U. S. 7th Armored Division
Overseas Deaths in World War II
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7th Armd Div Patch

Spare a minute
to think
of the young who didn't grow up,
and how young they looked when they died,
and how no one will ever remember them looking tired and middle-aged
or even be bored by tiresome recitals of the time of their youth.

- - - - Russell Baker "How to Observe Dec. 7" (NY Times, Dec. 1965)

This is an alphabetical list of all men of the 7th Armored Division who died overseas in World War II. It is intended as an index to the more detailed information on each man that is contained on the web page for his Battalion (or other unit). Click here for the links to the specific Battalions/Units.

Click here for the separate web page to remember the 7th Armored Division men who died in training in 1942-1944, prior to combat.

This is a working list, begun originally from the Adjutant General's June 30, 1947 official list, which is known to have omissions and errors. There are almost certainly errors in this list. So if you see an error or omission, please contact me (wwjohnston@aol.com). I cannot fix the errors unless I know about them; so please let me know.

So they will not be Forgot
There is a word
Which bears a sword
It hurls its barbed syllables,-
At once is mute again.
But where it fell
The saved will tell
On patriotic day,
Some epauletted brother
Gave his breath away.
Wherever runs the breathless sun,
Wherever roams the day,
There is its noiseless onset,
There is its victory!
Behold the keenest marksman!
The most accomplished shot!
Time s sublimest target
Is a soul forgot !
----- Emily Dickinson

A Note for the Children of these Men

The American World War II Orphans Network (AWON) is an organization created by and for those who lost their father in World War II. AWON has an annual conference and a newsletter filled with useful information. Click here to go to the AWON web page and find those who share your experience.

The entries in parentheses correspond to units of the 7th Armored Division as follows: Note that there are no entries for Division Band, CCR, or 446th Quartermaster Truck Company, since there were no deaths recorded for these units.

There are other special sections at the end of the list, which you can jump to by clicking on the entry here:

