In Memoriam
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Combat Command A (CCA)
(7th Armored Division)
Deaths in Europe
Alphabetical List
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Last updated: February 24, 2025 - What's New?

Spare a minute
to think
of the young who didn't grow up,
and how young they looked when they died,
and how no one will ever remember them looking tired and middle-aged
or even be bored by tiresome recitals of the time of their youth.

- - - - Russell Baker "How to Observe Dec. 7" (NY Times, Dec. 1965)

These 5 names are from the June 30, 1947 list compiled by the Adjutant General. It is not known if other deaths have been identified since then, nor if the names on the Adjutant General's list are spelled correctly (other unit lists have been found to have had omissions and mis-spellings). See the white box just below for how you can let me know about any errors you find.

I have not checked all these names against the American Battle Monuments Commission's World War II Honor Roll. If you want to check a name on the Honor Roll, click here.

Please Help to Tell These Men's Stories and Preserve Their Memory!

PLEASE contact Wesley Johnston at the address below if you have any information on any man of the unit who died overseas, such as:

  • photos
  • information on any of these men's deaths
  • information on what platoon and squad they were in
  • know of any men who died but are not on the list
  • Wesley Johnston
    Send e-mail to
    For ALL other e-mail matters, please click here for information about contacting me.
    So they will not be Forgot
    There is a word
    Which bears a sword
    It hurls its barbed syllables,-
    At once is mute again.
    But where it fell
    The saved will tell
    On patriotic day,
    Some epauletted brother
    Gave his breath away.
    Wherever runs the breathless sun,
    Wherever roams the day,
    There is its noiseless onset,
    There is its victory!
    Behold the keenest marksman!
    The most accomplished shot!
    Time s sublimest target
    Is a soul forgot !
    ----- Emily Dickinson

    A Note for the Children of these Men

    The American World War II Orphans Network (AWON) is an organization created by and for those who lost their father in World War II. AWON has an annual conference and a newsletter filled with useful information. Click here to go to the AWON web page and find those who share your experience.

    Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Combat Command A (CCA) Overseas Deaths in World War II
    1. Fisk, Jack J. (CCA) - Rank: Tec 5 - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-21 - Last Duty Location: vicinity of Poteau, Belgium (while CCA HQ was at Beho, Belgium VP7682, 40th Tank Bn A/AR reports CCA Tactical HQ at 792908 (Schlommerfurth, Belgium)) - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-21 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-21
    2. Hellyer, Henry -Harry- William (CCA) - Rank: Tec 4 - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-07 - Last Duty Location: crossing small dirt road NW of Silvange, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-07 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-07
    3. Murphy, Daniel Jasper (CCA) - Rank: 1st Lt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-21 - Last Duty Location: vicinity of 804889 in Belgium (while CCA HQ was at Beho, Belgium VP7682, 40th Tank Bn A/AR reports CCA Tactical HQ at 792908 which was Schlommerfurth, Belgium) - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-21 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-21
    4. Whalen, Matthew B. (CCA) - Rank: Maj. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-24 - Last Duty Location: Manhay, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-24 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-24
    5. Woolbright, Wilbur F. (CCA) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-21 - Last Duty Location: vicinity of Poteau, Belgium (while CCA HQ was at Beho, Belgium VP7682, 40th Tank Bn A/AR reports CCA Tactical HQ at 792908 (Schlommerfurth, Belgium)) - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-21 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-21

    Click here for information about contacting me.
    Copyright © 2025 by Wesley Johnston
    All rights reserved

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