38th Armored Infantry Battalion
(code name Woody)
7th Armored Division
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The 38th Armored Infantry Battalion consisted of the following units
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Commanding Officers (CO's)
- Col. George H. Molony (1942? - 1943?; commander of 48th Armored Infantry Regiment, which was broken up into 23rd, 38th and 48th Armored Infantry Battalions)
- Lt. Col. Samuel L. Irwin (?? - States - 21 August 44, on duty to 8th Armored Group until transfer to 2nd Armored Division on 20 November 1944)
- Lt. Col. Edwin L. Keeler (21 August 1944 - 11 September 1944, wounded by artillery near Pont-du-Jour, France)

Major Curtice H. Rankin (11 September 1944 - 13 September 1944, interim CO)
Photo provided by son David Rankin
- Lt. Col. William W. Rosebro (12 September 1944, was CO of Division Trains - 19 September 1944, died of wounds same day from bullet through forehead at Sillegny, France)

Major Curtice H. Rankin (19 September 1944 - 19 September 1944, killed by mortar shell at Sillegny, France)
Photo provided by son David Rankin

Major Thomas H. Wells (19 September 1944 - 19 September 1944, killed by 150mm shell at Sillegny, France)
Photo provided by daughter Kay Hallberg
- Lt. Col. Ted King (19 September 1944 - 19 September 1944, wounded at Sillegny, France)
- Lt. Col. Robert L. Rhea (19 September 1944 - 20 September 1944)
- Lt. Col. William H. G. Fuller (20 September 1944 - 31 December 1944, except 21-23? December; transferred to Division HQ)

Major Alva McDaniel (21 December 1944 - 22? December 1944)

Captain Carl K. Mattocks (22? December 1944 - 23? December 1944)
Not sure who was in command between departure of Fuller on 31 December 1944 and arrival of Griffin on 2 January 1945.

Lt. Col. Marcus S. Griffin (2 January 1945 - August 1945, except 1-8 February 45 when sick after his driver Jimmie Cox was killed right next to him 23 January 1945 in attack on his jeep)
Photo provided by wife Mrs. Anna Griffin

Major Alva McDaniel (1-8 February 1945, while Lt. Col. Griffin out sick)
- Major Carl Corbin (August 1945 - inactivation of Bn in October 1945)
Executive Officers (XO's)
- Maj. Edgar J. Henderson (?? - 20 September 1943 - ??)

Major Curtice H. Rankin (?? - 31 December 1943 - 19 Sept 44, killed by mortar shell at Sillegny, France)
Photo provided by son David Rankin
- Lt. Col. Robert L. Rhea (20 September 1944 - ??, eventually assumed command of 23 AIB)
Sources: 7AD Sep 44 G-1 Journal

Capt. John S. Mace (?? - Oct 44 -??)

Major Alva McDaniel (19 November 1944 - duration, acting CO from 1-8 February 1945)
Battalion Sergeant Major (Non-commissioned officer)
- M/Sgt. Willard J. Huff (States - 29 September 1944, sent to evacuation hospital)
- ???
S-1 Officers (Personnel)
- 1st Lt. Thomas E. Peterson (?? - 20 September 1943 - ??)
- 2nd Lt. John P. Hackett (?? - 31 December 1943 - ??)
S-2 Officers (Intelligence)

Capt. Morris E. Sorenson (?? - 20 September 1943 - ???) [31 December 1943: on special duty to Division G-3]

2nd Lt. Quintus E. Fredrickson (?? - 31 December 1943 - ??) [while Capt. Sorenson on special duty to Division G-3]
- Capt. James H. Johnson (?? - 6 September 1944, killed by mortar shell at St. Ail, France)

1st Lt. (later Capt.) Quintus E. Fredrickson (8 September 1944 - duration)
- 16 November 1944: Promoted to Captain
S-3 Section (Operations)
- S-3 Officers (Operations)

Major Curtice H. Rankin (?? - 20 September 1943 - ??)
Photo provided by son David Rankin
- Capt. James H. Johnson (?? - 31 December 1943 - ??)