7th Armored Division Overseas Deaths in World War II


  1. James Abney (87)
  2. John Abraham (23)
  3. Malcom Abrams (77)
  4. Andrew R. Adamo (23)
  5. Charles F. Adams, Jr. (203)
  6. Gayther O. Adams (38)
  7. Hallie A. Adams (814)
  8. James H. Adams (48)
  9. John W. Adams (489)
  10. John S. Adkins, Jr. (31)
  11. Gerald J. Ahearn (17)
  12. Elmer J. Ahlgren (23)
  13. Felton R. Aiken (23)
  14. Armon J. C. Albright (48)
  15. Russell D. Alderman (31)
  16. Frank Aldrich (40)
  17. Harry M. Alger (23)
  18. Arthur R. Allen (489)
  19. George E. Allen (48)
  20. Leslie Allison (23)
  21. William H. Allison (33)
  22. Berdean A. Allred (48)
  23. Clarence E. Allstot (31)
  24. Anthony M. Ambrozy (23)
  25. Leonard C. Amerson (17)
  26. Floyd Amhrine (440)
  27. Mitchell Amis (38)
  28. Fred Anderson (23)
  29. Garland S. Anderson (23)
  30. Joe L. Anderson (48)
  31. Leo L. Anderson (38)
  32. Paul J. Anderson (87)
  33. Thomas E. Anderson (23)
  34. William Andrako (87)
  35. Woodrow D. Andrus (23)
  36. Edward A. Angelo (23)
  37. Antonio J. Anniballi (440)
  38. Earl D. Applegarth (CCB)
  39. Benjamin F. Archer (17)
  40. Howard D. Arling (38)
  41. Clifford M. Armstrong (38)
  42. Ralph W. Ashworth (38)
  43. Joe M. Attebery (48)
  44. Warren E. Aulgur (814)
  45. Denniston Averill (Trains)
  46. Julius V. Baca (17)
  47. Secondino E. Baccon (17)
  48. Alfred J. Backfish (33)
  49. Michael A. Baez (17)
  50. Ervin L. Bagwell (48)
  51. George L. Bailey (38)
  52. Joe W. Bailey (48)
  53. Wayne Bailey (48)
  54. Wildon Ralston Bailey (87)
  55. William G. Bailey, Jr. (48)
  56. John F. Baker (38)
  57. William Judson Baker (38)
  58. Willis L. Baker (38)
  59. William J. Baldus (814)
  60. James D. Baldwin (38)
  61. Marvin A. Baldwin (38)
  62. Harold J. Ball (489)
  63. Victor D. Banham (48)
  64. Walter M. Banner (17)
  65. Henry A. Beresh (48)
  66. Howard E. Barber (33)
  67. Carl W. Barbour (48)
  68. John C. Barham (87)
  69. Bobby J. Barker (38)
  70. Frank E. Barley (31)
  71. Clyde W. Barnes (23)
  72. Arreatus J. Barnett (23)
  73. Robert J. Barnett (23)
  74. Burnis D. Barnhill (87)
  75. Lorn R. Barr (48)
  76. James J. Barras (17)
  77. Arthur W. Barrieau (38)
  78. Robert C. Barth (CCB)
  79. Edgar S. Bates (48)
  80. Johnie M. Bates (23)
  81. Edward E. Batterton (48)
  82. Donald R. Bauer (489)
  83. Andrew J. Baziow (48)
  84. Richard E. Beach (814)
  85. Bernell J. Beard (38)
  86. Vincent J. Bearder (40)
  87. James A. Beeman (23)
  88. James M. Bell (31)
  89. Harold F. Bellew (48)
  90. George T. Belyus (48)
  91. Oliver Ralph Bennett (38)
  92. Frank Bennington (38)
  93. Thomas F. Bensinger (33)
  94. William C. Berliner (38)
  95. George A. Bernier (87)
  96. Arthur H. Bertrand (33)
  97. Leo Berube (203)
  98. John Bevalaqua (48)
  99. George L. Bevill (48)
  100. Vernon Bigness (203)
  101. Leon W. Billstein (38)
  102. Herbert E. Binney (33)
  103. Quilles V. Bissell (40)
  104. Paul A. J. Bittner (40)
  105. Jerome E. Bladecki (77)
  106. Ernest C. Blair (38)
  107. Paul Grey Blankenship (38)
  108. Morris Blattman (38)
  109. Grady H. Blazier (48)
  110. Solomon H. Blecher (87)
  111. Jose V. Bocanegra (48)
  112. Samuel Henry "Tack" (carried in Army records as Henry S. Bolton) Bolton (38)
  113. Hayward R. Bolyard (48)
  114. Howard T. Bonds (17)
  115. James N. Bone (23)
  116. Ray Bonker (87)
  117. Benjamin P. Borkowski (33)
  118. Francis H. Bosch (17)
  119. Arthur O. Bosley (814)
  120. Herbert W. Bossier (23)
  121. Robert M. Bossler (38)
  122. Beryle B. Bossman (434)
  123. James P. Bost (23)
  124. Charles R. Boulware (48)
  125. Donald B. Bour (38)
  126. John W. Bourdelais (33)
  127. Anthony J. Bovenzi (48)
  128. Charles Howard Bowen (40)
  129. Clarence M. Bowen (87)
  130. Kenneth D. Bowers (38)
  131. Edward C. Bowman (33)
  132. Peter L. Boysen (33)
  133. Fred H. Bradburn (31)
  134. Donald R. Bradehoft (31)
  135. Morris B. Bradley (38)
  136. Warren J. Bramley (23)
  137. Joseph F. Brennan (38)
  138. Samuel Brenner (48)
  139. George Bretschneider (23)
  140. Leonard O. Brink (23)
  141. Otis F. Brisendine (38)
  142. Louis H. Brodman (17)
  143. Richard W. Brokaw (38)
  144. Hugh T. Brooks (87)
  145. Roy A. Brooks (48)
  146. Donival H. Brown (3967)
  147. Charles A. Brown (33)
  148. Melvin F. Brown (48)
  149. Walter Brown (203)
  150. Elmo Brownlee (87)
  151. Stephen J. Brue (48)
  152. Harold E. Bruesewitz (38)
  153. Roger W. Brueske (23)
  154. Charles A. Brulfer (489)
  155. Harvey H. Bryan (33)
  156. Homer H. Bryan (40)
  157. Joseph Franklin Bryant, Jr. (38)
  158. Floyd R. Buchanan (48)
  159. Paul E. Buckalew (31)
  160. Charles H. Bufkin (33)
  161. Raymond J. Bujan (23)
  162. Charles O. Bunch (23)
  163. Lawrence F. Buonomo (48)
  164. William E. Burrell (23)
  165. Egbert L. Burt (48)
  166. John F. Burton (23)
  167. Wilbur S. Buser (23)
  168. Clarence Buss (48)
  169. James D. Butler (23)
  170. Joseph J. Butler (23)
  171. R. J. Butler (38)
  172. Bertram S. Butz (17)
  173. Richard S. Butz (23)
  174. Henry O. Byrd (33)
  175. Joseph M. Byrne (48)
  176. Glenn K. Byrom (48)
  177. James F. Cagle (38)
  178. Michael E. Cahill (489)
  179. Raphael W. Cain (48)
  180. Charles E. J. Campbell (33)
  181. Francis X. Canavan (23)
  182. Olen J. Canfield (40)
  183. Miguel Cano (38)
  184. Michael A. Cappella (38)
  185. James J. Capper, Jr. (23)
  186. Albert S. Caputo (48)
  187. Pasky F. Caputo (48)
  188. Pasquale A. Caramadre (33)
  189. Gilbert R. Carbajal (38)
  190. Raymond Carey (48)
  191. Carl O. Carlson (31)
  192. Royal D. Carlson (434)
  193. Douglas C. Carpenter (40)
  194. Robert E. Carpenter (38)
  195. Smith Garrow Carrithers (38)
  196. John G. Carroll (23)
  197. Lee O. Carson (23)
  198. Herbert L. Carter (23)
  199. Lawrence B. Carter (17)
  200. William P. Carty (48)
  201. Robert L. Casey (31)
  202. Daniel Castellano (38)
  203. Billy H. Castle (23)
  204. Stanley E. Casto (23)
  205. Sam Cathey (87)
  206. Joseph T. Ceglia (38)
  207. Claudius H. Chappell (38)
  208. Dale Chesser (814)
  209. Ira N. Chiasson (87)
  210. Homer D. Childress (48)
  211. Frank R. Chiles (38)
  212. Phillip D. Chippas (38)
  213. John A. Chism (38)
  214. Clifford Christensen (33)
  215. Myron J. Christiansen (814)
  216. Canio J. Civita (33)
  217. William P. Clancy (48)
  218. Christie Q. Clark (87)
  219. John Watson Clark (87)
  220. Leo C. Clark (38)
  221. Riley E. Clark (38)
  222. John Clarkson (33)
  223. Wayne G. Claude (87)
  224. Wilton G. Clay (23)
  225. Clay C. Clem (48)
  226. Robert L. Clemens (23)
  227. Edward J. Clinton (40)
  228. Albert D. Clouse (48)
  229. Frank R. Clouse (31)
  230. Charles E. Clutter (48)
  231. Matthew E. Costin, Jr. (40)
