1945 to 8 February 1945.

Pvt. (later S/Sgt) Thomas Alfred Despot (35 897 231) - Company "A"
Home Town: Indianapolis, IN
Photo provided by granddaughter Jennifer Clary
Awarded Bronze Star Medal, for his actions in the area of Melun, France, 23 August 1944
7th Armored Division General Order No. 51, 17 September 1944.
From the Indianapolis Star, 16 April 1945:
Baby Boy Presented Father's Bronze Star

for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on 23 August 1944, in the area of Melun, France. In the fiercely contested battle for the city of Melun, Pvt. Despot's company was assigned the mission of occupying an island in the Seine River. The crossing of the river had to be accomplished in the face of enemy automatic weapons which made any advance extremely dangerous. His attempts to eliminate enemy gun positions were conspicuous for their boldness. Moving daringly at the head of his company he was one of the first to reach the island. His gallant behavior in the presence of the enemy was a shining example and inspiration which spurred his comrades to their best efforts.

S/Sgt. Paul B. Dry (34 254 461) - Company "C"
Home Town: ????, NC
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 26 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 26 January 1945.

S/Sgt. Michael Duby (13 056 239) - Company "C" Anti-Tank Platoon
Home Town: Scranton, PA
Awarded Bronze Star for his actions in the area of Bergshausen, Germany, 12 April 1945
7th Armored Division General Order No. 73, 3 May 1945.
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on 12 April 1945, in the area of Bergshausen, Germany. As S Sgt Duby's platoon flushed out Germans hidden in the buildings of Bergshausen, it came under heavy fire which wounded the officer. Completely disregarding the danger S Sgt Duby courageously went to the aid of the casualty and administered battlefield aid. He then rallied the platoon and led it in carrying out its mission. So skillfully did S Sgt Duby deploy his men that they seized their objective and captured many prisoners without sustaining any further casualties.
Research Note by Wesley Johnston: Based on the C/38 Morning Reports, I believe that the events actually occurred on 9 April 1945 (not 12 April) at Berghausen (not Bergshausen), Germany. Berghausen is a short distance NNW of Schmallenberg. The officer who was wounded was Anti-tank Platoon CO 2nd Lt. Charles E. Humbertson, who was seriously wounded in action on 9 April 1945.

M/Sgt. Lawrence L. Dwyer, Jr. (33 153 224) - Service Company
Home Town: ???, PA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 16 August 1944 - 31 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 16 August 1944 to 31 January 1945.

T/Sgt. (then Sgt. and T/Sgt.) Melvin M. Dykes (12 064 137) - Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, NY
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 20 August 1944 - 20 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 20 August 1944 to 20 March 1945.

Cpl. Edsel M. Flanders (14 012 384) - Medical Detachment
Home Town: ???, GA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal, missing in action, for his actions in Belgium, 21 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 22, 21 January 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

S/Sgt. Kenneth R. Fee (17 120 396) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, NE
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 17-29 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 22, 21 January 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 29 December 1944.

Pfc. Joseph M. Friedman (39 292 242) - Company "A"
Home Town: ????, CA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 22-24 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, from 22 January 1945 to 24 January 1945.

Pfc. Charles H. Funderburk (37 699 049) - Company "B"
Home Town: ???, IA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 27 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 27 March 1945.

Pfc. Loren W. Furgison (32 947 738) - Headquarters Company and Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, NY

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Holland, 30 September 1944 (Pvt. with Headquarters Company)
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 107, 2 December 1944
    distinguishing himself by meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland on 30 September 1944.

  2. Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 17-21 December 1944 (Pfc., then Pvt., with Battalion Headquarters)
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 22, 21 Jan 1945
    for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 21 December 1944.

T/Sgt. Harold R. Gano (35 305 650) - Company "C"
Home Town: Warren, OH

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 17-29 December 1944
    7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945
    for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 29 December 1944, in Belgium. T Sgt. Gano's outstanding courage and military ability played an important part in maintaining control of his platoon and keeping casualties at a minimum during their stand against the German winter counter-offensive. At Manhay, he kept the men supplied with rations and equipment despite heavy enemy artillery and mortar fire. His devotion to duty during this fierce action with complete disregard for personal safety reflects high credit upon himself and the Armed Forces.

  2. Awarded Oak-Leaf Cluster to Bronze Star Medal for his actions in the area of Holthausen, Germany, 10 April 1945
    7th Armored Division General Order No. 73, 3 May 1945
    for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on 10 Apr 1945, in the area of Holthausen, Germany. T Sgt Gano led his platoon in a daring assault on strongly emplaced enemy forces. So skillfully did he deploy his men that they were able to hit the Germans from the rear, completely surprising them. When hostile troops returned our fire T Sgt Gano ordered his platoon to employ assault fire and pushed them relentlessly, completely disregarding the hail of bullets that hit about him. By his able and courageoous leadership T Sgt Gano quickly wiped out the hostile strongpoint with minimum losses to his platoon.

S/Sgt. Paul L. Geanangel (35 246 533) - Company "C"
Home Town:
Awarded Bronze Star for his actions in the area of Melkyhausen, Germany, 12 April 1945
7th Armored Division General Order No. 74, 5 May 1945.
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on 12 April 1945, in the area of Melkyhausen, Germany. S Sgt Geanangel's platoon was halted by a minefield and road-block as it pushed into the town of Melkyhausen. Engineers who moved up to clear the area came under heavy mortar fire which killed an officer and wounded one man. Completely disregarding the great danger, S Sgt Geanangel unhesitatingly left cover to go to the aid of the injured man and succeeded in evacuating him to safety. By his courageous action S Sgt Geanangel helped save a wounded comrade from death.
Research Note by Wesley Johnston: Based on the C/38 Morning Reports, I believe that the events actually occurred on 11 April 1945 (not 12 April) at Menkhausen (not the non-existent Melkyhausen), Germany. Menkhausen is about halfway between Schmallenberg and Eslohe. I have not yet determined who the Engineer casualties were, but it is most likely that they were with the 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion. C/33 2nd Lt. Aubrey Green was killed 9 April 1945, but it is not known if he was the Engineer officer mentioned in Geanangel's citation.

1st Lt. (then 2nd Lt.) Evroul S. Germain (O-525 241) - Service Company
Home Town: ???, VT
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 12 August 1944 - 12 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 55, 27 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 12 August 1944 to 12 March 1945.

1st Lt. Mack Gieger (01 012 677) - Platoon Leader (became Company Commander in this action), Company "B"
Home Town: Laurel, MS
1942 Photo from Mack Gieger
Awarded Bronze Star Medal, for his actions in the area of Melun, France, 23 August 1944
7th Armored Division General Order No. 48, 14 September 1944.
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on 23 August 1944, in the area of Melun, France. The platoon of which 1st Lt. Gieger was leader was a part of a larger force making an attack on the city of Melun, France. His company was assigned the mission of outflanking the enemy and he led his men along a river bank until they came under intense cross fire from machine guns and rifles. So determined was the resistance that even slight movement brought a volley from the enemy guns. During the advance, the Company Commander was wounded and 1st Lt. Gieger assumed command. In this capacity, he attempted to move more men to the left flank in order to relieve the pressure on his platoon, but the severe fire made this impossible. Thereupon, ignoring the fiercely resistant enemy, 1st Lt. Gieger mounted a half-track and brought fire of its machine gun down on the enemy. This action served to neutralize enemy resistance and made movement of reinforcements possible. In insuring the success of the operation, 1st Lt. Gieger showed exceptional courage and leadership.

