- Michalik, John M. (40 Tank) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Aug-28 - Last Duty Location: at bridge 1/2 to 1 mile east of Dormans, France - Died Actual: 1944-Aug-28 - Died Official: 1944-Aug-28
- Diaz, Henry G. (40 Tank) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Aug-29 - Last Duty Location: Bauffignereux, France - Died Actual: 1944-Aug-29 - Died Official: 1944-Aug-29
- Roesch, William H. (40 Tank) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Aug-29 - Last Duty Location: Bauffignereux, France - Died Actual: 1944-Aug-29 - Died Official: 1944-Aug-29
- O'Connor, Edward J. (40 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-07 - Last Duty Location: crossing small dirt road NW of Sylvange, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-07 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-07
- Zeller, Clifford Gustave (814 TD) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: vicinity of Rezonville, France - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-07
- Crawford, James W. (23 AIB) - Rank: S/Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-08 - Last Duty Location: Dornot, France VU 7752 - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-08 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-08
- Maruscok, John (48 AIB) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-08 - Last Duty Location: vic. Maizieres-les-Metz, France - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-08
- Bowen, Charles Howard (40 Tank) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-09 - Last Duty Location: vic. Maizieres, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-09 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-09
Bowen, Pake and Reamer were members of the same tank crew. The tank burned with them in it, and no remains could be found after the fire. They are truly unrecoverable.
- Bryan, Homer H. (40 Tank) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-09 - Last Duty Location: Malancourt or Manville, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-09 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-09
- Glazier, Bernard J. (40 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-09 - Last Duty Location: Malancourt or Manville, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-09 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-09
Halloran, William F. (23) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-09 - Last Duty Location: Dornot bridgehead (vic Jouy-aux-Arches, France) - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-09 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-09
Evidence strongly indicated he was recovered and buried as Unknown Hamm X-46. A request to DPAA to disinter Hamm X-46 and do DNA testing to compare with Halloran's brother's and sister's DNA was submitted in December 2014. The remains of X-46 were delivered to the DPAA lab in Nebraska in Spring 2016, but the DNA of the remains did not match Halloran's family members.
- Lewis, Jack H. (40 Tank) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-09 - Last Duty Location: Malancourt or Manville, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-09 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-09
- Pake, Harry Bertram (40 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-09 - Last Duty Location: vic. Maizieres, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-09 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-09
Bowen, Pake and Reamer were members of the same tank crew. The tank burned with them in it, and no remains could be found after the fire. They are truly unrecoverable.
- Polifka, Peter (40 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-09 - Last Duty Location: Malancourt or Manville, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-09 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-09
Reamer, Leonard A. (40 Tank) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-09 - Last Duty Location: vic. Maizieres, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-09 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-09
Bowen, Pake and Reamer were members of the same tank crew. The tank burned with them in it, and no remains could be found after the fire. They are truly unrecoverable.
- Wallace, Florian (40 Tank) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-09 - Last Duty Location: Malancourt or Manville, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-09 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-09
- Carpenter, Douglas C. (40 Tank) - Rank: 2nd Lt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-14 - Last Duty Location: 1/2 mile south of Malancourt, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-14 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-14
- Stevens, Florain E. (40 Tank) - Rank: S/Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-14 - Last Duty Location: 1/2 mile south of Malancourt, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-14 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-14
- Evans, Donald L. (40 Tank) - Rank: Tec 5 - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-17 - Last Duty Location: attacking Marieulles, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-17 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-17
- Nackley, Frederick J. (40 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-17 - Last Duty Location: attacking Marieulles, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-17 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-17
West, Robert Dukes (17 Tank) - Rank: S/Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-18 - Last Duty Location: Sillegny, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-18 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-18
- Curley, Everett C. (814 TD) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: ???, France - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-18
- Gongla, Samuel P. (814 TD) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-18
- Johnson, Rodger E. (17 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: ?vic. Sillegny-Bouxieres?, France - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-18
- McIntosh, Lewis W. (814 TD) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: ???, France - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-18
- Reusch, Hubert L. (17 Tank) - Rank: Tec 4 - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: ?vic. Sillegny-Bouxieres?, France - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-18
- Slankard, Euan J. (17 Tank) - Rank: Tec 4 - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: ?vic. Sillegny-Bouxieres?, France - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-18
- Yurchak, John (814 TD) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: ???, France - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-18
Wells, Thomas Henry (38 AIB) - Rank: Maj. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-19 - Last Duty Location: Sillegny, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-19 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-19
Soldiers reported seeing his remains, so that it seems likely that he was recovered but never identified and thus buried as an Unknown. Click here for web page of all information related to his death.
