814th Tank Destroyer Battalion
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The 2004 Reunion was the final formal Reunion for 814 TD.

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  • Battalion Headquarters (Bn HQ/814)
    • Commanding Officer
      • Lt. Col. Robert Bruce Jones
  • Company B (B/814)
    • Commanding Officer
      • Capt. William Edward McKinley (??? - mortally wounded 28 Oct 1944 Asten,Netherlands [MR 29 Oct 1944])
      • 1st Lt. Thomas G. Lazaros (28 Oct 1944 Asten,Netherlands [MR 29 Oct 1944] - ???)
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All links to Amazon are affiliate links. Books bought via the links provide a small donation for further research.
  • Gare la Bête: A History of the 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 1942-1945 is the name of the excellent history of the 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion, written and published in 1995 by 814th Reconnaissance Company veteran Calvin C. Boykin, Jr.

    The book is out of print for now, but there is an effort to make it available again. The former contact information was:
    C&R Publications
    8407 Shadow Oaks
    College Station, TX 77840-4603

  • Edward J. Mustatia's (B/814) "Heartache and Glory": This is his story from the Battle of the Bulge through the duration. The price is $14.95, plus $2.50 for shipping and handling. Order copies from moparz@sbcglobal.net.

  • 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion (transcribed, annotated, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon. Click here to order on Amazon.
    • Bn HQ-Major Charles New, Assistant G-2; Col. Jones, 814 (1 page)
    • Bn HQ - TF Jones-Lt. Col. Robert B. Jones, Commanding Officer (814 TD Bn) (3 pages)
    • Sgt. Paul Abbott (1 page)
    • C-Capt. Donald E. Reid, Commanding Officer (4 pages, 1 map)
    • C & 1/C-Capt. Donald E. Reid, Commanding Officer (Co. C); Pfc Buford L. Mallot (1st Plat); Sgt. Dale H Dykes (1st Plat) (8 pages, 1 map)
    • 2/C-Lt. Jack Dillender (6 pages, 1 map)
    • 3/C-Lt. Hugo T. Bertruch, Jr. (7 pages, 1 map)

  • Thanks to Don DePasqual who welcomes comments on the following:
    "A picture of a M8 Combat Armoured vehicle (Worlverine)of the 814 TD is appearing on the dust jacket of Col. George Forty's splendid book: World War II AFV's ARMOURED FIGHTING VEHICLES & SELF PROPELLED ARTILLERY published by Osprey, an imprint of Reed Consumer Books Ltd.; Michelin House, 81 Fulham Road, London Sw3 6RB, ISBN 1 85532 582 9. This book is also available from the MILITARY BOOK CLUB, PO BOX 6325, INDIANAPOLIS, in 46206-6325, ORDER NO. 119206.

    "Since there is only ONE other photograph in the U.S. ARMY SIGNAL CORPS WWII records that is captioned as being the 814th TD this picture (which may be of British origin) is quite a discovery. Furthermore the picture shows Mr. [Calvin] BOYKIN and his crew in a replacement vehicle that they were issued shortly after losing their original M-8 on 23 December 1944 at St. Vith, Belgium."

    Calvin Boykin sent (12/28/97) the following additional information on the photo: "Interesting how Don found the AFV photo on the dust jacket of Forty's book, then the Dorset Tank Museum sent a copy of the original. Can't say that I remember this being taken, but for one thing the crew is definitely mine, and the timing is soon after 23 December 1944, after receving a replacement M-8 and a new crew, except for me. Other original crew members moved to other assignments -- radio operator to company radio man, section sgt. to platoon sgt, and driver to Hdq to recuperate from a bad case of nerves. (The driver was older by 17 years than me at 20, so he knew more than I did what could have happened and what might have happened)."

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  • Karamales, Jay & Vannoy, Allyn R. Against the Panzers: United States Infantry versus German Tanks , 1944-1945. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 1996. $42.50. Order from the publisher at (800) 253-2187.
  • World War II Tank Destroyer Society
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