In Memoriam
87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized)
(7th Armored Division)
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Last updated: March 24, 2025 - What's New?

This page contains the photographs of members of 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron who died overseas in World War II.
For the complete list of all 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron overseas deaths, click here.

Spare a minute
to think
of the young who didn't grow up,
and how young they looked when they died,
and how no one will ever remember them looking tired and middle-aged
or even be bored by tiresome recitals of the time of their youth.

- - - - Russell Baker "How to Observe Dec. 7" (NY Times, Dec. 1965)

Please Help to Tell These Men's Stories and Preserve Their Memory!

PLEASE contact Wesley Johnston at the address below if you have any information on any 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron man who died overseas, such as:
  • information on any of these men's deaths
  • information on what platoon and squad they were in
  • know of any men who died but are not on the list
  • Send e-mail to
    For ALL other e-mail matters, please click here for information about contacting me.
    So they will not be Forgot
    There is a word
    Which bears a sword
    It hurls its barbed syllables,-
    At once is mute again.
    But where it fell
    The saved will tell
    On patriotic day,
    Some epauletted brother
    Gave his breath away.
    Wherever runs the breathless sun,
    Wherever roams the day,
    There is its noiseless onset,
    There is its victory!
    Behold the keenest marksman!
    The most accomplished shot!
    Time s sublimest target
    Is a soul forgot !
    ----- Emily Dickinson

    If you have a better quality photo of any of these men, please contact me.

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    This page contains only those men for whom I have photographs.
    For the complete list of all 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron overseas deaths, click here.

    T/5 Wildon Ralston Bailey (35 275 121) - Troop A
    Killed January 26, 1945 on road in Meyerode, Belgium from Medell - Age: 27y 0m 5d
    MOS: 776 (Radio Operator, Low Speed) - Home Town: Fairmont, WV - Buried at Mount Lebanon Baptist Church Cemetery; Jane Lew, WV
    Photo from Unidis High School Yearbook (West Milford, WV) thanks to Jessica Batten

    Sgt. Clarence M. Bowen (33 169 912) - Troop F, Headquarters, Communications
    Died April 14, 1945 4/10 mile north of Blintrop, Germany (killed with T/5 Gengler) - Age: 24y 9m 15d
    MOS: 542 (Communications Chief) - Home Town: New Cumberland, PA - Buried at Netherlands USMC (Margraten, Netherlands) B-12-11
    Photo from newspaper obituary

    Tec 5 Theodore Roosevelt Coleman (15 089 848) - Troop C
    Died December 21, 1944 at Hunningen (aka Hunnange) or enroute to or at 3 mi SW of St. Vith, Belgium - Age: 23y 0m 24d
    MOS: 734 (Half-track driver) - Home Town: Wheeling, WV - Buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery; Wheeling, WV
    Photos thanks to nephew Frank Coleman

    1st Lt. Carl Frederick Cooke (O-1 012 409) - Troop C
    Died October 27, 1944 at Meijel, Netherlands - Age: 33y 5m 27d
    MOS: 1620 (Recon Officer) - Home Town: Roselle Park, NJ - Buried at Riverview Cemetery; Northumberland, PA
    Photos thanks to niece Cindy Cooke
    Find A Grave

    Pvt. Vernon G. Copsey (36 239 762) - Troop B
    Died September 13, 1944 at 1 mile north of Gravelotte, France - Age: 25y 5m 13d
    MOS: 745 (Rifleman) - Home Town: Watertown, WI - Buried at Oak Hill Cemetery; Dodgeville, WI
    Photos thanks to distant cousin Peter Copsey
    Find A Grave

    S/Sgt. Henry W. Dirks (36 024 194) - Troop B
    Died November 5, 1944 at 48th Field Hospital of wounds suffered November 4, 1944 in vicinity of Kreijel-Waatskamp road, near Ospel, Netherlands - Age: 35y 6m 30d
    MOS: 651 (Platoon Sgt.) - Home Town: Coatsburg, IL - Buried at Coatsburg Cemetery; Coatsburg, IL
    Photo thanks to niece Joann M. Sewell