Major Thomas H. Wells (?? - 19 Sept 44, killed by 150mm shell at Sillegny, France)
Photo provided by daughter Kay Hallberg

Capt. John S. Mace (25 September 1944 - 19? November 1944)

Major Donald P. Boyer (19 November 1944 - 21 December 1944, captured at St. Vith, Belgium)
- ??

Major Clement O. Stevenson (?? - duration?)
- S-3 Air Officers

Capt. Arthur J. Decker (?? - 20 September 1943 - ??)
S-4 Section (Supply) [at least in Sep 43 and Dec 43, the S-4 and the Service Co CO were NOT the same]
- S-4 Officers

Capt. Francis A. Watson (?? - 20 September 1943 - 31 December 1943 - ??)
- Assistant S-4 Officer
- Capt. George O. Kilborn (??? - 6 Aug 44 - ???)
- 6 Aug 44: Received Expert Infantryman Badge [source: 7AD GO #33 6 Aug 44 (page 5)]
Communications Officers

Capt. Arthur J. Decker (?? - 20 September 1943 - ??)
Liaison Officers

1st Lt. Mack Gieger (?? - 20 September 1943 - 31 December 1943 - ??)

Capt. John S. Mace (?? - December 1944 - ??)
Maintenance Officers [NOTE: This post was not listed on the 20 Sep 1943 roster.]
- 1st Lt. George R. Kilborn (?? - 31 December 1943 - ??)
- 1st Lt. Walter E. Neumann (?? - November 1944?)
Battalion Surgeons (who also commanded the Medical Detachment)

Capt. Robert Kinoshita (States - 20 October 1944)
- 20 Oct 44: transferred to 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion (trading places with Capt. Jehl) [source: Med/38 Morning Report 20 Oct 44; Med/33 Morning Report 21 Oct 44]
- 19 Nov 44: tranferred from Med/33 AEB to 102nd Infantry Division [source: Med/33 Morning Report 19 nov 44]
- Photo provided by son Richard Kinoshita
- Click here for an external link on the Katonk website to see a different photo and a brief military history of Capt. Kinoshita.
- Capt. Joseph R. Jehl (19 October 1944 - 5 January 1945)
- 20 Oct 44: transferred from 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion (trading places with Capt. Kinoshita) [source: Med/38 Morning Report 20 Oct 44; Med/33 Morning Report 21 Oct 44]
- ???
Assistant Battalion Surgeons
- Capt. Yukio Miyauchi (?States? - 8 January 1945)
- 8 January 1945: transferred to 77th Armored Medical Battalion
- Click here for an external link on the Katonk website to see a photo of Capt. Miyauchi.
- 1st Lt. Frederick A. Lengby (7 January 1945 - ??)
- ???
Battalion Dentists