Also see his citation for the Silver Star.

S/Sgt. Peter John Gorman (12 060 081) - Squad Leader of 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, Company "A"
Home Town: Dumont, NJ
Photo provided by Peter Gorman, a photo of him taken when he was hospitalized after being shot on 19 September 1944 at Sillegny, France - photo appeared in the New York Times

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal, for his actions in the area of Melun, France, 23 August 1944
    7th Armored Division General Order No. 51, 17 September 1944.
    for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on 23 August 1944, in the area of Melun, France. Fire from entrenched enemy forces on an island in the Seine River held up our advance on Melun. Despite the great hazards, S Sgt. Gorman braved the hail of hostile fire to cross to the island. Together with a few of his comrades, he knocked out an enemy machine gun that commanded approaches to the island, making possible the crossing of the remainder of his company and the routing of the German forces.

  2. Awarded Bronze Star Medal, with Oak Leaf Cluster, for his actions in France, on or about 18 September 1944
    7th Armored Division General Order No. 120, 24 July 1945.
    for exemplary conduct in ground combat against the armed enemy while assigned as Staff Sergeant, 38th Armored Infantry Battalion on or about 18 September 1944 in the European Theater of Operations.

S/Sgt. William W. Graff (37 076 197) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, PA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 11 August 1944 - 18 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 11 August 1944 to 18 February 1945.

Pfc. (then Pvt.) Thomas Anthony Hanrahan, Jr. (33 752 810) - Company "C"
Home Town: DC
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 26 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 26 January 1945.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

Sgt. Bertram Harrison (36 036 600) - Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, IL
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, Holland and Germany, 15 October 1944 - 15 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 15 October 1944 to 15 February 1945.

S/Sgt. Robert Leland Harrison (34 262 873) - Squad Leader of Machine Gun Squad, 2nd Platoon, Company "C" (later Platoon Sergeant and acting Platoon Leader)
Home Town: Cairo, GA

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal, for his actions in the area of Leves, France, 16 August 1944
    7th Armored Division General Order No. 47, 13 September 1944:
    for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States, on 16 August 1944, in the area of Leves, France. His half-track, immediately preceding the headquarters half-track, came undr heavy fire from enemy machine guns and rifles. In order to enable the commanding officer riding in the headquarters vehicle to reach forward elements of the unit which were cut off, he halted, dismounted, and from a dangerously exposed position in the street, directed the fire of his machine guns. By his heroic action he was able to neutralize the enemy positions long enough to enable his commanding officer's half-track to escape and direct his stranded unit in the defense of the position until bolstered by the remainder of the battalion. By acting bravely and unhesitatingly he made an important contribution in extracting his unit from a dangerous situation.

  2. Awarded Bronze Star Medal, with Oak Leaf Cluster, for his actions in the area of Strauch, Germany, on 5 February 1945
    7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
    for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on 5 February 1945, in the area of Strauch, Germany. As S Sgt. Harrison's platoon jumped off into the attack, it came on an extensive minefield. Ordering the men to remain in position, S Sgt. Harrison courageously moved through the area, without the aid of mine-detcting devices. Safely through, he directed the men to follow in his footsteps, one by one, and so led the platoon through the obstacle. When the unit hit booby-trapped wire, S Sgt. Harrison again braved death to mark a path through the danger zone. By his outstanding bravery S Sgt. Harrison made it possible for his platoon to continue safely on its route of march despite two hazardous obstacles.

2nd Lt. Erwin C. Hartzell, Jr. (O-1 327 622) - Company "B"
Home Town: ???, OH
Posthumously awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 7 April 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7AD GO #73 (3 May 1945):
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 7 April 1945.

Pvt. Stephen L. Haus (35 921 512) - Medical Detachment
Home Town: ???, OH
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 23 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 38, 14 Febmruary 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 23 January 1945.

S/Sgt. John J. Hocking (17 169 671) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, IA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 25 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 25 January 1945.

Sgt. Ernest E. Holcomb (38 606 900) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, TX

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal, for his actions in Belgium, 28 January 1945
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 33, 9 February 1945 (rank Pvt.):
    for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 28 January 1945.

  2. Awarded Bronze Star Medal, with Oak Leaf Cluster, for his actions in Germany, 10 April 1945
    7th Armored Division General Order No. 74, 5 May 1945.
    for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 10 April 1945.

1st Lt. (then 2nd Lt.) Earl F. Hovis (O-1 019 157) - Company "B"
Home Town: ???, MO
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 11 August 1944 - 1 April 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 11 August 1944 to 1 April 1945.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

2nd Lt. Edward S. Humenny (O-557 852) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, MI
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 26 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 26 January 1945.

Also see his citation for the Silver Star.

T/5 (then Pfc. and T/5) Glen J. Iverson (37 194 711) - Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, IA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 11 August 1944 - 15 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 55, 27 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 11 August 1944 to 15 March 1945.

2nd Lt. Morphis A. Jamiel (O-543 690) - Company "B"
Home Town: Warren, RI
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 22 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 22 December 1944.

Capt. Joseph R. Jehl (O-295 444) - Battalion Surgeon and Commander of the Medical Detachment
Home Town: Clifton, NJ
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Holland, Germany and Belgium, 19 October 1944 - 5 January 1945
7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945:
distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States from October 19, 1944 to January 5, 1945 in Holland, Germany and Belgium. In the hard fought in Holland, Germany and Belgium, Captain Jehl performed outstandingly as battalion surgeon. By introducing a system of interviews for reinforcements, he made possible their assignment to suitable posts, which resulted in a sharp reduction in cases of combat exhaustion. During the fierce action at St. Vith he repeatedly braved death to care for the wounded of many of our units. Captain Jehl s great courage and skill are worthy of the highest praise.

T/Sgt. Alvin Jenkins (34 254 384) - Company "C"
Home Town: Nashville, NC
Photo and detail citation thanks to son Robert Jenkins
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 5 February 1945
7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 5 February 1945 in the area of Strauch, Germany. As T Sgt. Jenkins platoon jumped off into the attack it came on an extensive minefield. Ordering his men to remain in position, T Sgt. Jenkins reconnoitered a safe route through the danger zone, although he had no mine-detecting devices to aid him. He then returned and led the platoon through the field without a single casualty from the hidden explosives. By his outstanding bravery, T Sgt. Jenkins made it possible for his unit to continue on its route of march despite the hazardous obstacle of an uncharted minefileld.

Pvt. Ballard Jenkins (14 010 127) - Company "B"
Home Town: ????, MS
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, 7 September 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 46, 12 September 1944:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France on 7 September 1944.

Pvt. Thomas P. Jenkins (39 048 055) - Company "C"
Home Town: ????, CA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 26 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 26 January 1945.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

Pfc. James H. N. Jorgensen (37 691 438) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, IA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal, missing in action, for his actions in Germany, 27 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 69, 25 April 1945:
distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 27 March 1945.

S/Sgt. (then Pfc.) Clifford H. Johnson (36 957 787) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, MI
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 27-28 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 27 and 28 December 1944.

Pfc. David Kaiser (37 154 368) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, WY
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 5 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 22, 21 January 1945.
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 5 December 1944.