Shenk, Charles William (38 AIB) - Rank: S/Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-19 - Last Duty Location: Sillegny, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-20 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-21
He was seriously wounded by the same explosive round that killed Maj. Wells (above). Those captured with him carried him on a door about 9 miles toward Germany, as POWs. They came to a German Field Hospital, where the German doctors tried to save him. But he died at the field hospital and was probably buried there. His remains may still at that site or may have been recovered as German after the war and then buried in a German military cemetery as an Unbekannt.
- Worthington, Leo R. (33 Engr) - Rank: S/Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-19 - Last Duty Location: Sillegny, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-19 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-19
- Williams, Evan (17 Tank) - Rank: S/Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: Sillegny?, France - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Sep-19
- Westcott, Godfrey C. (38 AIB) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-21 - Last Duty Location: Werningen (Verny), France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-21 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-21
- Mcguire, Charles T. (38 AIB) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-21 - Last Duty Location: Sillegny, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-21 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-22
Adams, Hallie Arthur (814) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-22 - Last Duty Location: 2 miles east of Lorry, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-22 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-22
- Baldus, William Jewell (814) - Rank: Tec 5 - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-22 - Last Duty Location: 2 miles east of Lorry, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-22 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-22
Goff, Dossie M. (814) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-22 - Last Duty Location: 2 miles east of Lorry, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-22 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-22
- Perri, Ferdinand F. (23 AIB) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-25 - Last Duty Location: near Bouxieres-sous-Froidment, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-25 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-25
- Ponce, Alfonso (n. m. i.) (23 AIB) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Sep-25 - Last Duty Location: near Bouxieres-sous-Froidment, France - Died Actual: 1944-Sep-25 - Died Official: 1944-Sep-25
- Meeks, Thurman (31 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-01 - Last Duty Location: Vortum, Holland - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Oct-01
- Bonds, Howard Thomas (17 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-04 - Last Duty Location: between two woods west of Kijkuit and north of Castle Hattert, east of Overloon, Holland - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-04 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-04
7th Armored Division Association Historian Wesley Johnston's research leads him to believe that Bonds, Davenport, and Tompkins were in a tank that was hit west of Kijkuit and north of de Hattert and that their remains were probably entirely destroyed in the fire within the tank. (NOTE: He has made a detailed map of the movements and events of the task force, which identifies their approximate location when they were hit.) However the IDPF for Bonds does say that he was last seen leaving the tank. So there is a possibility that his remains were buried and/or recovered. But there is no such mention on the same form (OQMG 371) for Tompkins.
- Davenport, William G. (17 Tank) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-04 - Last Duty Location: between two woods west of Kijkuit and north of Castle Hattert, east of Overloon, Holland - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-04 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-04
7th Armored Division Association Historian Wesley Johnston's research leads him to believe that Bonds, Davenport, and Tompkins were in a tank that was hit west of Kijkuit and north of de Hattert and that their remains were probably entirely destroyed in the fire within the tank. (NOTE: He has made a detailed map of the movements and events of the task force, which identifies their approximate location when they were hit.) However the IDPF for Bonds does say that he was last seen leaving the tank. So there is a possibility that his remains were buried and/or recovered. But there is no such mention on the same form (OQMG 371) for Tompkins.
- Tompkins, Tom Terral (17 Tank) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-04 - Last Duty Location: between two woods west of Kijkuit and north of Castle Hattert, east of Overloon, Holland - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-04 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-04
7th Armored Division Association Historian Wesley Johnston's research leads him to believe that Bonds, Davenport, and Tompkins were in a tank that was hit west of Kijkuit and north of de Hattert and that their remains were probably entirely destroyed in the fire within the tank. (NOTE: He has made a detailed map of the movements and events of the task force, which identifies their approximate location when they were hit.) However the IDPF for Bonds does say that he was last seen leaving the tank. So there is a possibility that his remains were buried and/or recovered. But there is no such mention on the same form (OQMG 371) for Tompkins.
