Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Combat Command B (CCB)
7th Armored Division
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- CCB Headquarters (HQ/CCB)
- Headquarters Section
- Administration, Mess and Supply Section
- Maintenance Section
- Headquarters Company (HQ Co/CCB)
- Staff Section
- Liaison Section
- Tank Platoon
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Commanding Officers (CO's)
- Brig. Gen. John B. Thompson
(13 June 1944 - 8 September 1944, summarily relieved by Gen. Patton at Dornot, over a mis-understanding by Patton)
- Lt. Col. Andrew J. Adams
(8 September 1944 - 11 September 1944, temporary interim commander, became Division Chief of Staff and then Division Artillery commander)
- Brig. Gen. John M. Devine
(11 September 1944 - 25 September 1944) - had been 90th Infantry Division Artillery Commander; transferred from CCB to some interim post and then, on 6 October 1944, he became Commanding General of 8th Armored Division. Click here for a web site that includes his photo.
Sources: CCB After Action Report Sep 44, 7AD G-1 Journal Sep 44 -- G-1 Journal says orders received 22 Sep 44 for his relief, but G-1 Journal and A/AR both show actual joining and assumption of command by Hasbrouck on 25 September
- Brig. Gen. Robert W. Hasbrouck
(25 September 1944 - 2400 on 31 October 1944, assumed command of Division) CCB After Action Report October 1944: "On 2400 31st October Brig. Gen., HASBROUCK was relieved as commander of Combat Command "B" and became Commanding General of 7th Armored Division. Lt. Col. RICHARD D CHAPPUIS assumed command of Combat Command "B"."
- Lt. Col. Richard D. Chappuis
(312400 October 1944 - 2 November 1944, interim commander [see CCB After Action Report]; returned to command of 48 AIB)
- Col. Bruce C. Clarke
(2 November 1944 - 9 February 1945) -- promoted to Brig. Gen. 10 November 1944; he was sick with liver trouble at the end of January 1945, but I do not know where his next command was after leaving CCB
- 1944-Nov-2: 7AD General Order #73: Announcement of CCB Commander
- 1945-Feb-13: 7AD General Order #37: Announcement of CCB Commander (Haskell replaces Clarke)
- 1945-May-27: 7AD General Order #85: Announcement of Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Bruce Clarke in Division HQ (thus Clarke apparently returned to the Division at some point)
- 1st Lt. Frederick A. Pope (19 December 1944 - ??) -- had small task force 21 Dec 44
- 1944-Dec-27: 7AD General Order #133: Announcement of Aide-de-Camp
- 1944-Dec: CCB After Action Report December 1944: "1st Lt. FREDERICK A. POPE, assigned to this command 19 December 44 and announced as Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier General BRUCE C. CLARKE."
- 2nd Lt. Paul A. Mack (6 February 1945 - ???)
- 1945-Feb-6: 7AD General Order #30: Announcement of Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Bruce Clarke, CO of CCB
- 1945-May-27: 7AD General Order #85: Announcement of Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Bruce Clarke in Division HQ
- Col. Joseph F. Haskell
(8 February 1944 - Duration)
- 1945-Feb-13: 7AD General Order #37: Announcement of CCB Commander
Executive Officers (XO's)
- Lt. Col. J. F. Hart
(21 September 1944 - 3 November 1944 - ??)
signed September and October After Action Reports
Sources: CCB After Action Reports, 7AD G-1 Journal Sep 44
S-1 Officers (Administration)
S-2 Officers (Intelligence)
S-3 Officers (Operations)
- S-3 Officer
- Maj. Frank J. Ryder, Jr. (?? - 13 October 1944) CCB After Action Report October 1944: "Major FRANK J RYDER JR (S-3) was evacuated as a non-battle casualty on 13 October 1944."
- Capt. Owen E. Woodruff (?? - at St. Vith - ??)
interviewed after St. Vith
- Assistant S-3 Officer
- Communications Officer
- 2nd Lt. John A. Powers (November 1944 - ??) -- November 1944 CCB After Action Report: "T/Sgt. John A. Powers was appointed Second Lieutenant by a battlefield appointment and assumed the duties of Communication Officer."
S-4 Officers (Logistics: Maintenance and Supply)
Combat Command Surgeon
- Maj. John A. Williams (??? - 4? February 1945)
- 1945-Feb-4: 77 Armd Med Bn After Action Reports: "Major John A. Williams, formerly surgeon of Combat Command "B" was transferred to the battalion and assumed command."
- Capt. J. Y. Garber of Lake Charles, LA (16 February 1945 - ???)
- 1945-Feb-16: 77 Armd Med Bn After Action Reports: "On the 16th of February, Captain Garber, company commander of "A" Company was transferred to Combat Command "B" as combat command surgeon."
Combat Command Headquarters Company Commanding Officer
Capt. Henry Guerrant Ellett, Jr. (before August 1944 - 13 Novmember 1944, transferred to CCB Headquarters as Assistant S-3 Officer)
interviewed after St. Vith
Other Officers
- Capt. Robert H. Barth (?? - 20 December 1944, killed west of Samree, Belgium) - not sure of his role -- The combat interview of Capt. Sam Plyler of Division Trains (click here for more information on this interview) includes an account of Capt. Barth's death, which is also reported in the CCB After Action Report December 1944.
- 1st Lt. Aaron Sosnow (?? - 15? September 44, wounded) - not sure of his role: he gave an in-depth hospital interview after he was wounded (Click here for information about the interview.). CCB After Action Report October 1944: "1st Lt. AARON SOSNOW formerly a member of this command was awarded the Bronze Star for gallantry in action. The action for which this award was made took place while a member of this command."
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This is a growing list. Please forgive me for any omissions and let me know, so I can add them.
- Battle of the Bulge: December 1944 - January 1945
- US Army Armored School Research and Evaluation Division. The Defense of St. Vith, Belgium 17-23 December 1944: An historical example of armor in the defense. Fort Knox: Armored School. (Click here for information on this book.)
- Boyer at St. Vith: Major Donald P. Boyer's "Personal Report: Narrative Account of Action of 38th Armored Infantry Battalion,
7th Armored Division, Battle of St. Vith, 17-22 December 1944"
and "Notes - The Battle of St. Vith, 17-22 December 1944" (Click here for information about this book.)
- The 7th Armored Division Goes Back - Return to St. Vith in January 1945 (Click here for information about this book.)
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