Capt. George R. Kilborn (O-460 784) - Service Company
Home Town: ???, OR
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 15 August 1944 - 15 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 57, 31 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 15 August 1944 to 15 February 1945.

Capt. Robert S. Kinoshita (0-258299) - Battalion Surgeon and Commander of the Medical Detachment
Home Town: Bangor, WI (originally from Honolulu, HI)
Photo provided by son Richard Kinoshita

  1. Awarded Bronze Star, with "V" device, for his actions in the area of Chambley, France, 11 September 1944
    Text of Recommendation for Bronze Star, dated 18 Sep 1944, signed by Maj. Curtice Rankin
    for gallantry in action while serving with the United States Army on 11th September 1944 against the enemy in Chambley Area, France. A Task Force consisting of about two company of men had fought their way on foot, up to the vicinity of a strongly fortified German Fort in a wooded and hilly part of the Chambley Area, France on 11th September 1944 against stiff enemy resistance and had incurred many casualties. It had become cut off from our Command Post and Medical Detachment. The Commander of the Force sent a radio message requesting food and medical care. Captain Kinoshita volunteered to lead a group of men to the aid of the isolated group. In order to reach the isolated group of men, he had to go down a steep hill for about half a mile. This area was thickly wooded and very slippery, and various areas kept under German machine gun, mortar, and sniper's fire. After making contact, Captain Kinoshita treated the wounded skillfully and prepared their evacuation. When he was told of men wounded lying on the open field in front of a strongly fortified German position, Captain Kinohsita, without hesitation and without any regard for personal safety, went forward waving a Red Cross Flag and he was able to treat and evacuate these men successfully to our lines. His gallantry under action was observed by all and was a source of inspiration to the men. He then helped carry the wounded down the steep hill, to the base of the hill. He was left by the retreating Forces at the base of the hill with his patients. While waiting for help in a protected area, Captain Kinoshita noticed that mortar fire were becoming closer and heavier and that it was getting dark. Realizing that he could not wait for help without endangering his men and patients he and his men carried the patients up a steep hill and after a strenuous effort were able to successfully evacuate them. His gallant and exceptional heroic action and good leadership under fire helped to save many lives. His gallant work was far beyond his usual call of duty and in accord with the highest traditions of this Division.

  2. Awarded Bronze Star, with Oak Leaf Cluster, for his actions in France, later in September 1944
    He never received a written citation for his second Bronze Star Medal. He received only a press release as follows:
    WITH THE SEVENTH ARMORED DIVISION IN FRANCE---"Captain Robert S. Kinoshita has courageously won the valued Bronze Star Medal and Oak Leaf Cluster for exceptionally heroic service on the European battlefront. The Captain, a Medical Detachment Commander of an Armored Infantry Battalion, of the 7th Armored Division, has repeatedly seen action. His devotion to duty, regardless of the personal danger on numerous occasions, won for him a Division citation for gallantry in action."

T/Sgt. William J. Knight (36 037 646) - Company "B"
Home Town: Libertyville, IL

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France (probably at Melun), 23 August 1944
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 44, 10 September 1944:
    for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France on 23 August 1944.

  2. Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster to his Bronze Star Medal for his actions in the area of St. Vith, Belgium, 21 December 1944
    Detailed citation under 7th Armored Division General Order No. 11, 11 January 1945:
    for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on 21 Deember 1944, in the area of St. Vith, Blebium. At the height of an enemy barrage, T Sgt. Knight left his position of comparative safety to move to the assistance of three of his wounded comrades. With complete disregard for the shells falling about him, he treated and evacuated the wounded soldiers, remaining with them until the arrival of medical personnel. When the Germans launched a fierce assault, T Sgt. Knight manned a heavy machine gun mounted in the window of a house until he was blown from his position by direct tank fire. Recovering, he braved the continuing volleys to make his way to the Battalion Command Post and report the advance of hostile forces. His courageous devotion to duty under the most hazardous conditions reflects high credit upon T Sgt. Knight and the Armed Forces.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

S/Sgt. Charles R. Lee (35 400 097) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, OH
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 29 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 29 March 1945.

Pfc. George E. Lee (31 062 445) - Medical Detachment
Home Town: ???, MA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal, missing in action, for his actions in Belgium, 21 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 22, 21 January 1945.
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

S/Sgt. (then Sgt.) Richard H. Lones (35 018 692) - Company "B"
Home Town: ???, OH
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 26 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 26 January 1945.

Also see his citation for the Purple Heart.

T/Sgt. James R. Long (6 275 667) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, TX
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 22 September 1944 - 19 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 22 September 1944 to 19 February 1945.

Pvt.Gordon D. Loomis (31 452 220) - Company "A"
Home Town: ???, MA
Posthumously awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Holland, 5 November 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 107, 2 December 1944:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland on 5 November 1944.

T/4 Wallace W. Lowther (35 275 115) - Service Company
Home Town: ???, WV
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 15 August 1944 - 15 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 55, 27 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 15 August 1944 to 15 February 1945.

Also see his citations for the Purple Heart.

1st Sgt. Michael J. Lynch (13 070 059) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, MD
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 17-29 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 23 (23 Jan 1945):
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 29 December 1944.

Also see his citations for the Silver Star.

Capt. John S. Mace (O-414 381) - Company "C" Commander, Battalion Executive Officer, S-3, Liaison Officer, Company "A" Commander
Home Town: ???, SC
Awarded Bronze Star for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 10 August 1944 to 18 April 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7AD GO #73 (3 May 1945):
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 10 August 1944 to 18 April 1945.

Also see his citations for the Silver Star.

T/5 Sebastino B. Magliolo (34 230 859) - Medical Detachment
Home Town: ???, LA

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in the vicinity of Overloon, Holland, 3-7 October 1944
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 88, 18 November 1944
    for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland, from 3 October 1944 to 7 October 1944.

  2. Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 21 December 1944 (missing in action)
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 22, 21 Jan 1945
    for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

T/Sgt. Hubert P. Mais (36 037 452) - Service Company
Home Town: ???, IL
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, 23 August 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, on 23 August 1944.

T/Sgt. Eli T. Martin (36117961) - Company B, Anti-tank Platoon, Platoon Sergeant
Home Town: ???, MI
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 22 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7AD GO #26, 30 Jan 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 22 December 1944.

Maj. Alva T. McDaniel (O-403 565) - Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, MS
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 4-6 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, from 4 February 1945 to 6 February 1945.

Also see his citation for the Silver Star.

1st Lt. (later Capt.) John A. Meads, Jr. (0-1 292 036) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, MD

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Holland, 1 November 1944
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 107, 2 Dec 1944
    for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland on 1 November 1944.

  2. Awarded Oak-Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 17-29 December 1944
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 23, 23 Jan 1945:
    for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 29 December 1944.

Also see his citation for the Silver Star.

S/Sgt. Earl H. Miller (33 851 424) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, PA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 29 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 29 March 1945.

1st Lt. Philip S. Miller (O-1 315 217) - Headquarters Company
Home Town: ???, CA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 26 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 26 March 1945.

Note: He had been with HQ Co/23 AIB until wounded 22 or 23 December 1944. While with 23 AIB, he was awarded the Silver Star and earned the Purple Heart.

Pfc. Phillip Milo (42 124 492) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, NY
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 27 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 27 March 1945.

S/Sgt. Carlos B. Misquez (39 840 339) - Company "C"
Home Town: ????, CA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 25 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 25 January 1945.