  232. Johnie Cochran (38)
  233. Sam Cohen (440)
  234. Herbert L. Cohn (23)
  235. Bill H. Cole (48)
  236. R. D. Cole (38)
  237. William P. Cole, III (23)
  238. Joseph G. Coleman (31)
  239. Luther J. Coleman (38)
  240. Maynard D. Coleman (48)
  241. Roy R. Coleman (33)
  242. Theodore R. Coleman (87)
  243. Francis B. Collins (23)
  244. Howard E. Colvin (87)
  245. Norman L. Connard (489)
  246. Michael M. Conte (48)
  247. La Verne G. Cook (31)
  248. Robert D. Cook (23)
  249. Carl F. Cooke (87)
  250. Ira G. Cooke (203)
  251. James C. Cooksey (23)
  252. David O. Cooper (87)
  253. Floyd H. Cooper (23)
  254. Edgar L. Copen (17)
  255. Vernon G. Copsey (87)
  256. Vincent J. Costanzo (38)
  257. Joe A. Cotten (17)
  258. Quinton A. Cotton (87)
  259. Joseph P. Coughlan (48)
  260. James H. Cousins (434)
  261. Alton A. Couvillion (40)
  262. Bartley S. Cox (31)
  263. Jimmie L. Cox (38)
  264. Terrence M. Coyne (48)
  265. Walter C. Craft (40)
  266. William P. Craig (40)
  267. Harry R. Crans (38)
  268. Stanley G. Cravens (33)
  269. James W. Crawford (23)
  270. Lawrence C. Crawford, Sr. (33)
  271. Robert B. Crawford (48)
  272. Andrew F. Critser (38)
  273. Angelo Croce (38)
  274. Charles H. Crosby (31)
  275. William H. Crosby (38)
  276. Marshall R. Cross (38)
  277. Napoleon Crow (23)
  278. William H. Jr. Crow (38)
  279. William C. Crowe (33)
  280. William W. Crutcher (17)
  281. Manuel N. Cuellar (23)
  282. Frank E. Cunningham (87)
  283. Everett C. Curley (814)
  284. Oliver M. Curtis (33)
  285. Vincent J. Cygan (23)
  286. Edward Czerebak (87)
  287. Anthony E. Czubak (Trns)
  288. Roy E. Dail (38)
  289. Walter F. Dalley (31)
  290. Owen Daniels (23)
  291. Theodore Daniels (87)
  292. Steve Darney (87)
  293. Belmont D. Davenport (33)
  294. William G. Davenport (17)
  295. George S. Davidson (48)
  296. Alvin F. Davis (31)
  297. Fred O. Davis (38)
  298. James I. Davis (38)
  299. James W. Davis (48)
  300. L. D. Davis (38)
  301. Marvin A. Davis (48)
  302. Roy F. Davis (38)
  303. William L. Davis (87)
  304. Clifford B. Davison (814)
  305. John E. Day (31)
  306. Leo J. De Long (23)
  307. Frank B. De Prosperis (87)
  308. Irvine R. De Remer, Jr. (434)
  309. Justine De Simone (23)
  310. James C. Deak (48)
  311. Donald Q. Deevers (38)
  312. John F. Delaney (440)
  313. John Demko (48)
  314. Robert W. Denny (17)
  315. De Vere D. Denton (31)
  316. Raymond L Deroboam (33)
  317. Frank L. Despot (38)
  318. Thomas A. Despot (38)
  319. Pete S. Diacos (87)
  320. Joseph Diamanti (48)
  321. Henry G. Diaz (40)
  322. William L. Dickerson (48)
  323. Kenneth E. Dickson (17)
  324. Robert H. Dietz (38)
  325. Ned Nolan Dildine (38)
  326. Edmond J. Dionne (48)
  327. Henry W. Dirks (87)
  328. Harry G. Doerbecker (48)
  329. Lloyd V. Dolberry (48)
  330. George J. Dolezal (489)
  331. Walter J. Domkoski (40)
  332. Roy V. Donnelly (23)
  333. Timothy J. Donovan (38)
  334. Claude P. Jr. Dougherty (38)
  335. Meredith E. Downs (48)
  336. George W. Driver, Jr. (23)
  337. Ralph P. Driver (23)
  338. Stanley J. Dudrey (87)
  339. Justice C. Dulaney (33)
  340. Kelsie O. Duncan (38)
  341. George M. Dunlap (48)
  342. John J. Dunn (31)
  343. Emile Jr. Dupire (33)
  344. August E. Dupont (33)
  345. Nicolas B. Duran (23)
  346. Viateur C. Durand (38)
  347. Michael Durdan (440)
  348. Joseph J. Durst (31)
  349. Conrad J. Duval (87)
  350. Harold W. Duvall (40)
  351. Alonzo D. Dyer (48)
  352. John M. Dysinger, Jr. (48)
  353. Walter B. Easton (48)
  354. Frank J. Ebler (48)
  355. Ernest Eckard (17)
  356. John K. Eckert (Arty)
  357. John B. Edgar (48)
  358. Stuart P. Edson (23)
  359. Charles B. Edwards (23)
  360. Robert W. Edwards (38)
  361. Richard J. Egan (23)
  362. Albert Eguiluz (48)
  363. Willard R. Elder (814)
  364. Charles L. Ellerbush (48)
  365. Henry G. Ellett (CCB)
  366. Glenn E. Empey (87)
  367. Vincent K. Enos (38)
  368. Frank L. Ensminger (31)
  369. Myer ("Mike") Epstein (38)
  370. Theodore W. Erdman (23)
  371. Paul H. Espig (814)
  372. Claude R. Estep (23)
  373. Alban M. Eull (38)
  374. Frank Stanford Eva (38)
  375. Charles Evans (48)
  376. Donald L. Evans (40)
  377. Raymond H. Evers (814)
  378. Frans M. Eyberse (814)
  379. Jim N. Ezell (434)
  380. Edmund W. Faber (23)
  381. Stephen P. Faircloth (38)
  382. Charles E. Fairweather (17)
  383. Louis Falorio (23)
  384. Louis A. Fanning (48)
  385. Louis Farbman (40)
  386. Charles E. Farris (48)
  387. George A. Fassler (23)
  388. Robert A. Favre (23)
  389. Merlin L. Fawcett (23)
  390. Milton E. Fein (48)
  391. Lawrence G. Felch (23)
  392. Enos Ralph Fenderson (814)
  393. Joseph J. Ferrari (48)
  394. Luther E. Ferrell (48)
  395. Michael Ferris (17)
  396. Grady A. Fesperman (33)
  397. Harold L. Firestone (23)
  398. Howard A. Fischer (48)
  399. Thomas N. Fischer (23)
  400. Alfred E. Fisher (38)
  401. Charles W. Fisher (17)
  402. Jack J. Fisk (CCA)
  403. Nick Fizet (203)
  404. Arthur A. Flood (23)
  405. Henry Q. Flood (33)
  406. Fidel Flores (38)
  407. Sylvester G. Flowers (48)
  408. Carvill Fondren (23)
  409. Duncan Forbes, Jr. (434)
  410. Robert Roy Force (38)
  411. Zack N. Foreman (87)
  412. Leonard S. Forest (814)
  413. William F. Forrest (48)
  414. Frank Fortunato (814)
  415. William L. Fortunis (38)
  416. Grant A. Fossum (23)
  417. Robert C. Foster (31)
  418. Charles R. Foust (23)
  419. Roy E. Fowles (87)
  420. Howard A. Fox (33)
  421. Lloyd Foy (23)
  422. Parke W. Fraelich (17)
  423. Alphonse John Francavillo (38)
  424. Bill Francis (23)
  425. Sam A. Franco (38)
  426. Andrew M. Frantz (48)
  427. Russell J. Fratus (17)
  428. William E. Frederes (31)
  429. Isadore Freedman (23)
  430. Toulman Y. Freeman (38)
  431. Charles M. French (38)
  432. Atkins Frenchman (23)
  433. Carl S. Freundlich (31)
  434. George M. Frey (38)
  435. Robert Frey (48)
  436. Darrell E. Frye (40)
  437. Edward F. Fulara (40)
  438. Elton Fullerton (48)
  439. John W. Fullman, Jr. (3967)
  440. Leslie O. Fulton (38)
  441. Harold W. Funkhouser (23)
  442. Norman L. Fykerude (33)
  443. Arthur J. Gagne (23)
  444. Joe A. Gallegos (23)
  445. Alfred A. Gallo (38)
  446. Kyle M. Galyean (23)
  447. John R. Ganfield (17)
  448. Pablo Garcia (38)
  449. Clifford L. Gardner (31)
  450. Doyle N. Gardner (48)
  451. Dennis V. Garriss (31)
  452. Andrew S. Gasiorowski (48)
  453. J. C. Gaston (48)
  454. George R. Gault (23)
  455. Lawton T. Gay (31)
  456. Donald J. Geiger (38)
  457. David C. Geikie (33)
  458. Ralph T. Gengler (87)
  459. Jacob A. George, Jr. (17)
  460. John P. George (38)
  461. Leo Gerszewski (40)
  462. Harold W. Gess (38)
  463. Enus B. Gibson (40)
  464. Charley A. Gifford (48)