Capt. Irving S. Tockman (States? - Duration? [on leave 3-5 February 1945])
Other Battalion Officers
- Capt. Thomas E. Peterson (Communications Officer)
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- Official Records of the 38th Armored Infantry Battalion
- Unit History: September 20, 1943 - December 31, 1943 (Click here for more information and ordering instructions.)
- Unit History: August 1944 - August 1945 (Click here for more information and ordering instructions.)
- After Action Reports: September 1944 - August 1945 (Click here for more information, ordering instructions, and sample for December 19, 1944.)
- Staff Journal: September - October 1944 (Click here for more information and ordering instructions.)
- S-2 Journals: November 1944 - May 1945 (Click here for more information, ordering instructions, and sample for December 19, 1944.)
- S-3 Journals: November 1944 - May 1945 (except 12-28 February and 7-8 April 1945) (Click here for more information, ordering instructions, and sample for December 19, 1944.)
- Operations Instructions: October 17, 1944; November 12, 1944 - May 1945 (Click here for more information, ordering instructions, and sample for December 19, 1944.)
- 38th Armored Infantry Battalion Morning Report Stations (Locations) and Record of Events - Spreadsheet of the Stations (locations) for each day and occasional "Record of Events" entries from the Morning Reports. These are a gold mine of information about where each company was on any given day. Click on the title above to go to the 7th Armored Division Document Repository, where you will find the 38 AIB Morning Reports listed under each month. (Althought they are listed separately for each month, the reports for the entire duration are in a single spreadsheet file.)
- Christmas 1942 Rosters - The rosters of what became B/38 and C/38 are together in one of the documents of the 7th Armored Division Document Repository. Click on the link to go to that web site and then scroll down to the pre-combat period, where you will find the 38 AIB Christmas 1942 rosters. (38 AIB, along with 23 and 48 AIB, were formed in September 1943, by splitting up the 48th Armored Infantry Regiment. Thus while these were the Christmas Dinner rosters of elements of 48 AIR, they are the same men who in September 1943 became B/38 and C/38.)
- Boyer at St. Vith: Major Donald P. Boyer's "Personal Report: Narrative Account of Action of 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, Battle of St. Vith, 17-22 December 1944" and "Notes - The Battle of St. Vith, 17-22 December 1944" (Click here for information about this book.)
- Combat Interviews of the 38th Armored Infantry Battalion: St. Vith Salient December 17-23, 1944 (Click here for information on this book.)
- Hospital Interviews of the 7th Armored Division (Click here for information on this book.)
- McCord, Howard "Mutt" (Mortar/HQ Co/38 AIB): Reminiscences: (St. Vith and Crombach).
- Moranda, Robert (CO of MG/HQ Co/38 AIB): "Bob's Story: Memories of Love and War" (Click here for the Amazon web page about this book.)
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This is a growing list. Please forgive me for any omissions and let me know, so I can add them.
- France: August - September 1944
- 7th Armored Division: August 1944 (Click here for information about this book.)
- Blumenson, Martin. Breakout and Pursuit. Washington: Office of the Chief of Military History, United States Army, 1989.
A volume in the US Army in World War II series
- Kemp, Anthony. The Unknown Battle: Metz, 1944. New York: Stein and Day, 1981.
- Overloon and Meijel, Holland: September-November 1944
- Altes, A. Kornthals and N. K. C. A. in't Veld. The Forgotten Battle: Overloon and the Maas Salient 1944-45. Sarpedon, 1995.
- Battle of the Bulge: December 1944 - January 1945
- Defense of St. Vith Salient and Manhay Area: Belgium, December 1944
- US Army Armored School Research and Evaluation Division. The Defense of St. Vith, Belgium 17-33 December 1944: An historical example of armor in the defense. Fort Knox: Armored School. (Click here for information on this book.)
- Combat Interviews of the 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion: The St. Vith Salient December 17-23, 1944 (Click here for information about this book.)
- Combat Interviews of the 31st Tank Battalion: St. Vith Salient December 17-23, 1944 (Click here for information about this book.)
- Combat Interviews of the 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion: St. Vith, Belgium December 1944 (Click here for information about this book.)
- Combat Interviews of the 48th Armored Infantry Battalion: St. Vith Salient December 17-21, 1944 (Click here for information about this book.)
- Combat Interviews of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaisance Squadron: St. Vith, Belgium - December 1944 (Click here for information about this book.)
- Combat Interviews of 7th Armored Division Artillery: Div Arty, 434th AFAB, 489th AFAB at St. Vith and Poteau, Belgium - December 1944 (Click here for information about this book.): only four 33rd Engineer references
- Recapture of St. Vith, Belgium: January 1945
- The 7th Armored Division Goes Back: St. Vith, Belgium 20-23 January 1945 (Click here for information about this book.)
- The Remagen Bridgehead and Bridgehead Breakout (Encirclement of the Ruhr Pocket): March 1945
- 7th Armored Division Combat Interviews - The Remagen Bridgehead: March 7-20, 1945 - Bridgehead Breakout: March 26-31, 1945 (Click here for information about this book.)
- Reduction of the Ruhr Pocket: April 1945
- 7th Armored Division Combat Interviews - The Ruhr Pocket: April 3-16, 1945 (Click here for information about this book.)
- Other Books
- Hirahara, Naomi and Jensen, Gwenn M. Jensen. "Silent Scars of Healing Hands: Oral Histories of Japanese American Doctors in World War II Detention Camps". Fullerton, CA: California State University at Fullerton, Center for Oral and Public History, 2004.
This book includes 38 AIB Battalion Surgeon, Dr. Robert Kinoshita. (Click here for information about this book.)
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