Also see his citations for the Purple Heart.

2nd Lt. Robert E. P. Moranda (O-1 326 108) - Headquarters Company; Heavy Machine Gun Platoon Commander
Home Town: Ventura, CA
Awarded Bronze Star for his actions [citation not yet found/received]

Also see his citations for the Belgian Knight of the Order of the Crown and his Silver Star.

Pfc. Clyde P. Neal (37 062 512) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, AR
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 21 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 19, 20 January 1945.
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 21 December 1944.

2nd Lt. Aldon E. Omdahl (O-536 629) - Company "C"
Home Town: ???, ND
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 26 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 43, 23 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 26 January 1945.

Also see his citation for the Silver Star.

T/Sgt. (then S/Sgt. and T/Sgt.) James M. Pressler (33 148 537) - Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, NY
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 20 August 1944 - 20 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 20 August 1944 to 20 March 1945.

Sgt. Charles W. Rodgers (39 701 540) - Company [not yet known]
Home Town: ???, CA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, Holland and Germany, 16 October 1944 - 1 April 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 16 October 1944 to 1 April 1945.

T/4 Sam M. Rosen (37 076 212) - Medical Detachment
Home Town: St. Louis, MO
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 22 September 1944 to 14 March 1945
7th Armored Division General Order No. 57, 31 March 1945.
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States from 22 September 1944 to 14 March 1945 in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. During months of combat Tec 4 Rosen carried out his assignments as surgical technician and medical detachment clerk in an exemplary manner. Many times he braved enemy fire to aid in treatment of casualties. By his efficient work he kept the highly important records and reports accurate and up to date despite hampering field conditions. Tec 4 Rosen's great ability and devotion to duty were of great value to his unit and to the wounded it treated.

WOJG Gerhardt A. Schmidt (W2 127 959) - Service Company
Home Town: ???, WI
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 11 August 1944 - 6 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 46, 1 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 11 August 1944 to 6 February 1945.

Cpl. (then Pfc.) Earl M. Schwarz (16 146 364) - Headquarters Company
Home Town: ???, IL
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 28 January 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 46, 1 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, on 28 January 1945.

Pfc. Perry D. Sexson (38 406 742) - Medical Detachment
Home Town: ???, OK
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Germany, 29 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 66, 22 April 1945:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Germany, on 29 March 1945.

Pfc. Earl J. Shellman (33 610 444) - Company "B"
Home Town: St. Louis, MO
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 22 September 1944 to 14 March 1945
From the Wellsboro (PA) Gazette, June 21, 1945, page 2
Tioga Soldier Awarded Bronze Star Medal
With the 7th Armored in Europe -- Pfc. Earl J. Shellman of Tioga, R. D. l, was recently awarded the Bronze Star Medal for heroic achievement in aiding a fellow soldier in bravely extinguishing a fire in a tank, that had been set afire and abandoned following being hit. He is the son of Mrs. Minnie M. Shellman, of Tioga.
Pfc. Shellman's citation reads in part as follows: "During bitter fighting at Neuenrade, Germany on April 13, enemy fire hit one of our tanks and set it ablaze. Abandoned by its crew, the vehicle rolled downhill, out of control. On his own initiative, Pfc. Shellman seized a fire extinguisher and, together with, another man, he raced to the tank in an attempt to control the flames. Completely disregarding the great danger both from enemy fire and explosion of the tank's ammunition supply, Pfc. Shellman continued on his hazardous mission until the fire had been extinguished. By his swift and courageous action, Pfc. Shellman saved the tank and its valuable equipment from complete destruction."

Thanks to Niek Hendrix of Ospel, Netherlands, who found the newspaper article

T/4 Thomas F. Sweeney (33 143 587) - Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, PA

  1. Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium and Holland, 30 September-7 November 1944
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 107, 2 December 1944
    for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium and Holland from 30 September 1944 to 7 November 1944.

  2. Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Belgium, 17-21 December 1944
    Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 22, 21 Jan 1945
    for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Belgium, from 17 December 1944 to 21 December 1944.

T/4 Harold C. Taylor (33 153 004) - Battalion Headquarters
Home Town: ???, PA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 11 August 1944 - 11 February 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 11 August 1944 to 11 February 1945.

T/5 William H. Tate (14 121 373) - Service Company
Home Town: ???, TN
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, 23 August 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, on 23 August 1944.

Pfc. Ted J. Topolski (36 620 917) - Service Company
Home Town: ???, IL
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, 23 August 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 45, 27 February 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, on 23 August 1944.

Pvt. Maurice A. Venne (31 109 266) - Company B
Home Town: Concord, NH
Awarded Bronze Star Medal (Missing in Action) for his actions in France, 7 September 1944 (KIA 11 Sep 44)
Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 62, 11 October 1944:
for distinguishing himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, on 7 September 1944. In the fiercely contested advance toward Gravelotte, Pvt. Venne braved intense fire from snipers and machine guns to set up his light machine gun in a strategic position. Despite continuous volleys from the strongly entrenched German sector, Pvt. Venne clung tenaciously to his post. With complete disregard for his own safety he courageously manned his weapons until ordered to withdraw. His valor and determination reflect the highest credit upon Pvt. Venne and the Armed Forces.
Detailed citation (sent to his family):
Private Maurice A. Venne (Army Serial Number 31108266), Infantry, while serving with the Army of the United States, distinguished himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 7 September 1944, in the area of Gravelotte, France.

Capt. Francis A. Watson (O-310 959) - Company not yet known
Home Town: ???, NJ
Posthumously awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 11 August - 29 December 1944
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7AD GO #26, 30 Jan 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 11 August 1944 to 29 December 1944.

T/Sgt. (then S/Sgt. and T/Sgt.) Nickolas Zicari (33 143 957) - Headquarters Company
Home Town: ???, PA
Awarded Bronze Star Medal for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 11 August 1944 - 1 March 1945
Detailed citation not yet received - Summary citation from 7th Armored Division General Order No. 55, 27 March 1945:
for distinguishing himself by meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, from 11 August 1944 to 1 March 1945.

Return to top of 38AIB Decorations page

Purple Heart

The Purple Heart was awarded to anyone who was wounded or killed in action. Thus this award was the one that was given to more men than any other combat award. I would very much like to have the citation for any Purple Hearts that were awarded, even though the citations for many of those in the list below are yet to be received/found.

NOTE: The dates below are the dates on which the action occurred, for which the Purple Heart was awarded (as opposed to the dates of the citations).