  465. Edward T. Gilbert (38)
  466. James O. Gilbert (48)
  467. John R. Gilmour (23)
  468. Oscar E. Gire (38)
  469. Richard J. Glasebrook (40)
  470. Bernard J. Glazier (40)
  471. Grady D. Glover (31)
  472. John Glover (48)
  473. Stanley D. Gockel (31)
  474. Perle C. Godby (38)
  475. Harold F. Goddeau (48)
  476. Paul F. Goebel (23)
  477. Leo W. Goers (17)
  478. Dossie M. Goff (814)
  479. Eugene Goldberg (23)
  480. Asa Golden (203)
  481. Lester D. Golden (48)
  482. Luther F. Golden (23)
  483. James O. Gomer (23)
  484. John J. Gonas (38)
  485. Samuel P. Gongla (814)
  486. Aloysius Gonsowski (48)
  487. Gabriel C. Gonzales (203)
  488. Porfirio R. Gonzales (48)
  489. Walter P. Good (48)
  490. William M. Goodrich (38)
  491. Edwin N. Gordon (23)
  492. William F. Gordon (23)
  493. Ernest Gorton (17)
  494. Thaddeus Goscinski (48)
  495. Earle W. Goss (38)
  496. Walter R. Gouak (33)
  497. George W. Gould (17)
  498. William H. Grady, Jr. (48)
  499. Garry H. Graff (40)
  500. Carroll W. Grant (17)
  501. Carmine V. Grasso (38)
  502. Edward F. Gray (17)
  503. Aubrey L. Green (33)
  504. William V. Greene (33)
  505. N. J. Greenfield, Jr. (48)
  506. Carl L. Greenhaw (23)
  507. Julian T. Greenway (40)
  508. Joseph H. Greenwell (87)
  509. Barney W. Gregg (23)
  510. Floyd A. Gregg (48)
  511. Jesse L. Gregory (814)
  512. John P. Gresko (48)
  513. Salvatore Grifo (48)
  514. Joseph Grober (38)
  515. Walter Groeschel (40)
  516. Dick R. Gruba (87)
  517. John H. Gruber (38)
  518. Andrew S. Grzys (23)
  519. Joseph Guadagno (440)
  520. Henry J. Guilbault (23)
  521. Bernard N. Guirey (23)
  522. Elbie L. Gunter, Jr. (87)
  523. James Gunville (40)
  524. Luis Gutierrez (38)
  525. Frank J. Guzik (87)
  526. George M. Haack (48)
  527. Samuel D. Haas (489)
  528. Michael J. Haase (33)
  529. Edward J. Hackett (87)
  530. Ernest G. Hackney (23)
  531. Charles J. Haduk (48)
  532. Frank E. Haefele (203)
  533. Henry T. Hahn (31)
  534. Victor G. Haik (31)
  535. William Hainer (40)
  536. James K. Hall (87)
  537. Joseph D. Hall, Jr. (87)
  538. Robert W. Hall (33)
  539. William R. Hall (23)
  540. William E. Hall (33)
  541. William F. Halloran (23)
  542. Minton M. Handy (38)
  543. Clyde H. Haney (23)
  544. Henry M. Haney (38)
  545. John Hankowitz (40)
  546. Kermit A. Hanna (48)
  547. Edward J. Hannabury (23)
  548. Raymond C. Hennigan (40)
  549. Thomas A. Jr. Hanrahan (38)
  550. Frederick W. Hansen (38)
  551. Raynard A. Hansen (87)
  552. Lucian Harlow (38)
  553. John M. Haroian (23)
  554. Gilmore W. Harper (48)
  555. Chester F. Harple (48)
  556. William H. Harrington (814)
  557. Cyril R. Harris (814)
  558. Johnsie T. Harris (23)
  559. Cloy T. Harrison (48)
  560. George W. Harrison (40)
  561. Isah A. Hart, Jr. (87)
  562. Robert S. Hart (33)
  563. John F. Harty (23)
  564. Irwin C. Jr. Hartzell (38)
  565. Curtis E. Hartzog (440)
  566. Delbert W. Harvey (33)
  567. Lawrence M. Hasen (33)
  568. Martin F. Hass (23)
  569. Clarence E. Haston, Jr. (23)
  570. Orlan O. Hatfield (23)
  571. George Hawkins (31)
  572. Edward E. Hayes (489)
  573. James E. Hegnes (87)
  574. George H. Hein (31)
  575. Richard O. Heine (48)
  576. David Heller (23)
  577. Henry W. Hellyer (CCA)
  578. William C. Hembree (23)
  579. William F. Hennessey (38)
  580. John R. Henry (48)
  581. Walter G. Henry (440)
  582. James L. Hensley (23)
  583. Winfred V. Hensley (31)
  584. Martin L. Henson (23)
  585. Johnnie G. Hepding (814)
  586. Joseph A. Hergott (31)
  587. Elwood M. Herman (23)
  588. Joseph V. Hewel (23)
  589. Ralph W. Hicks (38)
  590. Robert C. Hicks (MP)
  591. Howard B. High (23)
  592. Lee David Hilburn (38)
  593. Carl C. Hill (23)
  594. Jack Hill (17)
  595. Raymond E. Hill (23)
  596. Glendon W. Hillis (48)
  597. John R. Hillman (23)
  598. Donald P. Hinds (48)
  599. Gerhardt J. Hipper (48)
  600. Norman A. Hittmann (17)
  601. Burley H. Hively (48)
  602. Marvin H. Hjalmarson (33)
  603. John J. Hobel (23)
  604. Charles Whitley Jr. Hodge (38)
  605. Arlin H. Hodges (38)
  606. Orville N. Hodlin (23)
  607. Alvin J. Hoelscher (48)
  608. Daniel Jr. Hogan (38)
  609. Eldridge M. Hohf (23)
  610. Kenneth T. Hohmann (38)
  611. Calvin L. Holcomb (87)
  612. Chesley M. Holder (40)
  613. Elwyn Holdiman (17)
  614. Edward D. Holland (38)
  615. Michael A. Holtz (31)
  616. Walter S. Hopkins (23)
  617. Nickolas M. Hopp (23)
  618. Irving F. Horton (48)
  619. Thomas Horwath (31)
  620. Walter B. Howard (23)
  621. Warren D. Howard (38)
  622. Dwight E. Howdeshell (23)
  623. William Hricko (23)
  624. Walter L. Hubbard (17)
  625. Guy R. Huffman (23)
  626. Walter J. Hughes (40)
  627. Roscoe V. Hull (48)
  628. Willaim J. Hummel (17)
  629. Lawrence B. Hunt (23)
  630. Fred B. Hunter (23)
  631. Louis E. Huskey (434)
  632. James F. Hyden (434)
  633. Gilbert A. Immenschuh (40)
  634. Herman J. Imperatore (48)
  635. Charles T. Irizarry (38)
  636. Bacil R. Isaacs (48)
  637. Henry Izydorczak (489)
  638. Robert J. Jacob (38)
  639. Raymond A. Jacobs (48)
  640. Steve E. Jagol (87)
  641. John A. Janicki (33)
  642. Roman V. Janousek (40)
  643. Anthony Januska (48)
  644. James L. Jarratt (87)
  645. C. J. Jendrzejewski (23)
  646. Clinton W. Jenkins (23)
  647. George B. Jenkins (23)
  648. William J. Jenks (48)
  649. Harmon T. Jess (31)
  650. Hugh N. Johansen (23)
  651. George H. Johns (23)
  652. Brainard L. Johnson (48)
  653. Douglas D. Johnson (23)
  654. Dow E. Johnson (38)
  655. Harold J. Johnson (48)
  656. Hugh D. Johnson (48)
  657. James H. Johnson (38)
  658. John A. Johnson (87)
  659. Leonard W. Johnson (MP)
  660. Louie A. Johnson (40)
  661. Rodger E. Johnson (17)
  662. Weldon D. Johnson (87)
  663. Sam C. Johnston (814)
  664. Benjamin Edwin Jones, Jr. (38)
  665. Edgar C. Jones (23)
  666. Francis L. Jones (48)
  667. Leo A. Jones (48)
  668. Lewis E. Jones (23)
  669. Lloyd R. Jones (40)
  670. Marshall F. Jones (40)
  671. Orvil H. Jones (48)
  672. Thomas B. Jones, Jr. (17)
  673. Francis V. Jorgenson (814)
  674. Michael Julian (87)
  675. Joseph J. Kabala (203)
  676. Albert H. Kansas (23)
  677. George R. Kapusta (23)
  678. John Karhula (87)
  679. Charles V. Karilivacz (40)
  680. Robert Karnes (38)
  681. Thomas J. Karnofsky (38)
  682. Albin S. Karwoski (23)
  683. Victor J. Kaszubowski (38)
  684. Lawrence B. Kaufman (440)
  685. Louis E Kay (38)
  686. Teddy Kardynalski (48) - not certain if he was killed
  687. John P. Kazlauskas (48)
  688. Paul F. Kearns (38)
  689. Bud S. Keener (48)
  690. Elmer F. Keipp (814)
  691. Lewis H. Keith (87)
  692. Calvin L. Keller (48)
  693. Keith K. Keller (38)
  694. Michael B. Kelly (17)
  695. Garnie L. Kenchen (38)
  696. Bernard J. Kennedy (23)