- Bosch, Francis H. (17 Tank) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-04 - Last Duty Location: ?just north of boot-shaped woods?, north of Overloon, Netherlands - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-04 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-04
- Jones, Thomas B., Jr. (17 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-04 - Last Duty Location: ?just north of boot-shaped woods?, north of Overloon, Netherlands - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-04 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-04
- Barras, James J. (17 Tank) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: Overloon?, Holland - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1944-Oct-04
Matus, Rudolph W. (48 AIB) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-05 - Last Duty Location: vicinity of Kamphoefweg, just west of Overloon, Holland - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-05 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-05
Based on the recovery, as late as 1977, of others in his company lost in this combat, it is likely that his remains are within a 1/2 mile by 300 yard section of land along the Kamphoefweg (a road), just west of Overloon. In September 2014, DPMO historians Christine Cohn and Ed Burton met with local WWII historian Piet Peters and with Sieb Willemsen who in 1977 discovered the two most-recently found sets of remains. There is hope for a return visit in November 2015.
- Hart, Robert S. (33 Engr) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-19 - Last Duty Location: probably northwest of Griendtsveen, Holland near Map Coordinates 707-181 - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-19 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-19
- Andrako, William (87 Rcn) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-27 - Last Duty Location: Meijel, Holland - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-27 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-27 - IDPF
- Gregory, Jesse L. (814 TD) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-28 - Last Duty Location: along Asten-Meijel road, NW of Meijel - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-28 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-28
Karhula, John G., Jr. (87 Rcn) - Rank: Tec 5 - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-28 - Last Duty Location: ?vicinity just north of Heitrak, Netherlands VK 6911? - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-28 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-28
 Marek, Stanley F. (87 Rcn) - Rank: S/Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-28 - Last Duty Location: ?vicinity just north of Heitrak, Netherlands VK 6911? - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-28 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-28
Goers, Leo Walter (17 Tank) - Rank: Tec 4 - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-29 - Last Duty Location: vicinity Meijel-Asten road, Holland - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-29 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-29
His remains may be those of Solers X-43, since X-43 was recovered near Paris in his tank which had been sent by rail for salvage. The Paris tank and his tank had the same number. DPAA has approved disinterment of Solers X-43 (which were buried at Epinal B-47-21.
- Oswald, Randolph E. (17) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-29 - Last Duty Location: building 1 mile north of Heitrak, Netherlands - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-29 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-29 - IDPF
body completely destroyed by direct artillery hit
Wayt, Fred (814) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-29 - Last Duty Location: road between Asten and Meijel, Netherlands - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-29 - Died Official: 1944-Oct-29 - IDPF
Slate, Eulys Francis (17) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-20 - Last Duty Location: Samree, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-20 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-21
An 88mm shell hit his tank directly at his bow gunner position, and the tank then burned. The one surviving crew member (the driver) had no memory of what happened. One crew member was initially recovered as an Unknown and later identified. A search of all Unknowns within 100 above and 100 below that X-number found none that matched Slate. His body was most likely shattered by the initial shell impact and then cremated inside the tank in the ensuing fire and are probably unrecoverable.
- Williams, Harold H. (33 Engr) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-20 - Last Duty Location: ?St. Vith Salient?, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-20 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-20
- Barker, Bobby J. (38 AIB) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-21 - Last Duty Location: St. Vith, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-21 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-21 - IDPF
- Fisher, Alfred E. (38 AIB) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-21 - Last Duty Location: St. Vith, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-21 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-21
- Visas, George (38 AIB) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-21 - Last Duty Location: St. Vith, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-21 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-21
- Baziow, Andrew J. (48 AIB) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-22 - Last Duty Location: 1 Mi SE Poteau, Belgium VP 8020 - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-22 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-22
- Bauer, Donald R. (489 AFAB) - Rank: 2nd Lt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-23 - Last Duty Location: Poteau, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-23 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-23 - IDPF
He had recently received a battlefield commission. He was observing from the upper floor of a building at Poteau that took a direct hit at his position. Others in the basement survived, but his remains were never found and identified.
- Henry, Walter G. (440 AFAB) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-23 - Last Duty Location: ?enroute from Salmchateua to the bridge at Vielsalm?, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-23 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-24
- Hawkins, George (31 Tank) - Rank: Tec 4 - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-25 - Last Duty Location: Manhay, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-25 - Died Official: 1944-Dec-25
- Donovan, Timothy Joseph (38 AIB) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-21 - Last Duty Location: St. Vith, Belgium - Died Actual: 1945-Mar-03 - Died Official: 1945-Mar-03
PW at Stalag IVB (which was at Muhlen), PW no. 316464. Death by diphtheria on March 3, 1945 was reported after the war by PW officer-in-charge at the hospital, Lt.-Col. W. C. Alford, R.A. M.C. in a letter of July 25, 1945 from the British War Office. Intensive efforts to locate his body were fruitless, and in March 1953 efforts ceased when he was judged to be unrecoverable.