  • Ablondi, Louis E. - Pfc. - Company A on 6 Apr 1945 at: Oberkirchen in Germany
  • Adams, Gayther O. - Pvt. - Company C on 16 Aug 1944 at: la c te de la Villette (near St. Prest) in France
  • Amis, Mitchell - Pvt. - Company C on 3 Nov 1944 at: vic. Winnerstraat in Holland
  • Anderson, Leo L. - T/Sgt. - Company A on 17 Sep 1944 at: vic. Sillegny in France
  • Arling, Howard D. - Pvt. - Company B on 5 May 1945 at: Holthausen to Fredeburg in Germany
  • Armitage, Joseph Richard - Pvt. - Company B on 5 Feb 1945 at: vic. Strauch in Germany
  • Armstrong, Clifford M. - Pfc. - Company C on 4 Nov 1944 at: vic. Winnerstraat in Holland
  • Ashworth, Ralph W. - Pvt. - Company B on 26 Mar 1945 at: Handsongen in Germany
  • Bailey, George L. - Pfc. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Baker, John Fremon - Pfc. - Company B on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Baker, William Judson - Pvt. - Company C on 20 Oct 1944 at: Griendstveen in Holland
  • Baker, Willis L. - Pvt. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Baldwin, James D. - Sgt. - Company C on 4 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Baldwin, Marvin Albert "Bud" - S/Sgt. - Company A on 29 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • Barker, Bobby J. - Pvt. - Company A on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Barrieau, Arthur W. - Pvt. - Company B on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Beard, Bernell J. - Pfc. - Company B on 23 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Bennett, Oliver Ralph - Pvt. - Company A on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Bennington, Frank - Pvt. - Company A on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Berliner, William C. - Pvt. - Company A on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Billstein, Leon W. - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Bissell, Victor M. - T/5 - Bn HQ on 15 Apr 1945 at: Menden in Germany
  • Blair, Ernest C. - Pvt. - Company A on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Blankenship, Paul Grey - Pvt. - Company B on 7 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Blattman, Morris - Pfc. - Company C on 14 Oct 1944 at: Meijel in Holland
  • Blumenfeld, Alex - Pfc. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Metz Area (probably Gravelotte) in France
  • Bolton, Samuel Henry "Tack" - Sgt. - Company B on 25 Jan 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Bossler, Robert M. - S/Sgt. - Company B on 18 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Bour, Donald B. - Pfc. - Company B on 13 Sep 1944 at: Cernay in France
  • Bowers, Kenneth D. - Pfc. - Company B on 19 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Bradley, Morris B. - Pvt. - Company B on 7 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Brennan, Joseph F. - S/Sgt. - Company A on 19 Sep 1944 at: probably at Sillegny in France
  • Brisendine, Otis F. - Pvt. - Company A on 7 Nov 1944 at: probably near Horik and Ospel in Holland
  • Brokaw, Richard W. - 2nd Lt. - Company C on 29 Mar 1945 at: Ginselfdorf or Burgeln in Germany
  • Bruesewitz, Harold E. - Sgt. - Company B on 25 Jan 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Bryant, Joseph Franklin, Jr. - Pvt. - Company B on 8 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Butler, R. J. - Cpl. - Company B on 19 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Cagle, James F. - Pvt. - Company B on 25 Jan 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Cano, Miguel - Pvt. - Company B on 25 Jan 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Cappella, Michael A. - Pvt. - Company C on 18 Oct 1944 at: vic. Griendtsveen in Holland
  • Capone, Paul M. - Pfc. - Company C on 12 Mar 1945 at: Mehlem in Germany
  • Carbajal, Gilbert R. - Pvt. - Company B on 7 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Carlson, Dale R. - Pvt. - Company B on 3 Oct 1944 at: Boxmeer in Holland
  • Carpenter, Robert E. - 1st Lt. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Carrithers, Smith Garrow - Pfc. - Company A on 24 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Case, Leonard A. - Pvt. - Company C on 9 Apr 1945 at: Fredeburg in Germany
  • Castellano, Daniel - Pvt. - Company A on 21 Sep 1944 at: Lorry in France
  • Cate, William D. - Pfc. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Metz Area (probably Gravelotte) in France
  • Ceglia, Joseph T. - S/Sgt. - Company B on 8 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Centano, Anthony F. - Pfc. - Company C on 25 Jan 1945 at: Wallerode in Belgium
  • Chappell, Claudius H. - Pvt. - Company C on 9 Nov 1944 at: in
  • Chiles, Frank R. - Pfc. - Company A on 6 Apr 1945 at: Oberkirchen in Germany
  • Chippas, Phillip D. - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Chism, John A. - S/Sgt. - Company C on 8 Apr 1945 at: near Holthausen in Germany
  • Clark, Leo C. - Pfc. - Company C on 11 Apr 1945 at: Niederbarndorf to Bremscheid to Eslohe in Germany
  • Clark, Riley E. - Pfc. - Company A on 6 Apr 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Cochran, Johnie - Pfc. - Company A on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Cole, R. D. - Pvt. - Company A on 9 Apr 1945 at: in
  • Coleman, Luther J. - Tec 5 - Company A on 17 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Cornell, John C. - 2nd Lt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Costanzo, Vincent J. - Pfc. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Cox, Jimmie L. - Tec 5 - Bn HQ on 23 Jan 1945 at: vic. St. Vith in Belgium
  • Crans, Harry R. - Pvt. - Company A on 4 Nov 1944 at: in
  • Critser, Andrew F. - Pfc. - Company B on 7 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Croce, Angelo - Pvt. - Company A on 25 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Crosby, William H. - Pvt. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Cross, Marshall Roy - Pfc. - Company B on 22 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Crow, William H. Jr. - S/Sgt. - Company A on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Dail, Roy E. - Pvt. - Company B on 7 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Dailey, Lyle H. - Tec 5 - Company C on 15 Mar 1945 at: Mehlem in Germany
  • Davis, Fred O. - Pvt. - Company B on 8 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Davis, James I. - Pvt. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Davis, L. D. - 1st Lt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Davis, Roy F. - Pvt. - Company A on 21 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Deevers, Donald Q. - Pvt. - Company B on 25 Jan 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Dennis, Charles - Tec 5 - Bn HQ on 16 Sep 1944 at: Marieulles (near Sillegny) in France
  • Despot, Frank L. - Pfc. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Despot, Thomas Alfred - S/Sgt. - Company A on 5 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Dietz, Robert H. - S/Sgt. - Company A on 28 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • Dietz, Robert H. - S/Sgt. - Company A on 29 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • Dildine, Ned Nolan - Pfc. - Company A on 18 Aug 1944 at: Ois me in France
  • Donovan, Timothy Joseph - Pvt. - Company A on 3 Mar 1945 at: Wolfenbuettel, Germany after capture Dec 1944 at St. Vith in Belgium