  697. Robert E. Kennedy (48)
  698. Bruce N. Kimball (87)
  699. Bernie E. Kimmons (17)
  700. John L. King (48)
  701. Oscar King (440)
  702. Thomas S. King, Jr. (33)
  703. William J. King (33)
  704. Jessie C. Kitchens (40)
  705. Francis A. Klassen (38)
  706. John Klein (48)
  707. Randall Klinger (40)
  708. John Klippel (440)
  709. Wilbert A. Klobedans (48)
  710. Harry Klosin (38)
  711. Richard A. Knott (38)
  712. John R. Knox (23)
  713. Vernon A. Kocher (489)
  714. Fred Kohn (38)
  715. Benny S. Koldys (48)
  716. Robert J. Kolter (17)
  717. Frederick Konecek (23)
  718. Charles E. Kos (23)
  719. Edward R. Kotwasinski (814)
  720. William S. Koulos (23)
  721. Charles P. Kovacs, Jr. (23)
  722. Stanley J. Kowalski (48)
  723. Carl M. Kramer (48)
  724. Monroe M. Kretschmer (17)
  725. Mike J. Krinock (31)
  726. Nathan Krinsky (814)
  727. Andrew J. Krisak (31)
  728. Daniel A. F. Kritz (48)
  729. Raymond S. J. Kruszona (48)
  730. Warren E. Kuhn (814)
  731. Robert C. Kunz (48)
  732. Vincent Kuri (48)
  733. Bennie J. Kuykendall (48)
  734. Fred J. Kuzara (48)
  735. Edward L. Kwasnik (48)
  736. Charles J. La Monica (33)
  737. Dennis La Paille (203)
  738. Arthur La Tour [Bachand] (38)
  739. Ernest H. LaChance (87)
  740. Leo L. Lackey (38)
  741. John D. Lacney (31)
  742. Bert LaCombe (31)
  743. Edward A. Ladwig (87)
  744. Gilbert P. Lafferty (23)
  745. Robert Lake (38)
  746. Clarence D. Lamb (38)
  747. Urgel J. Lambert (23)
  748. Walter T. Lamont (23)
  749. Lao J. Lamontagne (48)
  750. Howard V. Lancaster (48)
  751. James L. Landherr (48)
  752. Francis F. Lashomb (87)
  753. Stanley Latcovich (87)
  754. Anthony J. Lattyak (48)
  755. Carl S. Lawton, Jr. (48)
  756. Joseph M. Le Van (48)
  757. Arthur J. Leadbetter (48)
  758. Donald A. Leckrone (31)
  759. Howard W. Lehrbass (87)
  760. Mark S. Leiss (48)
  761. Louis R. A. LeMay (23)
  762. Henry G. Lemke (40)
  763. Robert T. Lemmon, Jr. (23)
  764. Edward S. Lenda (23)
  765. Jessie A. Leonard (87)
  766. Oscar C. Leonard (48)
  767. Carl Levy (48)
  768. Joseph P. Lewandowski (48)
  769. Jack H. Lewis (40)
  770. Melbern Liford (48)
  771. Milburn R. Light (38)
  772. Lewis H. Likens (48)
  773. Bernard E. Lindsay (48)
  774. Randall Lindsey (23)
  775. Ernest A. Link (40)
  776. Albert W. Lippelt (434)
  777. William M. Lipscomb (33)
  778. John J. Lister (48)
  779. Glenn E. Little (38)
  780. William A. Little (31)
  781. Louis E. Livingston (23)
  782. Louis W. Loetz (38)
  783. Henry R. Longmier (48)
  784. Delbert J. Longworth (40)
  785. Gordon D. Loomis (38)
  786. Raymond T. Loyd (17)
  787. Ronald J. Lozier (33)
  788. Barton E. Luff (38)
  789. Wilmer O. Lupton (48)
  790. Lawrence A. Lusardi (87)
  791. Edward W. Lutz (48)
  792. Harlin H. Lyman (38)
  793. Robert J. Lynch (440)
  794. Robert Mackenzie (48)
  795. Joseph J. Mackle (48)
  796. Ronald E. Madden (48)
  797. Thomas Mahoney (203)
  798. Theodore S. Majka (31)
  799. Charles E. Makowski (38)
  800. Harvey E. Malamud (38)
  801. Leonard K. Malanowski (87)
  802. Jerry J. Malken (87)
  803. Frank J. Malkiewicz (48)
  804. Clarence J. Mallard (17)
  805. Paul J. Mallard (23)
  806. Fred Malone (440)
  807. Robert A. Mandau (87)
  808. Joe L. Manning (489)
  809. Hiram N. Manus, Jr. (23)
  810. Michael L. Manzolillo (203)
  811. Virgil Maples (23)
  812. John A. Marchand (23)
  813. George C. Marcum (87)
  814. Stanley F. Marek (87)
  815. Alvin T. Marhut (48)
  816. Arthur R. Marks (38)
  817. Lloyd F. Marsey (38)
  818. John Maruscok (48)
  819. James R. Masengale (23)
  820. John E. Masterson (38)
  821. Matthias Richard Mattes (814)
  822. Church M. Matthews (HQ)
  823. Rudolph W. Matus (48)
  824. Joseph L. Maurizio (23)
  825. Willie Mays (814)
  826. Omer U. McAllister (23)
  827. Charles E. McAlpine (38)
  828. R. E. M. McCaffery (23)
  829. John J. McCarrick (48)
  830. Emmett P. McCarthy (40)
  831. Francis J. McCartney (23)
  832. Floyyd E. McClary (38)
  833. George E. McClure (23)
  834. Glenn G. McCormick (48)
  835. Robert W. McCormick (33)
  836. James R. McCoy (31)
  837. Jack D. McCune (31)
  838. Clyde E. McDaniel (48)
  839. William R. McDonald (48)
  840. James D. McDorman (23)
  841. Raymond H. McDowell (48)
  842. Charles S. McFarland (48)
  843. David A. McFarland (40)
  844. Charles T. Mcguire (38)
  845. Jack Amando McHenry (38)
  846. Lewis W. McIntosh (814)
  847. Daniel McKenzie (48)
  848. W. E. McKinley (814)
  849. Charles McKinney (203)
  850. Charles McLaughlin (17)
  851. Aloysious J. McLean (17)
  852. William H. McMillan (87)
  853. Kenneth M. McMurtry (87)
  854. Thomas F. McNamara (17)
  855. David W. McPherson (48)
  856. Marvin Ray McQueen (38)
  857. Johnie A. Meade (31)
  858. George A. Meece (48)
  859. Thurman Meeks (31)
  860. Paul E. Meirte (38)
  861. Robert E. Mendick (48)
  862. Palmieri D. Meringolo (38)
  863. Clifford L. Merrithew (31)
  864. Erich H. Mertins (48)
  865. John J. Mesaros, Jr. (38)
  866. Lewis Tony Meshishnek (38)
  867. Harold Messing (48)
  868. Walter F. Meyer (814)
  869. Ernest E. Mi11s (23)
  870. John M. Michalik (40)
  871. Norman R. Miesner (31)
  872. Andrew Miller (38)
  873. Archer Allen Miller, Jr. (38)
  874. John T. Miller (23)
  875. Leon Miller (48)
  876. Ralph W. Miller (48)
  877. Julius P. Mincosky (434)
  878. Lewis J. Minnich (48)
  879. George T. Miranda (33)
  880. Henry L. Mischler, Jr. (23)
  881. Homer I. Mitchell (38)
  882. Edwin William Moise, Jr. (38)
  883. Charles A. Monday (814)
  884. Steven Monsey (31)
  885. Joseph F. Montagnola (48)
  886. James W. Montgomery (17)
  887. William W. Montgomery (23)
  888. Jacob G. Moody (17)
  889. T. J. Mooneyham (23)
  890. George Moore (38)
  891. Stig F. E. Moquist (23)
  892. Paul J. Moran (489)
  893. John Lawrence Mordo (40)
  894. Albert A. Moretti (40)
  895. Max E. Morey (38)
  896. Radcliff X. Morgan (48)
  897. George W. Morrison (87)
  898. Kenneth L. Morrow (87)
  899. Elmer G. Morton (40)
  900. Irving Moscowitz (38)
  901. Ralph I. Mote, Jr. (23)
  902. Harold Mousseau (38)
  903. Frank. J. Muhl (23)
  904. Charles G. Muller (87)
  905. Harold H. Mullinnex (33)
  906. Vincent R. Murdza (48)
  907. Daniel J. Murphy (CCA)
  908. Irwin R. Murray (40)
  909. Frederick J. Nackley (40)
  910. Omer W. Nadeau (38)
  911. Joseph Nagy (87)
  912. James H. Nails (38)
  913. Donald L. Nazworth (434)
  914. Peter M. Nebelski (23)
  915. Joseph J. Negrelli (23)
  916. Jacob Nevala (38)
  917. Ernest H. Nevins (87)
  918. James E. Newberry, Jr. (48)
  919. Theodore N. Newbury (40)
  920. Marion M. Newton (23)
  921. Jack D. Nile (23)
  922. Edward F. Nixon (17)
  923. Mahlon L. Noecker (23)
  924. Roy G. Noel (814)
  925. Patrick M. Nongueskwa (48)