- Dunn, John J. (31 Tank) - Rank: Capt. - Last Day on Duty: 1945-Mar-28 - Last Duty Location: just NE Rodheim (just NW of Giessen), Germany - Died Actual: 1945-Mar-28 - Died Official: 1945-Mar-28
- Loyd, Raymond T. (17 Tank) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1945-Mar-29 - Last Duty Location: ?edge of a small woods north-west of Wermertshausen?, Germany - Died Actual: 1945-Mar-29 - Died Official: 1945-Mar-29
- Rusch, Raymond A. (17 Tank) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: ???, Germany - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1945-Mar-29
- Thompson, Chester H. (17 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1945-Mar-29
- Wrigley, Geoffrey S. (87 Rcn) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-22 - Last Duty Location: about 1.5 miles east of St. Vith, Belgium - Died Actual: 1945-Apr-08 - Died Official: 1945-Apr-08
- Nadeau, Omer W. (38 AIB) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1945-Apr-15 - Last Duty Location: Dalhausen, Germany - Died Actual: 1945-Apr-15 - Died Official: 1945-Apr-16
- Grzys, Andrew S. (23 AIB) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-21 - Last Duty Location: vic. St. Vith, Belgium - Died Actual: 1945-May-05 - Died Official: 1945-May-05
- Klinger, Randall (40 Tank) - Rank: Tec 5 - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: ?France? - Died Actual: ?44-Sep-07? - Died Official: 1945-Sep-08
- Amerson, Leonard C. (17 Tank) - Rank: Tec 5 - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-04 - Last Duty Location: between two woods west of Kijkuit and north of Castle Hattert, east of Overloon, Holland - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-04 - Died Official: 1945-Oct-05 - IDPF
- Richards, Louis L. (440 AFAB) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-27 - Last Duty Location: vicinity Meijel-Asten road, Holland - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-27 - Died Official: 1945-Oct-28
- Harrison, Cloy Thomas "Tom" (48 AIB) - Rank: S/Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-29 - Last Duty Location: 6 miles SE of Asten, Holland (67-09) - Died Actual: 1944-Oct-29 - Died Official: 1945-Oct-30
- Foust, Charles R. (23 AIB) - Rank: Tec 5 - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-22 - Last Duty Location: high ground SE of St. Vith, Belgium just south of Wiesenbach Road (VP 8686) - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-22 - Died Official: 1945-Dec-23
- Osterlund, John A. (31 Tank) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-22 - Last Duty Location: 1/2 mi S of St. Vith, Belgium - Died Actual: 1944-Dec-22 - Died Official: 1945-Dec-23
- Bryan, Harvey H. (33 Engr) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Dec-22 - Last Duty Location: Rogery, Belgium VP 7383 to Rencheux, Belgium VP 7089 - Died Actual: 44-Dec-22? - Died Official: 1945-Dec-23
Trandem, Marvin F. (31 Tank) - Rank: Cpl. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1945-Dec-24
- Warden, Russell L. (31 Tank) - Rank: Pfc. - Last Day on Duty: - Last Duty Location: ???, Belgium - Died Actual: - Died Official: 1945-Dec-24
McLean, Aloysious James, Jr. (17 Tank) - Rank: Pvt. - Last Day on Duty: 1944-Oct-04 - Last Duty Location: between two woods west of Kijkuit and north of Castle Hattert, east of Overloon, Holland - Died Actual: 1945-Jan-31 - Died Official: 1946-Mar-01
As a POW at Stalag III-A, recently hospitalized, he and all other POWs were marched by the Germans about a mile west of the camp, fleeing on-coming Soviet troops approaching from the east. The Soviet troops caught up to the column and began a gun battle with the Germans, during which he and seven other POWs were killed. He is presumably buried at the site of the gun battle, about a mile west of the site of Stalag III-A. A 2012 DPMO mission made good local contacts for a future return mission, but at this time there is no date yet set for the second mission.
- Vander Woude, Howard (40 Tank) - Rank: Sgt. - Last Day on Duty: 1945-Apr-09 - Last Duty Location: ???, Germany - Died Actual: 1945-Apr-09 - Died Official: 1946-Apr-10