38th Armored Infantry Battalion
Company "A"
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Last updated: May 2, 2008 - What's New?
This page contains:
Units of the Company
Company-Level Officers of the Company
The following pages also contain A/38 information:
A/38 Queen Mary Boarding Roster (6 June 1944)
Or you can see an active overview of all pages at the 7th Armored Division web site.
A/38 consisted of the following platoons and sections. (The roles and numbers in parens are the standard table of organization counts of men. They were usually lower and sometimes higher.)
- 1st Platoon (Rifle) (1/A/38)
- Plat HQ (CO, Plat Sgt, S/Sgt, 8 Riflemen, driver)
- 2 Rifle Squads (S/Sgt, Asst Sgt, 9 Riflemen, Driver)
- MG Squad (S/Sgt, Asst Sgt, 2 Gunners, 2 Ammo Handlers, 5 Riflemen, Driver)
- Mortar Squad (S/Sgt, 2 Gunners, 2 Ammon Handlers, 2 Riflemen, Driver)
- 2nd Platoon (Rifle) (2/A/38)
- Plat HQ (CO, Plat Sgt, S/Sgt, 8 Riflemen, driver)
- 2 Rifle Squads (S/Sgt, Asst Sgt, 9 Riflemen, Driver)
- MG Squad (S/Sgt, Asst Sgt, 2 Gunners, 2 Ammo Handlers, 5 Riflemen, Driver)
- Mortar Squad (S/Sgt, 2 Gunners, 2 Ammon Handlers, 2 Riflemen, Driver)
- 3rd Platoon (Rifle) (3/A/38)
- Plat HQ (CO, Plat Sgt, S/Sgt, 8 Riflemen, driver)
- 2 Rifle Squads (S/Sgt, Asst Sgt, 9 Riflemen, Driver)
- MG Squad (S/Sgt, Asst Sgt, 2 Gunners, 2 Ammo Handlers, 5 Riflemen, Driver)
- Mortar Squad (S/Sgt, 2 Gunners, 2 Ammon Handlers, 2 Riflemen, Driver)
- Anti-tank Platoon (AT/A/38)
- Plat HQ (CO, Plat Sgt, Driver)
- 3 squads (Sgt, AT Gunner, 4 Cannoneers, 3 Ammo Handlers, driver)
- Company Headquarters (CO, Commo Sgt, Bugler, 3 Riflemen, 1 MG man, driver)
- Administration (Sgt, Clerk, Driver)
- Maintenance (Officer, Sgt, 2 Armorers, 3 Mechanics, Jeep Driver)
- Mess (Sgt, 5 cooks, 1 cook's helper, driver)
- Supply (Sgt. & Driver)
Peter Gorman, 2nd Platoon until wounded 19 Sept 1944 at Sillegny, France by a sniper, sent the following on June 3, 1998. I have formatted it differently than he had it. I have also added what happened to them, where I have the records.
The following are some of the key personnel in "A" Co. as we went into combat:
- Commanding Officer: Capt. Dan Jennings [see commanding officers list below]
- 1st Platoon
- Platoon Leader: 2nd Lt. Albert Scanland [died in action at Sillegny, France 22 Sept 1944]
- 2nd Platoon
- Platoon Leader: 2nd Lt. Simms [sick 24 Oct 1944; did not return]
- Platoon Sergeant: T/Sgt. Wendle P. Mertz [replaced 14 Oct 1944]
- 1st Squad Leader: S/Sgt. William Barniea [apparently made it for the duration]
- 2nd Squad Leader: S/Sgt. Peter Gorman [wounded 19 September 1944 at Sillegny, France [shot in back by sniper]; did not return]
- 3rd Platoon
- Platoon Leader: 2nd Lt. Walter H. G. Weisenburger [transferred to Battalion Headquarters 4 Jan 1945 and later to CCR HQ): Peter Gorman writes: "He was with me and about 6 other soldiers when we crossed the Seine River at Melun under the direct orders of Gen. Walker, Corps Commander."]
- Platoon Sergeant: T/Sgt. Leo L. Anderson [killed in action at Sillegny, France 17 Sept 1944]
- 1st Sergeant: 1st Sgt. Dale Dempsey [transferred to Battalion Headquarters 6 Dec 1944]
- Motor Sergeant: S/Sgt. Carl E. Calloway [transferred to Service Company 11 Sept 1944]
- Mail Clerk: T/5 Jacob "Jake" Aaron [promoted to T/Sgt. 10 Oct 1944; wounded and did not return 28 Jan 1945]
- Supply Sergeant: S/Sgt. Raymond Smalheiser [killed in action at St. Vith, Belgium 21 Dec 1944]
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The only company-level officers were the Commanding Officer and the Maintenance Officer. The other 4 officers in the company were the 4 platoon leaders.
Commanding officers of A/38 were:

Capt. Dan D. Jennings, Jr. (?? - 20 September 1943 - 31 December 1943 - 19 September 1944, evacuated sick to hospital, while A/38 at Sillegny, France)
Thanks to Dan Jennings' son Col. Dan D. Jennings III for the photo
- 1st Lt. Garnet E. Mercer (20 September 1944 - 5 October 1944, wounded at Overloon, Holland)
- It is not yet known who commanded A/38 from 5-7 October 1944.
- 1st Lt. Joseph D. Wallace (7 October 1944 - 23 October 1944, return of Capt. Jennings)

Capt. Dan D. Jennings, Jr. (23 October 1944 - 12 Nov 1944, moved to special duty at Battalion Headquarters)
Thanks to Dan Jennings' son Col. Dan D. Jennings III for the photo

Capt. John S. Mace (12 Nov 1944 - 24 Nov 1944, interim CO of Co on special duty from Battalion Headquarters)

Capt. Walter H. Anstey (24 Nov 1944 - 22 Jan 1945, wounded in action)
- 1st Lt. Eugene M. Corbin (23 Jan 45 - Duration, promoted to Capt. 14 Apr 1945)
Executive officers of the Company were:
- 1st Lt. Joseph D. Wallace (7 October 1944 - 2 March 1945, court-martialed over a December 1944 command decision; post-war review over-turned the court-martial)
Maintenance officers of the Company were:
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Send comments and queries to: WWJohnston@aol.com. If this MAILTO does not work on your system, please use your e-mail to send comments to WWJohnston@aol.com.
Copyright © 2008 by Wesley Johnston
All rights reserved
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