  926. Bennie G. Nordgaard (23)
  927. Willie P. Norford (48)
  928. Vernon B. Norgren (17)
  929. Robert W. Norton (31)
  930. Lucian G. Nowinski (38)
  931. Vincent J. Noyallis (48)
  932. Edwin R. Noyes (38)
  933. Jack O. Nye (31)
  934. Richard S. Oaksford (87)
  935. Louis J. Oalmann (38)
  936. Melvin H. O'Brien (40)
  937. Edward J. O'Connor (40)
  938. George H. O'Kane (48)
  939. Val K. Okane (48)
  940. Steve Olah (23)
  941. Willie W. Oliver (31)
  942. Joseph Oliveri (23)
  943. Godfrey Z. Ollmetzer (17)
  944. Albert Olsen (87)
  945. Elmo T. Olson (17)
  946. William C. Olson (40)
  947. Robert J. Omara (40)
  948. Riley V. O'Neal (814)
  949. Philip (nmi) Orlando (38)
  950. Salvatore A. Orlando (31)
  951. William P. Orourke (23)
  952. Mike J. Orrico (33)
  953. Robert C. Ostdick (87)
  954. John A. Osterlund (31)
  955. Randolph E. Oswald (17)
  956. Leslie H. Owen (23)
  957. Joseph H. Pait (87)
  958. Harry Bertam Pake (40)
  959. Charles C. Panion (33)
  960. William Henry Pape (38)
  961. William J. Paradis (48)
  962. Alphonse Parise (48)
  963. Clyde F. Parks (87)
  964. Truman C. Parks (31)
  965. Harry H. Parthemore (31)
  966. John J. Paszkowski (23)
  967. Rennye D. Patterson (40)
  968. Norbert W. Paul (814)
  969. Barry M. Paxton (23)
  970. James T. Payne (17)
  971. Ira F. Peak, Jr. (33)
  972. La Due W. Penhale (40)
  973. Edward J. Perdue (38)
  974. Ferdinand F. Perri (23)
  975. Gaetano F. Perrone (129)
  976. Allan J. Persons (40)
  977. Harold A. Peterson (17)
  978. Florie F. Petti (48)
  979. Carl H. Peurrung (23)
  980. Howard J. Phillips (48)
  981. Woodrow W. Phillips (48)
  982. Fred V. Philo, Jr. (23)
  983. Sherman Pinyan (48)
  984. Paul E. Piskla (23)
  985. John S. Pistella (23)
  986. Robert P. Pitkin (48)
  987. Valentino A. Pizzingrilli (38)
  988. Peter Plasity (23)
  989. Lawrence Platt (48)
  990. Richard W. Platte (40)
  991. Peter Polifka (40)
  992. Mike Jr. Pompeil (31)
  993. Alfonso Ponce (23)
  994. John Ponsone (23)
  995. Hollis G. Porter (23)
  996. Coy L. Powell (48)
  997. Warren W. Powell, Jr. (48)
  998. William R. Powell (87)
  999. Joseph V. Pozolante (23)
  1000. Quitman D. Prather (31)
  1001. Leo J. Prato (87)
  1002. Rolland "Jack" G. Preder (38)
  1003. Peter J. Predovic (87)
  1004. Robert E. L. Price (48)
  1005. Grady Pitts Priest (38)
  1006. Egidio G. Prior (203)
  1007. Daniel J. Przybyaz (23)
  1008. Hardy J. Rabalais (48)
  1009. Martin Rabinowitz (38)
  1010. Walter P. Radtke (40)
  1011. Clarence A. Raduechel (48)
  1012. Benjamin W. Rafuse (87)
  1013. Earl Lee Rainbow (38)
  1014. John Rajnik (Rainick) (38)
  1015. Edward D. Ralston (48)
  1016. Eugene R. Ramsey (48)
  1017. Curtice Hayden Rankin (38)
  1018. Robert R. Rauterkus (48)
  1019. Frank Rudolph Rauth (38)
  1020. Vernon Ray (203)
  1021. Willis Ray (38)
  1022. Leonard A. Reamer (40)
  1023. George A. Reece (814)
  1024. Charles Reed (203)
  1025. John F. Jr. Reever (38)
  1026. Wilbert Register (48)
  1027. Sherwood J. Reilly (23)
  1028. Jack T. Remcus (48)
  1029. George J. Renda (48)
  1030. Joe S. Renfrow (48)
  1031. Louis F. Rescigno (440)
  1032. Harry H. Retort (38)
  1033. Hubert L. Reusch (17)
  1034. Edward P. Reynolds (87)
  1035. Dellis H. Rhodes (48)
  1036. Donald J. Rice (33)
  1037. Joe E. Rich (23)
  1038. Harry Q. Richards (87)
  1039. Louis L. Richards (440)
  1040. Roy E. Richmond (23)
  1041. Robert D. Riegner (48)
  1042. Earl Rigsby (48)
  1043. Edwin Rill (87)
  1044. David M. Rineer (48)
  1045. Edward L. Ritchie (38)
  1046. James R. Ritchie (814)
  1047. Joseph R. Rivera (48)
  1048. Sixto Rivera (38)
  1049. Henry T. Roan (23)
  1050. William R. Robbins (38)
  1051. Philip T. Robblee, Jr. (87)
  1052. Joseph Robertiello (87)
  1053. James W. Roberts, Jr. (48)
  1054. George D. Robinson (40)
  1055. Thomas D. Rochford (48)
  1056. Frederick C. Roemer (33)
  1057. William H. Roesch (40)
  1058. George K. Rogan (40)
  1059. Arthur G. Rogers (48)
  1060. Virgil A. Rogers (40)
  1061. Ernest Rogues [Rodrigues] (38)
  1062. Raymond M. Rolston (31)
  1063. George E. Romick (48)
  1064. William W. Jr. Rosebro (38)
  1065. Rocco J. Rossi (33)
  1066. Wesley F. Roth (440)
  1067. Claude Rothell, Jr. (48)
  1068. Lewis W. Rothfuss (48)
  1069. Petero J. Rubano (814)
  1070. Frank H. Rubinetti (87)
  1071. Nemorio S. Rubio (23)
  1072. Richard J. Ruple (48)
  1073. Raymond A. Rusch (17)
  1074. Simeon H. Rush (48)
  1075. Clarkson A. Russell (23)
  1076. Nicholas J. Russo (40)
  1077. Carl W. Rutkowski (129)
  1078. Robert L. Rutledge (48)
  1079. Edward P. Ryan (38)
  1080. Louis J. Sadler (38)
  1081. Wesley L. Safford (38)
  1082. Nathan H. Sanford (23)
  1083. Elias A. Santillanes (38)
  1084. Shafter L. Santiny (48)
  1085. Edward M. Sargent (40)
  1086. Ohannes Sariyan (23)
  1087. Richard W. Sarver (489)
  1088. Robert J. Sauers (31)
  1089. Benjamin J. Savignac (23)
  1090. Francis L. Sawicki (87)
  1091. Tony M. Seyfang (48)
  1092. Frederick R. Sayles (23)
  1093. Michael P. Scaglione (48)
  1094. Albert Scanland (38)
  1095. John Henry Scarberough (38)
  1096. Robert J. Schaaf (33)
  1097. Thomas K. Schachner (48)
  1098. Francis J. Schaefer (38)
  1099. Bennie G. Schafer (814)
  1100. Joseph A. Scheurich (48)
  1101. Bernard J. Schlorholtz (814)
  1102. Tom R. Schlueter (203)
  1103. Phillip P. Schmitz (38)
  1104. Alvin M. Schneider (33)
  1105. Leslie H. Schoechert (87)
  1106. Robert M. Schultz (40)
  1107. Merle K. Schultze (48)
  1108. Dixon E. Schumm (48)
  1109. Robert J. Schutta (23)
  1110. Bernard A. Schwartz (87)
  1111. Willis R. Schwartz (38)
  1112. William J. Schweikert (33)
  1113. Lawrence E. Scifres (48)
  1114. Paul E. Scott (23)
  1115. Robert G. Scott (33)
  1116. Roy E. Scott (40)
  1117. John E. Scully (23)
  1118. Sarfino T. Sdoia (33)
  1119. Albert T. Seeney (23)
  1120. Vincent R. Segelsky (40)
  1121. James A. Seidenstricker (17)
  1122. Alfred Seidman (38)
  1123. Philip Seifried (38)
  1124. Chester P. Seitz (33)
  1125. Oliver G. Sellers (77)
  1126. George A. Selner (23)
  1127. George T. Senko (48)
  1128. Warren B. Sewell (38)
  1129. Charles W. Shaffer (23)
  1130. Donald J. Shaljian (31)
  1131. Charles W. Shenk (38)
  1132. Andrew H. Shepherd (48)
  1133. Horace Sherman (38)
  1134. Kenneth R. Sherman (33)
  1135. Hocutt D. Sherron (31)
  1136. John Joseph Sherwood (38)
  1137. Stephen J. Shevlin (23)
  1138. Fred M. Shilling (38)
  1139. Irvin H. Shipley (38)
  1140. Michael J. Shiry (814)
  1141. Ray W. Shively (434)
  1142. Hurley Shumate (23)
  1143. Thomas N. Shutt (33)
  1144. George F. Sigsbee (23)
  1145. Frank T. Sigl (489)
  1146. Joseph Silano (23)
  1147. Herbert J. Silcox (38)
  1148. Tony Simpson (23)