    T/5 Conrad Joseph Duval (31 064 150) - Troop D
    KIA 28 Oct 1944 in the vicinity of Neerkant, Netherlands - Age: 24y 9m 0d
    MOS: 733 (driver) - Home Town: Sandy Hook, CT - Buried at Saint Francis Xavier Cemetery; Winooski, VT
    Photo from "The Burlington Free Press" 23 Nov 1944 p 9

    Pfc. Zack Nathen Foreman (15 089 848) - Troop C
    Died on or after October 29, 1944 of wounds received October 29, 1944 just north of Horik, Netherlands (grid 635-030) - Age: 24y 4m 20d when wounded
    MOS: 607 (Light Mortar Crewman) - Home Town: Belhaven or Ransomville, NC - Buried at Ryder Hill Cemetery (also known as Pamlico Beach Community Cemetery); Belhaven, NC
    Click here to see headstone on FindAGrave. Note that headstone death date is erroneous.
    Photos thanks to great niece Dorothy Clemmons

    Sgt. Roy Everette Fowles (37 010 918) - Troop A
    Killed in action September 16, 1944 in vicinity of Mariulles, France - Age: 25y 6m 8d
    MOS: 652 (Section Leader) - Home Town: Wakefield, KS - Buried at Uniondale Cemetery, Row 6, Plot 7; Wakefield, KS
    Click FindAGrave entry
    Photos thanks to nephew Shawn Fowles

    Pfc Ode Julius Garner (36 313 649) - Troop C
    Died June 6, 1945 at 96th Evacuation Hospital at location yet to be determined in Germany - Age: 27y 8m 17d
    MOS: 743 (Half-track driver) - Home Town: Servier County, TN - Buried at Ellejoy Baptist Church Cemetery; Ellejoy, TN
    Photo from FindAGrave
    7th Armored Division Headquarters General Orders No, 42 (8 Sep 1944) Award of Silver Star:
    Private Ode J. Garner (Army Serial Number 34499318) Infantry, Headquartes Company, Combat Command "B", 7th Armored Division, United States Army, for distinguishing himself by the gallantry in action in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States on August 30, 1944 in the area of Epernay, France. In an attempt to force a crossing of the Marne River at Epernay, the leading elements of Combat Command "B" were stopped by the heavy tank fire at the railroad bridge. Pvt. Garner on his own initiative passed in front of the stricken lead vehicles and made his way on foot across the fire-swept bridge where he found a suitable observation post, and remained in an exposed position for 10 minutes while our tanks moved to the attack. Concentrated fire from anti-tank weapons, machine guns and small arms caused many casualties and turned back the American tanks after destroying two of them. Pvt. Garner thereupon relayed information of every anti-tank gun position and the hostile guns were soon destroyed. Pvt. Garner was the only dismounted man to venture so far forward during the battle, and his cool and caring action greatly aided the advance of the Combat Command at a critical point. Shortly thereafter Pvt. Garner again exhibited exemplary courage when he assisted in removing the body of an officer from the destroyed tank under enemy fire.

    Tec 5 Ralph Theodore Gengler (36 313 649) - Troop F, Headquarters, Communications
    Died April 14, 1945 4/10 mile north of Blintrop, Germany (killed with Sgt Bowen) - Age: 25y 3m 13d
    MOS: 776 (Radio Operator, Low Speed) - Home Town: Aurora, IL - Buried at Netherlands USMC (Margraten, Netherlands) B-9-28
    alternate FindAGrave
    Photo thanks to Tom Lutge

    Tec 5 Dominick (Dick) Roman Gruba (37 032 673) - Troop D
    Died December 23, 1944; recovered 567-853, just west of crossroad at Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium (577-852) - Age: 30y 8m 26d
    MOS: 776 (Radio Operator, Low Speed) - Home Town: Grenville, SD - Buried at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery; Grenville, SD
    Photo thanks to Galand Bohn, husband of niece of Dick Gruba