  • Doughtery, Claude P. Jr. - Pvt. - Company A on 5 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Dry, Paul B. - S/Sgt. - Company C on 27 Jan 1945 at: Wallerode in Belgium
  • Duby, Michael - Cpl. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: (Sillegny) in (France)
  • Duncan, Kelsie O. - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Durand, Viateur C. - Pfc. - Company B on 7 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Edwards, Robert W. - 2nd Lt. - Bn HQ on 7 Sep 1944 at: Between St. Ail and Gravelotte in France
  • Enos, Vincent K. - Pvt. - Company A on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Epstein, Myer ("Mike") - Pvt. - Company A on 5 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Eull, Alban M. - 1st Lt. - Company C on 16 Oct 1944 at: attacking Marengo in France
  • Fackler, Glenn R. - S/Sgt. - Company A on 10 Apr 1945 at: Bremscheid, Germany in Germany
  • Faircloth, Stephen P. - Pvt. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Fernette, Edgar C. - Pfc. - Company A on 30 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • Fisher, Alfred E. - Pfc. - Company A on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Flores, Fidel - Pfc. - Company A on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Force, Robert Roy - Pfc. - Company A on 6 Apr 1945 at: Oberkirchen in Germany
  • Force, Robert Roy - Pfc. - Company A on 15 Apr 1945 at: in
  • Fortuna, Mario J. - 1st Lt. - Company C on 7 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Fortunis, William L. - Tec 5 - Company B on 24 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Francavillo, Alphonse John - Pvt. - Company B on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Franco, Sam A. - Pvt. - Company B on 24 Jan 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Freeman, Toulman Y. - Cpl. - Company A on 4 Nov 1944 at: probably near Horik and Ospel in Holland
  • French, Charles M. - S/Sgt. - Company C on 14 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Frey, George M. - S/Sgt. - Company B on 21 Dec 1944 at: probably near St. Vith in Belgium
  • Fulton, Leslie O. - 2nd Lt. - Company A on 3 Nov 1944 at: in
  • Gallo, Alfred A. - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Garcia, Pablo - Pvt. - Company B on 23 Dec 1944 at: Krombach in Belgium
  • Geiger, Donald J. - Pvt. - Company A on 29 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • George, John P. - T/Sgt. - Company B on 18 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Gess, Harold W. - Sgt. - Company C on 7 Nov 1944 at: vic. Winnerstraat in Holland
  • Gilbert, Edward T. - Pvt. - Med on 23 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Gillaspie, Wesley M. - Sgt. - Company HQ Co on 29 Mar 1945 at: Grossseellheim in Germany
  • Gire, Oscar E. - Pfc. - Company A on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Godby, Perle C. - Pvt. - Company C on 7 Nov 1944 at: in
  • Golden, Jack R. - Tec 5 - Company C on 22 Jan 1945 at: near St. Vith in Belgium
  • Gonas, John L. - Pvt. - Company C on 1 Nov 1944 at: vic. Winnerstraat in Holland
  • Goodrich, William M. - Sgt. - Company C on 29 Mar 1945 at: Grossseellheim in Germany
  • Gorman, Peter John - S/Sgt. - Company A on 23 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Gorman, Peter John - S/Sgt. - Company A on 19 Sep 1944 at: vic. Sillegny in France
  • Goss, Earle W. - Pfc. - Company C on 12 Mar 1945 at: Mehlem? in Germany
  • Grasso, Carmine V. - Pvt. - Company A on 6 Nov 1944 at: probably near Horik and Ospel in Holland
  • Grill, Leo A. - Pfc. - Med on 23 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Grober, Joseph - Pvt. - Company C on 26 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Gruber, John H. - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Gutierrez, Luis - Pvt. - Company C on 4 Oct 1944 at: about .5 miles west of Groeningen in Holland
  • Handy, Minton M. - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Haney, Henry M. - T/Sgt. - Company C on 4 Oct 1944 at: Castle "De Hattert" (c. 1/2 mileW of Vierlingsbeek) in Holland
  • Hanrahan, Thomas Anthony, Jr. - Pfc. - Company C on 7 Apr 1945 at: Oberkirchen to Neidersorpe in Germany
  • Hansen, Frederick W. - Pvt. - Company B on 21 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Hardy, Durston E. - Pfc. - Company A on 25 Jan 1945 at: Hunningen in Belgium
  • Harlow, Lucian - Cpl. - Company A on 4 Nov 1944 at: in
  • Harrison, Robert Leland - S/Sgt. - Company C on 16 Aug 1944 at: Chartres in France
  • Harrison, Robert Leland - S/Sgt. - Company C on 28 Mar 1945 at: in Germany
  • Hartzell, Irwin C. Jr. - 2nd Lt. - Company B on 8 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Hays, Hugh F. - Pfc. - Company C on 5 Oct 1944 at: vic. Overloon in Holland
  • Hendershot, Albert E. - Cpl. - Company C on 26 Jan 1945 at: Hunningen in Belgium
  • Henderson, Willard - Pfc. - Company A on 10 Apr 1945 at: Hengsbeck in Germany
  • Hennessey, William F. - Pfc. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Hicks, Ralph W. - Pvt. - Company B on 18 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Hilburn, Lee David - Pvt. - Company HQ Co on 5 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Hodge, Charles Whitley Jr. - Pvt. - Company B on 6 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Hogan, Daniel Jr. - S/Sgt. - Company B on 18 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Hohmann, Kenneth T. - Pvt. - Company A on 30 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • Holcomb, Ernest E. - Sgt. - Company C on 7 Apr 1945 at: (Ruhr Pocket reduction) in Germany
  • Holland, Edward D. - Pvt. - Company C on 16 Sep 1944 at: attacking Marengo in France
  • Hovis, Earl F. - 2nd Lt. - Company B on 24 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Howard, Warren D. - Pvt. - Company C on 7 Nov 1944 at: Nederweerterdijk in Holland
  • Humbertson, Charles E. - 2nd Lt. - Company C on 9 Apr 1944 at: Schmallenberg in Germany
  • Huttner, Arthur N. - Pfc. - Company A on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Irizarry, Charles T. - Pfc. - Company B on 21 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Jacob, Robert J. - S/Sgt. - Company C on 4 Oct 1944 at: about .5 miles west of Groeningen in Holland
  • Jamiel, Morphis A. - 2nd Lt. - Company B on 23 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Jehl, Joseph R. - Capt. - Med on 27 Jan 1945 at: Hunningen in Belgium
  • Johnson, Dow E. - Pvt. - Company C on 7 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Johnson, James H. - Capt. - Bn HQ on 6 Sep 1944 at: St. Ail in France
  • Jones, Benjamin Edwin, Jr. - 2nd Lt. - Company C on 3 Dec 1944 at: near Winnerstraat in Holland
  • Karnes, Robert - Sgt. - Company HQ Co on 26 Mar 1945 at: probably Krombach in Belgium
  • Karnofsky, Thomas J. - Tec 4 - Company A on 17 Oct 1944 at: in
  • Kaszubowski, Victor J. - Pfc. - Company A on 22 Jan 1945 at: Vicinity of Born in Belgium
  • Kay, Louis E - Pfc. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Kearns, Paul F. - Pvt. - Company C on 3 Nov 1944 at: vic. Winnerstraat in Holland
  • Keith, Thomas C. - Pfc. - Company A on 19 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Keller, Keith K. - Pfc. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Kellogg, James W. - T/4 - Company Sv on 14 Apr 1945 at: Garbeck in Germany
  • Kenchen, Garnie L. - Pvt. - Company A on 6 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Kinoshita, Robert - Capt. - Med on 16 Aug 1944 at: L ves in France