  1149. John W. Singleton (48)
  1150. Athan L. Sircy (31)
  1151. Cleveland W. Skelton (48)
  1152. Peter P. Skibitski (48)
  1153. Euan J. Slankard (17)
  1154. Eulys F. Slate (17)
  1155. Andrew J. Slavik (38)
  1156. Samuel E. Slight (814)
  1157. James E. Slocum (87)
  1158. Raymond Smalheiser (38)
  1159. John Smella (48)
  1160. Edwin S. Smergalski (23)
  1161. Alan H. Smith (38)
  1162. Albert D. Smith (48)
  1163. Arthur P. Jr. Smith (38)
  1164. Charles L. Smith (40)
  1165. Clarence Gilbert Smith (23)
  1166. Daniel B. Smith (38)
  1167. Eugene W. Smith (Arty)
  1168. Garnet L. Smith (38)
  1169. Henry W. Smith (48)
  1170. Lawrence D. Smith (48)
  1171. Luther R. Smith (48)
  1172. Malcolm Hugee Smith (38)
  1173. Sydney B. Smith (48)
  1174. Travis L. Smith (87)
  1175. William E. Smith (17)
  1176. David E. Snider (38)
  1177. Chester D. Snyder (38)
  1178. John Snyder (87)
  1179. Vincent C. Sonner (87)
  1180. Peter T. Soscia (147)
  1181. Stanley Sosinski (23)
  1182. Frank Sovin (48)
  1183. Edward H. Spears (38)
  1184. Vestal K. Speas (40)
  1185. Frank D. Spiller, Jr. (48)
  1186. Stanley Sroka (31)
  1187. Titus St. Andry (48)
  1188. Eugene L. St. Onge (48)
  1189. Walter T. Stafford (38)
  1190. Arthur J. Stahlecker (87)
  1191. Franklin Stancel (87)
  1192. Charlie L. R. Starnes (48)
  1193. Elefterios Stavros (48)
  1194. Roy D. Steele (38)
  1195. Martin Steinberg (48)
  1196. Nickles Steinlander (31)
  1197. Galen H. Steinman (147)
  1198. Lamont O. Stephens (38)
  1199. Lawrence D. Stephens (HQ Co/Div HQ)
  1200. Virgil S. Stephens (31)
  1201. Jacob Stern (23)
  1202. Francis L. Stets (17)
  1203. Florain E. Stevens (40)
  1204. Lester F. Stewart (23)
  1205. Robert J. Stewart (87)
  1206. James W. Still (440)
  1207. Carl W. Stipe (40)
  1208. Eugene E. Stoesser (33)
  1209. Robert W. Stolte (48)
  1210. Stanley Stonek (31)
  1211. Edward E. Stover (23)
  1212. Method Stoyanoff (48)
  1213. John L. Strohl (48)
  1214. Roy V. Sulser (23)
  1215. Lucious Sumrall (33)
  1216. Bernard A. Suplicki (48)
  1217. Joseph A. Surowiec (38)
  1218. Bennie L. Sutton (23)
  1219. Edward Albert Swanson (38)
  1220. William W. Sweeney (31)
  1221. Stanley A. Sypkowski (814)
  1222. Edwin Cubine Tabor (38)
  1223. Antonio Taormina (77)
  1224. Albert E. Taylor (38)
  1225. Clyde R. Taylor (31)
  1226. William P. Tayse (48)
  1227. Dwight E. Telford (40)
  1228. Eugene F. Teti (40)
  1229. Roland E. Tetrault (31)
  1230. Francis I. Thayer (48)
  1231. Arlo J. Thomas (31)
  1232. George W. Thomas (87)
  1233. Alvin W. Thompson (38)
  1234. Chester H. Thompson (17)
  1235. Woodrow J. Thompson (48)
  1236. Joseph Tibensky (48)
  1237. Louis E. Tiesling (17)
  1238. Ralph Tillman (87)
  1239. William J. Tingle (38)
  1240. Joseph Tkacz (38)
  1241. Anthony Tomczik (40)
  1242. Tom. T. Tompkins (17)
  1243. Darrell K. Tongay (814)
  1244. Hoyt G. Tootle (48)
  1245. John H. Trainer (31)
  1246. Andrew L. Tramutola (23)
  1247. Marvin F. Trandem (31)
  1248. John R. Trautwein (440)
  1249. Brom Tremonti (23)
  1250. Darrell P. Trynor (48)
  1251. Frank W. Tryonas (87)
  1252. John F. Tucker (31)
  1253. Michael Tutko (23)
  1254. Wilburn T. Underwood (23)
  1255. Pedro Y. J. Urbina, Jr. (48)
  1256. Joe Valdez (23)
  1257. Truman L. Van Tine (40)
  1258. Howard Vander Woude (40)
  1259. Clifford Vanderbush (23)
  1260. Maynard L. Varney (40)
  1261. Epifanio Vasquez (440)
  1262. William N. Vaughn (48)
  1263. Maurice A. Venne (38)
  1264. Joseph Veselenak (23)
  1265. Benny Villanueva (38)
  1266. Clarence A. Vincent (Trns)
  1267. George Visas (38)
  1268. William V. Vitez (40)
  1269. Louis Vroble (203)
  1270. Allen Wagner (31)
  1271. James H. Wagstaff (48)
  1272. Richard J. G. Wait (814)
  1273. Tennyson R. Waldren (48)
  1274. Edward P. Waldron (40)
  1275. Rex E. Waldrop (31)
  1276. Dale Walker (23)
  1277. Jackson A. Walker (40)
  1278. John A. Walker, Sr. (23)
  1279. Charles R. Wallace (23)
  1280. Florian Wallace (40)
  1281. George R. Walling (31)
  1282. Albert R. Walter (48)
  1283. Lewis A. Ward (38)
  1284. Vivian L. Ward (38)
  1285. Russell L. Warden (31)
  1286. Christopher Warren (33)
  1287. Melvin B. Warthan (48)
  1288. Howard B. Washington (3967)
  1289. Constantine E. Wasiak (23)
  1290. Charles E. Wawrzyniak (17)
  1291. Fred Wayt (814)
  1292. Titus S. Webb (17)
  1293. Emery E. Weed (17)
  1294. John W. Weir (33)
  1295. Robert Weissenberger (203)
  1296. Carl Welborn (23)
  1297. Lester A. Welch (129)
  1298. Gilbert H. Wells (48)
  1299. John P. Wells (40)
  1300. Thomas Henry Wells (38)
  1301. Clifford S. Wennerstrand (814)
  1302. Krist Wentz (31)
  1303. Martin C. Werling (87)
  1304. Morley J. West (38)
  1305. Robert D. West (17)
  1306. Godfrey C. Westcott (38)
  1307. Paul M. Westhafer (17)
  1308. Matthew Whalen (CCA)
  1309. Richard J. Whalen (48)
  1310. Cordell Wheeler (87)
  1311. Paul C. Wheeler (87)
  1312. John G. White (48)
  1313. Robert H. Whitley, Jr. (33)
  1314. Leon S. Whitlock (40)
  1315. Benjamin F. Wice (48)
  1316. Max J. Wierzbicki (23)
  1317. Charles P. Wilcox (48)
  1318. Charles W. Wildman (87)
  1319. Raymond F. Wilhelm (23)
  1320. Bynon Wilkerson (38)
  1321. Arlond Rudolph Williams (38)
  1322. Clifton E. Williams (23)
  1323. Donald P. Williams (38)
  1324. Evan Williams (17)
  1325. Harold H. Williams (33)
  1326. James R. Williams (87)
  1327. John T. Williams (87)
  1328. Julian F. Williams (48)
  1329. Mitchell Willoughby (17)
  1330. Clifton A. Wills (17)
  1331. William E. Wilson (23)
  1332. Paul K. Winglewich (40)
  1333. Lester R. Wirkkala (38)
  1334. Alen I. Wirt (23)
  1335. Crawford H. Wise (38)
  1336. John C. Wobus (434)
  1337. Jung F. Wong (23)
  1338. Daniel G. Wood (31)
  1339. James C. Wood (23)
  1340. John L. Wood (23)
  1341. William E. Wood (Trains)
  1342. Jewel W. Woodall (48)
  1343. Jessie C. Woodard (48)
  1344. Byrwell H. Woodell (814)
  1345. Mayhew Woolard (48)
  1346. Wilber F. Woolbright (CCA)
  1347. Arthur C. Worsham (33)
  1348. Leo R. Worthington (33)
  1349. Louis F. Wrana (87)
  1350. Geoffrey S. Wrigley (87)
  1351. Leo J. Wyrzykowski (38)
  1352. Mario J. Yammarino (40)
  1353. Albert P. Yankeh (23)
  1354. Peter Yannace (48)
  1355. John J. Yarbrough (48)
  1356. Leo B. Yarosz (48)
  1357. James V. Yates (38)
  1358. John W. Yeakley (31)
  1359. Ernest A. Yeardley (147)
  1360. Edward Yessian (23)
  1361. John Yurchak (814)
  1362. George Zalesky (48)
  1363. Bruno W. Zawacki (38)
  1364. James W. Zeagler (40)
  1365. Edward T. Zeincina (or Ziencina) (17)
  1366. Clifford G. Zeller (814)
  1367. Frederick G. Zielke (48)
  1368. Norbert H. Zimmermann (87)
  1369. William H. Zoellner (48)
  1370. Joseph Zorick (17)
  1371. Stanley Zuber (87)