    Capt. Edward John Hackett (O-1 692 285) - Medical Detachment - Squadron Surgeon
    Died September 13, 1944 of same-day wounds suffered in woods outside Gravelotte, France (NE of Malmaison) - Age: 37y 2m 16d
    MOS: (Surgeon) - Home Town: Westfield, NJ - Buried at Lorraine U. S. Military Cemetery (St. Avold, France) F-12-37
    Click here to see his Distinguished Service Cross citation at the end of the 7AD history section.
    Left photo from "Lucky Seventh" book; right two photos thanks to grand nephew Mike Reynolds

    Pfc. Steve Eddy Jagol (37 094 999) - Troop B
    Died October 28, 1944 at 53rd Field Hospital, probably in Netherlands, of wounds suffered October 27, 1944 in vicinity of Meijel, Netherlands - Age: 26y 4m 10d
    MOS: 345 (Truck Driver, Light) - Home Town: Wylie, MN - Buried at Henri-Chapelle USMC (Henri-Chapelle, Belgium) E-13-22
    Photo thanks to Sister-in-law Inez Jagol

    Tec 5 John G. Karhula, Jr. (37 324 281) - Troop D
    Killed in Action October 28, 1944 just north of Heitrak, Netherlands - Age: 22y 6m 13d
    MOS: 345 (Truck Driver, Light) - Home Town: South St. Paul, MN - Commemorated on the Wall of the Missing at Netherlands USMC (Margaten, Netherlands)
    Photo thanks to nephew Rick Brack

    S/Sgt. Stanley F. Marek (36 037 439) - Troop D
    Killed in Action October 28, 1944 just north of Heitrak, Netherlands - Age: 25y 4m 23d
    MOS: 651 (Platoon Sergeant) - Home Town: Chicago, IL - Commemorated on the Wall of the Missing at Netherlands USMC (Margaten, Netherlands)
    Photo thanks to great-nephew Rafal Czapla

    1st Lt. Robert C. Ostdick (O-1 015 004) - Company F
    Killed in Action October 27, 1944 at Meijel, Netherlands - Age: 27y 0m 28d
    MOS: 1203 (Assault Gun Officer) - Home Town: Glenview, IL (Glenview's VFW post is named for him.) - Buried at Netherlands USMC (Margraten, Netherlands) G-6-6
    Photo thanks to Werner van Osch

    Pvt. Travis Lee Smith (38 678 539) - Troop B
    Wounded April 3, 1945 at "B" Troop Headquarters at Medebach, Germany; Died of wounds April 10, 1945, at 4318 USA Hospital Plant, 217th General Hospital (APO 887) ?Paris, France? - Age: 19y 2m 3d
    MOS: 345 (Truck Driver, Light) - Home Town: Big Spring, TX - Buried at Mt. Olive Cemetery; Big Spring, TX
    Photo thanks to brother Joe H. Smith
    Click FindAGrave information

    T/4 Vincent Charles Sonner (12 071 790) - Troop D
    Killed in Action December 23, 1944 in vicinity of crossroad at Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium (577-852) - Age: 26y 1m 8d
    MOS: 776 (Radio Operator, Low Speed) - Home Town: Rochester, NY - Buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery; Rochester, NY - No. 13, Veterans' Plot, Grave 361
    Photo thanks from Bruce Sonner's FindAGrave web page

    Pfc. Martin Curtis Werling (38 373 926) - Troop B
    Killed in Action August 14, 1944 on patrol toward La Loupe, France, from 1 1/2 mi S.W. La Loupe, France on Hwy N-828 - Age: 25y 5m 7d
    MOS: 745 (Rifleman) - Home Town: New Orleans, LA - Buried at Brittany USMC (St. James, France) M-4-16
    Photo thanks to niece Vivian Guarisco

    Click here for information about contacting me.
    Copyright © 2025 by Wesley Johnston
    All rights reserved

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