  • Kinoshita, Robert - Capt. - Med on 17 Sep 1944 at: Lorry in France
  • Kinoshita, Robert - Capt. - Med on 21 Sep 1944 at: 2 miles east of Lorry in France
  • Klassen, Francis Anthony - Pfc. - Company A on 25 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Klosin, Harry - Pvt. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Knight, William J. - T/Sgt. - Company B on 26 Jan 1945 at: Wallerode in Belgium
  • Koch, Charles H. - Pvt. - Company A on 2 Nov 1944 at: Someren (vic. Ospel) in Holland
  • Kohn, Fred - Pvt. - Company A on 8 Nov 1944 at: Ospel in Holland
  • La Tour [Bachand], Arthur - Pvt. - Company A on 7 Nov 1944 at: probably near Horik and Ospel in Holland
  • Lackey, Leo Lawrence - Sgt. - Company B on 27 Apr 1945 at: probably Holthausen in Germany
  • Lake, Robert - Pvt. - Company HQ Co on 21 Sep 1944 at: vic. Sillegny in France
  • Lamb, Clarence D. - Pvt. - Company B on 8 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Light, Milburn R. - Pfc. - Company A on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Little, Glenn E. - Pvt. - Company A on 28 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Loetz, Louis W. - Pfc. - Company A on 25 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Lones, Richard H. - Sgt. - Company B on 25 Jan 1945 at: Hunningen in Belgium
  • Loomis, Gordon D. - Pvt. - Company A on 5 Nov 1944 at: probably near Horik and Ospel in Holland
  • Lowther, Wallace W. - T/4 - Company Sv on 12 Mar 1945 at: Bad Godesburg in Germany
  • Lucadamo, Ernest D. - - Company C on 0 Jan 1900 at: in
  • Lucadamo, Ernest D. - - Company C on 0 Jan 1900 at: (oak leaf cluster) in
  • Luff, Barton E. - Pfc. - Company A on 16 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Lyman, Harlin H. - Sgt. - Company B on 7 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Mackey, Daniel C. - Pvt. - Company B on 3 Oct 1944 at: Boxmeer in Holland
  • Makowski, Charles E. - Pvt. - Company A on 29 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • Malamud, Harvey E. - Pvt. - Med on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Marks, Arthur R. - Pvt. - Company A on 8 Apr 1945 at: Neidersorpe in Germany
  • Marsey, Lloyd F. - Pfc. - Company B on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Masterson, John E. - Pfc. - Company HQ Co on 22 Dec 1944 at: Krombach in Belgium
  • Matthews, Julian H. - Pvt. - Company A on 29 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • Mayer, George A. - Cpl. - Company C on 27 Jan 1945 at: Wallerode in Belgium
  • Mayer, George A. - S/Sgt. - Company C on 9 Apr 1945 at: Fredeburg in Germany
  • Mc Alpine, Charles E. - S/Sgt. - Company B on 21 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • McClary, Floyyd E. - Pfc. - Company B on 23 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • McGuffin, Charles W. - Pvt. - Company C on 29 Mar 1945 at: Grossseellheim in Germany
  • Mcguire, Charles T. - Pfc. - Company B on 21 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • McMichen, Charles H. - Pvt. - Company C on 11 Mar 1945 at: Mehlem in Germany
  • McQueen, Marvin Ray - Pvt. - Med on 22 Sep 1944 at: Lorry in France
  • Meirte, Paul E. - Pvt. - Company C on 26 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Meringolo, Palmieri D. - Pfc. - Company HQ Co on 13 Mar 1945 at: Mehlem in Germany
  • Mesaros, John J., Jr. - Pfc. - Company A on 9 Apr 1945 at: vic. Fredeburg in Germany
  • Meshishnek, Lewis Tony - Pvt. - Company HQ Co on 1 Mar 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Miller, Andrew - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Miller, Archer Allen, Jr. - Pfc. - Company B on 13 Sep 1944 at: vic. Pierreville in France
  • Miller, Walter W. - Pfc. - Company HQ Co on 27 Mar 1945 at: Fleisbach in Germany
  • Mills, Earl F. - S/Sgt. - Company A on 26 Jan 1945 at: Wallerode in Belgium
  • Minor, Harold D. - Pvt. - Company B on 23 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Minor, Harold D. - Pvt. - Company B on 13 Apr 1945 at: in Germany
  • Misquez, Carlos B. - Pvt. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Lorry in France
  • Misquez, Carlos B. - S/Sgt. - Company C on 27 Jan 1945 at: Wallerode in Belgium
  • Mitchell, Homer Israel - Pvt. - Company B on 26 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Moise, Edwin Warren, Jr. - Capt. - Company B on 26 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Moore, George - Pvt. - Company B on 11 Sep 1944 at: 1 Mile SE of Petersweiler (Pierrevillers) in France
  • Morey, Max E. - Pvt. - Company A on 18 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Moscowitz, Irving - Sgt. - Company A on 9 Apr 1945 at: in
  • Mousseau, Harold - Pvt. - Company B on 23 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Nadeau, Omer W. - Pvt. - Company A on 15 Apr 1945 at: Dalhausen in Germany
  • Nails, James H. - Pfc. - Company A on 6 Apr 1945 at: Oberkirchen in Germany
  • Nevala, Jacob - Pvt. - Company C on 7 Nov 1944 at: Nederweerterdijk in Holland
  • Nowicki, Edward - Pfc. - Company B on 3 Oct 1944 at: Boxmeer in Holland
  • Nowinski, Lucian G. - Pfc. - Company B on 21 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Noyes, Edwin R. - Tec 5 - Bn HQ on 6 Sep 1944 at: Briey in France
  • Oalmann, Louis Joseph - Pvt. - Company HQ Co on 11 Dec 1944 at: probably just at Arry or Lorry in France
  • O'Briant, Thomas L. - Pfc. - Company A on 9 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Orlando, Philip (nmi) - Pvt. - Company B on 9 Apr 1945 at: vicinity of Neidersorpe and Holthausen in Germany
  • Pape, William Henry - Pfc. - Company A on 9 Apr 1945 at: Gelbecke in Germany
  • Perdue, Edward J. - Pfc. - Company C on 24 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Phillips, Ray S. - Pfc. - Company C on 18 Sep 1944 at: Lorry in France
  • Phillips, Ray S. - Pfc. - Company C on 7 Apr 1945 at: Oberkirchen in Germany
  • Pizzingrilli, Valentino A. - Pvt. - Company B on 19 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith to 1 Mi. E. of St. Vith in Belgium
  • Preder, Rolland "Jack" Garret - Pvt. - Company B on 7 Apr 1945 at: Neidersorpe in Germany
  • Pressler, James M. - S/Sgt. - Company C on 19 Sep 1944 at: Lorry in France
  • Priest, Grady P. - Tec 5 - Med on 5 Nov 1944 at: in Holland
  • Pudney, Kenneth - Pfc. - Company Unk on 15 Apr 1945 at: Hemer in Germany
  • Pyatok, Peter - Pvt. - Company C on 11 Mar 1945 at: Mehlem in Germany
  • Rabinowitz, Martin - Pvt. - Company C on 7 Nov 1944 at: Nederweerterdijk in Holland
  • Rainbow, Earl Lee - 2nd Lt. - Company B on 2 Nov 1944 at: vic. Ospel in Holland
  • Rajnik (Rainick), John - Pvt. - Company A on 25 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Rankin, Curtice Hayden - Maj. - Bn HQ on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Rauth, Frank Rudolph - Pvt. - Company A on 5 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Ray, Willis - Pvt. - Company C on 7 Nov 1944 at: Nederweerterdijk in Holland
  • Rehm, Fritz H. H. - Sgt. - Company B on 23 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Reever, John F. Jr. - Pfc. - Company B on 19 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Retort, Harry H. - Pvt. - Company C on 19 Aug 1944 at: St. Prest or La Villette in France
  • Ritchie, Edward L. - Pfc. - Company A on 4 Nov 1944 at: probably near Horik and Ospel in Holland