Former 7th Armored Division men killed in World War II

There are three main groups of men who were former members of the Division.
  1. Those transferred in the 20 Sep 1943 reorganization to units no longer part of 7th Armored Division.
    • Pablo Tapia, photo thanks to nephew Paul PerezPablo Tapia (38 095 211) of Texas
      • Prior to the reorganization, he was a member of Company "A", 31st Armored Regiment, 7th Armored Division. A/31AR was an element of the 1st Battalion of 31AR, which became the non-divisional 774th Tank Battalion under the reorganization.
      • As a tank driver of A/774th Tank Bn, he was killed in action 13 Jan 1945 in Belgium, apparently in the vicinity of Bois de Ronce, southwest of Salmchateau. (Click here for map.)
      • Photo thanks to nephew Paul Perez

  2. Those transferred out of the Division while in the States.
    • Norfleet, Pvt. Eugene T. (13 054 859) of Pennsylvania
      • He had been a late State-side addition to Company "A", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, and was on the A/38 boarding roster to sail to Europe (with 2nd Squad of 2nd Platoon) but was crossed off and transferred out, ultimately assigned to 77th Infantry Division in the Pacific.
      • He died 21 May 1945 on the island of Okinawa in Japan as a member of the 306th Infantry Regiment of the 77th Infantry Division. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with oak leaf cluster and Purple Heart with oak leaf cluster. He is buried at the US Military Cemetery of the Pacific (the "Punchbowl") in Honolulu, Hawaii, in Section E, Grave 374.
    • Wasik, Pfc. Theodore P. (16 146 386) of Illinois
      • He was one of the original members of 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, on 20 September 1943 when the 48th Armored Infantry Regiment was split into 23, 38 and 48 AIB. He was on the A/38 boarding roster to sail to Europe (with 3rd Squad of 3rd Platoon) but was crossed off and transferred.
      • He died 19 September 1944 as a member of the 320th Infantry Regiment of the 35th Infantry Division. He was awarded the Purple Heart. He is buried at the Lorraine US Military Cemetery at St. Avold, France in Section C, Row 27, Grave 22. FindAGrave

  3. Those transferred out of the Division after arrival in Europe.
    • Barlow, Pfc. Clifford A. (42 114 988) of New York
      • He was transferred from Company "B", 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, to 84th Infantry Division on 12 December 1944.
      • He died 6 Februrary 1945 as a member of the 335th Infantry Regiment of the 84th Infantry Division. He is buried at the Ardennes US Military Cemetery (Neupr -en-Condroz, Belgium) in section B, row 44, grave 40.

7th Armored Division men killed in combats after World War II

There is no official record that I know of to find these names. So if you know of anyone else who should be on this list, please let me know.

Deaths of Foreign Nationals who fought with the 7th Armored Division

As the 7th Armored Division passed through previously occupied territory, French, Belgian, and Dutch nationals -- civilians, resistance fighters, local militiamen, etc. -- unofficially joined the 7th Armored Division as translators and in combat. While I know of at least two who were seriously wounded, I do not yet know of any of them who were killed. So if you have such information, please send it to me.

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