- 1944 Sep 1 - Interoffice Reference Sheet (Office of the Quartermaster General of the Army) - OQMG Form 638 (see 1 Sep 1946 revision)
(source: IDPF of George Patton PDF pp 293-294) - generic form, with additional page of instructions, in this case used for asking a question (14 Jun - year not specified)
- 1945 Feb 1 - Report of Death - WD AGO Form 52-1
(source: IDPF of Ernest Link PDF p 20) - Official Report of Death and assignment of Date of Death (which was not always correct) (replaced by 1 Jun 1945 version)
- 1945 Jun 1 - Report of Death - WD AGO Form 52-1
(source: IDPF of Frank Aldrich PDF p 105) - Official Report of Death and assignment of Date of Death (which was not always correct) (replaced 1 Feb 1945 version)
- 1946 Mar 4 - Inspection Checklist (For Use at Distribution Point) - QMC Form R-5024
(source: IDPF of Frank Aldrich PDF p 7) - Inspection of casket and shipping case during repatriation of remains - this form will have a date shortly after the arrival date on the Disinterment Directive (QMC Form 1194) used for final disposition of remains via repatriation to the United States
- 1946 Mar 15 - Disinterment Directive - QMC Form 1194
(source: IDPF of Frank Aldrich PDF pp 3-4, 5-6; IDPF of Ernest Link PDF pp 13-14) - This 2-page form was used in three different ways, with an example of each shown above.
- The actual disinterment, which includes a description of the condition of the remains
- The final dispostion of the remains via repatriation to the United States
- The final disposition of the remains via burial in an overseas US military cemetery (example not yet shown)
- 1946 Sep 1 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet (Office of the Quartermaster General of the Army) - OQMG Form 638 (see 1 Apr 1948 revision & 1 Sep 1944 - note that prior version used "Inter")
(source: IDPF of George Patton PDF p 146) - generic form, in this case used for first of three copies on reinterment of the remains of General George S. Patton (21 Sep 1949)
- (1946 Sep 12) - Repatriation Records Branch - no form number or date; date is use date
(source: IDPF of Frank Aldrich PDF p 56) - Correction of records based on letter received
- 1946 Nov 14 - Request for Disposition of Remains - QMCG Form 345
(source: IDPF of Frank Aldrich PDF p 1) - transfer of 24 remains from 3042 QM GR Co. at Bastogne, Belgium, to temporary U. S. military cemetery at Hamm, Luxembourg
- 1946 Nov 15 - Receipt of Remains - QMC Form 1193
(source: IDPF of Frank Aldrich PDF p 1) - transfer of 24 remains from 3042 QM GR Co. at Bastogne, Belgium, to temporary U. S. military cemetery at Hamm, Luxembourg
- 1947 Mar 11 - Notice of Change in Address - OQMG Form 381
(source: IDPF of Ernest Link PDF pp 15-16) - 2-sided postcard for next of kin to notify Quartermaster General of change of address
- 1947 Oct 1 - Disposition Form - DA AGO Form 897 (replaces WD AGO Form 897, 1 May 46)
(source: IDPF of George Patton PDF p 117) - generic form, in this case used for final interment of the remains of General George S. Patton (7 Nov 1949)
- 1948 Mar 1 - Summary Sheet - DA AGO Form 520
(source: IDPF of George Patton PDF p 128) - generic form, in this case used for "not used" text on reinterment of the remains of General George S. Patton (8 Nov 1949)
- 1948 Mar 5 - Request for Reimbursement of Interment or Transportation Expenses - QMC Form 1236
(source: IDPF of Frank Aldrich PDF pp 13-16) - 4-page form sent to next of kin for designation of their wishes for disposition of the remains or if no longer next of kin (e.g. remarried widow) for designation of new next of kin
- 1948 Apr 1 - Intraoffice Reference Sheet (Office of the Quartermaster General of the Army) - OQMG Form 638 (replaced 1 Sep 1946)
(source: IDPF of George Patton PDF p 195) - generic form, in this case used for placing news clippings in IDPF of General George S. Patton (12 Jan 1949)