  • Rivera, Sixto - Sgt. - Company B on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Robbins, William R. - Pvt. - Company C on 4 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Roberts, Condred C. - Pfc. - Company A on 26 Jan 1945 at: Wallerode in Belgium
  • Rogues [Rodrigues], Ernest - Pfc. - Company C on 30 Mar 1945 at: Burgeln in Germany
  • Rosebro, William W. Jr. - Lt. Col. - Bn HQ on 20 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Rosen, Sam M. - Tec 4 - Med on 23 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Ryan, Edward P. - Pfc. - Company A on 9 Apr 1945 at: Fredeburg in Germany
  • Sadler, Louis J. - Pvt. - Company HQ Co on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Safford, Wesley L. - Pfc. - Company C on 7 Nov 1944 at: Nederweerterdijk in Holland
  • Santillanes, Elias A. - Pvt. - Med on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Saxon, Perry D. - Pfc. - Med on 6 Apr 1945 at: Oberkirchen in Germany
  • Scanland, Albert - 2nd Lt. - Company A on 22 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Scarberough, John Henry - Pvt. - Company C on 21 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Schaefer, Francis J. - Pvt. - Company A on 3 Oct 1944 at: in
  • Schmitz, Phillip P. - Pvt. - Company B on 8 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Schwartz, Willis R. - Pfc. - Company A on 22 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Seidman, Alfred - Pvt. - Med on 21 Sep 1944 at: Lorry in France
  • Seifried, Philip - Pfc. - Company B on 20 Apr 1945 at: Mailar, Fredeburg or en route to Mailar from Fredeburg in Germany
  • Sewell, Warren B. - 2nd Lt. - Company B on 11 Sep 1944 at: 1 Mile SE of Petersweiler (Pierrevillers) in France
  • Shenk, Charles W. - S/Sgt. - Company HQ Co on 20 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Sherman, Horace - Pfc. - Company B on 23 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Sherwood, John Joseph - Pfc. - Company HQ Co on 17 Sep 1944 at: ??Arry or Lorry?? in France
  • Shilling, Fred M. - Pvt. - Company B on 26 Feb 1945 at: vicinity of Sillegny or Arry in France
  • Shipley, Irvin H. - Pfc. - Company B on 10 Apr 1945 at: Fredeburg in Germany
  • Silcox, Herbert J. - 2nd Lt. - Company A on 29 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • Siska, John A. - Sgt. - Company Sv on 14 Apr 1945 at: Garbeck in Germany
  • Slavik, Andrew J. - Tec 5 - Company C on 16 Aug 1944 at: la c te de la Villette, near St. Prest in France
  • Smalheiser, Raymond - S/Sgt. - Company A on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Smith, Alan H. - Pvt. - Company B on 23 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Smith, Arthur P. Jr. - Sgt. - Company B on 8 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Smith, Daniel B. - Pfc. - Company HQ Co on 7 Oct 1944 at: in Holland
  • Smith, Frank A. - Pvt. - Company B on 28 Jan 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Smith, Garnet L. - Pvt. - Company B on 7 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Smith, Malcolm Hugee - Pvt. - Company B on 31 Jan 1945 at: vic. St. Vith in Belgium
  • Snider, David E. - S/Sgt. - Company A on 22 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Snyder, Chester D. - Pfc. - Company A on 22 Sep 1944 at: in
  • Spears, Edward H. - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • St. Amant, Lawrence J. - T/Sgt. - Company HQ Co on 30 Aug 1944 at: Neufchatel in France
  • Stafford, Walter T. - Pfc. - Company B on 8 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Steele, Roy D. - Pvt. - Company A on 18 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Stephens, Lamont O. - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Surowiec, Joseph A. - Pvt. - Company A on 9 Nov 1944 at: probably near Ospel in Holland
  • Swanson, Edward Albert - Pfc. - Company C on 16 Aug 1944 at: la c te de la Villette, near St. Prest in France
  • Tabor, Edwin Cubine - Pvt. - Company B on 8 Apr 1945 at: Holthausen in Germany
  • Tingle, Willie J. - Pfc. - Company B on 11 Sep 1944 at: 1 Mile SE of Petersweiler (Pierrevillers) in France
  • Tomko, John J. - T/5 - Company HQ Co on 10 Apr 1945 at: Hengsbeck in Germany
  • Tkacz, Joseph - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Venne, Maurice A. - Pvt. - Company B on 11 Sep 1944 at: 1 Mile SE of Petersweiler (Pierrevillers) in France
  • Villanueva, Benny - Pfc. - Company B on 21 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Visas, George - Pfc. - Company A on 21 Dec 1944 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Wallace, Joseph D. - 1st Lt. - Company A on 22 Jan 1945 at: Born in Belgium
  • Ward, Vivian L. - Tec 5 - Bn HQ on 21 Aug 1944 at: Melun in France
  • Wells, Thomas Henry - Maj. - Bn HQ on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • West, Morley Jones - Pvt. - Company A on 19 Sep 1944 at: Sillegny in France
  • Westcott, Godfrey C. - Pvt. - Company B on 21 Sep 1944 at: Verny (Werningen) in France
  • Wilkerson, Bynon - Pvt. - Company C on 6 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Williams, Arlond Rudolph - Pvt. - Company B on 27 Mar 1945 at: Kleinseelsheim in Germany
  • Williams, Donald P. - Pvt. - Company B on 30 Mar 1945 at: Kleinseelheim to Edersee in Germany
  • Wilson, Rodfer G. - Pvt. - Company C on 9 Apr 1945 at: Fredeburg in Germany
  • Wirkkala, Lester R. - Pfc. - Company B on 7 Sep 1944 at: Gravelotte in France
  • Wise, Crawford H. - Tec 5 - Company A on 28 Jan 1945 at: St. Vith in Belgium
  • Woodcock, Guy - Cpl. - Company A on 30 Mar 1945 at: Kirchain in Germany
  • Wright, Junior J. - Pvt. - Company A on 4 Oct 1944 at: Overloon in Holland
  • Wright, Junior J. - Pvt. - Company A on 22 Jan 1945 at: [rescinded in GO #49, 13 Mar 1945] St. Vith in Belgium
  • Wyrzykowski, Leo J. - Pfc. - Company C on 11 Apr 1945 at: Niederbarndorf to Bremscheid to Eslohe in Germany
  • Yates, James Vaco - Pvt. - Company C on 14 Sep 1944 at: attacking Marengo in France
  • Zawacki, Bruno W. - Pfc. - Company C on 17 Sep 1944 at: probably attacking Marengo in France
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S/Sgt. Ernest D. Lucadamo, Jr. (32 159 062) - Company "C"
Home Town: Newark, NJ
Awarded the Croix de Guerre avec Etoile de Bronze (War Cross with Bronze Star) by the Government of France:
Decision No. 404, signed 16 February 1945 by General of the Army Juin
pour Services exceptionnels de Guerre rendus au cours des operations de la libération de la France
(for exceptional services of war rendered in the course of operations of the liberation of France)

7th Armored Division G-1 Journal contains the following on 8 September 1944:
S/Sgt Ernest D. Lucadamo, Jr., 38th Armd Inf Bn, was recommended for the award of the Meadale [sic] Militare by the Government of France and proposed citation was submitted to Headquarters, XX Corps.

Also see his citation for the Silver Star and his Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster.

2nd Lt. Robert E. P. Moranda (O-1 326 108) - Headquarters Company; Heavy Machine Gun Platoon Commander
Home Town: Ventura, CA
Awarded the Belgian Knight of the Order of the Crown, with Palm, for his actions at St. Vith, Belgium in December 1944.: citation not yet available -- made in 1946 byt the Prince Regent of Belgium

Also see above for his citations for the Silver Star and his Bronze Star Medal.

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